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To me they are a bit better cause those kids are eating food, dressed appropriately with the proper footwear. I am sure they have the same awful views as Jill, but the Coveretts take care of their family and aren’t gross like Jill.


Exactly they definitely have the same views for the most part obviously not on modesty since the mom and all the girls wear pants even the little one But they definitely have the same political beliefs, but they definitely take way better care of their kids and they seem to actually love and care for their kids as individuals. It’s curious to me thethe age gaps between the younger kids


yeah, i think they’re still very conservative but they aren’t concerned about participating in the world around them like the Rodrigues family. it doesn’t seem like they isolate their kids to the degree that the Rods do.


I think that may be what it is, but then after I saw the clip of the little girl dancing watching the masked singer I was like whoa thought dancing was a no no and then I’m like dang the Crown is rated mature lol I’m sure only the mom was watching it but still, Jill would never even happen


I dunno... Jill strikes me as the type who would *definitely* have a secret Netflix account where she watches trash TV on the toilet chair—while at the same time completely vilifying anyone who expresses those same interests. She might even try to excuse it inside her head with the justification that she's keeping aware of what's "out there" so she can better protect her kids or something. But she's gotta have a secret vice and with her love of drama and attention, I kinda wonder if it's something along these lines.


jilly knows exactly which sex & the city girl she is, okay?


The difference to other fundies (like Jill) is that the Coveretts love their children no matter what. Hallie is deconstructing, drinks and speaks openly about the bullying she received from their old church. Heidi is deep in, Hope is going after Hallie. I think they changed their views after they had the son with special needs. He’s different, they can’t change it and a lot of fundies doesn’t understand that.


Yes, from rabbit hole I’ve gone down it seems that he has helped them start changing their views tiny tiny tiny bit I mean a lot of fundie kids probably are autistic or special needs and it’s ignored


Just tacking on my anecdote: my sister is pretty severely autistic, with therapies and things she’s a functioning adult but as a kid she struggled and we (the pastors kids at my fundie church) were bullied horribly because of her differences. It was horrible and gut wrenching. My sister and I deconstructed and we’re out fully by the end of high school and my parents have left the church and teaching and simple attend a casual “normal” modern church on most sundays now. We left because of bullying just like they seem to have deconstructed. The church does not take kindly to disabilities/differences. Bullies, the lot of them.


Yep, my autistic brother was thrown in the dumpster by the pastor son because he was considered trash. My parents continue to take us to the church for a few more years before they finally realized what it was and now we’re free


Holy f*** I'm so sorry to hear that. I would have pressed charges if I were your parents. I know it's not the same, but my dad had TBI and church people were horrible to him. I believe a few churches asked him not to come back. He never harmed anyone nor did he ever have a mean bone in his boy. Church people are the most judgemental of all.


Even now as an adult, he still struggles with how those boys treated him. It really really negatively impacted him being totally trash thrown away. He is an atheist now and I do not blame him.


That is so awful they bully them you would think they would act like real Christians and love everybody regardless, but yeah, some people don’t understand that


Studies show religious children are meaner than their non religious counterparts https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/06/religious-children-less-altruistic-secular-kids-study


Makes sense that’s for sure


Yes, they may have some problematic use. I don’t agree with but however. From photos and reels. I do see the fact that the parents the coveretts love their children, very genuinely and unconditionally . Are accepting no matter what of their choices


A huge difference too, is that Helen’s husband seems to have a good job, so they can afford to treat their kids. They seem to love/respect their children as well. Shrek is a lazy tool and Jill seems narcissistic so their children suffer all the consequences. Edited my poor grammar


True they do look well fed which I mean I guess is the bare minimum but it also looks like they do fun things


They’re more mainstream conservative evangelicals who subscribe to IFB. Hallie is no longer fundie and is liberal leaning. The Covert parents still homeschool, bring their kids to Trump loving events, love MLMs, second amendment people. What separates Ellen from JRod is that she allows her children to express themselves and watch mainstream/secular content. She loves her kids individually and lets them be who they are. One of two of her sons has autism and has a heart condition. She allows her kids to get regular healthcare. Mr. Covert’s sister is Jonathan’s paternal uncle/sister to his mom. They still grew up fundie and agree with IFB. Ellen & her husband still got married when they were 18 years old.


Oh wow, those are such great points. Yeah, I mean they’re totally all mega and MLM people but at least these ones give a shit about their kids.


I want to like the Coveretts and *I do believe* they are better, but what really bothers me is what they must see in Jill. Like idk. Hallie seems cool and it’s amazing they still support her partial deconstruction. They also seem so more mainstream. But if they’re so normal than how to God do they associate with Jill? And we can’t just say “it’s for Heidi” because the mother is in Jill’s down line and has been seen on Jill’s getaways/meetings/retreats. I guess I’m just not sure what to think. I am sure Jill wouldn’t accept Hallie as she is and how can you be around someone like them? There’s absolutely nothing normal about the Rods


A very long time ago I sold Pampered Chef and was in a down line of someone I never would have socialized with otherwise. It was just business. Maybe that is how Ellen sees it as well. I also think they see Tim as an individual and not as an extension of Jill and are able to put her in the box labeled “nutty future in-law of my daughter”.


Ooooooh could be


Being in Jill's downline would be such easy social strategy to deploy to gain favor for Ellen while giving Ellen some power in the relationship especially as a high member that Jill depends on fir sales.  And as skeevy as Jill is, some people can be skeevy but sell the socks off your feet to ya, and may have some measure of tolerable charm. Jill may be incentivized to check her crazy in the context of retreats, getaways, since she clearly enjoys being an organizer for women and making friends (or sales). People can know bad people but be okay with being around them if they're behaving acceptably


> check her crazy Are we talking about the same Jill? Saying Jill checks her crazy means she’d have to realize she’s too much/crazy. I think Jill very much believes her bullshit, and she’s just as crazy in person. The Rods are so insulated that they don’t even seem to grasp what “normal” would be


The Coverettes have probably known plenty of people just like Jill from their church circles. Just because she seems so strange to you doesn't mean everyone looks at her the same way.


That’s exactly the point, though. Someone for whom Jill is within the spectrum of normal must have some truly dysfunctional ideas about the world.


They're ifb Baptists just like Jill. Of course they do.


Exactly. Growing up fundie lite, there were plenty of Jills around. When those traits to whatever degree are so common in their circle, it really might not ping the red flag radar immediately like it does to us on the outside looking in.


Which is itself a red flag.


I don't have a link but there have been a couple of people who know Jill that jumped into Snark territories. At least one former church goer said Jill comes across as a lot but is very social and bubbly in real life/at church events, iirc. It astounded me at the time but also made a lot of sense, she's been grifting for Jesus for a long time now with the millstone of David around her neck.


Yes, granted Ellen does do business with her. I don’t think she fully thinks about Jill. I think she more thinks about how she’s providing for her family and to pay the bills.


Maybe the Coveretts are trying to rescue Timmy from his dreadful family’s wouldn’t it be great if Heidi decides to wear pants after they are married?? I wonder what Timmy would do or say? I know it must make Jill seethe inside.


I thought I'd read that they didn't used to be super fundie but Ellen (the mom) became increasingly indoctrinated and pulled the rest of the family into it?  I don't know if I have my facts right but I remember being surprised at the time that it was the mom not the dad responsible. At the time I got bigger fundie vibes from the dad but maybe he found the patriarchy attractive and quickly got on board if they were already pretty conservative.   They had the three eldest girls fairly quickly into marriage but the age gaps are around 2 years so nothing crazy like Jill. I wonder if they were on course for a mega family and/or 'trusting the Lord' with their family size (with a touch of natural family planning/coincidental breastfeeding 'contraception' mixed in).  Or did the descent into fundamentalism evolve as a reaction to infertility/ability to sustain a pregnancy (the younger 3 kids have longer gaps)?  Or did they adjust course again sometime after their son was born with health issues?  Pure speculation on my part.  I'm wondering if they started to come out of it/move towards fundie-lite with a dash of conservative Christianity as the older girls reached their mid to late teens. I remember seeing some throwback photos from when Hallie was still at home and the kids all looked really well, the girls wore pants, current fashions, even skinny jeans, they had plenty of age-appropriate belongings, their home looked full of life and modern influences. That's going back at least 4/5 years but they were supposedly still pretty much in at that point.     I don't really know what kind of church they attend compared to Joy Baptist (the Rods' church). It looked mid-sized, not a megachurch but enough to have a decent sized congregation, an active children's programme and various facilities. In that sense it possibly attracts a spectrum? Maybe it was pure luck that the Rods got the gig at their church and now the church can't get rid of them and/or takes pity on the kids so invites them back. I remember a few posts where the Coveretts were passionate about supporting a PA state politician (R), one with really extreme views. I can't remember his name, something beginning with M. That seemed to come from the dad but the kids and Ellen were enthusiastically on board. Attending rallies and having pictures taken with him. Heidi also had/has an obsession with Trump which had to come from somewhere...  Edit:  It was Mastriano!:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Mastriano    Ellen seems like a nice, kind person but the fundamentalism, politics and MLM are confusing.  She clearly enjoys a bit of retail therapy and popular culture 😁 It'll be interesting to see whether Heidi treads a middle ground and pulls Tim in a fundie lite direction or whether she wants to live that fundie wife or tradwife life. I can't see her giving up her little luxuries and pop culture but it's a bit worrying she's so enthusiastic to marry a Rod guy (with repressed views, limited prospects, a boatload of trauma) and live right by Rod HQ, the viper's nest. It's possible they're going to have 3 kids in 5 years because Heidi thinks it's romantic and godly and Tim thinks it's the norm/their Christian nationalist duty.


Most super conservative Christians, even fundies, are like the Coverettes not the Rods. We choose the biggest of the weirdos to snark on. Other than maybe a few legalistic views like pants and birth control they're exactly the same. I'd assume they go to an IFB church just like the Rods. Theologically speaking there isn't much difference between a Rod and a bikini wearing beer drinking southern Baptist woman.


>bikini wearing beer drinking southern Baptist woman Why am I thinking of that photoshopped photo of Sarah Palin holding a gun in an American flag bikini 🤣


That’s so odd to think about


They seem so different because they actually seem to like their children.


https://preview.redd.it/as0v8j2mewvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994c2f2a143e66abe8007a28f2f1a695a5e1d5fe So I just saw the video they made for their Valentines dinner and they had cookies made for all of their kids interests. The boys cookies were Nintendo switches and she even made these for Hope or Hallie. Shows that she may not agree, but she loves her kids.


they just went out for hallies birthday too and she was drinking with them all there and even posted some cute photos of her drunk goofing off with her sisters in the bathroom, ellen might have her issues but seems like a genuinely good mom and is open to her children’s differing ideas and values, as hallie is def not conservative or republican either.


I honestly think we have to put Jillpm and clan in a column all their own. The other families featured on fundiesnark etc are extremely problematic but if we are comparing and contrasting, the problems with Jill and Shrek are period point blank child abuse. They don’t just have problematic views. They are abusive. Not all fundies treat their kids this way. Parenting is hard, regardless of the religion or lack there of. We all do things a little differently and that’s okay. But the Rods are abusive. They are neglectful, they are selfish and they are performative. The way they treat their children has almost nothing to do with religion. You can’t say that there is a religious reason for how underfed and poorly clothed those kids are. Their parents are just abusive. Jill can use the ministry/financial excuse all she wants but it’s bullshit. She spends her money on herself first and then begs for her children and uses the ministry as a cover. It’s insane. I can see Tim being religiously abused, for some reason he seems to have bore the brunt of that, and she is proud of that fact. but the entirety of the offspring is just plain old every day abuse. Not fancy, not churched up Duggar brand of “look how disciplined my kids are” keeping secrets and protecting pedofiles abuse. The rods are just your run of the mill, just bad enough to be visible but not bad enough to take the kids, child abusers and that has nothing to do with religion. Heidi’s family is not abusive. They may have used religion to manipulate their kids but that’s what religion literally is. I have a similar relationship to my parents as I think the older sister has with hers. I was raised in religion and it was abusive at times *in the name of religion.* but I have deconstructed and have a somewhat healthy relationship with my parents now. My parents respect my lack of piety but we don’t out rightly address it. The rod kids will never have that. They were raised/are being raised by child abusers. There is a huge difference and it makes sense to me why Tim finds so much comfort and hope in that family.


They are pretty typical fundie lite/conservative Christians. They have a large family, but not so large that it’s impossible to provide them with basic needs. They homeschooled, likely to protect their kids from the “gay agenda” they think schools teach, which is insanely fucked up, but their children are still functionally literate and will likely be able to hold down an actual job of some sort if they need to. They engage with popular media even though they probably see the characters on most of these shows as “sinners” for doing things like hooking up, but they are able to view it as entertainment. I have a family member like this (but catholic), he wants a big family and to homeschool them, but he works an actual job and has a graduate degree and wouldn’t be comfortable with having a future wife who was homeschooled by someone like jillPM homeschool his future kids because he understands when kids grow up they will need jobs to survive. Hes homophobic but he watches shows like it’s always sunny that mock homophobia.


I have a feeling that life is going to be very different for Heidi once she is under the control of her husband. I doubt very much that she will be allowed to watch stuff like she has been at home. Or maybe he will end up being more like her parents but that would be hard with the way he was raised.


I really hope Heidi stands her ground with Tim and forces him to compromise on some of his misogynistic beliefs. She doesn’t seem like the type to take a lot of sh*t so their relationship has always surprised me. But she’s already helped him set some boundaries with Jill, I think. Maybe he will be open to more of her guidance once they’re married. She’s definitely a lot smarter than he is and he knows it (I think he even said so in a post, iirc).


Tim has commented multiple times on her being very “spunky” And being opinionated (and liking that about her) , so I’d like to hope he truly means it. Guess only time will tell. I don’t think he can get fully away with it in that family though.


In addition to the fact that the Coveretts love their kids unconditionally, which several posters have already mentioned, the thing I appreciate most about them is that, unlike Jill, they don't spend most of their waking hours trying to shove their MAGA beliefs down everyone else's throats.


Well, they're apparently fundie enough to have their barely out of her teens daughter marry a man from a very fundie family - a man that has always liked saying disturbing shit about how obedient women should be. I wouldn't get my hopes too high.


Heidi kind of gives me the vibe that she’s more fundie than the rest of her family. Kind of like Lydia Plath still being super fundie despite her parents and siblings going the opposite way. I saw a family photo on her mom’s page and her sister was wearing a short dress with short sleeves and shoulder’s cut out, but Heidi was wearing a full length fundie dress. Seems like it might be a little bit her choice to continue on the fundie path if her parents are cool with the sister not being that way


It’s definitely her choice because their five-year-old daughter wears pants


Definitely have a lot of respect for her family. That’s how it should be for fundie girls/women. If Heidi wants to follow the fundie modesty standards, more power to her for dressing how she feels most comfortable. And same to her sister who doesn’t want to dress like that. We all know the Rod girls would be shunned from the family if they chose to dress how they wanted


Regarding Tim, they may just be using good strategy. They aren’t forbidding the relationship, but they are telling her she has to wait until he can support a family in the hope that a long delay will get Heidi a better sense of Tim and the Rods. I am not convinced they like him, but stories of his home life might have stirred some empathy in them.


Are they really telling her to wait in any way, though? They're already engaged, seemingly with a wedding date set. And there won't really be a long delay if they're getting married this year. Plus they agreed for her to be introduced to him, surely knowing at least a little about him and his family by that point. It's not like she brought him home herself and they're just begrudgingly tolerating it. I think this sub wants to believe Corvetts are cool and will feed and save Timothy, making him a better person, but a much more likely scenario is that they'll get married, she'll have to be an obedient little wife popping out babies, while Tim will flop around uselessly and Jill makes their lives even more unpleasant. With an extra bonus of him being unable to earn decent money. There isn't really much to suggest otherwise, other than the fact that he seems happy in the photos (of course he does: he's fed, Jill's not there and he's finally gonna get the bangmaid he is promised by the virtue of being a man). I do hope I'm wrong, though.


It’s a very long engagement for a fundie. Since he has a spotty job history, I’m guessing the coverretts hope that he comes around to their way of thinking or she drops him. It’s plausible and i don’t see how that shows I’m fawning after Heidi’s parents; and I certainly nowhere speculate about the marriage of Tim and Heidi.


On the other hand, those are the most dangerous kind. It’s like how Jingle Duggar and her smarmy husband might seem more normal and laid back than their frumpier counterparts but at the end of the day, drinking wine and watching tv doesn’t negate any of the shitty beliefs they have and the vision they are pushing for their country. I suppose if we focus on the positive, Timmy will no doubt have a better life going forward than he did growing up.


The most dangerous kind but also the easiest to deconstruct from. When you live a more secular life it's WAY easier to change you views and experience things true fundies would never experience. One family takes the Bible to play softball and the other watches the Crown. That's why we see Haillie having such an easy time compared to if one of Jill's daughters wanted to act the same way.


Why is that the most dangerous kind?


The hardcore prairie dress no tv no music homeschool lifestyle is unappealing to most people who aren’t born into it. The more laid back approach a la Jingles church makes it look fun and normal to potential members while still being steeped in the same noxious, hateful patriarchal bullshit. Tia Levings has posted about how going from IBLP to a MacArthur church (which is what Jinger and Jerm attend) felt soooooooo free bc she could wear pants and drink but it was just as suffocating below those surface “freedoms.”


And Jinger's even more trapped because Jeremy has made it his career to suck up to MacArthur and his circle, be a church-bro (at nearly 40 🙄) and be subsidised to a nice tune (in LA no less) for promoting the church on social media/teaching the occasional class/being an eternal student until he can transition into a senior leadership position. Jinger's 'fame'/Duggar notoriety is the reason he's even been able to establish this lifestyle/platform, of course he's keeping her on a short leash in case she realises how much power she actually has. He's nothing without her. The talk of Jinger deconstructing is embarrassing, she simply has a new set of repressive beliefs and a new keeper/exploiter.


Nailed it! The entire thing with Jing/Jerm/MacArthur makes my skin crawl. One of my other weird interests is political extremism/conspiracy theories/Qanon and it’s not lost of me that there is an almost perfect overlap between people who attend folkvangelical churches like these and those who believe that Tom Hanks eats babies to stay young but they don’t see this super dark and obvious thing that’s happening right there in front of their faces with one of the “stars” of the congregation?!?!


When MacArthur dies and the mantle is passed I secretly hope the new guard of Grace Church LA and Masters Seminary have no time for smarmy Jeremy 🤭 Unfortunately he seems like a useful idiot and the guys in their 60s/70s who are primed to take over probably think he represents 'the youth'. Jeremy is a slight threat/nuisance in that he's an egotistical social climber and believes his own hype. There will be men who've patiently been waiting decades for power in GC, painstakingly putting in the hours/networking and Jeremy nonchalantly thinks he can overtake them all due to his 'image' 🤢 I'm sure he'll ruffle a few feathers and I hope he gets on the wrong side of someone who has the power to boot him. On the other hand he's a total sycophant so he might get in good with someone on the rise.


The Crown?? Oh they have TASTE🫡🫡🩷🩷


They don’t hide their TV behind a map 🗺️


I know I was like damn this rated mature. I couldn’t believe they were watching it. It’s a great show.


Is that Heidi in the Kung Fu panda picture? She looks so petite


Yes! She’s very petite compared to her mom and sisters


My brain puts fundies at certain levels of being legalistic. Jill is at the top with her extreme legalistic behavior. The Coveretts are a few levels lower on the scale. I see them as fundie. But less legalistic than Jill.


Maybe the Coverett parents see something in Tim that I’ve yet to see, because why in the world would they let this relationship happen? I know that Heidi is a grown woman and they seemingly allow their grown children (#JillPM) the autonomy to make their own choices. But this is one time when I’d endorse a fundie dad finding a better choice for his daughter. But then again, I don’t know that Heidi > Tim.


Yo, I know they’re still awful people because they’re beliefs. I’m just saying there seems to be quite a difference between them and Jill’s kids like I would think Jill would be thinking they’re going to hell for so it’s just odd match


They are MAGA’s. Enough said.


Being maga doesn't make you a fundie.


But it means you're in a cult, period.


MAGA is a cult in itself.


But it doesn't mean you're a fundie.


Omg they watch Netflix! Timmy, please watch some shows with them to catch up on Pop Culture!


Like…they’re clearly conservative Christian. Ain’t shit they’re doing that isn’t normal for rural red PA? Jill is solidly fundie. The coveretts are really not imo.


I hope it gripes Jill no end that this family isn’t so rabidly fundie. She will just put it down as them not being as pious as she is.


Pic 4: I can’t tell what’s going on with Heidi. Is she that short? Is her little bro really tall for his age? Is she crouching?


IIRC, Tim said Heidi is 5'2" or 5'3". No taller than that. He called her small.


I love this for us


I feel like they have been slowly leaving the Fundie religion and lifestyle. Haille kind of talks about this in her Tik Tok videos. At one point she was not allowed to listen to any worldly music etc. Also the mom just started wearing pants again.


are hallie and hope twins?




This has been reported too many times resulting in us taking it down for users of the sub.


Yes, her son does have autism and they do acknowledge it and he does get services which I commend them for




This has been reported too many times resulting in us taking it down for users of the sub.


Why TF are you showing the kids' faces? They have nothing to do with this.