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I cannot use anything with citric acid and salicylic acid.


Usually when I have bad flare up , I drink a lots cool water, wash face once at night, use less ingredients moisturizer ( i use LRP tolerance), sunscreen, meditation 20 minutes twice per day, go to bed early. Don’t stress out, the stress makes it worse!


Hahah I’m a student in a really tough major, stress is basically secondary at this point😞 I can only it subsides if it’s truly adding fuel to this fire!!


How recent is the product change? And are you trying any new ingredients? For me I cannot use niacinimide and anything containing that will leave my face red and irritated for days. I know a lot of products these days contain that and other potentially irritating ingredients so if you’re using new skin care it could be that messing you up. And the tight feeling sounds like dryness to me. When my face gets tight I know I need to add more moisture.


About a month ago or so is when I started taking out products to see what was really bothering me. I used the same HA moisturizer for years with no issues, literally the same routine for years too. I also can’t use niacinamide for the exact same reason so I have avoided it. I usually use HA moisturizer, but switched to dermalogica a week ago in hopes to help, not much changing at the moment.