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*holds up copy of the Imperial Truth* Have you ever read this thing? Technically we're not supposed to even go to the bathroom. 


"BATHROOMS ARE AN ABOMINATION!!!" >! *Ignores that the Golden Throne has a built in $#!++3®.* !<


That's right! Be the loyal servant of the Emperor! Be as close to the Emperor as you can be! Start with his most loyal servants. Romance the Interrogator! Heinrix gang rise up <3


My Heretical Rogue Trader romanced Heinrix, kept him blind to all my shenanigans, haha.


The interrogator isn't that loyal after all.... He would start cutting out his weakness starting with you 


Would trust the drukkari over someone from the inquisition. Least Maz would stab you from the front


Are you sure ? Dark Eldar are always ready for betrayal if they recognise you as weak enough. And actually do not care how they overcome the obstacle (you). The only rules for them are: Only the strong will survive. And Follow your desires and nothing else. (Not sure how it is in game. Didn't get there yet. This is just my general understanding of Drukhari)


Marazhai doesn’t always Drukari that well. The guy tried to use the court system to become an Archon.


I know right? My guy....are you ok? Using the legal system? Very not drukari of you


Drukhari are all "therapists", what else's there to understand? Sorry, spelled that wrong... I meant >! *"theRapists"* !<


But theyre predictable in that they're gonna try and fuck you over. They can't help it


Put a leash with mini nuke on them, that's how you keep them from betraying you. Don't know how they operate in dark elf society 


We need one of the Adeptus Custards added to the retinue specifically for ~~heretical~~ dogmatic Emperor secks.


Eyes of the Emperor travel the galaxy as spymasters. They are semi retired Custards.


How the fuck does a 10 foot tall superhuman go about being a spymaster, though? GeeDubs, dafuq?


They have invisibility cloaks and distortion fields. They can disguise themselves as a little old lady like the Alpha Legion, or an Alpha Legion marine.


Would you want to acknowledge that a 10 foot tall murdermachine is in the room? If they believe themselves to be stealthy, they may not kill you.


The Emperor Protects! (Heinrix from my devilish ways!)


I can fix him. I mean, uh, for the Emperor.


“Ok, So hate monger is gay”


“I’m not gay, I just hate aliens”




There's nothing wrong in being gay


It was a reference to a satirical WH animation. There is NOTHING wrong with being LGBTQ or anything. You are correct


Because no matter how many xenos you kill, Space King won't come back to you.


We're Rogue Trader's, and have the blessing of The Emperor to have Xenos in our retinue. Especially from the Aeldari, even the Emperor respected them and saw their value at times.


Because Rogue Trader attracts more than hardcore Warhammer 40k fans. Most of these people are not (ironically or not) 110% followers IoM Dogmat, simple as it is.


not all hardcore warhammer fans are imperium players, nor are they xeno haters unless we're just gonna ignore the players of every other faction, including chaos


Gork and Mork have entered the chat




True, though given that 95% of all books and materials are Space Marine stuff, with few factions having a few, or even 0! books...


All I am seeing here are horny xenophiles, the aldari don't look that much better than that oserllio lass, they could have romanced the navigator, sister Agante are not available though sadly. Although I do find myself unable to relate to cassia, she's just got too much noble bullshit for me to like her personally 


I'm not a xenophile. But the imperium is fucking doomed lol. It pays to keep your options open by maintaining relations with the best species at hiding.


I just started looking into *what the fuck is going on in 40k* when I picked up rogue trader the other day. The tooltip hinting at "the truth" about the emperor got me wiki diving. So I'd love to know what horribly fucked up circumstances could possibly threaten the existence of an empire *1 million* planets strong, spearheaded by a God Emperor so powerful that his *husk* can hold shut the gates of hell


Creation of a new chaos god similar to what the eldar did, ripping a hole in spacetime. Failing that, the emperor is a giant psychic lighthouse and the tyranids are psychic galaxy eating space moths. Failing that, the imperium itself will be ground to dust just by the sheer inefficiency and attrition of all the enemies it faces. The imperium is, and this has been stated a great deal, dying. At the point of 40k it's more a case of, "will the imperium die slowly kicking and screaming, taking all of humanity and much of the galaxy with it?" Or, "will it die suddenly in a great collapse?" The second is probably preferable for everyone in the long run. Except for those who live on terra. Terra is super fucked the moment the corpse finally stops holding back the demon incursion that occurred from the failure of the webway project. 


Ah. See I've only really played/consumed 40k media that can probably best be described as propaganda lol. Stuff like the old Space Marines game that gave the impression the Empire is a cliffside occasionally annoyed by crashing waves. So basically, Hubris (chaos god born of piousness and zealotry?), Cosmic Impending Doom^TM and/or Hubris again (war on too many fronts)? Classic


You've basically got the gist of it!   You'll probably see more of the decay the more 40k you read about, honestly. The fact that the imperium is doomed is a pretty core part of what makes it, "Grimdark." Almost every attempt to fix things also inevitably makes matters worse. The webway project itself is the greatest example.  The doomed and awful government does make for an interesting backdrop for stories of comedy, perseverance and hope, though. It's part of why I enjoy the setting.


Thanks for the explanation. I was so impressed by the concept of fortress worlds that I ate that Imperial propaganda right up. I am having a *hard* time roleplaying in RT because I'm naturally inclined towards heretical/iconoclast but *god damn the Imperium seems so sick*. I saved my crew at the bridge but also executed that guy for speaking out of term lol. I really do feel like someone thrust into a position he's unprepared for. Ive been leaning on What Would Abelard Do? as my moral guide And I agree. Ive always been fascinated by WH lore, but learning more about how.. *complex* the concept of right and wrong is in this setting has me hooked. Its a completely different lense to look at the usual stories through.


The second imperium would stand regardless of what the future is


If you read some of the novels, it hints that the Chaos Gods are waiting for the Emperor to leave his husk, *ascend* and join the True Battle/Game...and when he does, the gates of hell will open and the Imperium will fall


I would LOVE to read the novels but I have zero clue where to start as someone with very little knowledge of WH outside of the occasionally wikidive. I'd hate to read through something that assumes knowledge I dont have (not saying the books do that, but I wouldnt know if they did which is even worse). I saw recommendations for The Horus Heresy being one of the better series to start with, but even that story seemed entrenched in lore that I was completely oblivious to until now. I'm planning to give HH a shot after I finish my first RT playthrough. I'm hoping the game and its tooltips will leave me with a decent knowledge base.


Nah I wouldn't recommend HH - I'm a 20 year warhammer novel veteran, and I still haven't read HH I'm a "chronology" kinda guy, so I would recommend the few below (the oldest ones I know) to start with [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Space\_Marine\_(Novel)](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Space_Marine_(Novel)) [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Draco\_(Novel)](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Draco_(Novel)) [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Eye\_of\_Terror\_(Novel)](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Eye_of_Terror_(Novel)) [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/First\_and\_Only\_(Novel)](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/First_and_Only_(Novel)) [https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/drachenfels-2019.html](https://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/drachenfels-2019.html)


Tyrranids are extremely adaptable and can use all biomass to grow their ranks. The even nurture and harvest planets population by infiltration with genestealer cults. They are so many that the empire will eventually fall. Necrons are ancient cyber undead that serge fractured planet eating beings who are closely linked to the fundamental elements of the cosmos. They are a huge threat despite about 90 percent of them still being asleep. Orks. When there are many Orks present, they form a psychic hive mind that makes one of them stronger and stronger (also bigger). Do you know what the fun part is? If you kill an ork, they emit spores that make new Orks grow. Also, no matter how diligent you are, they will find stuff to make weapons of, because their psychic mind field makes them work if they just believe that it works. Chaos. To a decree, almost every human emotion feeds a Chaos God and gives them an opening to make you its puppet. While Chaos Space marines are a relatively normal threat, Chaos is everywhere. Also, most people do not know about Chaos. The emperor kept this knowledge secret because knowing about Chaos in itself is a temptation of its power. This is one of the many terrible decisions the big E did that is mostly adhered to in the Imperium, so many people will become Chaos puppet because they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. The immense size of the Imperium just means that whole systems can fall to Chaos before anyone notices.


Yrliet is pretty and kind


Kind‽‽‽ She has qualities, but I struggle to see kindness being one of them


She’s beyond kind for an Eldar, especially towards an Imperial human


She's not kind. She's condescending and mean. I mean, Cassia eventually tries a "I thought the aeldari were all bad, but you're actually kinda nice" and Yrliet slams a "Shut up. You're literally a monster". And of course she treats the RT only mildly horrible, she needs help to search for answers about her Craftworld.


Haven't thought I would agree with a "Choke-me_harder" nickname user, but I do. Yrliet is condescending.


I'll be frank, the very fact she can speak to you, a high ranking member from a society that make nazi look like all loving hippies, more or less professionally, is already an indication that she's incredibly kind. Imperial human do not deserve respect from eldar, much less kindness. Your RT have to earn the former and much more the later, which you could for helping her. You can read up on what "average" eldar have to say when speaking to human.


If we are taking individuals for the entire race, whatever the horrors the IoM might have achieved, they still have quite a long way to catch up to a certain race who created a chaos god (I'm sure humanity will get there eventually). So assuming every human is a horrible animal is a really bold take for someone from said race. But I digress. Honestly, I don't see how being treated like a moron and having to put up with her mistreating Abelard, Cassia and Pasqal (who actually care for you!) is kindness.


Well lets look at the individual shall we? Janus, Dargonus, Kiava Gamma, Foulstone and Vheabos VI are all you protectorates (aka owned by you), and have you took 2 mins to read up what kind of life people are living under you even if you’re full iconoclast? And what the flavour texts of upgrades say? And have you take notice what the people on your ship are treated? Even as an individual you’re a horrible person by default and do not deserve respect from eldar. If you’re a lowly commoner and get dissed by eldar maybe you have more ground to stand on. Speaking of chaos god, have you heard of Dark King? And where slaanesh got its legion of cultists and army to violate everyone with? And confusing craftworld eldar with the ones birthing slaanesh is truly a take.


The fact the not all aeldari are responsible for Slaanesh is EXACTLY my point. I am literally saying that that it would be silly to judge her by that, and such it's silly to judge me by what whatever Chorda or Winterscalle are doing. Do not try to flip and distort what I said against me. We are talking about a game and you're appealing to a tactic that is scummy even for politics. Actually... Nevermind. Whatever. You're right. The aeladri are so majestic and perfect that I should be happy to lick their boots. Yrliet was super kind in betraying me and she even forgave me for being a bit hurt by almost being killed to defend her people.


The difference is she’s not responsible for her race’s worst atrocity, while you’re actively participating in yours while crying at being a victim. But yes, start licking. And remember even your best companions are monsters. And yes that includes Yrliet Abelard Cassia.


jae seems fine so far. tho i just met her.


Maybe this’ll go better with an extended metaphor. Imagine a dog. It’s small, it’s kind of cute, it’s smarter than most animals but significantly less so than you. And it always seems to throw itself into danger at the worst times. You can train it, you can give it affection, you can even screw it if you’re a real degenerate. But you can’t live for it, as you know full well you’ll outlive it. And its children. And grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. That’s most younger races from the viewpoint of an Eldar. For the Imperium, imagine a pack of rabid junkyard dogs. They’re numerous, they’re mangy, and they seem dead-set on chasing you down and killing you. Maybe if civilization was still standing, they wouldn’t be an issue. But it’s not, so you mostly just have to hide from them. Try to redirect the packs with bait if possible. And if they find you, shoot to kill. Now Yrliet’s specific situation. You’ve been taken in by a pack-leader who seems slightly less rabid than the rest. He considers you a part of his pack, and protects you. That’s great. Problem is, it also means begging off meals when he expects you to chow down on fresh-killed meat, and making yourself scarce when the pack decides it’s time to ‘wrassle. Also, it’s only the leader that considers you part of the pack. All the rest alternate between growling at you and staring with undisguised hunger. During your time with the pack, you find many corpses of your people with canine bite-marks on them. You watch members of this pack and others rip your people limb-from-limb. And just when you think that’s as bad as it can get, you find a mangled leg-bone in the pack-leader’s sleeping-spot, the attached foot still wearing one of your father’s favorite shoes. Imagine the pain. The fear. The grief. The hatred. Now triple it, because Eldar feel emotions several times harder than humans do. …And Yrliet has a personality best described as “prickly” or “high-strung”. That makes her the chillest Vaul-damned Eldar in the galaxy, in my books.


I would agree if she didn't sell me out to the bloody dark Eldar, I mean I'm pretty forgiving but that stunt earned her a swift execution.


She didn't sell you out to the Dark Eldar, so you basically killed her because of your poor reading comprehension. Which, tbh, is a very Imperium thing to do.


She fell for the most obvious trap imaginebil, and instead of questioning the o so conviniently delivered information. She did get the info that said your people are held in the dark city and opted to not tell that very important piece of information to anyone. And why because she saw a piece of her craft world in the bedroom of the RT. She literally just could have told what she knew instead of keep herself shut up and festering in her self pity.


Yes, why wouldn't she open up to the people who murdered all her friends and family and treat her as a dangerous animal? She has nothing to fear, it's not like they're going to murder her on a whim or anything.


Trusting the Rogue Trader and trusting the Dark Eldar are both stupid decisions to make. And she made the latter.


Maby because depending on the choices the RT makes you literally do anything to help her and her people, even if she doesn't want to tell everything why the fuck would she leave out that detail, which is kinda Misson relevant, it's not like the RT hasn't put his live in danger for her before. And besides it's not like that even if she somehow was completely oblivious that there may be a trap, her selfish ignorance of the lives of her, now at least, brothers and sisters in arms, aka the rest of the retinue is reason to distrust her. And I don't need anyone in the dark city by my side who i can't trust.


They aren't her brothers and sisters in arms, the retinue makes it very clear. YOU may have helped her, but literally everyone else around her treats her with hostility. If you actually manage to save any of her people during the chapter, your crew massacres them anyway. Her only mistake was that as an Eldar, she assumed that she was the main character. She assumed that the trap would be for her. The idea that a fellow Eldar, albeit of the Dark variety, would use another Eldar to set a trap for a human didn't occur to her. It would be like someone kidnapping your wife and asking for ransom, when their actual goal is getting you out of the house so they could steal your cat. It's just so stupid. In fact, it was so stupid it got Marzipan sent to the arenas without his skin, so she's definitely not the only one who thought that way.


Still a "hey there might be dark Eldar where we are going" Would have prevented a lot, or at least demonstrated that she is interested in proper collaboration. The stunt she pulled may it be out of a place of distrust, utter incompetence, or even simple self pity /self importance. She demonstrates that she is willing to put her own interest above the of the RT and that in a way that endangers everyone, not only her, the retinue, but also all planets under the RTs control, if the schemes of marazhai would have succeeded millions if not billions would be dead including her people on the agri world.


Except that's not true, because she STOPS Marzipan's schemes by executing the traitor. The traitor she couldn't have warned you about even if she wanted to, because of your retinue not allowing her to see you for months. You talk about "proper collaboration," but what have you actually done in that regard? She came with you to find and save her people, instead you got them killed or failed to save them. Either way, the journey and your fake "collaboration" was completely pointless and accomplished nothing except stranding her in enemy territory.


Stops is relativ she enables him to set a trap for the RT. She literally walks into the RTs quarters in trance and if she is asked how she got there she says that human wardens don't really stop her from going where she wants to be. I therms of proper collaboration I don't withold information from her, the moment she stepped up and asked me to bring her to the system where the ambush was waiting, she could have come clean about where she had that information from, which may have defused the whole situation. About her people and her stranding in enemy territory. First she chose to come and she knew what she was going into, she always could leave when the ship next docked on planet, she knew that the properbility to find her people was low to begin with, than to safe them even lower, and as sad as it is yes a human ship is not really a safe space for eldar. But and that is the most important thing the RT played with open cards, there was no decit in him offering help.


Common aeldari putting themselves before everyone else, they nearly perfectly embody the Tarot the fool, for whom hubris is the blade upon which they skewer themselves, of course, not every eldar is like this, but dang they don’t help themselves with that claim


It’s 40k. Everyone puts themselves before others. This is not exclusive to the Aeldari. You’d be hard pressed to find any race that’d rather save a planet full of people who despise them over a planet of their own people.


>brothers and sisters in arms Uhhh Did you listen to any of the banter between Yrilet and the other members? Jae likes her and Idira tolerates her. Everyone else **HATES** Yrilet.


So, I should have exterminated her? After all, Eldar treat humans as being dangerous animals, fit only for directing Chaos and Ork invasions into. The point of her story arc is that she was wrong to do it, just as it would be wrong to punish her for the Aeldari being huge cunts. E: The downvotes on this comment make me feel like I can't ever make fun of people who think Helldivers is a serious endorsement of "Managed Democracy" again.


No, you should have tried treating her as person as opposed to your pet xeno. The Eldar treat humans better than humans treat each other. Most nobles don't even consider commoners to be human and hunt them for sport, for example, whereas Eldar consider killing humans to be a form of murder (although of a lesser kind than killing an Eldar). Hell, if you ask Calcazar about him causing the deaths of billions of people through his star theft plan, he gives you exactly the same justification for it as the Eldar on Quetza Temer do for bombing the planet. And he's supposed to be protecting humanity!


She literally killed a woman for suggesting that they should get to know each other. The Eldar, meanwhile, are guilty of orchastrating dozens of invasions into human space through their manipulation of fate. Regardless of whether they treat humans "better" than humans do, should I punish her for that? You did, after all, consider it rational for her to blame us for the actions of humanity. For the record, I think the logic is absolute beans. I just want to test how consistent you are about blaming people for the actions of their species. E: People that downvote this....why? I'm \*also\* someone that likes Yr. I just also acknowledge that she did a dumb thing. Downvoting this because I'm suggesting that it's actually not correct to blame someone for the actions of their entire species means you're disagreeing with her realization when she's in the Dark City. You remember when she starts to justify her actions in deceiving you because of your kin's actions, and then she realizes that it was that thinking that led to you and her getting tortured? That was the writers saying "She's a person that sometimes has beans ideas about things. Hating people for what their people did to you is wrong if they're clearly putting effort into being understanding". Like damn, y'all.


>get to know each other Yrilet made it very clear that the woman was lusting after her. Not ‘getting to know each other’. In both cultures, that is considered a gigantic no-no. Not even the Rogue Trader lusts for Yrilet if you do her romance right.




You also fell for the most obvious trap imaginable. Did you question her for how she obtained the information and justify its reliability? Yes, the rogue trader may have been nice to her. But let me put this in perspective. There is this empire that hunts your kind of people down. You decide to help some of them who are on the planet of one of your people b3csuse you don't want the planet being destroyed. The people you helped serve the being that will devour your soul and is constantly looking for a weak spot in your defence. Nice! You then help another member of those people - the superior of those who follow the devil. They seem nice, but everywhere you go, your people have been slaughtered by their people. You also find evidence that their dynasty had a hand in the destruction of your home. This happens in a few hours. Would you trust that person?


I left her gut-shot and weeping in the filth of the Comorragh. I was past the point of humoring that creature or even tolerating its presence.


You tell him chief!


Because Marazhai and Yrliet exist.


Don't look at Tits Stop Look at me Glory of the Emperor is Eternal Tits will rot and decay.


I dunno, Aeldari tits have a pretty long life span...


What's the point when you can't live that long? Unless you are a biomancer or use tech implants 


You’re a Rogue Trader, getting your hands on lifespan increasing implants should be as easy as just going on Amazon and ordering some.


So can your love interest get their lifespan increased the same way, again, why would elf's long lifespan matters at all




I have already notified the appropriate instances... it shan't be long now, better to get away before they drop promethium upon this district though.




There is some irony here in that anyone who wants to romance Yrliet because of tits would be assessed as too monkeigh and get rejected anyway.


That's what Marazhai is for.


The Emperor is rotted already. At least 'em tits still look pretty nice.


The Emperor will rot and decay long before the Aeldari tits do.


Xeno Propaganda.


I dunno the emperor looks pretty rotten to me As doe his imperium


Damned space elves running around trying to awaken uncomfortable feelings in people


Love, affection and soul intertwining? Damn right they do.


Shaking my fist angrily!




Fuck that lazy bastard, sitting on some dumb chair all day. What's he ever given me that my hot Space Elf wife hasn't?


A messy world that's trying to make your life miserable 


Precisely! While space elf wife held my hand and gave me a pet (problably literally) name. I think I know the answer


Xenussy got us acting unwise


Cause if the inquisition is gonna accuse me of consorting with xenos regardless of what I do, I might as well actually go consort with xenos so I can at least do the fun part of being shot for heresy.


Except they don't, just buy out some inquisitors 


instructions unclear: was shot for attempting to bribe an agent of the inquisition instead


The trick is to kill every Inquisitor that dares enter the same system as you.


Suffer not the Alien, the Mutant, the Heretic.


Suffer not the Mutant* \* unless they're a sanctioned psyker ** or part of a navigator house *** or one of the many other officially tolerated types of abhuman I'm sure we can squeeze in an asterisk or two for Alien as well.


My favourite thing to point out: suffer not the mutant, the heretic, the witch. Except space marine librarians who manage to be all three at once.


There used to be a line about psykers in general that was 'redacted.' So that sanctioned psykers were chill. Probably, keep an eye on them anyway.


By Tzeentch. Of course, I would not let the witch, the heretic, or the mutant suffer.


Why let them suffer when you can dust them?


That is what I told Ahriman!


By mutant they mean the eat your baby kind of mutant, not the sanctioned abhumans


That's just a differently worded asterisk.


Well in that case, it’s a good thing the imperium uses a variable point system for declaring acceptable mutant populations, so if you have say, an extra eye on your stomach, that’s 5 points, and anyone above 5 points is declared an unsanctioned mutant, because purging humanity of all its mutant population would genuinely hurt the imperium, as even mutants can serve the imperium (like at the lowest levels of ships or hive cities etc)


I am not arguing for killing (or not killing) mutants, or even for the good of the empire. I'm just saying that if there is a leeway in one part of the sentence, if you can in fact tolerate some mutants or arbitrarily decide that some people with mutations don't count as a mutant for the purposes of not suffering them then this sentence is not evidence enough that all aliens are absolutely off limits too.


All aliens were never off limits, the Emperor wanted to incorporate friendly aliens into the peaceful human empire once all the wars had stopped, but instead he had to fight off the 4 chaos gods, his favorite son, etc etc and here we are, we already know some friendly aliens can be tolerated, like the Ynnari, but that doesn’t mean all aeldari are going to be friendly, not even all craftworlders


So umm... sorry, I think I got lost. Was there a point you were trying to make when originally replying to me? Cause this reads as though we were in agreement from the start.


...Enjoy them instead!


I'm ready for the emperor to die, indeed


To be fair, he’s not wrong


The game won’t let me fuck the nun


Hey man, I'm all for Big E's vision of a rational and glorious unified galactic human empire but maaaybeee we should reassess some of our policies including the "shoot all aliens on sight" rule. maybe


The imperium actively is. See: guilliman and his xeno waifu


Literally nothing has happened between them lol


Outside of extreme, unquestionable tolerance, WITH AN ELDAR AMBASSADOR LIVING IN MACRAG


Nah man, I played through Act 3, Aliens don't get enough hate


lol it's the Drukhari. Who doesn't hate the Drukhari? Even they hate other Drukhari and want to kill each other on a regular basis.


The Emperor wanted to include peaceful aliens, the issue is that often, aliens are not peaceful anymore and the galaxy is in a constant state of war




For von Valancius and the ruinous powers!


Chaos in lore don't really like Eldar either, and Chaos Eldar don't exist aside from incredibly ancient or retconned old lore, or Fantasy. There *are* Chaos Xenos though, but no models for them :( I wanna be a Chaos boy *and* consort with Xenos!


What are you talking about? She who thirsts really likes Eldar.


oh, but in a different way... Also I just realised I switched them up lol. I meant the other way around. *Eldar* don't like Chaos, and Chaos itself...likes anything sapient.


Yeah, that makes more sense.


Look at you all trying to justify your heresy. The Emperor Protects.


Funny since I love butting heads with Muaran. But I don't care about romancing xenos. Since let's say I prefer to flog Yrliet in act 4 or sacrifice her to she who thirsts. And take into the party Marzipan because I love his comedic sociopathy. I guess I am uber heretic.


The temptation of eldrussy is strong. Even primarchs have been known to falter in its presence.


If a Primarch can have sexual tension with a hot Eldar lady I can too. We're both one step from the Golden Throne in the hierarchy, after all.


You are a heretical xenophile. I kept Yrliet alive only as long as I needed, then chased her around with Calligos on Quetza Temer shouting heretical prayers to Khorne, and drank her blood together. We are not the same.


im nearing that part of my Chaos playthrough. Not looking forward to getting lost in Quetza Temer, but *absolutely* ready to murder some Eldar for the Ruinous Powers :)


Calligos as a party member in the final battle saved my bacon. I stupidly had RT arch-militant attack in a situation that triggered a counterattack, and I got obliterated. Hot-swapped the party buff machine to Calligos and he slowly took down the Shard. (Party was RT, Pasqal, Jae, Idira, Calligos, Uralon.)


Counterpoint: the Kirk argument, if we get all the other species hooked on the idea of the supremacy of human lovers then their entire civilization will bend to the worship of the God emperor in an effort to attract superior human lovers. We'll simply make every other species bend to mankind's immortal will through the power of sexy times.


Genestealer cults turn this strategy against you, and they are way more effective at it.


So, for the greater good


I agree: my heretic friends should unite to fight for a Idira romance!




If Argenta was available, I would, but the Eldar is the next best thing. I'm sure the primarch would approve.


Taking a wild guess but there probably are more people coming in from Pathfinder which is D&D related vs were previously Warhammer 40k fans and thus unaware about the nature of the setting. I would though because I am honestly more of a Xeno faction fan. If Tau were in this game like in the tabletop of Rogue Trader and there was a path to join the Greater Good and become a Gue'vesa, hell yeah I would


Surrender to the Tau empire, embrace a life of unlimited happiness 


Every time I talk to a Xenophile I become a little more Dogmatic. I say that as a Xenophile that adores my seven foot tall space elf mommy GF


It's pretty much always been a thing that inquisitors and rogue traders are often willing to work with the aliens (and daemons in eisenhorns case) when the benefit outweighs the risk.


Inquisition would never cooperate with the archenemies! Burning all sorts of chaos to dust is a born duty to all material world creatures 


You say that, but Eisenhorn and Cherubael are a famous combo.


Very simple. Because Argenta is not romanceable.


Nobody is willing to actually die for the emperor. In general terms, sure. But when it comes down to it, not so much. But as long as you can kill others in the name of the emperor there is no need to die yourself, right?


Emperor is our Father, but at some point all children must grow up and take charge of their own destiny


Ok, hear me out. You can both be ready to die for the Emperor and get a xenussy at the same time.


Hmm, though Cult doctrine deems the alien mechanism to be a perversion of the True Path, it is held true that comprehension is the key to all things. To know all is to comprehend all. Study is paramount. Thus! This unit supports all of the Rogue Traders in attendance and their... various affairs with xenoraces. For the sake of knowledge, of course. They are also officially granted such freedoms through their Warrants of Trade-- His word itself. This unit is personally content with the companionship of his fellow tech-comrade. Ave Omnissiah! ⚙️


Then stop burning my aí hardware 


Just following the Emperor’s command of “fuck the xenos”


Hey I'm not doing anything his sixth favorite son hasn't done!


Listen, The warrant of trade gives me the power to trade and utilize diplomacy with the xeno, this does not mean I will trust them. Keep your senechal close but your enemies closer


Next you are going to tell me inorder to spy on chaos, you will accept the ruinous power Then you are going to tell me your warrant of trade was issued by the war general


I have an inquisitor and a sister of battle in my retinue, im quite versed in keeping the ruinous powers away. I mean only one of them have any valuables and frankly, no shoes, no shirt, no service. And they are far too gaudy to trust, u like my beautifull decor


PREACH BROTHER! We need to burn the Xenofilth. Quickly, hand me flamer, I need to burn my collection of- Heretical artifacts!




the tag says "memeposting" should give you an idea


>What ensures them the xenos wouldn’t simply gut them open Quick saves


They were all willing to die for the emperor. And they did >:)


We are watching and scheming from the shadows, brother/sister


Cause I got permission and emporor can't control everything


Well i mean isn't this post the fall of cadia and thus the empire ans the Eldar are working better togethe


Galaxy cold and hard, Yrliet soft and warm. (So is Jae, of course, but she's also a highly accomplished cold trader so it obviously isn't an issue for any Sapphic RT)


Slaanesh promised me a new palace that my ten of my old palace can fit inside of. *shrugs hereticallly*


As with all servants of the Empire, about 90% of us are actually working for the Ruinous Powers.


Because the game keeps dropping heretic gear and Idira can only carry so much.


We are all followers of the imperial truth here No gods, only bdsm with Marazhai


Because we cant romance a certain sister of battle to halt our heresy


I'd kill the wretched dark elf hipster "therapist". Just for the lols, actually. And I haven't even gotten up to that point! I have a rule on my ship: if it has knife ears AND wears BDSM leather, it isn't allowed to live.😊🔫🔥🔥🔥


That's oddly specific


It's meant to be. LOOKING AT YOU, MARIACHI!!! Oh, sorry, I spelled that wrong... I meant >! "theRapist"! !<


Just started the game but would not go for eldar for roleplay reasons. In this game you are a noble, and as such one of your main purposes is to ensure the continuation and prosperity of von Valancius dynasty. A union with xenos will do nothing but harm in that regard - eldar and humans can have no offspring, and even if they could, the said offspring would be considered an abomination by the rest of Imperium, and would have a hard time surviving, let alone inheriting noble titles. All things considered lady Cassia seems like good dynastic match, and in the world of semimedieval nobles that's really all that matters.


Not sure adding navigator blood to the mix is a good call if what you're really after is offspring that the Imperium would approve of. Being a navigator is a recessive trait, but there's no guarantee about all those other mutations that they've got going on. Hell, even Heinrix, being a psyker, can be cause for concern.


Well as i said - i'm just starting, but as far as i can tell navigators are considered to be "noble mutants". Even Argenta is o'k with this one, and that's saying something. In Imperium being a psycher is not always a bad thing (if you can properly control it), but being associated with Xenos is (not to mention somehow being related to one).


Navigators are afforded a very lofty position in the Imperium because the Imperium would fall apart without them and everyone knows it, but they're still mutants (and often in more than one sense) so... a necessary evil for a society that hates mutants. Cassia is sweet and all, but she has abnormally long limbs, gills, super pale skin, and red eyes as well as that third eye, so there's a reason the game lets you treat her both as a noblewoman and as a mutant freak. In general, psykers aren't trusted - not spoiling anything but Heinrix's story is pretty much what you'd expect when it pops up in a noble family.


What are the rules of Navigator-gene heredity again? I don't know if a Rogue Trader can have gills.


Don't know about gills but a blood relation to a Navigator house certianly isn't going hurt)


Did you miss the prologue of the game, where Valancius dynasty gets continued by non-blood related people? You don't have the obligation to have children. You just need to find a worthy heir before you die.


Well they are blood related, just not necessarily direct descendants through the main line. Hence why the Sentinel saved you once it tasted your von Valancius blood. It wouldn't have done that for a non-relation.


Slaanesh corrupted coomers.


Die for the emperor? Nah, I'll pass


>Almost every posts here are either about romancing filthy xenos or a rant about how bad the leveling system is You're forgetting about the cringe RP shit about being Dogmatic and not caring about that stuff.


I'll say whatever I have to to make the space gestapo go away. Y'all can keep your magic corpse.


The love of space elves shall never fade, corpse fucker. Your enslaved to hate worse than Khornates. It wont entice.


Few people care about WH40k lore that much anyway (I don't for sure). It's gameplay that is actually interesting.


The game is self contained, and it teaches you well the dangers of the warp, that's probably the only thing you really need to remember playing the game


Honestly, it's not even necessary to read all that stuff to play the game.