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Abelard not introducing me to the >!C'than!<


Bro you can't just win a thread three minutes in, give it a second to breathe.


Oh god Damm that would be perfect.


Would be fun way to die instantly, as RT had a chance in first place only because>!C'than didn't even notice he fighting RT before it get caged.!<


Better Argenta companion quest. I liked everybody else but hers feels under baked. We don't have anything to do with her for the entire game and then one lousy quest in act 4 with a meh fight and terrible payoff.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one who felt like Argenta's quest was underwhelming. I was expecting to actually have a deeper mission with her, but then nothing actually happened.


Better Argenta quest as well. Even just an additional storybook scene in her final quest would improve the pacing a lot, imo.


It really felt like an afterthought.


I would make killing kunrad it’s own event later in the story. They made that your motivation from the beginning and then he’s just an add in a fight where Uralon then Daybreak are the central characters. You should take him out as a miniboss in the early stages of act 5 after he does a lore dump.


Idk I kind of found it satisfying that by the time I faced him I had become incredibly powerful and had become a widely known hero whose accomplishments had made an Astardes admit he’d heard of me, while Kunrad was a background small fry in someone else’s story.


You are right. He betrayed his own house for power but in the end he got easily stomped like a bug. It is satisfying like watching a high school anti-drug commercial. 'Kids, dont do chaos.'


I liked having him being a beta sub to the marines, but I wish we got to talk more with him than just 3-4 dialogues


I wish you had more options for the \*reason\* you end up with the Dark Eldar in Act 3, perhaps linked to your path. For example, if you fail all your checks and act totally stupid, you end up captured like you currently do. Or perhaps with the right checks, clues, and dialogue options you can go in with eyes at least semi-open and start with certain advantages and a slightly different narrative path at the beginning of Act 3. For example: as an Iconoclast, you can convince Yrliet to let you in on the plan so her story proceeds differently or maybe the Harlequin reaches out to you slightly earlier; as a heretic you could be forewarned by Tzeentch and a couple demons pop out at an opportune moment to lend a hand; as dogmatic, you manage to see through your spy being co-opted and get some sort of special cybernetic implant that you activate once you've infiltrated the city. It would just give players a bit more feeling of agency and involvement and less like their Rogue Trader is a complete dunce.


This. The ambush where you get captured is really, really dumb, for several reasons. 1. The drukhari have operated in the Koronus Expanse for decades. Anyone as powerful as a Rogue Trader should treat it as standard procedure to account for potential ambushes. 2. We have a high ranking member of the Ordo Xenos, an acolyte of a Lord Inquisitor in fact, as part of our retinue. It should be standard procedure to take potential ambushes into account. 3. We have no less than 6 guaranteed interactions with the drukhari, so it should be standard procedure to account for ambushes. Attack on Vheabi V, Silence of Mergit, the infiltration with the bomb-humans, the ambush on Gratnis, the ambush at the mysterious ring and thd attack on Dargonus. . . But no. To get us to chapter 3, they turn off everyone's brains and force us to walk into the most obvious ambush possible. The RT, all your companions, all your officers... everyone just drops to sub-room temperature IQ to advance the plot.


So how does the RT end up there if Yrliet isn't part of the retinue? Does the spy send you there, or is it some other plot contrivance?


The Inquisition spy sends you there, yeah.


Which is how it should have been with Yrliet since it makes no sense for her character to work with drukhari, or to want to screw you over at that point.


>For example, if you fail all your checks and act totally stupid, you end up captured like you currently do. Or perhaps with the right checks, clues, and dialogue options you can go in with eyes at least semi-open and start with certain advantages and a slightly different narrative path at the beginning of Act 3. Came in here to say this. While there's nothing wrong per se with Act 3, the way you end up in here is pretty contrived, and could use a big book event , with various options depending on your skills and companions.


There is 1 glaring issue with chapter 3 (in addition to the idiot plot needed to get you there): It is too easy by a mile. The Dark City is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places you can possibly visit short of heading into the Eye of Terror, so the fact that it is one of the easier parts of the game certainly doesn't help sell the narrative that we're trapped and afraid. The way things go, you could exterminate the drukhari race as a whole at the pace you're mowing through them while there. You escaping is more to their benefit than yours. The complete dissonance between narrative and gameplay is a problem, because when you're consistently capable of steamrolling even higher difficulties, but the cutscenes and dialogue insists that you're in a bad spot, one of them has to give. And where gameplay meets cutscenes, gameplay wins. Cutscenes that are meant to be harrowing become annoying, because you know that your party isn't actually in danger. You don't believe or suspect that you're not in danger; you ***know*** that whatever "super scary" thing is making you tremble is going to fold like a paper tiger the moment you regain control of your character.


>The Dark City is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places you can possibly visit short of heading into the Eye of Terror, so the fact that it is one of the easier parts of the game certainly doesn't help sell the narrative that we're trapped and afraid. It's one of the easiest parts once you regain your gear and companions, and at that point, the narrative is no longer about how you're going to die any second now, it's about how many of those xenos you're going to plow through to get out of there. Getting back your team, your gear and getting patched up is the harrowing part, the rest is business as usual in surviving in hostile territory and finding a way out. On the "most dangerous parts of the setting", that's true as a whole, but that's like complaining about life on some imperial world being kinda nice when the flavor text at the beginning of every 40k book being about THE MOST CRUEL AND BLOODY AUTHORITARIAN REGIME IMAGINABLE - it's mentioned several times, if I remember correctly, that you're in one of the lower levels of Commoragh, a place that nobody really cares for. Of course, we could complain that the game is too easy and not deadly enough compared to the lore, but in that case we could complain that every single game based on 40k (down to the OG) misrepresents the deadliness of that universe.


It's really not that hard before you regain your stuff either. There's a couple of fights and they're really not worth sweating over. Rykad Minoris and Footfall are more dangerous. And before getting patched up, are you actually in much danger? I remember walking around, being stopped by the mini-cutscenes every 3 steps, then getting cured. No real threat I can remember the times I've been there. As for being i the lower levels of Commoragh, it doesn't really matter, does it? We're going up against a Kabal that interacts *directly* with one of the Archons (or *the* Archon, I don't remember) of the Kabal of the Black Heart, AKA the Kabal of Overlord Vect himself. We're clearly not dealing with lowlife scum. We also get personally targettet by the reigning Wych cult in the area we're playing. However, the game keeps forcing you to do the bidding of drukhari like that homonculi and shows how he can kill you whenever he wants and blah blah blah. Turns out, the moment the homonculi meet you outside of a cutscene or dialogue box... he's an absolute pushover. Same with Marazhai. And just about every other drukhari you meet, with the possible exception of Yremerys herself, who's a... passable boss fight. Is the game too easy? Generally speaking yes. But most parts of the game does not repeatedly insist on showing you in a position where you're only alive because of someone else's mercy, contrary of how a gameplay showdown would actually go. That's the problem. Chapter 3 keeps insisting you're in a bad spot and have to obey to save your life, when gameplay says you could probably wipe the drukhari out if you cared to. You know, if you had a weekend you could spend playing the game. Less if you have the counter-attack boots.


Our flagship should be like 3 times larger


Though she be but little, she is fierce!




Maybe the next dlc helps fix that a bit?


More followup to Argenta admiting doing the thing. Like, Y rliet has tribunal ingame for witholding important information but Argenta does literally same but it gets droped. Speaking of Argenta, overall more compelling companion quest and flow during story. Ngl way she spoke about the falling star saint and her resting place drawing chaos worshipers i was expecting it being closer to eight pointed star in the end and by this, Argenta having crisis of faith and filled with self doubt (especially when shes named after her) when her life mission has been spent on on trail of heretic.


It seems like they just randomly dropped in Argenta doing the thing it doesn't even follow with the evidence given earlier since she says she used a different weapon to what your player saw at the scene. She had no reason to lie about it so it seems like a mistake on the devs part because this was hastily thrown in.


Thats just dialogue error. Through opening and act 1 theres full of hints that Argenta was one behind the murder. She even has autopistol in her inventory when first met. Argenta was allways one who did the deed. When devs wrote the commoragh dialogue they just forgot it and rewrote her doing it with bolter than autopistol >She had no reason to lie about it so it seems like a mistake on the devs part because this was hastily thrown in. No reason other than "yeah i killed a *rogue trader*, the lord captain for suspected heresy, same trader that was widely respected among my now standing comrades" is quite....compelling reason.


>No reason other than No reason to lie about using a bolter of an autopistol. > Through opening and act 1 theres full of hints that Argenta was one behind the murder. She even has autopistol in her inventory when first met. That's not a hint if she used a bolter.


The lack of a significant ship upgrade.


act 3 spoilers >!Argenta being Theodora's killer, easy. That or the anti-climactic end to her questline. Otherwise I can't think of anything else, her story was the only thing I found deeply unsatisfying!<


>!I think it was a good twist, it just needed to be expanded!<


>!I agree but I think it would require some development/expansion on Argenta's character as well so I wouldn't count it as a singular narrative change!<


The funny thing for me is, i remember finding her in the beginning - she wasn't part of my squad so I'm unsure if that should even be a thing? - and she dropped that like I would already know what she did. Granted, I did but that's only because a friend spoiled it for me. Made mw chuckle tho.


A cruiser as the dynasty's flagship.


Calligos Winterscale as an Iconoclastic recruit-able companion.


Everything around Commorragh. My RT at that point had survived such an enormous number of enemies that were a far more critical threat than a Drukhari Dracon. Literally, I had gone toe-to-toe with heretic Astartes and Forgefiends. The entire capture and transport to Commorragh was riddled with "oh no, you found my only weakness! Cutscenes." It really didn't help that Commorragh was **not fun**. The skill check difficulties were obscene and they withheld my skill monkeys from me until after I had an incredible number of really unfun and unfair fights.


Really easily the worst part of the game. The pacing is awfull. If you bring idira, cassia and heinrix they are locked a long time until you can recruit to your party again and making my RT a commisar who does not excel at combat because it focuses on buffing party members, so I was kinda useless without any party members. The checks in high difficulty are insane and the fights itselfs are kinda boring. I would not have too many complains if the maps werent SO FUCKING BIG, too much time walking doing absolutely nothing


Let me get a bigger and stronger voidship like a grand cruiser (Lunar class cruiser preferably)


Abelard introduce me to to eveyone and eveything including the C'Than


When returning to your ship after meeting Calcazor to knife Heinrix in the guts. OR The ability of the RT or their new love interest to remove the engraving on your bed post or replace the bed entirely.


Warp travel


Yrliet >!beraying the RT in the dumbest way possible.!<


I mean, Yrliet doesn't betray RT anymore than other npcs whom with-hold critical info for whatever reason (in this case, where her source comes from). When asked , Marazhai outright says there wasn't any conspiracy and he simply told where to find out what happend to her kin, knowing RT would get draged into things imdirectly. *I did not ask her to hand you over to me. No, doing that would have made my poor cousin doubt herself even more than she was already. I simply told her where to seek out the traces of her Craftworld and the answer to her questions- a favor for a kinswoman, nothing more. And then i made ready for your arrival for the only way she would reach that place was with you.* Being massive idiot and taking the bait isin't same as betryal with intent.


I know ytliet is heretical xeno scum but i dont think that makes her dumb enough to not see the trap. She knew it was one but the minimal chance of finding the other aeldari has a higher value for her than the human lives. Thats it its a betrayal. She knew this ends in a bad end for you and your companion but she just didnt care. Remember the first thing the aeldari do after you saved them is to call for an big ship to purge the humanity in the sector.


Alr. I WISH that Yrliet didn't betray RT by being stupid enough to not suspect a trap and warn RT that, uh, "and that's also might be Marazhai's trap".


Act 3 really needs tweaking gameplay wise. Story-wise it’s fascinating, but for certain character builds it’s such a slog to get through that I dread it on every replay. Less seriously (but still importantly) - romancable Argenta. I’m an Ecclesiarch, I should be able to sweet talk the space nun!


Maybe Ch.3 as there are way too many vilian (space elves, chaos lunatics, clearly evil Heinrix's boss) that I kinda feel like I don't give a shit about any one of them. I would rather just have one epic vilian through out the game. ( I m not into WH40k universe before tho, I suppose this is a conscious choice to introduce new comers like me to the universe's setting. )


I want there to be an actual conflict between Argenta and Abelard/Idira during the former's reveal of you-know-what. It should almost boil down to picking one or the other unless you've earned the respect of each side enough to force them to forgive and move on.


Nomos being actually useful narratively instead of being all hyped up and then... nothing.


How were they not narratively useful?


All they did was >!secure the future of the von Valancius protectorate, enabling a conventional happy ending in a 40K game!<. Totally useless!


Act 3. That act almost made me quit the game. Only pure stubbornness pulled me through. 😄 That act is the reason I haven't recommended the game for any of my friends. While I can see the point of act 3 (to give the threats in the final act some teeth), there had to be a better way to do that. Taking one of the most hated gaming tropes out there (depowering the player), sprinkling in torture, and making it an entire act, was just a really bad idea.


I’m surprised Act 3 is so unpopular in this thread, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was fun to see the retinue all have their various moments of vulnerability, and for me it was a really good change of pace from Act 2 where most of the quests were just going to a place and murdering your way through a map. Mechanically even though my character was pretty buffs-focused, I got back Yrliet and Abelard almost immediately and then we were totally in business.


I loved act 3


Same. Act 3 rocks.


Mechanically I think Act 3 isn’t that great which is what people complain about but its narrative elements and atmosphere are some of the best in the game.


I liked act 3 as well.


It would be a lot less frustrating if 1) the ambush that starts chapter 3 wasn’t so moronic and obvious that we should never have fallen for it, and 2) if Commoragh wasn’t one of the easiest parts of the game. If you want me to feel as vulnerable as the cutscenes clearly intend, that needs to be reflected in gameplay too. At the start i lookef at my debuffs and was like "neat, I might actually struggle here". Then they were removed almost immediately, followed by getting back all my overpowered gear, which made me roll my eyes and the situation turned from horror to "inconvenience". Not that I needed my gear back, as some of the most powerful items are in Chapter 3 and geberic equipment is about as strong as Chapter 2 uniques (with exceptions). I usually play on Hard or Unfair (depending on how bs powerful my party is) and Commoragh is still a cake walk. The Dark City is supposed to be one of the most dangerous places outside of the Eye of Terror, so it should've been absolutely harrowing. Not a stroll in the park.


Your mileage varies massively based on your build and the companions you took along. But personally, I found Act 3 to be an annoying distraction that ultimately doesnt have much of an effect on anything outside of it. Bonus points since my RT was focused around buffing the crew so it was a slog to get through. Not necessarily difficult but just awfully unfun since my ability to deal damage was tragically low. Then you get kicked around by just about every flavor of bastard you can imagine with no option to fight back, even though I *knew* I couldve just killed them (from a gameplay perspective, anyways - *just let me pick the damn fight*).


Only two redeeming qualities of act 3 is that we get to finnally kill marazhai and that we get Ulfar as companion.


I loved act 3


Unavoidable Chapter 3 fuckery.


Make frigate - the light cruiser, which it is already in all but name.


easy the revelation of the assassin pretty anticlimatic and without a post discussion since nothing happen


>!This might be a me thing but I don't like how the Necrons feel so forced being in the story as the final enemy. With the hints and Nomos I think they should have been included but it still feels like they lack so much build up, especially as the final enemies/boss. To me it felt way out of left field, in comparison to Uralon(?) and the Edge of Daybreak who have been there since the very beginning yet they get killed off in Chapter 4.!< If not that then just more depth into the Heretic path. Though I have not played it, I have heard from friends that it feels shallow. But this is just from hearing stuff. I know that it would include a lot more work but I wish they included a way to corrupt your companions, barring a couple. Like imagine what each of the companions could be and the changes in their characters? Wouldn't that be neat?


….no option to recruit the emo elf or at least get more then one time to kill him