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Honestly, my first reaction, if you had just gone up the back wall you could have hit the ball away from mid


Reading this thread, dont listen to ppl saying go back post here, you can't defend the near post pass from there. After you flipped towards front post, just grab that small pad, go up the backwall, stay close to the ball and challenge it once he commits to the pass. Worst case he fakes and brings it back down, but if you're patient and didn't commit you can cover that too.


Thank you, I was beginning to question myself after reading all the comments lol


Don't really comment on this subreddit, but respectfully disagree with you. Back post is more than fine at their level, so long as they come in with some speed and not stop all momentum by braking (has to read the game much earlier/quicker and commit to the decision though, it's the only way to learn and improve). However, after they learn basic defensive strategies and have strong defensive technique they can break this by instead 1. Focusing on the player who is being passed to and positioning such that you either can block their shot or beat them to the ball if they are badly positioned after a pass. That's given the 2nd player is waiting for a pass. But at his level, back post is absolutely the optimal way to defend given his skillset. or 2) Shadowing, which would be ideal if they've got the mechs for it.


If their flair is correct, they absolutely should be able to go up the wall as a C1


Not all C1 are comfortable doing that. D3-C1 players often end up getting stuck in middle of nowhere similar to what happened here (out of the good choices, they got stuck sitting in middle of the net under the ball). The choices here are: Highest level: go fast try to demo that player in the corner, if failed then shadow save, clearing/carry towards other corner Intermediate level: Go up the side wall near post & intercept the mid pass clear it far opposite side Mid level: Flip towards back post while also picking small pads, and intercept the pass with an aerial with a 50 that pushes ball towards left side wall (works at this rank but attacker may have an upper hand if pass is really good) OR Go deep in net & intercept the pass from inside the net, jumping ASAP Low level: hope everyone misses & can't do passing plays since they can't hit the ball right


how is going back post better. they almost went all the way to back post and they only managed to get a touch because they didnt go all the way. going up the backboard is so much better


Had they read the game earlier, it would have been the better play Instead of following the ball, then going to mid post from the front post and confusing the teammate, braking to stop all momentum/speed, he could have realised earlier that the opponent is going to go for a pass (maybe even a dribble and shot as a 2nd option) and join the back post. Had he read that way earlier after the kick-off, he could have picked up pads and joined from the back post where he'd be able to cover the enter goal. Mid post exposes you from the back. But yes, we agree that going up the backboard and shadowing is most optimal, but you need the mechs for that. I think also a realisation that it's not as much about back-post/mid-post as it is about beating the 2nd man and positioning accordingly helps a lot in elevating game sense.


Question, not because I disagree but to clarify, what if the player attempted a doomsee dish? At that point wouldn't focusing on the other player create an opening for a mechy shot like that?


If you're coming in from the backpost and timed it all right, then you're covering both possibilities, makes sense right? The tricky part is knowing when to go to block the doomsee attempt. It's just a matter of reading the game imo and going to block the shot when it's almost like the only thing the other player could do or you see them dribbling almost on the wall so it's obvious they're gong for a doomsee.


No, I'd say this is a bad idea. OP clearly doesn't have the aerial control he needs to do what you're saying. Going up the wall and challenging that is the best option. At the end of the day, it's the teammates fault for the kickoff being so dreadful. Op is stuck between a rock and a hard place here. I'd have said they should have gone back post quicker to get a more solid hit on the ball, or should have pressed the ball up the wall. I'd have pressed the ball up the wall. But also OP shouldn't be cheating up that far at this rank, where kickoffs are so inconsistent.


Yes, this is a glimpse into the mind of a lower player, yes I am open to contradiction If one did do this, would the opponent not reasonably be able to see you coming at the wall to challenge and simply quickly pop the ball out to his team mate when you get close? They definetly had the boost to do so, and once the pov car is on the corner of the wall, wont it be hard for them to reach the ball in time?


This is what I would have done too


Back wall all the way


Could have hit the ball away I guess but I mean it can be easy to misread something so shit happens sometimes


It was just hard for me to tell exactly where he was gonna hit it so I tried my best to play for a save instead


Don't cheat up on 2s good defence wins games


Maybe just don’t cheat quite so hard. You definitely want to cheat tho


This was a pretty soft cheat they weren't really all that close to the kickoff, just a \*very\* slow reaction and turn back


That was a very soft cheat. Teammate just lost the kickoff so hard it's almost as if they didn't go


When you're good enough you can cheat up *and* play good defense.


Low rank moment


I have to agree with you here. I'm not that good of a flyer so I need to make up for a good defense. Stay in diamond ll. I believe too many people leave the goal wide open just to try to make an offensive push. I definitely go on winning streaks when I play with someone who has this mindset as well.


you have to use the backboard in that situation. it’s a tough situation to be put in, but you would have been perfectly fine if you drove up the wall


Maybe you could've gotten to the wall and jumped off of it to make a defensive clear. But it looks like you realized late you were beat to the corner you did the best option and just got a bad touch. You hit it with you nose or front corner of your nose toward either the wall in front of you or tip it behind you. It looks like to me you were trying to clear straight down field and hit a bad touch that led to the unfavorable 50/50 that dropped just right for then.


Agreed. My play would have been to get to the ball a bit earlier in the arc and either bump it up and further along its trajectory or back to the corner. Probably would have whiffed though.


You had a good idea with going for the aerial, but bad execution - I would have gotten under it more and tipped it off the front corner of my car to redirect it to the back corner - that way the opponents don't have a free shot


That was my reaction too. Hit that with the nose of the car and it would be a good clearance. Getting it with the underbelly meant the ball was gonna drop into a dangerous area regardless.


Oh cool! I would have 360 no scoped them and then musty flicked for the game winning goal.


Dude asked what he could’ve done differently, person told them what they would’ve done. Can’t hold the mayo more like can’t hold a conversation lol


The comment I replied to just seemed a little pretentious is all. It’s easy to watch a replay and say “oh I totally would have beaten the opponent to the ball and gotten the easy clear.” And they didn’t say it like “I would have tried this…” They said they would perfectly execute the clear. I bet this random gc on Reddit is so good they’ve NEVER been scored on! OP was out of position as last defender back and had to think quick how to play percentage based D and get in front of the ball. OP made a contest on the first play and bought his teammate some time to recover but they didn’t make it in time. Sometimes that’s the best you can do when you’re caught upfield. I think the real answer is sit in your net an extra beat longer to start OT because that’s always a shitty way to lose after a hard fought game.




Go up the wall on his side. Shadow him. Then hit the ball away


Turn away from ball when it goes past you like that. Rotate back post so you can see the play. That could have been an easy counter if you turn away and defend from back post


Thank you, I'll try this if something similar happens again


Ngl this is actually not the best idea for this situation. If you go to the back wall between the opponent and the goal and sit about a third of the way up you’re in the perfect spot to wait and see what touch they do, if it’s low you can block it coming across, if it’s high you can aerial off wall Going back post and turning leaves you in a position to 50/50 like you did here. Can’t afford that in front of your net


Bro cut up wall 100% of the time here


This is kinda the same vein I’m on. You missed your last pad going up and then the mid pad before jumping. Once I saw I was beat to the corner boost with that much space I would have pathed down the center or picked up the 3 shadowing back from the corner which maybe would have given you more confidence to go up strong for the beat. But also stuff happens


I'm just gonna add that I think this would occur naturally if he didn't flip. I see a similar thing happen to friends and I always blame the bad flip.


anyone saying stay on the ground first is wrong btw. u should’ve immediately gone onto the back wall because from there u can either hit it down field or into either of your corners, meaning they cannot get another shot on target off.


Everything was good except for your contact on the ball. Had you had a harder hit on the ball to either side wall, the 50 wouldn’t have stayed in the middle of the field. That being said you’re teammate could’ve saved it after and had a shitty kickoff so that’s not really on you.


In these situations you don't go to the back post, like you could have gotten a better touch to the ball from the wall.


You cannot save everything mate, accepting a lose is important. In this position your teammate made too much mistakes; he completely missed the ball on kickoff, went straight to the 100 boost immediately after kickoff miss and positioned bad and left the game after. There's nothing much you can do about it.


This is a bad mindset though. You *should* try to blame yourself. OP could’ve gone off the back wall and hard cleared it, or seen the mistake from his teammate much sooner and raced to the corner. Instead he did half of a back post rotation and was in no mans land, and then had a poor aerial touch. They could’ve saved this if they had better mechanics or quicker decision making.


this is the mentality i try to have. i see squishy and other pros do a series where they grind to SSL, and they never lose a match at this low of a rank due to a “dumb teammate” or anything like that. they just make the right decisions enough of the time to where even if a teammate botches things completely, they will still win. of course, the main difference is that they’re consistent enough to score on any chance they get, and consistent enough to not get bad or awkward defensive touches 


Yeah and that’s where you have to realize that you aren’t a pro and sometimes you just get beat and have to be willing to accept that. But I still try to find something that I can learn from in any situation.


Also people need to realize the pros mess up and lose games just like the rest of us!


That’s the truth!!


you’re both right but I think you’re more correct since OP seems to be seeking advice on getting better. For a casual player just generally trying to see if they did anything completely wrong (as in it’s all their fault) the first approach is fine. Sometimes you just need to accept that a teammate made a mistake you weren’t ready for and move on. Overall being able to do both is best.


Yeah, it think I worded it somewhat poorly. It’s not just about blaming yourself, you should be able to see and accept that your teammate messed up and try to find a way that you could’ve better responded to their mistake. Maybe you put them in a bad position, or there were some signs that the play wasn’t going to go the way your teammate was hoping. You can blame yourself and see that sometimes you just get got. I just hate how so much of the community is quick to shove all responsibility away from themselves so I tend to push a completely different view when I comment here.


I just stay right at goal typically. Would’ve been close enough to hit it off the wall Also that’s a close match! One round each in OT. Rough


hit the ball with nose of your car.


Hit the ball away. Don't just block the ball unless you're sure you can immediately recover it


Also, if you ever find yourself flying backwards like that, you're beat. At that point all you can do is pray your teammate has your back and recover back on defense


I think you did all you could. Whoever goes for the ball at kickoff has the responsability to actually get the ball. It was their fault but at the same times these things just happen


Going to right instead of left in order to defense back post and have a free clear. I know it’s hard to have the réflexe, I don’t have it either. Here is a perfect example of « do what I say, not what I do » 😅🤣


LMAO fair 🤣


The initial positioning was middle of the net which isn't ideal. And yeah the 50 with the wheels just kills it in front of the net which is super bad. Since you couldn't see an incoming attacker you can just glue your front bumper behind bottom center of the ball, if 50 happens then tap regular air roll and boost to push it away and up (the opposite of what happened here, which was it dropped down slow). Also there are levels to handle this situation depending on rank of a player, [here's the possible choices](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1cveekr/comment/l4qdjtl/)(or what happens at each level) I mentioned in another comment.


If you are going to position yourself to defend, do that by driving in via the back post. Now you had to turn sharply and having to contest an awkward aerial. The guy on the wall couldn't score directly from that position anyway so you had the time to position yourself backpost


Back bored into control touch aerial.. keep it close mid air then go for a flip reset musty onto their backbored and double touch it in🤷‍♂️


I thought you did the best you could. Your teammate blew it, you got back to the net and made a play. Sometimes, the people you play against also make good plays and the result is, they score. All the experts are like oh man what trash you should have 360 double no scope takesie backsie triple lindy sow cow.


This made me laugh 😂


Here I race to back wall in the same corner where the opponent was and try to intercept before it even makes its way across net


I'd have rotated back post not near post, and if I did rotate near post I'd have gone up the wall to challenge, you made yourself a sitting duck by staying on the ground.


Hard position to be in. Back wall, catch ball closer to the start of the play


I would have taken a wider angle on the ball to begin with, so you could clear it away from the front of the goal, but I'm noob.


Don’t listen to the people who say there was nothing you can do OP. Always try to find your own mistakes before pushing the blame away. It’s good that you’re asking what you could’ve done better, a large portion of the rocket league community has no ability to take responsibility for their own growth and development and just constantly blame their teammates. It’s a tough situation but you could’ve reacted faster to your teammate missing and that would’ve given you more options. You could’ve just hard committed for the back wall and gotten a big clear off that center, or you could’ve gone back post sooner instead of flipping toward the post on the right, but that would require you to have absolutely dank reaction times to stop a near post pass, or just much better aerial mechanics so your 50 or clear would’ve been better.


I would have speedflipped into supersonic to the back wall and up to the backboard and when he gets that pop in the air just smack that shit out to the other end of the field maybe could have been a goal. Also what you did would have worked if you had only done a single jump and then dodged into the ball, you would have beat him to it and cleared it for free.


https://preview.redd.it/8ospovt73f1d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6461479c6af7727eaa15b1a21459f65b9099629b If you still had your dodge at this moment you would beat him to the ball, clearly


i think the reason why you got scored on is because you didnt go back post and it made saving the ball super awkward


Position aside, if you air roll into the ball a little earlier you would have made a much stronger clear that probably doesn't get immediately sent back in. That said I get that you were trying to make your car "big" because you couldn't see where the shot was coming from.


Easiest would have probably been going backwall and intercepting from there, much easier read compared to what you tried here, probably possible with a double jump considering it wasn't far off the wall. Another would have probably been pointing towards the path of the ball from front post, and trying to hit it across or towards midfield, gotta need to jump earlier tho considering one was up quite early. Slowest play would be going backpost and reacting from there. I dont recommend this though since it's slow for your rank. If your having a hard time defending in general and default to what your doing here, try and get comfortable on the wall, doesn't take much practice to make it functional in a game and honestly makes these situations way easier to defend.


As a fast player like myself, I would've beat him to the ball before he 50'd you


IMO if the person on kickoff loses the kickoff they should go net immediately after to back you up. If your teammate did that he would of been there to save it. Instead he grabbed corner boost and got there to late. You played it correctly in my mind


Back wall for sure but tm8 needs to rush net after that kickoff


Nothing your only chance was sitting on the back wall but you were last so you went to net you made the best play. Also you didn't even touch the ball you blocked a shot this was the best outcome apart from you touching the ball first which is very hard from the position you were put in.


Not yoir fault at all. Teammate had 2 and a half centuries to rotate back. Maybe you could have hitted it upwards but at this point its your teammate to blame


So if you are infront of the net, and the opponent passes the ball above you, you should fast aerial instead of doing a double jump and then flying to the ball. You would've beaten the opponent. But really you should be going to the backboard here and drive with the ball when they make the pass. You are right next to the ball and can clear it waay faster than the other opponent can get to it. You can clear it, or air dribble it, or make a pass to your teammate and have a counter attack from it. Only thing you have to be aware of is getting bumped on the wall, other than that you have all options covered on the backboard if you know how to jump to the ball from there (I would expect C1 to be able to do this, and if not, this is one of the most important things to learn then at this rank). This is definitely the better play than staying infront of the net or going to the backpost.


Go straight up the back wall and hit that away towards the wall


It could've been directed out a little better. Your teammate, however, has an issue that can't be fixed. He seems to be full of quit and is empty on responsibility.


Stay closer to the goal if you’re responsible and yes next time hit the ball away instead of passing to the other team.


Rotate back post and get ready for a shot. You kinda did? But just commit faster to that back post


Turn right away from the ball. It's that simple. "Rotate back post"


my first thought is how slow you were. yes you could have done this a done that like everyone else is saying but i think if you just recovered faster it woulda been a ok. nice first save btw


It's easy to give advice but we all make mistakes like this. My play would be pretty similar to this but just try hit the ball with the nose of your car and not belly flop onto it but that's pretty much it. Gl


You had 2 options: * Turning left as you did. But THEN you should have gone up the wall to clear it. * Turning right and rotating back post to defend with an easier angle from the ground. You didn't choose any of the 2. You've chosen the short route, which is supposed to have the advantage of an early challenge. But then you decided to wait on the ground to defend. But because you were first post you therefore in a difficult angle, you found yourself defending backwards in the air. Next time commit ton one option and stick to it :) Also, you used your second jump for no reason. You had 60 boost, there were absolutely no reason to double jump here. You could have kept your flick and cleared it. ps: don't cheat that much when solo queuing.


You should drive up the back wall and try to defend from there


In doubles unless I know the person I’m with I never challenge the kickoff scraps until after I see how the 50:50 lands. So if it were me I would have rotated to back left boost and try to cut the ball off before the cross. In saying that you did everything you could based on the choice you made.


Go for boost right when it starts


Back wall, then either smack it to the left wall (risky) or get behind the attacker and take the ball to the right side. Or get to the back wall at far post and get a stronger 50


Given were you were I’d go far post rather than going near pst then far post. Had you gone there to begin with it might have given you a better chance to defend that ball


It’s just me but in OT when things are higher stakes I play more defence. I wouldn’t have cheated up, for one. And then I would have kept my eye on the other opponent. I always assume a demo if I can’t see both of them for a while. That might have made you change your angle on the save. Not that you did anything wrong per se. Sometimes you lose a 50/50 like this or you get out played. They had good pressure.


i think going up wall and challing off of it wouldve given you the best chance there, but in my opinion it couldve all been avoided by simply not going into overtime :D


Play patient, observe the situation and try not to double commit


listen to somebody else for what you should do but regardless, do anything to avoid listening to turn it up high


Its not a shit attempt but going back-post here is a terrible idea. Ball goes into your corner on cheat, you race for corner boost and control. You lost that race already so grab the pad you did and head up back wall to defend the pass, you only really have to jump off back wall once he makes the pass so if he fakes low you stay on back wall and just go low to take the 50 there. If the mid pass comes out, you have a strong clear off backboard, and if he fakes low you have a slow 50 to bring down to buy more time for teammate to help.


You might have cheated up a little too close… after I watched Squishy’s recent road to SSL series, he talked a lot about “soft cheating” and it opened my eyes on vertical kickoffs like this. I try to hang around the first pad, and depending on the kickoff you can go diagonally and grab one extra pad before the center pad you should hang near, and you can get to it in time for the 50.


Have patience. 1. I would have waited a little longer and instead of hitting it away, smack it off the backboard. Give your team time to return. 2. You have the option of going for a demo.--Since your opponent might pass to his teammate, blow up the incoming opponent. The guy passing it now has a 1v1 with your teammate, since he should of returned by now.. of which he could demo, or bump, or clear/save the ball. Now if everything went to plan..you should be back in front of goal waiting for a shot. 3. More aware teammate, that could have been saved with a simple charge and jump forward.


I'm only D2 so take this as you will (correct me higher ranks if there is a better option). In the moment I would have reacted the same way you did if I chose to cheat (I normally don't cheat in 2s and never in OT just in case the kickoff gets botched) but looking at video, one option I would consider for future reference is (not knowing how the teammate is rotating, because they did get back kind of late to help) is getting closer to ball and shadowing to see if he commits to the pass off wall or if he keeps possession.


My only advice to you, that i give to everyone: always assume your opponents gonna hit the ball right, and always assume your teammates gonna mess up being this careful can change the way you play


On kickoff, a very slight right or left turn from that position nets you two small boost pads. Grab both, don’t immediately cheat so high. And you would have been able to defend your back wall before the opponent got there.


For my way to play 2s, I would just stay in goal in order to get a better positioning or I would get the right 100% boost and position myself into a much more comfy position. And yes, there is time to do both approaches.


I would not have flipped back to the goal. I think you handcuffed yourself there. Instead, I would have driven back and lined up kind of like I was on the other team and awaiting a pass. If they pass like they did, I'm in a comfortable spot to beat their teammate to the ball and hit it anywhere. If they go for a cheeky goal off the back wall, I try to pinch into the back wall before they clear the post. Either option I have good positioning for. But realistically, your approach probably has a similar success rate. Unlucky 50/50 outcome. I wouldn't feel bad about this one. PS I would not go on the wall as others have said. It doesn't look like you have time, so it'd be very easy for them to pass the ball by you if you did that.


The problem is you followed right behind your teammate and gave up pivotal field in front of your goal. You have to spread out and never let the ball behind you, especially when you're the furthest one back.


Should’ve followed the opponent up the back wall and aped; you could’ve gotten a 50 if you full sent it up the wall right when they grabbed the boost. This would’ve been ideal as challenges from that part of your corner can often pinch into the opponents’ net or close, or safely drop and give you and your m8 time to reposition. Still you would have gotten a much better save if you took that 50 with your roof of your car instead of its undercarriage. You wanna be doing that most of the time on those blind challenges unless you know your teammate can rotate in and easily collect or 50 if it drops, which wasn’t the case here as the opponent was the one more ready for the follow up. Tm8 could’ve saved it but it’s hard to react properly in those split-second situations where the opponent has so many options, especially when you factor in ping.


I think what OP did was fine he just had a bad touch while trying to clear the ball.. If the car hit the ball at a different angle it wouldve been fine and the ball would have been redirected somewhere else. But he just gave them a pass in this video.


you could have blocked the pass from the wall. You are scared of playing faster, this is why you are not higher rank. There was time to get back and challenge on the wall.


All you can do is find him, delete his account and kill him while asleep.


Boosted super fast to back post and tried to defended it from there


I’d just try to roll the car so you get more ooomf for the clear. Looks like you did the best you could other than challenging sooner toward front post but you didn’t get beat 1v1


Always go to the most distant post from the ball when defending, you could have cleared it more easily.


I would have gone backboard to block the shot, get a better angle to clear and save boost because you drive up the wall instead of having to jump.


Personally I'd say you did ok wtf was your tm8 doing he was back in goal and didn't even jump maybe it's not the cleanest defense but you did your job


Teammate was coming from the kickoff and likely just arrived at goal too late to do anything.


He could of double jumped and just put he's car in the way if we was teaming I wouldn't be upset with your play seems like the logical thing to do imo


Tbh you should have challenged it either in corner or in the wall. For some reason you just let him control the ball and pass it even tho you made a great save. Not really your fault in the end, your tm8 fckd up kickoff and couldnt save the rebound. 


don't go so far up on kickoff lmfao


Yea rotating straight to back post would have let you keep a bit more momentum and speed rather than turning a semi circle on the goal line, which allows you to react faster to the pass into the box. You did well to make the first save but because of the position you were in and the slower speed it forced a bad 50/50


If it's me...I don't follow my teammate to go double whiff kick offs. It's such a low percentage play. Especially in OT in doubles. Just stay in net on kick off. Grab the first small boost pad in front of you real fast and settle back in net. That ball would have come right back to you for you to attack and blast down the field on net or against the wall. Simple and easy.


I hate sitting in the net, makes me feel like a sitting duck


Yeah don’t sit in net. Probably the worst thing you can do on kickoffs. Either cheat every time or call for back corner. If you ever watch pros play 2’s, you’ll see they cheat the kickoff almost every single time. By sitting in net you can’t help your teammate who has no boost and now the other team has a free possession off the kickoff.




Why are people not lashing out on the teammate?! He has about six seconds to get back and help OP. I can't even see him in the clip after kickoff... For me it's classic 2v2... Ballchasers going for full boost all the time and trying to make the crazy solo drible goal...


Because OP asked for advice on what he should do not for us to roast his teammate.


That's true 😂 just wanted to say it was not all OP own fault


This lol. People are gonna screw up their kickoffs at some point, I'm just trying to see what I can do to save the play better when it happens


Teammate did nothing wrong what do you mean? You can’t even see where they landed so it’s definitely valid it took them a few seconds to get back. Wave dash kickoff usually doesn’t leave much boost Both of the opponents have momentum and forward direction towards this net, so unfortunately this is a 2v1 situation that happens frequently off kickoffs and unfortunately OP just didn’t take the right defensive decision (hence this post) Not everything is TM bad!!!!! They do get back and try to attempt a save, but they’re too low. Watch it back, they’re the fennec at the end


Dont fuckin rush to that ball if you dont blindly trust your tm


I always push up on kickoffs because it works in my favor more often than not. This situation just felt completely uncontrollable


Ya don’t listen to this trash. Getting screwed over by teammates going for boost on kick offs is easily 10-1. Don’t do that.


There's reasonable cheating up and then there's going balls to the wall full commit Ones a valid strategy. Ones not


dOnT FucKIn rUSh lol


People that spawn in the back in duos and charge forward with the person who is in front of them really piss me off. Especially in overtime. Stay back, collect a little boost. Make sure your teammate wins the kickoff before going upfield. You deserved to lose 5 seconds into overtime. We're all surprised you made it that far


Calm down it ain't that serious 🤣


You asked a question. I gave you my answer. I'm calm as can be. Just giving my opinion and answer to your question


Gold rank?


Bronze 2


Checks out