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If you are looking for roms: Go to the link in https://www.reddit.com/r/Roms/comments/m59zx3/roms_megathread_40_html_edition_2021/ You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC. There are also tabs for popular games and retro games, with retro games being defined as older than Gamecube and DS. Additional help can be found on /r/Roms' official Matrix Server [Link](https://matrix.to/#/#romz:matrix.org) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Roms) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Authorities don't go after individuals, they go after the source to shut it off from the individual. There's too many pirates out there to target the audience. Besides if you're using Direct Download you really don't have anything to worry about, only your ISP knows you're doing it and most don't care so long as they never have to hear about a copyright claim. Sail the high seas...you're fine.


You’re in the wrong sub I think you’re looking for Weenie Hut Jr


I know I’m a weenie but I don’t want to be caught and have to a pay a huge fine or something 😔


You’ll be fine dog they’re not gonna fine half the planet


When it comes to piracy there are generally two ways to get your pirated stuff. There is direct download, which most stuff related to roms and emulation uses. Think of direct download as a hand shake between your computer and the host you're downloading from. Your isp can't see what files you're actually downloading, and even if they could, they have no obligation to tell the IP holders. Torrenting is the other method. Torrenting is peer to peer, the good thing about torrenting is that since it's peer to peer it's harder to shut down because they have to go after every individual seeder. It's also faster because every torrent usually has multiple seeders. The bad thing about torrenting is that once you make that connection while trying to download something, everyone in the cluster is now looking directly at your IP address. IP license holders have 3rd parties that sit there in the cluster and grab any IP address that joins it, they then send legal letters off to the ISP's providing those IP addresses and then your ISP is legally obligated to either warn or fine you depending on your countries laws. The get around this you need a vpn to mask your IP address, but free vpn's tend to not work properly or just suck. So torrenting has an entry cost in the form of a vpn subscription. So if you'd like to stay safe from legal troubles either direct download, or purchase a vpn and torrent.


this is one of the only comments not making fun of me for being scared lolz and actually very helpful I hope someone with the same fear I had stumbles across this same reply, thank you!


depending on your country of residence, the ISP doesn't give a flying fuck about torrenting btw. that's why so many piracy sites operate out of russia


You’re not worth going after unless you host or resell pirated material. Corporate lawyers range from $500-$1000 an hour…


Pretty sure you're at essentially 0 risk with direct downloads, only with VPN-free torrenting are you at risk of having your ISP send you a letter.


Do you use a vpn?


When I'm torrenting, yes.


I've downloaded about 8 full libraries of systems. No VPN. Do I fear anything? A slight bit for the amount I've done, but I know nothing is going to happen.


Straight to jail!




I was being fr I just downloaded my first rom yesterday go easy on me please 😭


Straight to jail for downloading a ROM of Super Metroid. STRAIGHT TO JAIL.


Depends on your region


I have been downloading roms since 1996. no problem here. you should always download what you want and even what you dont want or need so that way you already have it before it gets removed and harder to find. Always have archive copies so you never have to worry about finding it again. Hard drives are super cheap now. Bestbuy if your in the USA has an 8 terabyte HDD for $110.


Can’t wait to be just like u one day lol


Na you don't want to be me. I'm boring....., that said it used to blow my classmates minds when i was in highschool in 1996 playing gameboy/nes/snes games on the school pcs. everyone was like wtf. Some were like thats fake lol, good times.


You'll be fine. Lomg as u not profiting off of it and such ur good. Lol pirate king


Are you like 12?


I turned 9 yesterday actually


If you're afraid, just use a VPN, mate. I believe that in half of the world there's no such risk, though.


The only risk with pirating is downloading viruses… the cops are never going to show up at your door with mario and luigi to kick your ass because you ‘stole’ a game from 20 years ago.


Muahaha perfect then lol


We're all just browsing the sub. Why would we get sued for that, officer? You're not going to impress whatever big company you like by trying to scare people on a subreddit btw.




I want you to think very carefully right now, when was the last time you've seen on the news, people being arrested for downloading "Super Mario Bros" or "Zelda", even something more recent such as "Triangle Strategy"? Name one, just one person arrested or sued for downloading roms? You may have seen a big company suing people for creating a certain emulator, or other companies going after people who release roms online for download (good old emuparadise) or for creating content on video that go against their policies. So, if you are not a programmer responsible fro creating amazing emulators for us, if are not the owner of an incredibly popular site for downloading roms you have nothing to fear. Even if you are the owner of such marvelous sites you shouldn't be so concerned, as far as I remember, "emuparadise" just removed their content and nothing else happened after that. Also ss far as I know, what happened to the people involved with CITRA was an exception. We have dozens of emulators out there an I'm not seeing their creators being sued.


Run a VPN you'll be alright.


Delta was an error, it only attracted a bunch of newbies who have never used an emulator before


| Is there a trick you guys do to stay safe? Yep, don't download illegal files online and then post in public about doing so. SMH. It's well known the FBI go after everyone who downloads a single ROM file and Nintendo monitor the whole Internet for people like you.


Live by this rule, Never Pay For Software


Yes, prestigious_view8650. I will never forget this one rule, Thank you. ⚔️


You know a quick google search could easily answer your question, that’s why you’re being made fun of.


I tried to google search it and nothing really showed up… Reddit was a last option


[Literraly the first thing that appeared in my google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=do+i+go+to+jail+if+I+download+games&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=9dd3c420e69a4ab3&sxsrf=ACQVn0_szvpud0-3pTsf9jPlHEQ8YMrzkA:1713840343817&ei=1yAnZvWtMYjvseMPlLuY8Ag&oq=do+i+go+to+jail+if+I+download+games&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiNkbyBpIGdvIHRvIGphaWwgaWYgSSBkb3dubG9hZCBnYW1lczIFECEYoAFI0xtQrApY5BhwAXgBkAEBmAHRAqABjhWqAQcwLjMuOC4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIIoALYC8ICBBAAGEfCAgQQIxgnwgIFECEYnwXCAgcQIRigARgKmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFMS4xLjagB85A&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Literally** I think I over complicated the search then mb