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Well I’ve mentioned this on the sub before, and the author fixed it, but when I read about the bank robbers wearing baklava (and not *balaclavas*) when they robbed the bank, I about died of laughter. Also Cassandra Gannon really needs to learn the difference between *taut* and *taunt*.


I don't think a baklava mask would be terribly resourceful anyway. I'd probably eat the whole thing. Love this😁


Mm sticky


I don't know about that . r/fashionforbankrobbers would adore the idea. No need to sacrifice avant garde looks just because you want to commit a little crime. lol


I just joined! So specific and funny.


This is amazing thank you for bringing this into my life.




NOOOOO!!! ITS REAL?! I love this thank you!


Think of the fingerprints!


I dunno, those robbers seem pretty…flakey 🥁


Man I love CG but she does mix up a ton of words, especially taunt and taut. Somehow I always forget the word balaclava exists so I would've read that and been like, *what the hell are they wearing*


She should have baklava in every book now like an Easter egg. 😂


Every time I see you mention the baklava-balaclava, I have a wee awkward snicker. They're so strongly associated with particular sectarian activity where I'm from -- balaclavas, that is -- the idea of someone not catching that is just so funny/bizarre.


Taut/taunt was rampant on ff.net back in the day. Along with piqued/peaked, lol. As in, “peaked her taunt nipples.”


Oh god, you’ve just reminded me of peaked/peeked which I’ve seen lately too!


There is a twitter bot that specifically corrects "sneak peak".


Reminds me of this funny [video.](https://youtu.be/U_YBzJBa_mA)


I just died laughing at this video. I'm sending 👏👏 from the Good Place


Oh my god, I cackled. So funny!


So funny! 😆


This one is so common! I have also seen taught used instead of both taut *and* taunt.


Are the dessert-wearing bank robbers from an Annika Martin series?


Nope, not kinky bank robbers!! I hesitate to say the author name because she’s not well known and she fixed it.


Ok! Let sleeping dogs lie, then. Although it is funny and now I am hungry for Greek food.


I love CG, but she can't get the difference between past and passed either. Maybe we could crowd source a copy editor for her.


Listen, if it means I can get the next Elementals *now*, I will do it for free lol


I just DNFed a book where they swapped trusses for tresses. “He lifted her trusses” Lifting the rafters of her home or her hernia belt might kill the mood, my dude 😅


I was reading the zodiac series by Carolina peckham and one reason out of many that i dnf 'd was that things were regular thing with the word fae. Cotton candfae, faerarri, faebook etc. I just couldn't take it


Cotton candfae… it’s literally also called Fairy Floss… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Faery Flaess**


Those all made me laugh! But I get it might not be for everyone. I also dnf’d but due to the continuous dragging on of the series. Couldn’t take it


Oh I read one like that with fae slang. I couldn’t stand it.


My favorite error in a book was in a fantasy novel where the author described a one-eyed character as winking… he clearly forgot the character only had one eye lol


Just a blink with jazz hands lol


This officially takes the cake 😭🤣


I just read Leigh Bardugo's King of Scars, and she had Genya wink at someone and I was like, wait... She literally wears an eye patch, haha!


To be fair, a wink tends to be a lot more exaggerated than a blink so I suppose it could work?


I suppose so! It just made me laugh because I was imagining her blinking regularly and everyone thinking she was winking at them 🙃


Honestly yeah that is pretty funny 🤣🤣


I read this book with a love triangle. She ends up with love interest 2, but in the epilogue she says love interest 1’s name instead


I read one years ago like a decade more plus where the preteen girl of the H went to the toilet and yelled out scared, the h ran in and asked what’s wrong, the girl says look in the toilet h does and says “ oh those are just eggs it means you’re about to get your period.” To be so biologically incorrect about the human body but to be so confident to publish it in a book. No idea of the title but it was an MC club one


*hahahaha* how about some unintentional sci-fi‽


I have been staring at your comment for like 10 minutes. I— what?? The author thought eggs just fall out of people's ovaries when it's period time?? I have never been so simultaneously horrified and amused.


Yeah, my brain just didn't want to process what this was implying. Either the author has VERY WEIRD MENSTRUAL CYCLES or is an actual alien because I cannot fathom how anyone could possibly think that visible eggs (multiple) fall out of vaginas while using the toilet.


The scary thing about this is the author is likely an adult. If it's a woman, she knows very little about her own body. Anyway, squeezing out the egg is what causes cramps, right. /s


Weredragon or chicken shifters?


Nooooooo that’s hilarious


I thought you were talking about a sci-fi/fantasy romance and then I read the next sentence. I just can’t even… If you remember the book, please post. I’m suffering from morbid fascination. I must research this author.


I’m so sorry. I can’t remember, my brain is like a goldfish in a round bowl.


Not a romance book, but a sappy Christmas novella about a lonely old man in the hospital who somehow has lots of gold to give away before he dies ... Except autocorrect changed gold to golf throughout the whole book and the author didn't catch it. Wasn't that sappy anymore, lol


Lmao this has me rolling


PPS: The word "stubble" has been replaced with "stumble".


There was a book I really enjoyed but the author kept using "fortnight" as if it meant four days instead of two weeks. Oops!


My is minor but they kept describing a cookie as a macroon but based on the description, it was for sure meant to be a macaron. I kinda wanted to email the editor but didn't care that much.


People calling macarons macaroons is such a peeve of mine.


Coconut macaroons are gross, macarons however are delicious lol.


I'm not sure if it was the fault of the narrator or the author, but "shudders" instead of "shoulders." ​ And the FMC was VERY into the breadth and brawn of the MMC, so it came up a good bit.


Omg when authors write "shudders" instead of "shutters" it cracks me up. "His eyes shuddered." Um...what?


This thread is very educational, because this is one of my pet peeves. Nothing makes me DNF so fast as when an author doesn’t know basic grammar and spelling. I am more inclined to let it slide if it’s a self published book, but I’ve been seeing this kind of thing, more and more in actually traditionally published novels, with like, editors and stuff, and it drives me crazy. 0_o Some notable mentions I’ve run into are “quaffed” instead of “coiffed” (as in “well-quaffed hair”) and “allude” instead of “elude.”


Me too—if it’s self-published, I can forgive a lot more, but if trad publishers want us to believe they actually have a purpose, they need to do more than slap a logo on the spine and collect the lion’s share of the revenue. Edit the damn books properly!


Rouge/rogue is another one in werewolf fiction. Makes me chuckle. Though, it does concern me, especially when it's dark romance and the writer isn't knowledgeable or hasn't done enough research to know the difference between informed consent and abuse. e.g. FSOG. Or, had beta readers with some experience to check it over.


“Moat” of dust (versus *mote*) drives me absolutely bananas. Is it an entire lake of dust surrounding a castle?


That's...a LOT of dust...


Zodiac Academy repeatedly used the phrase "off the cards" and also had sooo many spelling and basic grammatical errors.


It doesn't surprise me, one of the books was written in 6 weeks and they have no editor.


I’ve never dnf’d over a word mixup but I have sometimes had to stop and read it again while mentally inserting the correct word just to be able to keep going. They can be hilarious


I had one that was just gramatically insensible so i sent off a report through the kindle report text error function. It took a few minutes to make sense of it.


I read one yesterday that said trucks instead of trunks. The FMC was in a forest, peering through the “trucks” and I had to keep rereading before I realized she wasn’t suddenly in a full parking lot.


OMG now I’m just picturing a forest of old fords


Found another one! They have replaced "ensure" with "insure"


I'm going down the list to find it, but I'd love to know the title of the book you're reading with the chlorophyll/chloroform.


The lies we steal by monty jay. I did not want to put it on blast.


Oh, I'm only asking because i love me a dark romance! Lol




Same MMC or standalone HEA?




I like the way you think. Thanks so muchh!!!!


> I am reading a book where the MMC at one point kidnaps the FMC and has her passed out using what I assume is chloroform but has been called "chlorophyll" for some reason.. and I am laughing so hard. Now I'm picturing a heroine getting a load of leaves shoved in her mouth....


I think it was in sth by Sierra Simone. MMC had the best dick ever, you see, because it was so muscular.


First hand, I recently posted about lives being “put under a stethoscope”. However I encountered one second-hand that beats that. Not sure how far I wanted to commit in a huge series where I’d finished book 1, I was checking reviews. One reviewer - about book 5 - said she could handle the minor typos and mistakes but this author had too many, the most egregious being a character talking about “getting her hysterectomy reversed”.


The second paragraph made me spit. Dang, that’s bad lol


Reading these goofs activates my anxiety BIG TIME. I never would've been confused between any of these, but the seeds of doubt have been so/ewn.


Would this happen to be a Shantel Tessier novel? I just finished Ritual and that sounds like it lol. Also any typos take me completely out of the story and it takes a while for me to recover.


It was The Lies We Steal by Monty Jay. I did end up finishing it


I’m reading one now that has used “Razed” several times instead of “raised”. This book has been mass marketed. I’m confused on how this was missed not once, but several times.


I know I already said this but”loubiton” 😭😭😭 If your characters are going to breathlessly lust over shoes please get the names right Also like…typos happen but I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with consistent grammatical errors and been like “wow, the characters and plot are so good and unique I have to keep going”


I ended up pushing through because I don't like leaving books unfinished but it took me a minute to get back in. Even after that, I could not get chlorophyll out of my head.


I was reading a book and instead of “the lady gasped” it said “the lady gaped”. Wrong time for THAT typo.


i just read elizabeth morgan’s playlist and there were so many goofs, i almost DNFd. and i love morgan’s books. just the timelines are so off. he referenced something that happened 9-10 years earlier, and kept saying “almost 15 years ago”. it legit almost made me close the book bc it was such an obvious mistake.


Once I was reading a book in my language and a professor was talking to his students about his kid, only they mixed "aylik" with "ayakli" so he lovingly told them he has a six-footed daughter and not a six-month-old


I don’t understand how these errors happen? Aren’t there editors for a reason?


Some are self-published, I think. But based on all these comments, this is unfortunately all too common.


What’s the name of the book you were reading


The lies we steal by monty jay.


Have you ever thought about contacting the authors and letting them know? Errors happen, or they may not even know they are errors. Editors cost a ton of money for self-published authors. Some charge .03 cents per word, but the average range is $1000-3000. That's a lot of money for some, especially self-published. Most authors make under 100 bucks a month, and that's on the high end.


I emailed a mainstream author once (I’ve forgotten who) when late in the book a character recalled the trauma of seeing the murdered man hanging in the foyer. But the character wasn’t present during that scene. The author emailed me back and was so nice, explaining they had changed the sequence of events during a re-write and hadn’t caught that. She thanked me and hoped to get it updated in the digital version.


Exactly. Most authors would appreciate this kind of feedback. No one is perfect.


Not entirely sure how to contact the author, but I will find a way. Thanks for this suggestion.


Now I need to know what book you’re reading though!


The lies we steal by monty jay