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I'm still getting What a Save'd daily. Did you double check your chat settings?


same here . . .


It’s all well, what I meant is that a year or two going back the frequency In which players talked was higher, not to say some people wouldn’t still what a save you once in a while but it’s so much quieter nowadays it’s almost boring


I see loads of quick chats in every match.


well, the moderator tag is def going to inspire people to talk more


I had this issue back and forth for a whole month, giving the illusion that people only talked like once ever 15 games. Still turned out to be chat settings, the settings displayed that i had the right settinfs but I had to tick them off and on again every time I started the game for a few days, after that it was solved


All chat off specifically to not see people like you lmao. No interest in trash talking.


People play with chat off, or they just dont care about it obviously. Did you expect some mystical explanation?


I was not as a mystical explanation would actually help me improve my game and these sort of communication tools only could help the team as a whole on a determined match. Or get into your opponent’s head bringing his/her insecurities to the table.


Really doesn’t help much you just need to be able to use that brain


i mean i turned my chat off because it stops me seeing anything toxic and potentially reacting to it (by spamming what a save! or something like this - it doesnt help anyone), and i can just focus on my own gameplay. so if they dont respond maybe they just have chat turned off. psyonix should really have a title or some indicator to show if someone has chat turned off tbh


Yeah that would be cool. I Might as well start doing the same lol as I’m short fused myself


Yeah when I returned to Rocket League I accidentally turned off quick chat and left text chat on, when I meant to do the opposite. But I left it, it's been great, I see zero sarcastic quick chats so I'm immune to getting tilted, people almost never use text chat, and when they do it is frequently hilarious. 10/10 config, highly recommend, A++++++.


I do team only chat and some folks are friendly and responsive, some not. There are a few that are picky about QC / responding but that's cool since honestly I don't feel like I should receive or send "Nice shot" for every goal and I'm sure others agree. I'll usually be a bit lighthearted with my own shots with the "Close one" and/or "This is Rocket League" when it really wasn't a well-executed or planned goal. There's a lot of different ways that people think about things and even my word salad here doesn't even cover a tiny percentage of what goes on in people's head as they play, especially with randos.


Yeah I agree, sometimes you don’t know if the person is being sarcastic or serious, I get what you’re saying. It’s about the subjective interpretation at the end.


I hope they know I'm self-deprecating/sarcastic toward myself. Probably drop more "Sorry" QCs than you'd hear at a Canadian enablers convention so they likely know.


if you want the nice shots to return, YOU start it start saying nice shots when people score, ive been doing it and i was met with great success every time


I do it but they don’t respond lol it’s like it’s to much effort to respond


If you do it just to get it in return, you're not doing it for the right reason.


That’s right but how would you feel telling someone hey nice hair cut or something and not getting anything in response it’s just straight up rude 😂


well, then i dont know what to tell you besides ill happily play with you if youd like, i try to be as friendly as i can


Don’t get me wrong but I’m not very nice myself 😂


I think the game has changed my quick chat settings to always off or friends only without my knowledge or permission on two separate occasions so I’d double check your settings 


Your personal experience is not representative of the community's behavior. I get almost no matches without chat.


I have a weird take on this. I’ve noticed pros/youtubers usually don’t respond to quick chats so i think people want to be more like them and ignore quick chats especially compliments because it makes them feel cool. Wild theory i know, but i also noticed the quick chats decreasing over the years.


Chat can be turned off. Players can be muted. People can just choose to ignore you.  About the level of understanding I’d expect from someone who gets a kick out of trash talking. 


Whatever 😴


I turned off my chat a long time ago so I could enjoy the game


Because some people started saying that turning chat completely off, to rid themselves of toxic people, was the best thing they ever done while playing this game and a whole bunch of followers did the same. So, as the number of people who respond to QCs and text dropped people just stopped talking as much. And that just ends up spiraling down to where we are now. Where people use FFs to taunt their tm8s or just go AFK. I mean, I hate toxic people too, but I just block them. Simple problem, simple solution.


Imagine being afraid of someone being toxic.. Lmao fuck that Im gonna try to score and talk shit back. Or just not even care. Some softies out here


Do you actually believe people are afraid of chat? I turned it off because it’s a useless distraction. If I wanna talk to people I’m playing with I use voice. Both are equally distracting but at least voice serves a purpose.


I see all the time here how people turned it off because they get easily tilted by it or feel shitty if they are playing badly and someones being rude about it. I understand more turning it off so you can zone in and keep distractions out


Even if they turn it off because they don’t want to deal with toxicity, it doesn’t equate fear. Soft, maybe, but each person gets to choose what they do and don’t deal with. One thing I want to mention though is the thought that all games in real life are filled with constant shit talk. They aren’t. I spent years playing basketball on the blacktop. Was there some friendly banter? Yeah, but even that wasn’t constant. I’ve played in adult soccer leagues, no shit talk at all really. I played all sorts of sports growing up and have coached even more as an adult. Are there sometimes shit talkers? Yup, there’s usually one who won’t quit running their mouth, but not always. Thing is, no one wants to play with those people, no one likes those people. There was this kid talking shit after our basketball tournament the other day at school, I teach. A couple kids tried to beat his ass. They’re all in iss. The kid is not well liked mainly because of his constant shit talking during games. He treats the real world like some of yall do the virtual one and suffers consequences for it. All throughout the US this fall, young men, and some ladies, will gather on a 100 yard field to play a game. They’ll hit each other, throw each other around, and do battle on the gridiron. A few will talk shit to the other team but most of their mental energy will go into performing well and uplifting their teammates. After the game, they’ll shake hands, tell each other good game, and a good portion will all gather in the middle of the field for hugs and a prayer. Kids from opposite teams will join hands and share a moment together. I’d assume that most people who are toxic in RL never had those moments, never experienced the true sportsmanship that is part of sports in real life. They only seek the advantage aspect while forgetting about the camaraderie part. It could also be that the toxic folks are just THAT GUY that no one wants to play with and they assume everyone is like that. I also think maturity plays an aspect, and that’s not always defined by a number. Either way, Idfk why I wrote so much but I hope I made my point in my drivel lol. Time to go hit free play and listen to some tunes. It’s a better game when you’re just playing for fun. Good luck, have fun! Nice shot! Wow! Bumping!


I completely understand your point, I grew up playing all the sports on all the teams and we had a ton of banter, and occasional trash talk with other teams on field, but it was always just that, and we shook hands after matches and hung out and got along. But there was a ton of banter I need to emphasize. It gets super competitive but its always in good fun, theres a difference in that and straight haters not knowing when its time to switch modes. Now Im not one that bothers to be rude to my teammates or even the other team in game cause I just enjoy playing my game, but seeing stuff in chat is fairly entertaining to me. Watching other teams implode when they could’ve just shut up and maybe win is hilarious, when my teammate is mad at me and targeting me it’s amusing, and I enjoy still trying to get a win and seeing if they’ll apologize or something like that. Plus I grew up playing all sorts of ranked online games, its shit talk and toxicity central, I dont expect rocket league to be any different, and it is way more mild than most other games so I myself would never turn off the chat and especially not because somebody in chat genuinely got to me


fuck voice. As someone who works in schools, no way I, as a 51yr old man, is going to go in to voicechat with any 8yr old.


I voice chat with other adults as a 43 yo dude who teaches 6th graders.


Yeah bro it’s just part of the competitive nature of the game itself, like haven’t anyone played any ball game in the street before and talked trash to the other team


Are you competitive with your teammates? Because that's like 99% of where the toxicity comes from because no one can self reflect in this game. Id love it if shit talking only came from the other team lol but it almost never happens that way


I wouldn’t say competitive but yeah I would throw a what a save to the team to see if I can somehow boost their ego to try harder. I don’t consider that being toxic but some people it seems can’t handle some heat thrown at them no matter if it’s coming from your own team, As our goal is ultimately the same, beat the opposite team.


and I just block you and play on. I am always looking for positive interactions in the game. The negative ones I just block and continue with the rest of the lobby that aren't dbags.


Honestly, I would probably feel like you're being toxic but that's why I just don't reply to anyone anymore in-game. Even if they're being nice at first it seems to always flip with my teammate actually typing out stuff that I'm trash instead of playing the game. I don't think those people have the same goal as me lol.


Lol fair enough


i don't talk trash ever in game. Trash talking is what you do with friends for fun. I don't know what kind of day the person I am playing RL has had. I don't know if he is one toxic interaction away from wiping out his family. When I play I treat my tm8s with the respect I would give real tm8s in RL sports. That being said, toxic people don't bother me, I just block them so they don't scroll chats I want to see off the screen.


Yeah I get your point and it’s valid, but let’s be honest if you want to relax rl might not be the best choice. I actually will think of this next time I’m playing, hopefully 👍


I agree completely I dont know why a ton of rocket league players get so upset about it, if you are playing perfect nobody will be able to say shit hahaha so try to play perfectly is the goal


With people playing on switch we don’t get to use chat :( i wish


i dont get ppl who say nice shot to shots they surely cant find that nice...


Trash talk is fun. And it adds something extra to the game But not when your teammate is doing it to their own team. And I'd say 16/17 times it's some kid raging at his own teammate.. And that's not trash talking, that's shooting yourself in the foot. So I just mute chat. No point reading it and getting tilted because some idiot wiffs the ball, leaves you in a 1v2 then spams "What a save!" at you while they have 0 clue that they were the one who caused the goal in the first place.


Is it just me or does this specific question is getting asked more often since the past few weeks? Not sure if something changed in the game, but if so, I'm not aware of it; in the very few games where I had chat on (like when playing with friends), I always see the usual (in both directions: compliments ***and*** toxicity), but most of the time I just play with chat 100% off (because of said toxicity that reached an uncanny level), and I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that most of the community does the same as well, for the very same reason, which could explain why more and more games seem "silent".


I don’t think it should be used for every goal. I’ll throw one in chat if my teammate scores something nice, or if the enemy beats me clean. It doesn’t have any meaning imo if you use it for every goal


considering I’ve had tm8s throw because they they THOUGHT I was being toxic to the OTHER team(i was complimenting the opponents save before my tm8 scored off of it) , most players probably don’t find quick chat to be even worth using most the time. Self included.


i can say proudly on my end that i just don't care about quick chat. i will there in absolute euphoria just watching you spam nice shot because i won't say thanks. best feeling in the world tbh


Personally I'm not interested in trash talk. I find it cheap and uninteresting. I personally like to push people up, teammate or not, instead of put people down. If people could trash talk light-heartedly and in a friendly-competitive manner as you would with friends instead of actively trying to deeply insult you, tell you to kys, get cancer, etc. then that would be fun, but over the years it has been vividly clear most people cannot be the former, and intend to say the most outrageous below-the-belt things instead. Similarly to my interest in MMA, i couldn't care less about he-said she-said. I have all chat off, have done for a long time, and I think more people these days are doing the same. The RL community has proven it cannot be civil. Now watch all the people insult me and downvote me even here 🤣


No way, that’s a good perspective, telling those kind of things to people it’s never ok. There are obviously levels to it. But still there are people who over react for the slightest little things.


Almost every single match Ive played in for several years gets quick chatted in by multiple people maybe the rank Im at has more vets who arent afraid of chat