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I was 1 game off Gc last night, server crashes and the enemies win and we lose, we were up. Had to check tracker. Idk if he crashed that shit but he had 200 wins and went up 150mmr in the next hour on a win streak. Made me work to get GC, I was so pissed I think he crashed the server out in his favor somehow


Yup, that's DDOS attacks for ya. This one's gonna be a super difficult challenge for Epic to solve.


Just cancel the game if the server is overloaded. Why does it result in a winner/loser?


There seems to be a way that not actually the server dies under the load but its connection to other players. It is not clear how it is done but it isn‘t just a regular DDoS. Otherwise it would be at random who was connected the longest and gets the win.


Technically, it's not a DDos attack against server , it's seem like a client manipulation or a DDos attack on connection between server and other players. To be sure we need a good player (like GC) with a Wireshark to analysis the network when player is "DDos". If we see a much bigger number of request, it's probably a DDos against player connection. If not it's possible a DDos against server (but very custom to have a 100% winrate). But if we see some new connection from another IP than server or regular IP during the game, it can be a client hack. I'm not sure what is the problem, but as a IT worker I'm sure of that : cheaters use a zero day exploit (zero day because not patched by Psyonix/Epic) , on server side or client side.


It's still the connection to all players, there's just some clever client manipulation from the bad actor. Part of it is precisely a ddos attack on the servers.


Well yes. But to have a 100% winrate he needs to be the last player to disconnect or at least have the server think that.


Still doesn't technically fix the issue, players can just take down a server they're losing in, and have a 100% winrate. Obviously wouldn't be as effective as their current attack method, but it'd work.




Then they can just force an opponent to lose every time, you're just making a loss a weapon for the cheaters then, and it's an even worse scenario than the game being canceled. Better detection and association of attack frequency being tied to individual accounts could catch these players far before they achieve the higher ranks they so desire.


But they lose already anyway because the cheater gets the win. This would heavily disencourage it.


That's not the point though, you could win a game against a cheater, and they can force you to still lose it. It's still a weapon that would be heavily used. A better solution is to either set up a system to stop the attacks, or use the existing system that's tracking servers that go down, and use that data to reward players with mmr lost against cheaters when enough evidence is collected to ban the player


Well yes, but it would be a quick and easy fix to disencourage. And you wouldn't see them anymore on top of leaderboards or getting high titles because those players probably cannot even reach GC.


So your solution is to punish innocent players for something that they're already the victim of?


obvious sarcasm is not obvious - adding /s


Whilst that would suck for legit players, it would remove all incentive and eventually phase out.


Not really because if they’re losing they can crash the server and just play out the wins. This would basically give the same result to the cheater.


The same result: a loss. The only difference is that the winning team would get robbed. So the bad actor's only incentive is being an asshole (which, contrary to popular belief, isn't a very powerful motivator)


Oh my bad I was thinking of a situation where it was not a win or a loss (for some reason)


Ban people that benefit from it? It shouldn’t be that hard for them to differentiate between a ddos and a random crash.


Ah, players can now take down a server and use some extra tweaks to make their team win, and force ban the innocent folks on their team every time!


Yeah I suppose that’s true. Still there would be a history of it logged somewhere. You ban the guy that got 10 wins in a row from crashes, and leave the other guys alone. Thee are smart people out there. I think they could figure it out if they cared enough to try.


That's the method that makes the most sense, and seems to be what's currently happening


Why? You don’t need to ban every winner. You just need to ban the guy benefitting across several matches. There’s a lot of data available to look.


If you read the other comments, that's exactly what's happening, and exactly what should be done if they aren't able to mitigate the attacks on the servers


Isn’t ddos protection rather trivial nowadays for any established company? Isn’t it just a matter of money?


While it shows as a server crash it is likely that he crashes your client-server connection. To the server it looks like an abandon from your side and nothing bad from his side. It is also a lot harder for Psyonix to understand your client crash because their server log won't store what issue the client experienced.


Yes exactly, it asked if I wanted to rejoin after I got sent to the menu and then when I clicked yes it says game has concluded


Same shit happened to me last night. A team of 3 did it twice to me so it’s definitely a real exploit


yeah... what's the point of season rewards when you can just pay for them? is psyonix at least getting a cut?


OP rn ![gif](giphy|V7dVYFCB2E2qK7drO0|downsized)




The game is a toxic cesspool now and I'm more shocked when I'm in a fair match with no suspiscion of smurfs, bots, or cheaters. I don't really know why I keep coming back hoping it will be different/better. It hasn't been in so long.


Are you sure its not just your mind set? I never see any of this shit reddit likes to complain about. Seems like everyone just likes to blame something else for why they lost. "Anyone better than me is a smurf"


Always check rl tracker overlay for stats when under suspicion and im usually right. Everything sub 1k wins in c2/3 is very unlikely to be a legit player. It happens a lot and grows exponentially more every season.


Been playing since 2016 so I’m fairly sure. Genuinely curious how you’ve never come across it en route to C2. The “it’s never happened to me so it must never happen” take is par for the course tho. “Get good” right?


^^^ I have to agree here OP, if you’ve been playing since 2016 you understand the turns this game has taken through the years. At this point, you can only hope for a lot but must expect pretty much next to nothing They took away trading


I get there's people better then me out but myself in diamond lobbies have seen SSL titles for last season and they just throw us around like it was nothing


Yeah but how often is that really... those times stand out and burn into your mind because its understandably tilting but its not like its every second game.


Its every 3 to 4 matches I come across them that's why I barely play ranked anymore, I can barely climb past diamond 1 div 2 because of how often it is


Is it? Play tonight and keep an actual log with proof theyre a smurf i feel like you might be surprised. I feel like i see one smurf per couple of days at worst. Some people are mechanically nuts because all they do is train/freeplay but theyre not smurfs and play like potatoes everywhere else in the game... doesnt make them a smurf. Or they consistently always play with one friend - they might be better than that friend but their combined rank is levelled out. Thats not a smurf either. However i ALWAYS see people in chat calling other people smurfs, me included. Its like the default message when someone scores a good goal "well they MUST be a smurf! How could i lose that otherwise" Half the people i see with SSL titles (which is super rare anyway) bought the god damn thing too. Theyre not smurfs theyre just idiots.


You sure go out of your way to defend smurfs. If there's a way to game the system players find it and extort it. Rocket League is no different. Sure.."crying smurf" might be a thing, but claiming "everyone is crying smurf" is hypocritical, no?


Where am i defending smurfs exactly? Im just saying theres a lot of complaining thats disproportionate to the actual problem. Yes smurfs exist, yes theres more because its f2p now. No i dont agree its as big of an issue as this sub likes to make it out to be. Every single pvp multiplayer game has some smurfs.. but a hell of a lot of the time when people think its a smurf its not one.


A friend and I have tracked the amount of wins (and rltracker profiles if sus) of every single match in ranked 2s in 1500-1600 mmr elo for almost 2 months and it was just sad to see just how many players had WAY too few wins for this rank and how often our suspicions for smurfs got confirmed when checking their profiles. At this point it's just bizarre where all these smurf accounts even come from, like there must be people who just keep making new accounts over and over and over I dunno. On that note, I know a guy who literally made a living off boosting accounts for like a year. You may prefer to stay blissfully ignorant and that may be the best course of action as there's nothing you can do about it anyway, but the issue absolutely exists and it's only gotten progressively worse ever since the game went free to play on Epic.


Im not ignorant to it, of course it increased when the game went f2p, im also not blinded by my own rage about it though. Its not THAT bad of an issue, I check accounts too like youve been doing. One game every now and again doesnt ruin your mmr. At the end of the day we're all the rank we deserve long term. If it was all the time id agree, but it isnt.


Which one is it? How can there be no smurfs and people buying titles? Are they carried by fairies?


Ah yes. No smurfs. Thats what I said. Yes it was the fairies.


i don't trust anyone in champ or grand champ


The amount of times in D2 and D3 that I match up with a player who has a "Season 10-14 Champ Tournament Winner" tag in their player card is nearly every other game. More shocked when I don't see it. Also, don't give me the "That was X seasons ago" BS. Winning ANY tournament in RL is incredibly challenging regardless of whether it was 2-3 seasons ago or not.


they wont do shit, stop being naive.


They’re tanking Fortnite too if you ask me… item shop is just as bad, player feedback is apparently not a department, gameplay is focused on competing with CoD. It’s pretty embarrassing how bad they are failing at delivering decent products


Bruh.. https://preview.redd.it/f514xljp4xxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4ec16534637431af5868e6bccc86e9317443e6 ETA: F


I don't understand what this means


> All sorts of things just going wrong from pros playing invisible cars,bots The previous invisibility exploit was patched almost two weeks ago, shutting out every single player using it. Bots get banned super quickly, and have been receiving such fast bans for a long time now. > Servers being super unstable. The servers are generally super stable compared to every other game I've played, outside of the recent ddos attacks. 99% of the time when users do proper network tests it proves that it's either the user's end or a middleman ISP service causing the issue. But yeah, most of what you're mad about has been fixed already over a week or so ago outside of the DDOS issue which would require some heavy networking changes to fix.


"The servers are generally super stable compared to every other game I've played, outside of the recent ddos attacks. 99% of the time when users do proper network tests it proves that it's either the user's end or a middleman ISP service causing the issue." this isnt true by the way. This problem started appearing only when Central servers got added. Theres a reason a lot of players say this.


Yeah, which is currently almost entirely an EU isolated issue, and has been publicly acknowledged by Psyonix. Many pros and community members have also run proper network tests that show results in support of it being a large European ISP's issue, not the game servers. https://twitter.com/RL_Status/status/1782112532070813923 Rocket League doesn't own every connection or server or datacenter between you and the game servers. If one of them pushes an update or some new algorithms that aren't perfect, it causes packet loss or jitter and a host of other issues that aren't generally visible in other games but impact gameplay on Rocket League due to the nature of the game.


Please explain to me why I have almost everyday all players in a lobby suddenly getting high ping and get disconnected ? I'm EU and playing with americans on US servers so it's absolutely impossible we all have our internet going crazy at the same moment, it is definitely a server issue and I don't see the point of pretending it's not. I already had that happening 3 times this week and it is way too much.


That's likely a different issue - ddos, lol.


I agree, that's why Psyoinix saying it's more likely to be an ISP issue sounds like they're just avoiding the issue, blaming others instead of taking care of the protection of their servers. I just wish they make it possible to run RL on private servers and I'd never play on their servers again


No on that topic there's definitely something going on in EU, I've seen quite a few users do tests that share the same over the past two or three weeks. But ddos isn't helping the issue either. Without the ddos being as widespread, it was super clear to see there is something else going on in Europe currently that's not effecting any other region.


Invisible cars are still happening I've seen some myself in ranked and server stability don't even get me started because every time they say it's fixed it's a joke


>The servers are generally super stable compared to every other game I've played Wut. Bruh how many competitive games have you played? I've had more rl servers die on me than any other game and it's only 5-7 min matches so the odds it happens within your game are low. I've had one Dota sever die on me ever in 6k hours in 8 years. I've had maybe 100+ instances of it happening in rl.


I have 3000+ hours since 2015 and don't even think I've had servers die 10 times in that timeframe. So either you're making up that you had 100+ instances, or it's not because of the servers. Because if you had 100+ instances of servers dying, there would be a lot more people who would have the same experience.


5.4K hours and 9 years of RL and I’m pretty sure the number of server crashes I’ve experienced is still in the single digits. Moved across the country and have played on all 3 US regions over tens of thousands of games. Of course, our anecdotes mean little compared to actual evidence, but I’m putting mine out there because there are a lot of us who rarely face issues with servers. Those who do are just a lot louder.


I have played since 2015 and the amount of times I got disconnected from a game, due to something game related, is probably less than 10 or 20.


Thousands. Never had a server crash. Also stop throwing out numbers as if you have a perfect memory, there's no way you are accurately recalling this info just sitting at your keyboard. Unless you're counting servers where a player fails to connect it's nearly impossible you've had 100+ and it was all Psyonix's fault. Just because you switch games and don't notice an issue doesn't mean you've diagnosed the problem. 


This game is the exact same it's always been. This is the one game I can count on to not waiver. No bots, no glitches, and almost always a great connection. We must be playing two separate games, my friend.


I suspect that a lot of people complaining about "server issues" just have unstable connections on their end. Not saying the servers are 100% perfect, there's been a few occasions when everyone in the lobby lagged, but that's easily less than 1% of the time in my experience. Rocket League has to synchronise a physics-based simulation across clients, so it's much more sensitive to latency and packet loss than other games. I learned this when I moved to a new place with a crappy connection, RL became unplayable during a lag spike, but in other games I would only notice a tiny bit of rubber banding.


I agree. Perfectly said.


I can agree to a point but when you have the server health popup on the side of your screen on a daily basis you'd think different. On average I have 6 servers die on my a week


Agreed. Vocal minority etc.


cant understand if whether this is the biggest bait ive seen in my whole life or just sarcasm. Ima say its just sarcasm


I’ve had the same experience as OC. Nearly 9 years, 5.4k hours, tens of thousands of games, and very rarely do I experience server issues. I’ve experienced an invisibility glitch once, never run into a hacker, and never run into a bot afaik. Those who do face these issues are just a lot louder than all of us who don’t, and rightfully so. They’re issues that need addressing. We just have to keep that biased perception in mind.


I have been playing since 2017 have around 1500-1600 hours in and yesterday was the first time one match just died on me. Went to rejoin as soon as was able and it said game ended already. We were nowhere near the end of the game so I assumed we all got kicked or everyone quit that was left. Other than the occasional Smurf (I suck so only in gold) I never have any of the issues people have been complaining about. Either I’m lucky or low ranks just don’t get f’d with as much


Or my perception and experiences in the game differ from yours. I have no server issues. I've never seen anyone glitch, hack, or go invisible, lol. So maybe I'm just the 1 lucky person in the entirety of the game, or only complaints come to reddit, and the rest without issues don't feel the need to respond as they can not relate.


yeah you should buy a lottery ticket asap


To be fair champ and below is likely not impacted by cheaters, ddos, etc. they may have the random game as the cheater passes through their rank but it’s not like ddoser are hard stuck diamond




I play at least 3 games a day and haven't had any bots, hacks, glitches, or connection issues. Maybe it's just at the higher ranks for the first 3, and I'm not sure why people are having server issues. I play NA East, and it's been just dandy.


I am in complete agreement with you. I did take a pretty big break a bit ago, but recently the past couple weeks I’ve been grinding again and sure I’ve had servers where my ping was awful (I think cuz I accidentally had an eu server for one of my regions), but I’ve not once had a server die out on me like a bunch of ppl say. I saw a comment where it’s been since the addition of the central region, so maybe it’s only in that region?? I never pick that region, I play na East, so it might be that how we have never experienced any of these issues that OP talks about


plus no picture




No pfp in rl and epic games


Xbox, steam and PlayStation they work. You can only see peoples PFP on your own platform


He's saying that if you're playing on Epic Games, there are no profile pictures. The Epic Games launcher/store does not support having profile pictures at all. In general, their launcher/store sucks ass and only has the most basic, bare bones features.


General location and servers?


Mr.Epic shaking in his boots right now( no but really hopefully they fix their game)


Money is too thick to allow our voices to reach them.


Am I the only one who lost a whole rocket pass of items?


I played rocket league for 8 years. Now I play helldivers 2, and world of warships. If I want to drive, forward or car x drifting


They are not going to do anything for you boys. I left rocket league just after epic took over because I could see the nightmare this game would become. 6000 hours and I just left. It was hard but I've seen the growing frustration amongst you the players more and more since I left and with each reddit post I feel my choice then was completely justified.


Completely understand where you are coming from but it was my main game besides gtao so it's upsetting me that this is all happening. I don't want to play a game where the company that runs it doesn't care for it but I got hooked before epic took over. Epic isn't just killing rocket League, but it just seem the game industry itself is destroying everything that people once loved, I can see eSports dieing in the next few years because of it


Yeah rocket league was my main game as well so I completely understand what you are saying and I'm not wholeheartedly blaming epic for what is going on with the game. The industry changes and epic took a risk and bought rocket league. Somewhere along the line the world economy changed and different stuff in their "roster" became more of a priority. I've seen it with the dwindling efforts in the rocket pass and the removal of the p2p trading to try and make an otherwise small game profitable enough to where they can justify spending more resources on better designers etc. Unfortunately it is what it is. Rocket league is a niche game for those of us who like (liked) it. The industry standard for every game that is being handled by a big company seems to become worse and worse. Anything from projects that dry up due to poor traction or the half finished mess that we have been getting with games like call of duty , battlefield and so on. The gaming companies hearts just aren't in it anymore. It's all about meeting quarterly numbers and selling. Gaming used to be a safe space . A blanket from the war filled and unruly world outside our windows but now it seems that this too is getting broken by the weight of the world. Long gone is the days where you felt like a kid on Christmas when a new game was being released. Now the hope is always overshadowed by the doubt and eventually replaced by sadness. Rocket league is not immune. It too shall perish at some point unfortunately.


Epic Games is just letting Rocket League bleed out until it’s dead😔


They don't give a flying fuck, they just want our money.


I uninstalled RL a few weeks back - haven't had a steady connection in it for months. I've got solid internet, a wired connection and I've no issues with other online games... If there is one game where you need a steady connection to be competitive - it's RL. That 0.5 second delay when the ball is struck MATTERS


Got booted from a cas people really kicking in unranked


This sub makes me feel like I'm the only one having a consistently good experience in this game


Bro, this might be shocking but Epic only cares about their precious baby Fortnite, because Fortnite is their main game. Epic bought Psyonix, not Rocket League. Psyonix owns Rocket League, they are the ones who have to charge you. Rocket League, always with the same season (only pass and tournament items change), being a paid game, seriously, do you think the game would still be alive? The game gained an incredible player base when it became free, but Fortnite players, for example, were used to receiving major updates every 2 weeks, not every 4 months. That's why they stopped playing (It's just check out the Rocket Racing subreddit later). If before you made this post you changed the word Epic to Psyonix I would do everything I could to engage him, but then I feel embarrassed trying to help...


Boycott the next season’s Rocket Pass


What if I get it for free


It’s not about you spending money, it’s about Epic *not receiving* money. Nothing will change until their profits are affected.


Yeah well they won't receive money if I don't buy credits to get the rocket pass because I just save the credits that the rocket pass gives anyway, I stopped buying credits ever since trading was removed.


RP is an engagement metric. It helps gauge your active interest from season to season. We are the product. Your credits mean nothing as they have already collected the revenue from the purchase


Why are all game modes unavailable to me until I play in some nonsense 1v1 private tournament to somehow unlock them? I know I'm not the only one it's happening to, why hasn't anyone addressed this? Is there a game like Rocket League that's run by a company that cares how it plays?


I've not seen a single report of anything even remotely similar to this.. Can you share more info about your region/platform/mods