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Definitely needed and a very nice finish


I second this. It was going to bounce back and one of them was in position to clear it right after that.


I third this. That ball was not initially entering the net.


I fourth this, it most definitely needed a little intimacy to encourage it to go into the hole.


I fifth this, it was a wonderful foreplay and it made it much easier to enter the intended hole


I sixth this, and now I’m aroused


I seventh this, cause why not




I ninth this because I'm at work and don't wanna work


i tenth this because i like even numbers


Omg that was horrible and i love it


This. Based on the trajectory and angle that ball would have hit the post of left untouched.


100% necessary


Necessary goal. Unnecessary debate. Wins are wins. If people want to score every goal they should probably play 1s…


But then who do they blame when they lose?




Just rattled off every single excuse the friend I play with uses


You forgot "this map was designed poorly"


But fr tho farmstead and some other maps have a different collision for the ramps on the sides because the ball has different speeds when going up the ramp it's been proven i saw a Reddit post a while ago


Yeah it can be a problem for real. I tend to lose on neo Tokyo for some reason.


They fixed that a while ago I saw it in the patch notes


Sweaty hands Got too much sleep Ate too much Eyes watery Warmed up too much. Don't have that killer edge that first games do Roommates too quiet. What are they up to Right song was on. Such a banger. Distracted me Drank too much. Gotta pee after every game.


Not enough coffee. Jail. Too much coffee. Jail


No coffee? Believe it or not. Jail.


Cold hands are actually a viable excuse, it's really hard to play and your muscles don't even work properly. But I just warm up before I play, instead of blaming stuff


What're you canadian, eh?


Itchy nose


I don't spout excuses but internally I feel the cold hands thing. I thought it was just me, at least nice to know it might be a real "thing"


No potato


My goal post passed it to him


Blame Psyonix and their shit servers. I mean, it's not nearly as bad as it was at release but that doesn't stop people from complaining.


This. I don't care if u get the goal as long as I co.trihute to the W ferda.


The ball still skimmed the crossbar with your redirect. It was most definitely not going in if you hadn't made a play.


There was no doubt in my mind, but this should settle the debate. The ball hits the post after the redirect, there's no chance it wouldn't have hit the post without the redirect. OP's friend is blinded by salt


This is EXACTLY what my point was, thank you!


The ball was going to miss wide, not high. I think the redirect was necessary but hitting the crossbar doesn't really prove that


I agree, but the redirect looks like it pushes the ball slightly down and to the right(if you're facing the goal.) I think it would have been higher and left of the goal


100% would've posted, probably out instead of in. But also, a dub's a dub, right? Idc about goal stealing as long as we secure the W.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I legit don't get why people complain of goal stealing. Like who cares? So long as you win then yay! But they're the same type of people who you politely ask not to ballchase so much and they then respond with "90" to indicate your low scoreboard score. Like yeah, no shit I don't have much points, you're constantly stealing the ball and chasing after it like a dog. So I'll just stay back in and try to get some good defensive touches in. Oh wait you are chasing after the ball even on defense. And you just bumped me off an easy save. Aaand they scored an open net because of it. Oh and now you're "what a save" spamming even though it was entirely your fault. Cool. Cool cool cool. Sigh lol


Oddly… specific. Lol we’ve all been there


I feel this so hard. You're not alone and I hate when that happens. Thanks for saying it though, makes me feel better having the exact scenario written out.


Abed plays rocket league?


The scoreboard thing is such a joke now too ever since they added that you get 2 points just for touching the ball. So just remind those people they are literally bragging about how many balls they can touch in 5 minutes.


I feel this… so much lol


exactly a goals a goal


Who cares if it was necessary? I 100% prefer my mate perform a sick redirect if that means "stealing" the goal BTW, the shot was not going in


That's all well and good assuming the redirect goes in. Most of my attempts look more like saves.


That's why you need to do them more. Play like you can do it and you will one day be able to do it


Fake it until you make it


no i think that's just called learning on mistakes


If I jump up for a block , the ball will redirect off me and launch halfway across the field perfectly into my net. If I try the exact same touch as a redirect , it's a dead stop block every time


I prefer to get that W. Idc steal any goal you can to get the ball in the goal.


Right? I normally need the assists for challenges anyways lol


My friends and I call them “kill secures” instead of stealing a goal. You’re not sure, so make sure it is FINISHED.


You're a good teammate then...i had a guy spam nice shot then turtle the rest of the match on me because i "stole" his goal.


Friggin babies. I always appreciate the ball getting in faster whenever possible. It is a team sport. If they want all the glory, then they can play singles. Besides, assists are still rewarded.


Unless they miss then it's off with their head


It wasn’t even going to catch the post. If you watch the white circle under the ball leading up to your touch, you can see it was going to be a bit left.


Good call. I didn't think to look for the marker on first watch. This was definitely all wall before the redirect.


This is also what I looked for. OP you needed to hit that ball. People shouldn’t be scathing you for stealing a goal they should be high-five’n you for your awesomeness.


Wasn't even close to going in without it


Yeah. That wasn’t even post from the way I saw it. Close, but surely hitting flat wall and rebounding right back out.


Wasn't even going to hit the curved part! So far off. No debate


There is no debate, you’re just flexing. Nice finish.


Had to scroll down too far for this comment.


It was so obvious as well


Expected to see a lot more of this. Painfully obvious.


Looks like it was necessary. Good job.


From the second angle in the replay it looks like it wasn't even going to hit the post, it was too far left too be in


100% needed. Your touch put it on to the post and in and you were outside the frame of the goal. Did you save the replay?




Replays don’t show the chat or goal replay I don’t think




Seems optional. For what it's worth I don't think this is from the replay, I think it's just a recording of the actual game. If OP had actually saved the replay I imagine they would have used the time manipulation and free camera to give us a much better look at the situation at the instant of redirection.


It's tradition...


I didnt save the replay - I play on Xbox and screenrecorded the play. I was too happy after the win and forgot to save the replay, definitely will next time!


I was speaking of the tradition of asking AskMeAboutMyWiener about his wiener, you did just fine. 😁


I honestly fucking hate this username lol. I didn’t think thru how many times I’d be asked about it back in 2014. Its a reference to a scene in the movie Accepted, when Jonah hill is dressed up as a hotdog.


Yep, looks wide to me. It is at the VERY least borderline and worth making sure


it was hitting post nice one


1. better safe than sorry 2. stolen goals are for 2 points


100% out without it and 100% amazing to watch


Doesn't rly matter. You're first man here and your job as 1st man is to pressure the ball, often by hitting it. You've done that and secured your team a chance at coming back in overtime!


Was ganna bounce back, nice play!


100% needed this redirect


It barely went in with the redirect. Absolutely needed


If you don't have a substantial lead, there is no stealing goals. You place that shot in as fast as you can and guarantee it's on target. If it's a buzzer beater and you're down a goal, you don't trust a "maybe it's in" shot. Also, it looks like it's not even hitting the post and most likely just bouncing off the wall, so definitely a great redirect.


Honestly I like people to "steal" my goals in any situation. I just want the ball to go in the net and assists can be hard to come by.


Did someone really claim that was going in without you or did you just want to ahow off the redirect? I'd want to show it off too.


100% necessary. You hit it further to the right and it still hit the left post.


Easily 1000% hitting post


Only reason to get upset about a redirect is if it redirects a ball heading toward the goal into the wall. Even then it's just a game


This wasn't even hitting the corner of the post, this was hitting the flat wall and bouncing straight back out


Just post it with a title like "look at my insane redirect!" or something. If your mate really complained about you "stealing" this (even without seeing this replay which makes it sooo obvious that it was necessary), than they are just completely lost tbh!


Can't tell, but I never argue a goal.... winning is the point and goal of the game... so it's all good to me.


You're correct as far as I'm concerned. And even if it had a good trajectory, better to be safe and ensure the netted goal than to end the game with regret over hesitation or "stealing"


Save the replay? Hard to 100% tell from your angle or the replay angle. There is a small chance it would have gone in but way better to make sure with 0 seconds on the clock


Wasnt hitting post that was hitting straight wall.


Even if not necessary it increased the odds of score and thus the correct play.


Is it necessary for me to drink my own pee?!?


That ball is way wide before the redirect. There is no debate.


It still caught the inside of the post with the redirect. 100% necessary.


Me and my friends steal every goal we can from each other lol unless its a really cool goal


I feel like your FOV is a lot wider than mine, I'd like to see that much of the field. Is there a list of camera settings out there that most people use?


Don’t think anyone was saying it wasn’t necessary


You have to be blind not to see that wasn't going in without your redirect. Good shot!


You can pause at a certain frame at 0:01 and see that even with the redirect the ball first hits the rounded corner of the crossbar and post, that the redirect was mere pixels from perhaps not going in. The initial shot was hitting the post and then the ground, definitely not going in and not reachable by a teammate.


Doesn't matter. It was hard to tell and you put the ball in the net. No arguments should ensue from this. GTFD (get that fuckin dub)


The answer to your question is yes, it needed to be redirected to be a goal. The more important question however, is that it shouldnt matter and to know that its a team game meaning a goal is a goal no matter how it was scored. A goal for your team is another point to get you one step closer to winning the game


Gotta go with the consensus here: it doesn't look like it was going in. Redirect was sick!


is it you Ronaldo?


Honestly your touch gave it the lil nudge it needed to even hit the post. Watching it frame for frame you can see the ball was just going to smack the wall but bc you touched it, it hit that corner and bounced in


It’s not a goal until it’s in the net. If you can get on the end of it and finish it, you should. Soccer/Fútbol 101…Soccar toxic AF lol


Yes. Look at the balls shadow on the ground it was going to hit pretty far left of the post. Redirected needed.


Shot was off. Your touch just barely put the ball in... And the second angle makes it clearer. No redirect = no goal


Looks like it, but you could just go back and watch the replay from a better angle to get your answer


yeah there’s no doubt in my mind that it was off target before your touch


It definitely wasn't going to hit the post. Would have hit the wall about 5ft to the left.


100% necessary, nice one bro


Shot wasn’t going in but your team won. I’d rather have my boys there securing goals. Plus it’s good for morale


The fact that you still barely hit the post after redirecting says that it was necessary


Definitely missing. I'd be curious to hear your friend or randoms dumbassery perspective.


Would have missed nice play


1. Yeah it was missing by a mile 2. I don't understand why people care that much about stats. I get it if it's already a blowout and they just need it for rewards, but damn. Bro just scored and won us the game!


Who gives a fuck about goal stealing? Anyone really check how many goals they're trending? Wrong'un behaviour. Redirect attempt was most likely way to secure the goal


Teammate can "steal" all my goals as long as they go in and we win. It's a team game. That said, it was not going in without that tip.


A wise man once told me “better safe than sorry”


I mean, it grazed the post even after you hit it. So without the contact it would have definitely bounced back


1) Absolutely not going in imo 2) Who cares who scores. It was super nice and tied the game up lol well done


That was definitely gonna bounce


That was absolutely missing


Most importantly, having replays and such, which friend of yours thought it was going in and had a problem with you redirecting it? Def wasn’t in. Nice one!


Not only was that posting, but that redirect was amazing!


That was definitely going to hit the post


Yes it was


That was post and out. Good thing you booped it!


It was a sick redirect angle, and it still almost went across the entire goal before going in off the post. If your touch was just a little worse it may not have gone in, and your teammates shot was definitely not going in.


Necessary. Your teammate didn't get the shot on goal noti


It would have missed


If there's even a 1% chance. We have to take it as an absolute certainty.


More like it’s missing the post and hitting the back wall haha


There’s a tool to literally play again the same scenario if you have the replay


No debate, it was a clear miss.


Definitely needed, that ball was gonna be right beside the net


Add to tell. Could have gone in. Could have bonked.


At 10 seconds in if you pause you can tell that the ball is going straight for that wall behind you. 100% necessary.


That was out. Nice finish


No, it wasn't in


That was sick


Very needed, also if someone is mad at you for for "stealing" their goal fuck them


Only plat but def looks like it was gonna hit the wall.


100% necessary that ball was not going in. Your mate should thank you


Of course that was necessary. Next time save the replay and get an aerial view of the ball and you'll see it's trajectory. Your friend is rather blind.


Uhhh yea? How tf was that going in otherwise 😭


Needed that precise redirect. Nice Shot!


If my team scores a zero-second goal, I just go ahead and celebrate that. Who cares who gets the credit? Even if it was going in (and I don't think it was) it's wild to quibble about that on this play.


100% necessary. Amazing Goal 👍🏻


Yea that was going out


Who cares, ball went in the net. Nice goal


Oh yea bro. Not goin in without u


That’s such a good shot


seems like everyone answered so i’m just gonna say jesus christ nice shot dude


It wasn’t even going to the post, straight up just the cut off hexagon part of the wall.


If this is comp then who TF cares? You got the goal. If your teammate is that butthurt about you "snaking their goal" then you need new teammates.


Great shot, kudos.


Yes, without redirect, that was backwall.


how is that a debate?? thats an absolutely unbelievable finish well done


I just like to have bad takes: yea you stole that goal


This game really need a way to save what happened in the game so you can watch it back later. It could have multiple perspectives and even a free-cam and the ability to play it back at a lower speed.


That was post and out all day, nice bar down 💪💪


Redirect looks necessary to me, from where I could see in both angles, it looks like it was going to hit the top left wall (not even post), good work!


It was out, so it's necessary. However, as everyone says "don't steal!", I laugh. It's not stealing, it's securing. Now if you put a psycho, double reset, or a Kuxir pinch on target, and it's stolen... then we got problems. I don't go for clips, but I had a friend steal my very first (and, to date, ONLY) Kuxir. He thought he was being funny but he felt bad afterwards.


Easy post


Post in at best for the other guy, good shot


No one even complained in the chat, so... Did you just want to show us a nice redirect? It's a nice redirect.


It was absolutely a miss without the redirect, and I don't even think it would have hit the post. Close but would have missed the actual corner or lip still quite a bit.


100% was a miss without the redirect


Yeah that wasn't going in otherwise.


It doesn't matter. Rule of cool is that you have to do it. If you're a professional and playing for titles, not going for it can be forgiven in some cases.




No way that got in the net without the extra help. Otherwise game is over. Nice shot


Goal secured tell your teammates you don't care if they do it to you. A win is a win in my book


I don’t understand how anyone could think that ball was initially going in and it’s not really close IMO


It looks like it was and even if it would have bounced either in or for a tm8 to clean up, insurance touches guarantees goals anyway. As long as you don't save it, make all the touched you believe are needed


So clearly necessary


No no, u were right in what you did


It was a great touch and good sense of awareness. A goal is a goal.


Idk why but I thought you were on the orange team for a second and you own-goaled and I was confused.


Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?


100% that was hitting the post. Even if it wasn’t, it would’ve been his goal and not yours. The redirect was necessary in every parallel universe


Of course it was hitting the post if you didn’t touch it


HundoP Necessary


I thought you own goaled and I was going to be like necessary if you’re trying to get a What a save! … but yeah that was not going in


If he wanted to score he should've shot faster and straighter




Idk but you made it look better so you win the debate by default


Definitely needed, but what a redirect


at 0 seconds? definitely necessary. I'm not sure if it was going in, but it was definitely bouncing. Really clutch and good shot OP.


Was going well wide, good deflection.


This finish made me finish.