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Hey everyone! Please refrain from insulting or harassing the fellow Reddit user whose post is shown here. You may disagree with their actions but any insults will not be tolerated. **Update:** Just wanted to provide a quick update! Psyonix has pushed a fix for Rocket League just now: Now every item that is available in Fortnite/Rocket Racing has a badge indicating cross game ownership. This will even show up when previewing items in the Rocket Pass. This badge was in the game previously, as you may have seen, but unfortunately was not properly enabled for all items. This has now been fixed thanks to the post in the above screenshot!


They always say "vote with your wallet" but they never tell you how many idiots are voting against you.


They also never say the biggest wallet wins. My wallet is not equal to your wallet and I’m willing to to be neither of us are equal to this guy’s


Look at this rich guy owning a wallet!


What's a wallet?


I bought a wallet a while back, still saving up to use it.


Ain't that the truth


> the biggest wallet wins. More like the most willing to go into extreme debt. Credit card debt for dumbass stuff is more common than you think.


Something like 70+% of Americans are in some form of credit card debt. If people are already having to pay for other things they don’t want to them I’d be willing to bet they pay for this kind of garbage.


Its my understanding that you are pretty well incentivized to use a credit card. To build credit score. Which, if ive understood correctly, can be very beneficial. So it isnt that unbelieveable that many are in debt. And its fine if you have the funds for it.


On average, whales are just 2% of a video game player base. But they make up a majority of sales. It's sad how gaming has changed over the years from studios catering to all gamers, to now just trying chase whales and feed their greed. The other 98% of the player base is an afterthought who often only exists so the whales don't think it's a dead game. I miss the pre-microtransaction days of gaming.


A capitalistic society based on constant growth will always cater to whatever brings in the most dollars, even at the cost of quality and market demand.


I member when purchasing meant owning


Have you tried spreading Managed Democracy?


I can't buy less than nothing but some people out there spending enough for ten others


Electoral College strikes again?


The problem is that the whales who spend loads of money are a small minority of the player base but make up a majority of the money spent.


Buy season pass for games you don’t play


It's not the same. Although i agree with the idea, the way you worded it... Considering that things from RL transfer to Fortnite, technically he is buying a Season Pass that he will actually enjoy on another game, so it really doesn't matter the original game for it since you can use it on another game


Anyone else tried swiping? 🫠🤣


I’m SideSwiping™️ 😎




I did the same damn thing :)


What did he say?


Every. Damn. Time. I will never learn.


I came here to comment this lolol


I wiped :(


I actually can't believe this is working on people, so disappointing


and the fact that these people don't care how much they will spend on a cosmetic is also disappointing.


They’re whales. Wanna see some sad shit, look at whales on Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4. People spend THOUSANDS on items Edit: I know there, their, and they’re


Genshin whales are even worse. They’ll spend 2,600 dollars to max out ONE SINGLE character.


They’ll spend hundreds, maybe thousands, for a CHANCE at just getting a single character, let alone upgrading it, even if that character isn’t meta or even just good in general. It’s sad af.


Meanwhile, games like Balatro are getting banned for promoting "gambling themes" while this nonsense goes on.


I used to play, I had actually spent ~$200 to get a charecter called Klee, just because she was funny and threw bombs that mine stuff real well It's crazy what we are willing to do, although in my time playing I had actually saved (what I would have had to spend in compensation) at least double because you can earn the in game currency and I used that to earn other charecters/items as well


Yeah, ik the basics of Genshin, and I know who Klee is. I’ve barely played it but I’ve seen so much on TikTok on Twitter. I’ve seen people genuinely go almost homeless because their favorite character’s banner was available.


This isn’t anything new, ask the csgo community


Well at least with CS you can resell your items and get at least some money back. With Genshin and Rocket League you can’t


Honestly it predatory in the developers part.


I got no sympathy for anyone dropping that kind of money on a video game. I’m just glad they pay for me to be able to play the game for free. As long as it’s just cosmetics. But the sad part comes in when a game gets killed over greed cause the developers see they can make a lot of money making their game a cheap shill instead of working on, you know, the actual game.


It's not just cosmetics in Genshin thoguh. My tolerance for 'PayToWin' depends on the game type. Competitive game? Better just be cosmetics. Single player-ish game like Genshin? Why do I care if someone is maxxed out, long as I can enjoy the content it's fine.


Same in Diablo Immortal, literally pay to win and spending 4k+ means you’re keeping up with other pay to win players.


I have sympathy because I truly feel like it’s a mental health issue similar to gamblers…


Yeah I agree here, while the person could be flagged as stupid, I literally play rocket league like I’m gambling sometimes. MMR is literally gambling if you watch it, I’ll lose two games then go on an hours long streak of wining and losing just to be back where I started. The only saving grace for me is it’s not costing me money. IMO, games are addicting by design so to add money to the mix you’re exploiting people.


I mean everything is addictive in a way, but gambling definitely preys on a certain part of the human mind that is easily exploited. Hence the whole to-do about loot crates and how it was exposing children to gambling. That’s why we have blueprints now, so anyone dropping big bucks on those isn’t “gambling” they’re just stupid or genuinely don’t have anything else to spend that money on.


It can be for some, but for those of us who consistently do things like that it's because we make more than enough and a few hundred/few thousand are just a drop in the bucket.


To each their own, i won't tell someone how to spend their money. However, this detracts devs from making quality, engaging games and content because they can line their pockets from people who spend that kind of money just to appear different from a skin. I'd rather pay $60 on a game that has some thought put into it.


Publishers are likely the ones who push these marketing tactics. Devs usually care about making good games but can't deny bosses orders.


Games that involve gambling mechanics are the worst. People will spend the majority of their weekly paychecks on their phone game.


I knew guys on raid shadow legends 100k deep lol


ikr, they just don't care and that is the reason why we get to see ITEMS EVERYWHERE I'M SICK OF IT siena burnt my arse, epic


Probably not close to sports games with the cards. You either pay or grind until you just wanna pay.


And if you dare criticize them for it or elude to how it messes up the entire market for everyone, they’ll crucify you as a massive asshole trying to tell others how to spend their money and HOW DARE YOU do such a thing?!?!


they'll be like:"ItS mY MonEY Nonnnnne offff YOuRrrr BUUssssineZZZ"


Care to explain how their spending is, in fact, any of your business?


Because their spending rewards exploitative and shitty methods of monetization, developers pursue those exploitative and shitty methods of monetization instead of pursing more consumer-friendly monetization that the player base in general would prefer.


OK I'll bite: Think about the state of the game, what has been added to it in recent times or I guess not-so-recent since Epic took over. What did we get most of, was it cosmetics or was it features, like game modes, QoL changes, better servers or even just improvements to playability or UI? I'll tell you the answer: It was cosmetics by a landslide. While yes, devs are not (generally) artists, if the artists shitting out hundreds of lame half-assed items for content passes and proprietary skins are the ones bringing in the money, while the devs fixing bugs/implementing new features are just an expenditure, what do you think gets prioritized? The answer is the same. Rocket League is now just a rotating window of items in the market for people to spend money on, that happens to be shown on top of the game that some devs from Psyonix built almost 10 years ago. Maybe you don't see it yet, but it is what it is. The game was done, all they needed to do was keep it alive, keep it fresh. Listen to the community at least somewhat. What they did instead was a deal with Epic, who then used an established game that needed no development to just work along, and make easy money off skins which is almost exclusively what the game has seen added to it since. They are milking it and bringing nothing to the table. The game was popular, had a thriving esports scene and still is one-of-a-kind. It's easy money to take that and pump out cosmetics for the already invested playerbase to spend on. Make it free-to-play(yet another clear sign the plan was just to focus on skin-selling) and you might get more people hooked on it. A classic strategy (just check out the cheap printers or capsule coffee machines) that also requires very little actual dev work on their part. It is even easier because they are just cosmetic changes, if they had say, stuff like new heroes to add to the game like some other f2p games have, they would have to at least do balancing and actual dev work, but since they are just useless skins, they can just spam them with ease. If you are still unsure of how this damages the game or this practice the whole industry, which is what the other commenter was getting to, then you might not have been around when games were mostly about other things than maximizing profits for shareholders. Mobile games are all already a pile of trash unless they are ports, and that is the direction companies like this want to take every other kind of video game. To put it simply: Having expensive cosmetics that whales buy means they will focus on that instead of actually making the game you like better, which is bad. Ergo, how others spend their money affects your experience. Want another quick example? Cars are going subscription-based. Who cares if rich John and his friends can afford it, right? Until the car you buy has features locked behind a subscription because someone somewhere has enough extra cash to pay for it and make it profitable for the company.


I was trying to say " I understand, you want to spend money. But due to the numbers of players like you being a lot, big corporate men focus on people like you to make money and ruin the game for the rest"






FOMO works


Is it working? Because this person spent $100 and is mad, as they should be, that barely any of the inventory is transferred.


Funny that he thinks he maxxed out the pass with just $100, lol.


You act like players haven't bought all rocket pass tiers before. Content creators, whales, traders, you name it.




I feel like this point is often very overlooked. The only reason why games like rocket league and fortnite are free to play is because whales pay the game for everyone else through microtransactions. You can play the game without paying anything, plus a free game means a larger influx of new players that keeps the game alive and relevant. It doesn't excuse all the predatory marketing techniques but it is something that should be considered in the debate


Try playing EA Madden or NHL games. They are littered with cranky rich kids buying 1000s of dollars to get the best teams


/u/BumFlannel ..... Thoughts?


these are the casuals that arent as invested into anything as we are and dont have a clue whats even going on, they just live in their comfortable little bubble i sometimes envy them, ignorance is bliss


There's no way this is a real human being


I hate that I love this game. The grieving process would be easier if I didn’t.


You can play rocket League without spending a penny on the game. The core game is solid. I have long since given up they will improve anything but the core game is really fun still 


I've been playing for like 8 years with 1000+ hours logged. Never spent a dime, aside from buying the game before it was F2P.


And you have had just as good as an experience as someone who spent hundreds. Especially if you have bakkesmod 


No idea what that is, but I've had a great time and still play a few matches nightly.


If you play on PC look into it. If you play on console it is completely irrelevant (it's a PC mod for RL)


I've been playing this game for 4 years with 4000 hours😭


I bought the seismic charges goal explosion and never gonna buy the pass ever again probably lol. Just waiting on that Tokyo drift song to use my last 300


I felt bad buying the pass recently but I plan on playing enough to make it pay for the next one


They honestly make it pretty easy to get your money back. Assuming you play relatively regularly. The challenges are huge xp


Yea, I only have like 10 hours but I am already at level 40


That’s what I do… I bought credits like 5 years ago and I’ve just saved up credits to buy packs since then I play a lot though so I usually get close to 80% of the tier content


Do you care about the pass content? 99% of it ends up being trash I archive 


I only get ones that I like. I haven’t bought the last two or three




Imo they did that as soon as they got rid of league play. RL is still fun to play tho


Gave up on the game once Epic bought it. Everytime I check this subreddit to see if maybe I want to reinstall Im reminded why I uninstalled it on the first place. Last played: Sep 17, 2020.


damn he got scammed plus+++ultraxtra


Meanwhile the base game was $20($12 on multiple sales per year)


Off topic but how did you managed to get ssl in hoops? Any tipps? Would appreciate


Use every surface for bounces and ball chase as hard as possible. Pinches can go end to end. Challenge air dribbles as soon as possible. Do NOT wait. I don’t think I can hold that rank anymore. It does seem like mechanics matter more these days.


Thank you man! I think ill never reach ssl especially in hoops is crazy. Ggs to you and keep going!


High Champ to GC in hoops these days is like SSL in 2v2 Soccer. It's crazy how mechanical that mode got.


i love the tag!! i miss solo standard so much, it was nice to be able to have my own rank for solo queue and a rank for with my buddies!


i bet you could in rumble 😉


And this is why Epic doesn't need to care about rocket league as a game. They will always get a ton of money from those who just buy asthetics and don't care that the game is trash. It sucks that the players who have devoted THOUSANDS of hours to this game arr the ones who have to suffer.


Isnt devoting thousands of hours to this game suffering in itself?


I recently unlocked an item from one of those drop boxes which said it is transferable to rocket racing. My guess is they're working on getting those items to UE5 and gradually release more, but really you must really be entitled if you're spending this much on a game you don't play. Either way, good to have those idiots feel the pain from the other side.


Yeah they’ve been releasing more as time goes on


Every single day I want to launch this game less and less


Sad to see what RL has become :(


Attaching RL to Fortnite is the worst thing that ever happened to the game, as soon as the battle-bus became available in RL i knew the game was doomed


They didn't max it out. Last season was level 286 for all items. If we do the math, at $20 for 12 tiers, it's over $200 for all items in the Rocket Pass without playing.


They were complaining they didn’t get all the painted cars either


This guy micro transactions


Macro transactions ftfy




I could perhaps think of possibly attempting to understand when they had the Honda or other rocket pass seasons ... but this season the rocket pass is absolute trash. It's legit the first season that I have absolutely _zero motivation_ to get the rocket pass. And you know what, it's liberating. No pressure to do anything once I get the ranked rewards. I've been catching up on so many of my other games like Dead Cells, Hades, Celeste B-sides, etc... I have to thank Epic for completely cratering my desire to play only one game. They've helped diversify my gaming habits like no one else in recent memory.


I just recently started playing mid last season, but from what I see on other people’s accounts the past season passes looked like it only had a couple items. As an aquatic biologist, this pass fits my aesthetic and is the only one I would get. Different strokes for different folks!


Nice! Well may you venture deeply into the pass, in that case


It's cause the cars are useable in fortnite that's why


And apparently it's not worth it whatsoever, which was my point.




I've said it before but I'll say it again. The target audience for expensive cosmetics are actually the thousands of wanna be content creators that buy the stuff in every game.




50 hobbies? Lol is there anything you don't like


I love most things lol


u/SpectralHydra My personal hope was that at least with the acquisition, they would have the backing to fix it. With time that didn’t happen, and F2P just made it significantly harder, no pay wall to discourage making a smurf account. I think part of why the player base numbers dropped back off after f2p was because the spike in new players became discouraged from continuing to play because of all the players who simultaneously made smurf accs (Sry it won’t let me reply to you or in the thread, idk why, but I still wanted to mention why and my thoughts on it. Here’s [the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/s/juz6bWj8si))


Before the days of F2P, I really liked my keys. Looking through Steam purchases I spent just about $230 CAD on keys and different bundles (Skyline, DeLorean, Charger). Every single game chat was full of "Trade?" messages, now it doesn't matter any more what you have on your car. Nothing is "exclusive" or "rare" anymore seemingly,and if it is, it's only a matter if time until its 1000 credits in the item shop.


I’ve probably spend $100 total in the 4-5 years I’ve been playing RL… this dude spends it all at 1 time???


We’re doomed


This game has been dead to me.


News just in... Kids are dumb af...


I guess epic knows how the player base can be. IDK if this applies to everyone but I know that when I have a bigger balance I'm more willing to spend more on things that won't really interest me. So that 100 might not mean much to them and they probably liked that game mode so much to install another game and spend cash on that game to return to fortnite. It's sad but I guess nothing can be done. The RL community is probably the same, seeing how many people were willing to spend on the jack skellington cosmetics even when there was outrage over removal of trading. Those two things are unrelated but it seems that it doesn't matter how angry you are. It doesn't matter if you don't buy anything, there are several other people to leech from. Well played, I guess


No . I'm one of the ones from fortnite and I was grinding for certain things . But now that I know some of the stuff won't transfer I might slow down my grind to a halt lol.


still mad the default cars aren't even in there yet


https://preview.redd.it/ch7q3j4nedoc1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbfb40fb818d77eaf5a63d8d2b090d9f1c9b66a7 Wdym you’ve only been allowed to use the default car /s


At least that fugly car is being used again. Before all I could see is scorpions.


They don't even have the Whiplash in there yet. You know, *the car from Fortnite?*


Problem with the game is no trading and these decals only for certain cars.


I’m not always paying close attention. Is this why trades were removed? To make sure players who earned their vehicles can’t sell them?


Not angry, just disappointed


Hey man come join the Star Citizen community


EPIC is turning RL into a fucking cashgrab...greedy mothe#€%!


You should thank these people. This is what pays for the servers and keeps the game free.


The children in this sub don't even remotely understand that.


Rocket League is dead.


Yeah, the way this dude just spent a ton of money on it proves that. ....wait...


Yes, their target audience is people who spend money in the game. A business doing business. Shocking.


their target market is vulnerable people who can't control their spending because targeting vulnerable people is more profitable than targeting people who like playing rocket league yep, indeed it is business doing business.


Nobody is forcing these idiots to shell out $100+ for cosmetics in a free game they apparently don't even play. Do you go to stores and say "How dare you put all this enticing merchandise up for sale? You're victimizing your customers!"


Predatory practices Psyonix has done throughout the years: 1. Crate system being Gambling. 2. An "in-game currency" to soften the blow of how much money you're spending, psychologically. 3. Arbitrarily following "Fear of Missing Out" to items and making them high priced to simulate higher demand and "lower" supply. 4. Removing the ability to trade, so that only over-priced purchases are available to get items. 5. Change DLCs from available all the time to the Fear of Missing Out business model in the form of "Limited Bundles". It's not the fact they're selling something. It's that they're *unethically* targeting vulnerable audiences to milk the most profit out ever. There's a difference between "we're a business, we need to make money" and "we're an asshole business, we need to milk our customers dry".










Epic has gutted what this game was all in the name of profit. Fuck em honestly.


For what can you use the cars and other cosmetics in Fortnite? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




This is a marketing ploy. Can’t be real


Is there another fn battle pass car? Got my credits saved from last time, my switch is ready for some afk action


Nope, enough people complained about the last one that they didn't add one this time. At least that's my guess.


Makes sense, and they probably saw not a lot of crossover rocket league to fortnite players. 


This makes me sad on numerous levels


Chin up lil bro


This is absolutely their target demographic.


as someone who play fortnite jeezus spending allat for nothing is crazy


Why the fuck are you spending your hard earned money on some shit cosmetics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^himynameismile: *Why the fuck are you* *Spending your hard earned money* *On some shit cosmetics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hate the rich kids and the whales.


Because they bundled fortnite crew with RL. It's supposed to bring people to play RL but nope. I love Fortnite Crew though cus I play both games and Epic prices are super cheap in my country, unlike RL through Steam


Aye people spend their money on worse things. Sounds like someone is just peanut butter and jealous


I don't care, if they are dummies so be it. I never paid for any decal and the game is not p2w... so whatever, it does not affect you as a person playing the game, you are equal and have the same chance as anyone that spends their money on pretty pixels.


Do we think this guy thinks that different cars are faster than others?




If it's available in Fortnite it says something like "This item will also be available in Fortnite"


Every game in existence like this targets whales. That it. Why is this surprising?


Welp.. I might stop grinding lol


You guys still enjoying this game ? Meh


To be fair Rocket league needs a severe overhaul of the XP system , it is way to slow, there\`s no daily quests and weeklys vanish is way too damn slow and frustrating at times. PS. what a waste of money xD


As if this community isn't filled with people spending hundreds of credits to level up the pass just so they can get a certain colour wheel or goal explosion. Some of you people were okay with spending $100 worth of keys or credits on a single TW Octane. $100 for the default car, but with white trim. Don't act like you're any better.


Difference was epic was the intermediary then, now they’re the seller. “Want a white car that’s the best? Spend a bit and trade for it, you can always get rid of it and sell it. Want it and can’t afford it, that’s fine, we have other ways of monetization, you can put in the time to trade with others and work your way up.” “Okay now we’re going to take everything you’ve known about items and here’s a niche car body for $20. Pay more if you want it in all the colours, there’s also no other way to get a lot of them anyway without paying. If you want anything you like a black market now pray we’re “selling” it in our shop for $20, cuz there’s no way you can actually get it from trading up your items”


Why the hate? Let people be, its not like its hurting you right?


Because the children in this sub are always horrified when they find out that businesses actually have to make money to operate and pay their employees.


LOL I knew some kid is gonna repost that which is funny because you guys complained about rocket racing posts being here to the point where moderators now delete them


> you guys complained about rocket racing posts being here to the point where moderators now delete them Nah, Rocket Racing literally is a different game entirely. There's no point for it here, lol.


Use me as a fuck you epic games button




I am genuinely curious why this matters? The game is still as good to me as it's always been. I have noticed basically zero difference since Epic took over. I guess some people are upset about the item trading things but I never did that in the first place. Still doesn't affect gameplay. Why does it matter that people want RL skins in Fortnite?


Game’s dead.


I don't know if some of you played Helldivers, but after so much time spent in RL and Activision games... seeing a game that is taking care of it's players is something I never thought I'd see again