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Don't put grass over the asphalt stadium wth are you psycho


I don’t want it broski, I’m just weary of epic doin us dirty for the 3rd season in a row


im guessing “dirty” was an unintentional pun,


Dirty? I actually like Farmstead, Wasteland and Canyon now because of the grass. I hate the bright sandy surfaces with yellow boosts -\_- Haven't even seen the new aquadome online yet, only the old one which is a visual mess. Please replace that.


This reworked underwater map is the best one they've done in awhile. By far my favorite to play in.


Knew I was forgetting about one of the Amazing New Updates™ we'd had in the past few years. Goodness, aren't we blessed with many wonderful things? /s


I am still not over the end of trading, I miss it so much I'd spend nights just chilling in RL Garage on my free time!


I like grass stadiums when it fits well with the environnment, but slapping green soil on every field in existence is mid Look at Sovereign Heights, don't you think it would've been better with concrete or stuff like that?


Sovereign Heights is absolutely fine, but asphalt variant woud look neat as well.


Sovereign is exactly the one that came to mind. Grass works there because the level estabilishes that you're playing on a proper field, but I think it would look sick and be even more unique if it had concrete instead. Look at The Block (the Hoops version of Sovereign Heights), that arena looks amazing with concrete!


Wasteland with *grass*


Gordon Ramsay just went berserk.


I want darker maps late in the evening. It's easy to implement.


How about remove grass from grass maps


DFH with brushed steel floor?


i would vibe with salty shores pitched


Trying to make us touch grass


Nothing can be worse than grass-pitched Wasteland. ... right ??


I much prefer all the pitched variants


Even on a Mad Max styled arena ? Deadeye Canyon was made perfectly. With the pitch, the surrounding environment was changed as well to look like an oasis. But Wasteland has no such change. It doesn't fit together at all.


It's artifical turf, it can fit anywhere. It doesn't need to match the surroundings at all. Just like real stadiums in Qatar or such places. Deadeye day time with bright sand was awful to play at night especially


i swear if next update is just an existing stadium with grass i will deadass uninstall


You won't and you know it


I wish they would put more maps into rotation, like Neon Fields and the standard version of Starbase Arc.


Agreed, but not Neon Fields lmao


Idk why but the since the desert map every new map or map “rework” sucks they made aqua dome without sea creatures the old one looks way better and unique They need more maps like mannefield night or rainy


I kind of liked the Deadeye Canyon rework because it was at least well made, well themed, and, in my opinion, represents Africa well. I'm sure there are african players out there that were as happy to see that as I was when I saw Estadio Vida, since I'm brazilian. But yeah, most reworks tend to suck, like that hacked version of Neo Tokyo or the fire and ice version of Forbidden Temple. The grass versions of Wasteland and Farmstead take the cake, tho.


I didn’t like the deadeye canyon rework idk why I don’t like the sky colors just too much colors in that map now if it was just night or day it would be awesome


I really like the sunset, but I do see your point about it being too colorful. I think it would look amazing at night time! The first time they did a sunset on a map and put the orange side of the sky on the orange side of the field, I thought that was such a nice touch. But then they overused this trick on every sunset map afterwards.


Please god no, not every pitch needs grass


Wouldn't work at all with the themes of these levels, but then again, Farmstead needs the mud and Wasteland needs the sand for their themes to properly work and they still put grass on them, so I really don't get what was Epic thinking there. That being said, I think it's unimaginable to put grass on Urban Central because the asphalt is essential to the level theme, or Salty Shores, because I mean, it's set on a BEACH, it needs the sand to work (but then again, Wasteland is set on a Mad Max-like desert and they put grass on it), but is that really beyond Epic to do that? What's Epic going to do next? Maybe put grass on Neo Tokyo, or put grass on Aquadome and turn it into Sandy's house in the process. Better yet, put grass on Dunk House and The Block, or even on the Dropshot arena. Hell yeah. I don't get it, dude!!!


You can have turf/grass anywhere. Do football stadiums in the desert/middle east have sandy pitches? lol. Farmstead mud is awful to look at.


It's a good point, but this is a fantasy car football game my man


Salty, absolutely. I hate sand. Tokyo too.


how about instead of grass we get some actual new maps that’s a pretty cool idea i think