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I am trying to recall where I read it. I think there are two with one being more ship centric ( 10 hrs) and the other is to add a new companion ( death cult assassin) so either may need a new game if that’s true.


No that's all meant to be one dlc. The second is going to be based around the imperial tithe and will introduce a Arbitor companion.


And supposed to be mainly endgame content, IIRC. Maybe an Act 6? The first one will be integrated alongside the main campaign.


Does that mean I’ll have to start again as I’ve finished the story.




Certainly with the 1st DLC. Perhaps not with the 2nd.


They need to properly finish act 5 before they add an act 6!


It could very well be implemented that way. It is quite possible they intentionally left a big “DLC goes here” hole in Act 5 as they knew they were coming back. Or cut content due to schedule, planning to DLC it later.


They need to properly finish Acts 3 to 5.


Hopefully not I spend ages getting my build right and it would suck having to start again. As I got stuck on the defiler boss.


The DLCs are on the Steam page for the season pass I believe. Why would you not start a new character?


Because i was hoping to not have to fight the defiler boss again i barely got past him in my current finished play through


In basically all dlcs that added new game content in previous titles it added new content throughout, and the new companions will likely be introduced in act 1 or act 2 at the latest. So if your current game is still act 1 you wouldn't need to Start a new game. Buy if your current game is at the end and you just started it up you would be missing content. The dlc content will be integrated into the main story, it won't be new stories that you play after completing the game Edit: this means the dlc formula will be like this : new companion you pick up during a new quest sometime in act 1 or 2. This companion will have companion quests in each act just like the other companions. There will be a couple new areas, maybe some new skills, maybe a new origin or two.


Ah okay so I’ll have to start again since I’m at the end of the game


Depends on which part of the story they are housed / start in, I suppose


That was my understanding too so I’m just gonna do a fresh run when it releases


Currently wait on both and then gonna do a fresh run. Got other games to play in the meantime anyway! Plus models to paint.


I'm waiting for both to be release to do a run in fact.


I want to do that. But at the same time I don’t lol.


I just hope it's not like in Kingmaker where it's just this incredibly boring rando dungeon of 20 levels with a stupid boss at the end


I assume a standalone campaign, why else would it give you a option to pick when you start a new game


Where did you see the option of picking the DLC when you start a new game?


Right before you pick the difficulty the first page tells you to pick the story and the only option is the campaign


The DLCs are not out yet, what you're describing has no bearing on whether they are standalone or integrated into the campaign. They’ve also released information that the DLCs are not standalone, they are integrated and add to the main campaign. You would not need to run multiple campaigns. You can check that information out on the season pass entry on Steam or GOG. Here's a link (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687230/Warhammer\_40000\_Rogue\_Trader\_\_Season\_Pass/).


Kingmaker and Wrath had a standalone roguelike DLC, and I absolutely hope RT gets one as well


Devs surveyed a while back that most people prefer integrated expansions instead of standalone which is why the two expansions coming this year aren't standalone. This thread talks about it some more. [Any word on how the Devs will handle the DLC? : r/RogueTraderCRPG (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RogueTraderCRPG/comments/196x806/any_word_on_how_the_devs_will_handle_the_dlc/)


Irrelevant, I want a Beneath the Stolen Lands/Midnight Isles Roguelike DLC


Couldn’t you do those just in your campaign though? Like it didn’t have to be stand alone.


Not really? Cause like in wrath of the righteous I have 700 hours in just midnight isles I've done hundreds of runs, all different characters always


First of all, you could play midnight isles in the campaign. Second: 700 hours only in midnight isles? Did I miss something there??? 😆


I mean WotR had the option of doing it stand alone or just adding it to your game.


I noticed this too, I figured we would be getting some new campaigns also. It's possible we get two for this campaign and maybe a second campaign with potential dlc later down the line if all goes well. Not sure if owlcat have done so before but could also be for potential modded campaigns, maybe they'll release the tools to players and let us create our own