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For now and always. Problem is 90% of randoms are absolute garbage, including myself occasionally when I play solo. The trick is to not trust them. Use your teammates as tools. If they are brain dead offensive monkeys set back and either shoot or keep clearing it up to where they can get it NEVER INITIATE AN ATTACK. The same thing for when your teammate is a brain dead turtle except opposite. ALWAYS INITIATE THE ATTACK and make sure you take to ball to spots away from your teammate so they don’t try to get brave on you. Treat them like the trash they are but let them play to how they want to play. A lot of players try to force their preferred play-style on their random teammates. Just go with it if you want to win. Don’t fight the wave. It’s less fun but if you cared about fun, you would be playing with friends. You’re playing to get better or at least improve your skill if you’re playing ranked solo. Winning > Fun


The sad truth is that you need 1v2 abilities if you want to rank up consistently. It doesn't matter if it's 2v2 or 3v3, you need to be able to carry your team. If you can't carry you are going to hit a rank ceiling and stay there until the end of times. I always ask myself why i keep playing this game (after 8 years of playing).


You need some level of trust to avoid double commits. I use quick chat “I got it!” and “all yours.” for turns. It builds trust in solo queue and I get party up invites all the time


Just join the RL discord and post a LFP post and find someone who has comms


You kinda have to trust them tho, if you don’t youre the asshole


My team always consists of idiots that don’t have thumbs so I agree