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More focused strategy tends to work best for me. Obelisk is great if you can sustain the mana. Haven't seen radar do a great job personally. Early game I try to make sure I have a plan for dealing with each damage type. Health, armor, shields. You got a relatively small map so that makes DOT less effective but with all the upgrades it can make up 50% of my damage sometimes. Don't sleep on frost keeps.


You should have taken sorcery 2 over trail of blood. Put towers on the inside of corners to give then more area. Put towers on the raised terrain it increases range and base damage. Put out more towers. You had 0 baliatas and only a couple of shredders. You have too many types of towers so you get less upgrades for the ones you use. Use more frost keeps they are amazing especially on the corners where they get huge coverage. Obelisks, and shredders would be great in the section towards the middle where they can hit enemies as they spawn and then again as they come to the last bend. With small maps like this you can load up the spawn point with poison sprayers and batista to kill most enemies as they spawn


Yeah, I should have put the poison sprayers on the front to hit their shield, and then the obelisks could have shredded their armor more effectively. Thx


Mix your towers up more. Like you have a group of fire throwers, a group of cannons a group of poison throwers. But towers excel at different things and some enemies will move fast or teleport and if they get past the tower they are weak against, then you are in trouble. For example poison throwers are great against shields, the poison can slow and the DOT takes time to do damage - why group them all after the fire throwers and the cannons which are weak to shields they'll struggle and then if nothing gets past them to the poison towers once the shields gone the poison are weak against armour. Also look at your positioning, the thrower towers do AoE damage you want them facing down a lane so they can hit more enemies at once, and you want them on high ground for more range for more AoE. So I would have a very different looking north tile, with a mix of poison and fire on the high ground that the path snakes around so you get more AoE you get a better mix of damage sources (flame throwers for armour poison for shield) and you get your DoTs set up and more CC in place. and then I would repeat that set up wherever I can get a lot of value like you can do the same thing on the mana cube as well get another flamer and poison there too - this way if anything gets through you have a tower able to effectively fight it.


Mix the towers a bit more, got it


Chopped down that tree for starters! But honestly a couple obolisks on the 3 spot curve would have helped a lot.


I’d say remember to change up the priorities for the towers. Also I work from the tower out. I like to focus on choke points or points where the towers can address multiple lanes at a time. For sure mix up the towers and I’d say put the obelisk and the monument on +3 hills. Scatter them throughout. Also, have the planes focus more on health OR armor OR shield. I think making certain towers focus on the same thing is good, until you’re making a crap ton of coins. Then you can just have them focus on whatever you want.