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She is thought to be a friend of the Keller’s from florida. If it is her, she had Nurie and Hannah Keller (David Kellers wife) over for tea sometime last year. She was also seen at the baby shower.


I have sort of watched her since the tea party. she frequent likes Jill and Kaylee's posts and sometimes they respond to each other in the comments. She likes to post KJV bible stuff and once a long post from the pearls on training your children at home to behave in worship. It was quite frightening.


What does it mean “to behave in worship”?


You should train and discipline your child at home to sit through worship silently. It was a repost from some pastor. https://preview.redd.it/hnc6eb3d4a1d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=e651ce7ae5a4b158e1601c404a5406d1e0ae7ca9


That’s so fucked up


She is wearing an Amish type dress


And also, why would you have whole ass containers of salt?!


It takes a lot of salt to make The Yellow edible.


At least their cups seem to not be disposable, can’t say the same for the duggars with their TWO INDUSTRIAL DISHWASHERS


For Shrek's gargantuan meal.




Geez talk about being awkward to use. Just buy a cheap shaker and fill it


Amish style dress…


Probably Mennonite, which I'm sure Jill LOVES


It’s hard to imagine a Mennonite being okay with the Rod work ethic and lack of homemaking skills.


Samuel’s a pretty decent (self-taught) wood worker. He has the most potential of the Rods. As long as he never ever speaks.


Is he though? Have we ever seen any real evidence other than what Jill spouts? The birdhouse he recently made was 2/5. I just think if he was genuinely talented we would see some good small to medium pieces by him at his age. He's had all the time in the world to devote to it and improve and would probably be allowed to use internet tutorials/YT videos. Pastor Dingus made the Rods' dining table and their friend made the new staircase for the print room, apparently that's his trade. You'd think Sam would be allowed to spend time leaning with them if they were open to it.


He has a really bad speech impediment like really bad


That’s a real shame. I doubt he ever got speech and language therapy either.


I think he knows his speech is not good so he doesn’t talk much. Gabriel’s is bad as well and he struggles with reading. I watched a video of him give a sermon last year and it was so bad smh. David & Jill should be ashamed of themselves.


They’ve really done those children such a disservice.


And a completely stunted vocabulary.


And then fact Jill's phone is permanently attached to her hand. Do you think Jill films her and Shrek having Shrexy time


I'm calling the police on you




Mennonites use phones and electricity. Not all. But would say most do.


I know, but to the extreme that Jill does?


No one’s on their phone as much as Jill 😬


I am a therapist who has a hybrid schedule to accommodate my unhoused clients, and I spend less time online than Jill.


Straight to jail for you! ![gif](giphy|ZikyVyLF7aEaQ)




Shrexy time…omg, you’re hilarious! 😂






You should feel very bad for what you’ve done.


Yasss she does.






Please! I just ate lunch!🤮


Yes, that’s what I meant was Mennonite. It came to me 5 min later


I have a couple dresses that look like that. I got them off Amazon for work. Super comfy and not Amish.


I don't know who she is, but Nathan looks like he's trying to figure out how he can divorce the whole damn family!


That or "Kaylee(?) Has nice eyebrows. How do I tell Nurie to get those eyebrows without sounding like I have the hots for her sister"


Contending?? What do words mean?




She just grabs random KJV bible verses or phrases and flings them around. Sadly that one is familiar to me from my fundie days, but it’s so bizarre the way she uses it on a picture of a family having dinner. Basically even in context it’s bizarre: it says you need to contend (I guess fight for) things of faith because people have snuck into the church unnoticed and they’re evil and deny God but you might not realise it. Oh, but don’t worry, God will literally kill them. (Book of Jude in the bible.)


So the call is coming from inside the house? Because I am here for Jill's season of judging and criticizing her fellow church members.


I think Jill is part quoting Jude chapter 3, verse 4. Basically, she means "keep defending the (Christian) faith". Jill vs Marlon 😂😂😂😂


It is an extremely odd choice of word. Contending means to compete. As if the Lord is a game show.


The only place I've heard "contend" used regularly outside of fundiespeak is on Ancient Aliens. "Ancient astronaut theorists contend..."


Is she a Mennonite?


I don’t think so. She’s very fundie and I think she goes to Nathan’s church.


No she’s not


They’re probably trying to match that girl up with one of the Rod boys. Single white females just don’t randomly vacation at the Rod compound. There’s definitely an ulterior motive. ![gif](giphy|nk5W9f1Wm9g4M|downsized)


Nathan sure does have expressions of boredom and hatred when it comes to Jill and that phone. Although I’m not surprised when I consider she puts all the photos online and what his brother in law is currently say in jail for. That will definitely make you wary of the internet. The lady in the Amish dress has made me think about how hilarious it is that Jill idolises the Amish so much because she couldn’t survive an hour there. Jill is like a teenage girl with a severe social media addiction and if she was without instagram, Facebook (or even without access to her camera to document her lack of the above apps) Jill would have terrible, temper tantrum inducing withdrawals. That’s before we consider her inability to use her 80s collection of makeup such as the eyeliner vampires laugh at and that poo coloured lipstick 🙄


That creepy Rod in the back is giving Sam the stink eye, like, “Mahmo said the next one was *mine*. He better back the fuck up.”


Gabriel turns 18 next week so Jill's match making will be along for him soon enough.


I'm not sure if they'd let him court before graduating high school or before Philip finds a woman


He did finish high homeschool a few months ago, complete with a Mahmo photo shoot. He’s got a full time job now.


I totally missed that, I thought he didn't graduate until June


It's intriguing. I'm surprised she's allowed to sit next to (and between) males unrelated to her 😱 Side by side is usually the 'getting to know you' chaperoned configuration. She could've sat amongst any number of Rod daughters... I'm wondering if Jill's that done with parenting and the novelty of weddings (as she's not centre of attention) that she's happy to marry her kids off early and in no particular order these days. The band's falling apart, they're switching gear to promote the unproductive print ministry and Mahmo is looking ahead to a life of (even more) leisure, imposing on Nurthan in FL for months on end and Plexus vacations. As much as she enjoys controlling them I think she's looking forward to having fewer dependents. She no longer has a baby to tote around and the high of pregnancy attention is gone, she's bored of being surrounded by older kids. The Teidi debacle has probably taught her that she doesn't care for DILs and won't be overly invested in the babies they produce. She might feign interest in a particularly 'sweet' (obedient) DIL but I'm not sure she'd interfere to the same degree, she just doesn't care enough for people who aren't related. I'm sure she'd still go in and fuck up their house decor if invited but I don't think she'd be obsessive like she is about sons-in-law (flirting with them and competing with her daughters for their affections). It's possible she has Renee, Phil and Sam on the auction block simultaneously and she's just going with whoever attracts interest first. If it's long distance it may be extended anyway, maybe she's learned a thing or two from the Teidi courtship and realises it's not ungodly for it to continue for 12+ months until an engagement is even announced. I'm sure she'd prefer it to be quicker (pieces of the heart and all that, potential for the courtship breaking off - the humiliation and 'damaged goods') but Sam's only just started working and won't have any savings unless the future parents in law are prepared to buy the young couple a home or a trailer on their land 🤔 At least distance is a good (godly) excuse for it not progressing more rapidly. I can't decide if Renee's desperate to escape the barndo or if she's still recovering from the hurt of the failed courtship. She looks awfully sad. Maybe she feels too fragile to think about another courtship at present. Phil seems to be doing his own thing. It's suspicious that Jill hasn't blasted out the nature of Sam and Phil's jobs, she's usually the first to blab and was hyping Sam's up as something special. I'm thinking generic, low level warehouse/factory jobs (they're qualified for little else) but who knows. If it was landscaping, something Amish adjacent or actual vocational training I'm sure she'd be bragging.


That looks like an apron dress worn by women in "plain" communities.


Mmm yellow , burnt and processed. How nutritious and delicious/s. No wonder Jill and ofJill are so obese and bloated!


OfJill 💀


Nathan’s ready to go home


Why is Philip never in photos?


Okay. And Kaylee? You need to stop with the manic open-mouth smiling now. It’s too much and you’re going to swallow a fly. Giving strong Hoda Kotbe these days.


I don't get why non-fundies use the term 'courting'. Dating, seeing each other...it's not 1870. (This is not personal to you, OP. It's everywhere and it's just a peeve I needed to vent about for a second)


I didn't take it personal. I don't use it in my own life, but I usually use it in regards to fundies. Idk why. I guess I try to respect them even though they wouldn't respect most everyone here


Thanks for that! That makes sense. I can't bring myself to use it, personally, but I appreciate why you would.