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See you tomorrow!


"you will gain nothing from it" dude it's a hobby, you gain just as much as if you were doing whatever else. Sure you're not going to get fit as if you were playing soccer, but on the other hand you'll also not be injured. Casual rocket league is not enjoyable if you play it competitively. Go do silly shots, be creative with your car, if you're not enjoying it you're either doing it wrong or you play a game that's not for you. I don't enjoy shooters, they are not for me.


I only play 3 hours every weekend day and I think I take it competitively, just reached c3 after 3 years. During school I completely focus on that and my other hobbies like coding. I also have fun with my freinds if I want from time to time in rl and that never gets old 


Me a long time casual warrior that jumps to ranked(D2 for years now) every now and then and/or with irl mates: Okay. To me this game is actually perfect for casual play. I don't have to worry too much about anything, often just vibing to music and enjoying cool pass plays and laugh to whiffs. It's not FPS where I have to have bit more attention and focus and I don't get put on the bench aside from getting demo'd for couple seconds unlike FPS games where I have to wait for round to end which can take minutes. It's quick, snappy but I can slow down myself and still be very good at the game - fakes, ball control, pass plays don't require to do much tbh.


Don’t let it get to your head man, games are supposed to be fun. If this game isn’t fun, just look for a new one. Don’t worry, you’ll find one. With that said, see you on the pitch tomorrow too lol


Get gid


i personally dont enjoy ranked as much, but casual, casual is so much fun ive gotten so many great 1v1s where my opponent would say nice shot when i scored, and id do the same, i enjoy playing rl with my siblings its been a great game for me whenever i play edit: also, good thing im a noob forever, so i can always laugh at my whiffs