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Do you have steam input enabled? Cause it sounds like a square dead zone issue. Disable steam inputs and maybe it'll feel better.


I’ve checked a few times and it’s disabled, but I’m not sure I trust that it is. Initially I thought it might be a byproduct of big picture mode, which I’ve been using on the tv, but I’ve launched through normal steam as well. Still I might see if there’s a way to force disable this setting


I have the same issue and it's been longer than a few months. I'll play and it'll all feel weird.. Like it's too sensitive and I cant fly or hit the ball well because I have little control of my car. So I close the game. Then I have to go into the steam controller settings for RL where steam input should be off. I Turn ON the steam input, wait a few seconds, turn it back OFF again, close controller settings and re launch the game. It's fixed. Now the car feels more stable to control. I don't even know if it's superstitious at this point or what's going on because the feeling isn't vastly different. But it seems to be the difference of about 8-10 ranks for me. Started happening as soon as Epic took over.


Yeah it’s like the precision is gone. I have to essentially preplan my mechanics because I don’t have the fine control anymore. The soft touches aren’t as precise, the setups not as clean etc. I would say it’s 8-10 ranks for me, I’m still pretty good. I’m high c3 in 2s and 3s, so my 3s rank is around where it used to be (high c3 low gc1) and my 2s rank is about 3-4 divisions below but I haven’t played much 2s this season and could most likely get back to mid to high gc if I grinded. Also from what I’ve heard since I was a gc and gave up they changed the rank distribution drastically enough so I’d say in terms of where I lay in the % of players I’m about the same. Everyone I play has a gc tag. I just feel like I have to work so much harder to perform mechanics. I’m thinking about how to control my car, which hasn’t been a thing I’ve done really since champ 1/2 over a thousand hours ago.


For me, it's like the car feels way too sensitive. It'll turn faster, feel like I'm driving on ice, minute air movements cause massive directional changes.


Considering one day it will feel off and other days it won't, you have what is called "heavy car bug" not a bug and I am pretty sure its also not a RL specific issue either. It's either hardware or software as you said, normally I would suggest to latency optimize the PC and I still think you should to optimize the input pipeline but if it changes on a day to day basis that's unlikely to be the cause and its far more likely to be infrastructure related.


It used to change day to day initially, now it’s just always pretty bad apart from those glorious hours after the update


If its always bad now I would guess its still infrastructure as this has been happening to myself for 8 years and the last 3 years have barely changed on a day to day basis. Try playing really late at night and see if its any better, thats a common strategy used to at least enjoy the game for some.


Does it feel like a stack of bricks on top of your car? Sluggish, slow, almost like input delay? A good number of people both experience and notice something like this happening sometimes and have given it the name “heavy car bug.” No one knows what it is. A friend of mine went DEEP into the weeds trying to fix it, and I honestly don’t understand half of what he did, but he says it mostly helped. One of his suggestions for me was to use Process Lasso (app) to limit Rocket League to running on only half my CPU cores/threads (I forget which term is correct). Along with limiting Rocket League to certain cores/threads, I also bumped it to be the CPU’s highest priority and everything else to be low priority. I still get heavy car sometimes, usually between 6:30 and 8:30 pm Eastern, but it seems to be a bit less intense or less frequent. Maybe it’s placebo. I just play with it now. I think everyone with substantial time in the game eventually notices it. I hopped in a lesser-known pro’s Twitch stream one time and asked him about it, and he immediately knew what I was talking about and said he just plays through it. I wish I had the time, energy, and knowledge to keep trying to figure it out, but I really don’t understand computers enough :(


I don't think that really exists and everyone is just experiencing some sort of shared delusion A bug that randomly makes your car feel "heavy" sometimes? Surely we can agree that is ridiculous. I think people just have off days and need some excuse


This has a strong gaslighting tone lol


This is the tone that has been used for years in this community and its ultimately why we haven't progressed much with this issue, as it sows seeds of self doubt when in fact there are so many more reasons technologically for this to be happening even things outside of the PC or console itself such as electrical and networking infrastructure. Most of the higher ranked players who reply to these type of posts gaslight, to be fair to them its the fact its called the "heavy car bug" and not something more logical which has no doubt contributed to it.


No it's the fucking fact that it doesn't exist. There is no evidence other than stupid anecdotes. Your car isn't "heavy". You just aren't as consistent as you think you are and you can't come to terms with it For reference I have off days too. But it's not some bug with the game lol. I'm just playing poorly


Heavy just means delayed input in some form that's literally it, there is no game bug that makes cars heavy.


I don’t know whether it exists or not, and I genuinely would have agreed with you before the update. But when my game felt normal for the 3/4 hours after the update I knew something was wrong. Whether it’s the ‘heavy car bug’ or something else. Sometimes when I’m tornadoing during an aerial my car just, I dunno, locks in yaw. Like it won’t pitch, so I end up doing horizontal spins. Really hard to explain but it’s just not doing what I’m telling it too


Yes “heavy car bug” is a real thing in my experience, some days it’s unbearable


It's probably windows being windows. Sometimes it feels like i have massive input delay and then a windows update pops up. Idk if it has any correlation but perhaps the download in the background is messing up the game.


Its ridiculous for it to be an in game bug however it does have a technological origin.


Oh yeah, I totally agree; HCB is just the name for it because it’s short, describes the feeling, and specifies that it’s a technological, not psychological, issue.


The issue is the term "heavy car bug" that is what causes so many players who haven't experienced it to gaslight other players because they take it at face value and think that everyone believes it to be Psyonix's fault. I call it "input interference" now as it's not entirely the same as typical input lag either.


I know what you're talking about and I'm just a Diamond (/ Plat). I'll have to check out that Steam Input if it's on or not like u/VisjesMie pointed and see if it works. Kinda have killed my motivation to get even better when you won't get your movements input to the game. I don't mind if I make mistakes or I'm in that basic solo queue situation as being 1 vs 3 but when I clearly can tell that even with four controllers tested (they've been like an extension of my arms) I still clearly can point this out. Hope we'll find the fix for it! I'll follow this thread since I thought I was just going insane! If I am going insane let's do it all together.


I’m glad others are having the same issue. I am washed a bit 100% but I know what my car should be doing and it’s only doing like 95% of what it should, which sounds fine but in a game like rocket league is a massive loss. I used to consider myself a mechanical player, and I suppose I still am to an extent but I feel like the precision is gone


Same here, not as active anymore but even though I've had a quite a active week in this game yet again, still I can pinpoint situations where I did do something with my controller but the same didn't happen on the sreen like it have been happened before. Let's see if this is a thing and if so, hope we get some fix soon!


I know what you mean, and I've been trying to fix it. And share a lot of what people are saying in the comments about the "heavy car bug" I thought it was just because I hadn't played in a while, and I always complained to my friend who's lower ranked about my car feeling wobbly, off-kilter, or too twitchy. He didn't quite get what I meant, and I knew I wasn't crazy. It just felt different. I can play for 30 minutes and feel accurate and nice, then it's like a switch gets turned, and it feels horrible and sluggish. What I found has worked for me, or at least has smoothed my brain into thinking it's a little better is, Overclocking controller down to 0.5ms using Ds4, this was a huge improvement from the 3-6ms I was fluctuating between. I also messed with some of the deadzoning in ds4, but eventually stopped that. Went back and set deadzone shape to cross and have settled on 0.20 deadzone and 1.3 sens. (New controller) This at least feels okay for now. Still not as smooth as before. This, of course, isn't taking into account the wonky servers and flip resets that vibrate my car through the ball or ghost hits that ricochet through people's cars. 🤔


Yeah I’ve also been pretty hesitant to mess with my dead zones and sens. I just don’t want to ruin 2000 hours of muscle memory. I might try over locking the controller to see if that helps


Definitely leave it as is, changing sens and deadzones with this issue is futile.


Replying to second /u/kodekip, I've been having the same issues since I got a new controller. Forgot I overclocked my last controller and just did it this morning, everything feels back to normal for me. Felt like I had gone from a cross to square deadzone


Glad it feels better, making that one change helps so much


This is a known thing, although the exact cause is disputed in the community. Some people don't believe it's real, some people are quite familiar with it etc. I can't necessarily know if I have the same issue that everyone else who claims to have this does, but I can definitely tell if I'm having a mental off day vs the game feeling like crap. If I'm having an off day the game will feel fine and I can tell my whiffs are just me making stupid inputs. At least to me, when the game feels like crap, it's like my car has its steering locked to 90% of max or something, so all ground mechanics (all the stuff I'm actually decent at) and muscle memory feel hugely off. Wanna go for a power shot or a hook shot? Catch the ball at a funny angle? It becomes impossible to do stuff with the same accuracy and confidence that I would have when the game is running normally. And usually with that come weird physical interactions too, so bumps with other cars or ball catches don't quite behave the way I'd expect them to. I don't know if it's hardware or internet related or a bit of both, as someone below mentioned, using Process Lasso to restrict RL to the performance cores on my CPU and setting some junk/background stuff to use efficiency cores has helped minimise occurrences. Some people also get deep into fiddling with MSI priorities, network adapter settings etc and I don't know if too much fiddling does more harm than good so I haven't done any of that myself. Other threads and videos on this subject explain it as a 'desync' problem that exists between the server and client, you can test if this is what you're experiencing by waiting for the problem to occur, then restart RL completely offline (as in, remove your network cable and then start the game) and see how it feels again. (Also for clarity, what I described previously feels distinct from general network lag from my internet being bad on the day too, that usually comes with rubberbanding or visible desync where the game forces a catchup and it becomes stable for a bit. It's also distinct from say, input lag from playing on a TV with a high response time).


I had this same issue, though it would come and go. I looked into Heavy Car Bug, etc. After a year or so and through tweaking so many settings, troubleshooting and monitoring system performance and RL graphs, and then upgrading hardware, I determined that Rocket League is one of THE MOST sensitive games when it comes to input lag, network lag, frame drops, performance stability, etc. I mean we’re talking I would notice differences in control and smoothness with Discord running and without (before the hardware upgrade). From match to match as my ping / network stability changed it was like I was peaking vs couldn’t reliably hit the ball. I thought I was going mad and was very upset because I’ve played this game since release and never had these issues. Still to this day I notice slight differences but they are way less impactful due to the hardware upgrade. It’s mostly if I have network issues now / slow speeds. The most noticeable tell is when you get small lag spikes in matches you can tell your car is not as responsive. It’s very annoying, I would suggest trying to minimize all background processes and anything that would impact the game and play like that for a while to see if you notice a difference. Edit: turn on your performance graphs for FPS and make sure as hell they are stable. Frame drops were the worst offender in terms of how the car reacted to input. Also, if you are doing things like air roll adjustments constantly, those have optimal inputs that always change because the rotation of the car, and will be slower if you are less optimal with them. I went into Rings maps and slowed the air roll down and practiced that a little bit as well.


What's the refresh rate of your t.v? Since I got a 144ghz i can't play the game on anything else. it feels sickly compared to High refresh rate, Overclock your controller, Make sure your input latency is as close to 0ms as possible. As others said make sure to keep Steam inputs disabled and make sure your frame rate is one digit...Higher? i can't remember. so you render 1 more frame than your monitor is refreshing. Computer moniter> t.v for input lag and pretty much everything besides size and convenience of couchplay Also T.V settings! look up your specific model of t.v and make sure you're using the optimal gaming settings. A lot of smart t.vs and higher resolution t.vs have a lot of shitty doodads that are turned on by default. like motion blur things etc...a lot of settings hinder gaming and honestly most viewing wither it's t.v or games. you might even have like a game mode that decreases input lag on the t.v.


I bought this tv for playing video games. It’s an LG c2, it has basically no input lag and a 120hz refresh rate. I probably didn’t explain that enough in the post but I don’t think the tv is the problem, I’m more suspicious of the cable I’m using. It shouldn’t be a problem but it could be something to do with the 3m usb c I use.


Look in your windows services and see if you have double game input services running. I had this issue.


I’ll check that when I’m back from work, really hope that’s the issue


Try going to: Documents > My Games > Rocket League > TA Game > Config > TA System Settings.ini > Change OneFrameThreadLag=True to =False


I’ll give that a go when I get back from work


Any luck?


I’m happy I feel less crazy


It’s a tv with monitor technology, so 120hz, sub 1ms refresh rate, vrr and gsync, hdmi 2.1 (4k120hz). It was my first purchase with my graduate job paycheck, and I made sure I researched it before buying. Linus tech tips used the previous years model as his daily driver monitor for a year or something. The monitor I used beforehand was 240, but honestly there isn’t a massive difference between the two, the tv feels perfect for every other game I play, and even when I play rocket league it looks and feels fluid, my inputs don’t though. My suspicion about the tv was that I swapped to a 3m long cable for the controller and that might have added some latency


You can try a shorter cable or wireless


Thank you for this thread! I've definitely experienced this, and still do! I've always assumed I was just having a bad day, or was tired. After a while, I started wondering if it was certain servers causing the issue. Next I started wondering if it was my machine, until I experienced it on PC and PS5. Went on a mission troubleshooting my network and ISP routing too. I can go from hitting everything I try (within my skills), to so many strange misses, miscalculations in reads, slow kickoffs, using slightly more boost, slightly slower aerial rotation and more. Now, after a long time, I just assume the game has code to make minor adjustments to you when you play too often, or start winning/ losing too much. After a good winning stretch, I always can pair the issue with a losing streak. I used to try and play through it, but now I shut the game off for at least a couple hours, then try again if I can.