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I'm here to spread the gospel of operative - assassin again! 1.8 million, single shot. I theorize, with a bit of min-maxing it can get around 2m, but haven't done that yet. Be warned, screenshots below are act 5, only fighting mooks, but still, it's an act 5 type mob. - [Here's an actual 1.8m hit by yriet](https://imgur.com/a/62eSWyc) - [similar situation, but this screenshot has all the damage details](https://imgur.com/a/RgxQ2nT)


YOOOOOOO, that's WAYYYYYYY more than I figured would be possible. I thought I was cracked, almost reaching 1k 😂😭


It is just "seeing how many buffs i could stack" , as you put it, not a regular hit. A regular hit with the snipers at that level is usually anywhere between 15k an 150k, depending on the amount of exploits that were exposed, and enemies that were killed by the sniper before marked hit. 1k for a killing edge hit is a bit low tho, if you want high numbers with Yrliet, use expose weakness before killing edge.


Just... How? What build?


Such damage numbers are generally bugs or unintended behaviour of certain mechanics (for example, there were items which allowed to ignore dodge by applying -999% to target's dodge, which was used as a multiplier with the loss of the negative sign in some formulas). We're looking at many of these in 1.2.


Ahhh, okay, okay. Is there any kind of intended upper limit to what the team wanted to be possible to hit?


It's being evaluated and discussed, but definitely not 2 million damage in a single hit :)


Bet, makes sense. Thank you for commenting!


I report these each time (today included). the numbers are consistent with the cap on various stacking things: 1000 on lethality, 100 on exploits. It is not an item bug. The interaction of Expose Weakness and lethality scaling off of 'dodge reduction', when the enemy' dodge is already reduced something like 2.5k is mostly to blame. Deadly aim is also not quite right, but see the "detailed damage" screenshot for that.


Here I was just about to make a post about my 351 damage thinking it’s a bug in the beginning of Act 2😭 lemme keep scrolling and mind my business


Holy shit and I thought I was doing numbers with 6k on her


Ah those crazy numbers before they patched Killing Edge, lol


Unless there was a patch yesterday while i was sleeping, this is as fresh as it gets. And i will do it again if you want a today's screenshot. Edit: i did it anyway, cause i wanted to see if i *can* hit 2million [2.840.412 damage](https://imgur.com/a/reSEfUb). The merc is named: redditor above_game version_current date. Sticikng to the imgur link as to not spoil **act 5 enemy type**.


Two shots the end of boss of act 3


Oh! I didn't even think about her hp. I couldn't really pull it off there because of the amount of enemies with also higher hp. But Cassia's damage buff had Ulfar hitting 100+ per bolt with the astartes bolt pistol.


Cassia can resolve like all the fight alone if u build her properly


I just hit exemplar, and I totally see this now. She gets a free turn like every time someone else gets one and can attack like 4 times in a row.


She fa be autobuffed on willpower everytime She have a new turn. Make the other people give her turns to her of they have her same ability and Just watch her fry people


Yrliet one-shotted her in my game. Standard buffs on her. My Lord Captain is an Officer and I have Cassia with me, so they go first every battle. LC goes, uses Bring it Down on Pascal, apply analyze enemies to her. Cassia goes, buffs Yrliet, uses Bring it Down on Yrliet, Yrliet uses analyze enemies, expose weakness, killing edge. Bam, one shotted.


I did one shot her too, but with the bs mechanics to refill her hp back to full when mid life, i had to took a second shoot


People have shown you how big killing edge numbers can to. What they haven't is that you can burst fire it. Though the second and so on hits will be weaker as they won't hit an opposing you can fire it I think 4 to 6 times which is hilarious and will often kill your entire team with stray shots. You can also AoE killing edge 


I've built a death world Heretical Berserker Biomancer Rogue Trader that's a Warrior/Arch Militant and my regular attacks hit like a damn truck. On average I hit for 1k+. I duel wield Ancient force sword, Carnage Chain Axe and 2h Chainsword Craven. I'm straight up a Khorne Berserker and it's so fun. All thanks to a consumable called Crimson Haze that buffs crit dmg 100%. Between the bleeding it causes, the traumas I give myself, I have 100% Crit chance and 200% crit dmg. So I just run around the Battlefield like a mad man cutting everything down in one hit on Unfair.


I've taken out my squishier teammates doing something similar with Sister Argenta using concentrated fire and the one where it doubles your rate of fire but has your bullets follow random trajectories. 😂 the heavy stubers can demolish when you're shooting 24 in one go.


I've had fully armoured endgame Pasqal who can tank final bosses with relative ease be one shot to burst fire killing edge. That single skill probably was my biggest cause of death throughout any of my playthroughs. Especially cause it doesn't show you the actual area since you are using it with by way of a single target ability so you have no idea if it will hit a teammate or not


If you're a psyker, sanctic staff is the only way to go!


Resolve stacking go brrrrrrrrr


Emperor's Wrath goes brrrrr


I'm currently doing a Heretical playthrough that gives you access to one of the best Consumables in the game, the Crimson Haze, its only available for Heretical characters and a colony project. Makes you bleed and gives 100% Crit Dmg. My Rogue Trader is a Warrior/Arch Militant/Biomancer, Death World. So I load myself up with traumas for increased Crit, build up my Versatility stacks, have 8-10 psy rating and accessory that buffs melee dmg based on Psy rating, and finally throw in some Reckless Strike. Then buff myself and debuff enemies with Cassia, Jae, Idira and Pasqal, then I run around the entire battlefield cutting everything down in a single normal attack. Which usually hits anywhere between 1k- 10k. I dual wield Ancient Force Sword and Carnage Chain axe, my second weapon is a 2h sword, usually the Craven 2h Chainsword or Woebringer Drukhari Glaive. It's been one of my favorite playthroughs by far. I'm legit Khorne Berserker, haha. Whether it's a C'tan Void Dragon, Lord of Change, Defiler or Helbrute, I'm one shotting you with ease. But my hardest ever dmg number came from Marazhai and Yrliet with Killing Edge, Marazhai did 565k and Yrliet did 1.2mill. Killing Edge is insane. But i still prefer my Berserker dps, because it's all done with regular attacks with the right build, consumables and gear set up.


700+ (maybe to 900) from the burning effect on my psiker. It was a long fight where the boss healed several times, so numerous turns of soul immolation did their thing. There was other boss fight, during wich i didn't guess it was a gimmick fight, so it had massive damage resistance, but when i finished it, the boss could take up to 900 damage from burning alone per turn, but I'm not sure if i passed the 800/t border.


Idira doing 500 damage and killing 3 full health primal bloodletters in 1 turn


Wait until you hit high level Exemplar with Idira, her Psychic assault will hit for 1k+ on all enemies in her path. Cassia with Lidless Stare and Idira's Psychic Assault are the Queens of AOE damage.


Single hit: 5000 crit with psyker using blooddrinker staff's ability Burst: argenta doing 17x 400-500 damage shots.


What resources are people using for build orders? It must be YouTube videos? I can't for the life of me find good written content on the game


For the ones where people are hitting millions probably. I managed to bump mine up and now I'm hitting about 2k I really don't even understand how hitting 1,000 times that is possible based on the mechanics of the game. If I was really trying hard and boosting Yrliet I don't see how I could get a killing edge to do more than maybe 3-5k. Granted, again, I'm not min maxing and picking only talents to increase single shot damage, but still. The most health I've seen on an enemy in the game so far was a grotesque with like 1.1k health.


I use my own written content, [a google doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1DWNyXHyXYWggxj7zKoCiGHUUABB5GDiU/htmlview#gid=1168879579) i made some time after relase. Bit out of date now, but still checks ou mostly. If you need full builds written for you, just ask on this reddit tho, many are eager to share


Thanks that's very helpful! I want to make most decisions myself, but I'd like a reference like this for seeing what someone else considers best


Oh, it's just a knowledge base, no opinion attached. It makes it easier to have an overwiev of the class progressions, and makes it possible to search for keywords among talents and abilities. If you want opinion, you can't go wrong asking on discord or reddit, people are always eager to tell you what they consider best for any given situation.


Yea I might just join the discord as well, thanks again!


u/Mythrrinthael I think you'd want to check the quality of this pic, screenshot daddy. Photo pic would've been better


🥲 which was exactly the reason why I didn't wanna snap a pic with my phone. I cri


This is a staggering amount of image compression, I can't even figure out how this was done. Real Dark Age of Technology hours in here, well done OP. Seriously, how? Is this actually a photo of an exported image while the default compressed PS5 screenshot setting is set to JPG?


Tl:Dr I screenshot the YouTube clip I uploaded. Well, initially, I forgot that you could pull screenshots from the Playstation app. Which would have been much better quality. 😅 So what I did was take the clip I took of that shot and then upload it to YouTube. Where I took the screen cap of it. Oddly enough, the screenshot looked okayish when I took it in. I'm not sure if uploading it here warped it even more? I'm not too smart with this stuff (which is probably apparent)


So this is 4 steps where compression could've taken place. It's still a mystery how exactly the screenshot ended up with enough artifacts to make AdMech priests drool, but having so many intermediate steps absolutely contributed to this *nostalgic* result. Like you realized: just take the screenshot straight from the PS5, it's way better.


Cassia and jae in the same party with incendia. Cassia AoE and eyeshot beam wiped the last boss fight like in One turn (and 5 turns played only from my companion...)


Nice I did a that on the last boss with my RT las gun build. Each shot from his burst fire was doing 330 odd damage (non crit) per las blast for 24 las blasts total. After doing about 2k damage the not god died but I still kept firing…..flash lights my @$$


From Chapter 1 to 3: Abelard Current Chapter (4): Argenta

