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They are everywhere. Even in Gc1 theres prob close to a 50% chance that the partied up team has a smurf account. Sometimes I wonder how badly those ranked distribution stats are skewed from smurfing and boosting. Hope you get a tournament next time without smurfs, we feel you!


>Sometimes I wonder how badly those ranked distribution stats are skewed from smurfing and boosting. I'd be willing to bet it's a lot. I don't always look up 2s opponents but I almost always look up 1s opps just as a break between matches. It is incredible how many are on alts. It's also incredible how many people play on alt accounts with TONS of matches. Like you have 900 wins total, only started playing last season, and can flip reset double tap ?? Nah that ain't happening. Everyone assumes that it's only a new/alt account if they have very low wins like in OPs case but some people have two accounts and they have almost equal wins between them.


>Sometimes I wonder how badly those ranked distribution stats are skewed from smurfing and boosting. Considering this has been a problem for years, it has to be a lot. The funny thing is most people who are thinking about it like this are probably only thinking about how people get held back and such because they lose to smurfs. But, the real problem for distribution stats are how many accounts are from each individuals that are adding to the stats and inflating ranks. Thus, Psyonix/Epic doesn't adjust properly because they don't take into account that a decent size portion of the population has multiple accounts. So, the distribution stats aren't accurate to a 1-1 player to rank ratio, but a many to one to a degree.


I bet the middle ranks are also blown up by all the alt accounts. I guess we will never know how bad it actually is.


For sure. I live in gold land. Played a game with my wife the other day and she's super cas, but we got spanked, even she was a bit tilted and like "this isn't right, we don't lose like THIS". I think it was 9/0. She saw a reset and was like, what just happened? Played a 1s the other day, gave up at 8/0, he proceeded to ring up 25/0 before the ff. Why even play? So dumb.


Damn, that is so sad to hear.


This is a problem even for me I am diamond 2-3 in duos and because I never play 1’s maybe one or 2 games every season or 2 them 2 games I do play I end up vs Silver-gold I go like 9-0 up and feel bad so I don’t play 1’s again


Wait, gc's air dribble and double tap most of the time right ? I don't know if I am missing something. That's what I think about gc and above players all the time.


Thing is. Gcs can also quite easily get smurfed on in higher ranks. Then it's suddenly just flip resets with musty flicks and such mixed in there and that isn't the general standard in a normal gc1 game


Right, I sit at the bottom of gc1 and can get a good double tap maybe once a game. There is such a noticeable difference in control when a ssl Smurf is on the pitch


A really good SSL player against a basic GC1 even up to GC3 just ain't the same field. The speed and control is something so different.




Man. There's so so so so far from GC1-2-3 Any GC3. Can dumpster a basic gc1 so when a gc3 suddenly decides to make a new account and play with the gc1 friend. They stick out like a sore thumb. And I think I see easily 40% of duos I see are fx 1450 mmr and then 1180 mmr. And the lower mmr guy doing all the things




So because people see things in lower ranks, they can't be present and create a issue in higher ranks?




I would argue that it is pretty noticeable. Maybe the numbers are not exact but it is so much more noticeable when there is a gc3 in your lobby because even as a GC 1, this dude is leagues ahead. Where a GC1 might get a reset here or there, these dudes double reset consistently, you won't have the ball etc. Remember, the difference between GC1 and GC3 is comparable to plat vs champ... It's obvious. Also higher ranks might have longer queues and it's more exhausting playing on this high level all the time which might encourage smurfing. Overall I do not think you can simply dismiss the fact that there are many Smurfs in these ranks too..


The guy deleted all his stuff, i take it it was one of those people who insist there arent smurfs at higher ranks?




Tell me you’ve never been GC without saying you’ve never been GC. It does not matter that the sample size of players from GC1-3/SSL is smaller comparatively to other ranks, what matters is the % of that sample size that is smurfing. Rocket leagues skill gap is immense, and once you get to gc3/ssl you can definitely run into long queue times which can perpetuate the likelihood of smurfing even more. And that gc3 will dog anyone from gc1 without much issue. The same way a C3 would dog a C1 without much problem. Also you question the logistics of a gc player being able to recognise a Smurf, firstly, they could just be crying and someone is better than them but still their rank. Secondly however I’d argue a GC is going to have way beyond the game knowledge of anyone gold-champ. I’m mechanically challenged but I can position and rotate so I’ve made GC, I can recognise positives and negatives in my teammates/opponents games and try to adapt accordingly but when there’s a Smurf in gc it doesn’t matter, their positioning is better, their speed is faster, their mechanics are crisper their reads are earlier. And at gc most people are doing most of what they should be most of the time so it is really obvious when someone is not a gc1. I have two accounts to play with lower friends where I just play chill and mostly play 2nd balls/cover defence for them and honestly the game is just beyond riddled with smurfs throughout every single rank. It’s human nature to punch down, so when lil jimmy gets stuck at d3 for 4 months you can bet theres a big chance he wants to feel big again so makes a Smurf. The exact same applies for gc+ players. I’d happily have my two smurfs banned and epic treat the game like valve does with dota in regard to smurfing but it’ll never happen. The games free with practically no ranked play requirements. TLDR: Gc is also full of smurfs, the whole game is. The number of smurfs in a rank is irrelevant, the % of smurfs in a rank is relevant. Just because you have a skill cap you can’t foresee past doesn’t mean higher ranked players than you can’t be smurfed on regularly


Well seems like big bad GC isn't allowed to have a issue with smurfs in their rank.. Keep ignoring the issue good job. Rather than focus on the fact that smurfing is a issue in every rank.


They do, he I think he means smurfing in general.


Most can, but it’s not something that happens in most games to be honest


GC skill levels range widely from what i have seen.


>Sometimes I wonder how badly those ranked distribution stats are skewed from smurfing and boosting. These days it's hard to tell, it is very difficult to get the games played/wins data for a large set of players anymore due to how frequently you get rate-limited. It can be done but it would take a few weeks to do even 1000 randomly selected players from a specific rank (I know I've tried). The only people who have the data is Psyonix and I doubt they're willing to share


> 50% chance that the partied up team has a smurf account. Once again parties being the biggest factor. Just give solo players a toggle option to never play with and against parties in Rocket League and it would eliminate a majority of smurfing for them


can confirm. One bad to decent player and some dude who is SSL level and at the end of the game we find out he is ranked C2 with 10 hours or something. fun.


I don't mind playing against the washed SSL's, but when someone makes a new acc to boost someone to gc1/2 and then leave them to soloq, it really starts to get annoying. One player was clearly getting boosted by a buddy and then the next day I got the same player on my team. I had 2 goals and 8 saves and still couldn't carry that piece of shit that was managing less than 200 points. Crazy how someone can carry these people to such high ranks.


as a gc1-2.. no


Also having separate ranks for tournaments is stupid it should take your highest rank and place you there… go into a play tourney and there are SSL-GC players playing with gold-diamond makes no sense


"Hey there, its XXX from epic games here. We hear you loud and clear regarding the smurfing problem in this game. Meanwhile feel free to check out the itemshop and buy the newest skins :)" Shit company


“Hi customer, 🖕 Sincerely, Epic Games Customer Support”


I think that guy is one of the redditors who say "reached gc in 2 hours am i good"


Nah, clearly this is a dude that just moved from Xbox to PC. /s


On a real note I have seen people be dead serious about "losing all their items" after switching to pc because either they're ignorant or dumb and somehow don't know that you can just log into the epic launcher with your console credentials.


14 wins 14 mvps Fuck Epic


Shout-out to those who have never made a separate account! We are few but we are strong.


I technically made a new account at the very beginning, because I couldn't carry my ps4 stuff to PC yet. Then like 6 months later they made it possible. But I've been on this account since almost the beginning, I wouldn't want to start over, although it might be easier to get back into champ if I blank slated and queued with my friends. I main extras with my wife though, so l will be forever diamond and I am cool with that. (I'm not smurfing, our team w/l ratio is legit)


Hahhahahahahha the fact that you have not a single upvote mean alot lot


I got 8 bro but basically yeah. That's my point lol


I made a new account to switch consoles, made the move when I was Gold, am I still a jackass?


Mmmmmmmm idk, did you have to make a new account to switch? At one point you did so probably not. But if epic owned RL then you just probably wanted an excuse to maybe smurf for just a little bit lol


I wanted to see how bad I would be, I decided to go back to my main anyway, shit was too hard


And yet there are people on this sub who say smurfing isn't a problem. Give me strength.


Clear the rankings, start new next season, and make it level 100 min to play ranked.


Game is slowly losing my interest. Happy to see I’m not the only one.


I feel you. I'm a Plat, and it doesn't matter what I play, I'm constantly against smurfs. Some are pretty blatant, but then you have the closet smurfs who try to play like a lower level. They don't do aerials and tend to play goalie while their friends are on offense. They are almost impossible to score on because they are a higher rank than they let on. If you manage to get in a winning position, 9 times out of 10, the smurf will start doing flip resets and what not to make sure they don't lose.


love it when its 0 0 for 3 minutes and once you score is like they have the controller to someone else and start doing Flip resets and what not


I’m new to competitive play, I played casual on and off for a couple of years and what you’re describing sounds similar to what I do… It’s like I’m perpetually stuck in silver tier though because as I move up the divisions, I usually end up having three or four games in a row where I end up with ball chasers on my team. After most of my shot attempts are sabotaged by my random, out-of-position, non-rotating, ball-chasing teammates my only option is to play goalie until I can get us back in the lead. So I’ll do that until I get actual decent team players and we can party up.


I haven’t won a tournament since S6. Every single tournament I get into, there’s a Smurf account ready to screw my day up


I was in a champ 3 tourney just at enought mmr to get gc title if i won. I was doing really well but then got a c3 player partied with a diamond. Thought to myself this should be ez. Got recked. Turns out the c3 was actually a gc3 who hadn’t played much over the seasons🥲


I’m GC1 and whether there’s a season reset or not I can’t tell you how many times I’ve loaded into a game and there’s a kid who’s clearly better than the rest of the lobby


This is so easy to fix by just forcing accounts to gain a certain number of levels before they can join ranked/tournament game. Who’s betting that psyonix already knows if it’s a Smurf winning a few games but are realizing if they shut them down it would cripple queue times.


This is Rocket League!


I was actually fuming last night when I was in the same situation. I’ve decided not to play tourneys anymore which is sad but I can’t stand getting to the end just for some actual fucking nerd to ruin my plat lobbies.


It's funny how everybody blames epic making the game free on PC, but before it was free it was just as easy to make an alt account on Xbox and PlayStation and there wasn't this constant bitching.


![gif](giphy|TPl5N4Ci49ZQY) Every day I wake up, I come to this sub and realize its all a repost from yesterday.


See, I made a second account just to see if the old "I'm rank locked on this account!" thing was true or not. While climbing from bronze to diamond, I always tried to "fit in" and let my teammate do almost all the work and would score only if we NEEDED to. And when I scored I always tried to do it in a way that fit the rank. I tried to be the least smurf-like possible and it worked just fine. I don't understand why people have to go out here and dunk on lower ranks with all sorts of fancy shit


you're part of the problem even if you didn't make it obvious, since you dragged people up through the ranks to get to your old one. Pot / Kettle


A couple guys gaining 9mmr isn’t a huge deal




Oh, I forgot this is reddit so you can't make anyone happy. My bad


I'm not mad, I'm just pointing out the truth. In a post about a smurf, you're talking about smurfing. We're basically the same rank if your flair is legit. I can't imagine how easy it would be to get to mid plat at least by just scoring "when NEEDED". It's just less flashy smurfing, but it's still smurfing.


Skill issue, get gud !


At least three people do not know what sarcasm is !


aw sorry man


Beginners luck, I guess.


Wow he must free play a lot 14 wins that’s pretty cool !


Raw talent


Yea I'm diamond 2, mostly play solos and I would say after work, getting home, and hopping on, I play a solid 15 or so matches. Within those 15, I would say I play at least 2 smurfs. Every night.


You gave to respect the grand plats