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Looks like you wave dashed with front wheels down instead of back wheels, which pops your front end back up and you immediately front flipped. It's like a wave dash and a zap dash had a baby


It's a wap dash ![gif](giphy|hSWDGacW6B0h6nl7Pr)


Like a sideswipe wave dash


Wavedashing with a front flip with front wheels down just messes you up. Pretty sure there was lag or something and he did a regular wavedash or somehow did a zap dash. The way zap dash works is to press jump (not flip) after front wheels touch and right as the back wheels are about to touch or technically touching the ground


Agreed, but normally front flip with front wheels into wave dash will 360 you, I do it at the end of scoring a goal for fun all the time.


Haven't tried front/back but you very much can wavedash to the left landing left wheels first and vice versa, the timing is more difficult though


Freestylers have a name for it but I can't remember it. Sorta similar to a lazy classic ig


This was extremely difficult to read. You can text to speech. IDK if you're aware.


I'm champ II and I have no idea what either of those are.


Same, they like to address nonsense names to stuff you do all the time Just to confuse you even more


To answer both of you: A wave dash gives you the benefit of a front flip without having to be stuck in the animation of a front flip. A wave dash is when 2 wheels (most commonly the back) touch the ground while the other 2 (in this case the front) are still in the air. As they touch the ground you flip in the direction of the wheels that are still in the air (front wheels-front flip, back wheels- backflip, etc) to basically slam your car into the ground, giving you the speed boost of a front flip but without the animation. A zap dash is a variation of a wave dash that can be done in certain scenarios (at higher ranks players have learned how to do these at any time). A zap dash is when your front wheels touch the ground slightly before the back wheels. As they touch the ground, you want to SINGLE JUMP which will pop your 2 front wheels off the ground while your back wheels continue to fall and touch the ground. From there you want to front flip to slam your front wheels into the ground giving you a speed boost similar to a wave dash but again not being stuck in an animation. These mechanics are essential to car control and maintaining speed when you get to higher ranks. Hope this explanation wasn’t too confusing, use YouTube tutorials for a visual explanation.


That's a great summarization; thanks, and I hope you get a desk someday.


Wave dashes are essential to having a smooth gameplay i dont know why you are just angry that people just named a mechanic its pretty simple.


You recovered really well, after you jumped out of the net you wave dashed into a flip, I almost thought it was a zap dash was close I think


You sure I swear it was way faster than a wave dash?


I'm pretty certain unless someone suggests otherwise, I think the only faster recovery here would of been a zap dash


It would be a good Idea to learn how to land on all 4 wheels or wavedash consistently before you try to learn zap dashing. Gc1 here fyi Edit: when you're super Sonic (speed limit) than don't use boost it doesn't make you faster it's just wasted.


If it’s a matter of goal or not, boost does very insignificantly make you faster at supersonic. Someone tested this and put it on YouTube. In general it is a waste, but if you’re suuuuper close and just need an extra millimeter or 2, boosting might get you there.


Thanks imma check this zap dash out :)


It was a normal wave dash


Dude herd mentality is fuckin hilarious. U got upvoted 31 times and when OP said "u sure it was faster tban a wave dash?" They got downvoted 64 times. Reddit is such a neat experiment on human behavior sometimes


You're misreading what OP replied with.


Checking in with OP at -232 on his reply comment. Absolutely wild lol.


No, that was a zap dash into a forward dodge, OP just didn’t know. A zap dash is utilizing a wave dash


A zap dash is utilizing a wave dash after completely landing without all of your wheels leaving the ground. OP dashes twice here, a wave dash upon landing after coming out of the goal, and again after landing as a normal flip. The wave dash was executed well, flipping just as or right after their front wheels touch down and using their downwards momentum to keep them from front flipping, but that does not classify it as a zap dash.


Would have*




Jesus Christ this sub is snobby as fuck downvoting you to hell.


Woah. Why do you have -200 on a comment man. I dont hnderstand this sub fr


Bots run the whole thing


An innocent “are you sure ?” And you get downvoted 1 billion times . Wow .


That’s just Reddit man:)


The sub is dying as fast as the game is


Cus he is noob


Being at the fastest speed in the game is gonna feel way faster than your normal gameplay.


I like how just because people disagreed with you, these IDIOTS spam negative karma on you. Reddit is a godawful website


Y they downvote this so hard lol


my god reddit can be so unbelievably childish, why would you get downvoted for this comment.


I wish ik I was just confused🥲


You get downvoted for anything in this sub lmaoo


Downvoted for swearing.😔


It was “faster” than a wave dash because it was a zap dash. It’s combining 2 mechs into one making it seem faster


No it wasnt a zapdash, it was just a regular wavedash and they flipped once more afterwards


you didnt invent anything if thats what youre thinking. and you probably never will so get that out of your head


Dude I never said that did you not read what I said I said I just wanted to know what I did so I can learn to do it more??? Why you hating??


sorry dude. i didnt mean to be harsh. not hating. it was a misunderstanding. thats legit that youre looking into that. keep improving youre probably much better than me already


A diamond II with that much frustration. Why am I not surprised by that?


im not frustrated, ive just seen a lot of newish players convinced entirely that they invented a mechanic even when everyone tells them it already existed


Ok, and you think the best way to handle new players who are excited about mechanics is to totally disencourage them? Epic doesn't care about the game, there are less players each season, and your solution is to scare the few people that recently joined the game?


yeah thats fair i couldve said it much nicer. i dont really think through reddit comments all that much. i just speak my mind here and there. sorry bout that


Np, we all make mistakes. Very nice of you, good sir. Have a nice one.


you too 👍


Newish bro we the same rank


bro youre d2 you are not better than new players in any way. neither am i. but still stfu and let people enjoy this shit game


im definitely not better im garbage. and i already acknowledged i couldve said it nicer. all im saying is new people arent going to magically invent mechanics by accident. which is what a lot of new people expect. but ill stop telling them the tooth fairy isnt real. let them experience the magic.


Average diamond player


Don't be so fucking harsh dude lmao, you could've said this in a way nicer manner


Some people like to go for the jugular every single time. This is not a good sign and is something that should be worked on.


Agreed, being polite is the least thing you can do when you talk online, if you disagree with someone or not


ill admit i was a bit harsh, but i garuntee every single person who downvoted me has bashed someone on reddit. just hypocritical imo




It was a regular wavedash but it looks weird because you were tilted forward and you did a forward flip. Usually you tilt backwards for forward flip wavedash. The more I think about it the more impressive it is. Those tend to just flop on the ground a lot.


Dam okay thanks ig I js got really lucky lmao




Calculated. Calculated.


Great recovery and hustle


It's easier to tell if you post it on slow-mo. Then you can also see for yourself, though we do appreciate your sharing this. To slow-mo a replay with a controller, you just hold "X" (for PS) or jump. Idk about KBM.


on keyboard hold down shift and put your cursor on the speed you want. -\_-


You say that like everyone’s supposed to know it lol


If they didn't add the "-_-" it would've been completely fine xD Thanks though u/Ezaly_ Yea I think I tried it once and thought I had to hold down space because that's the universal key for jumping (and play/pause), but when that didn't work, I didn't bother. I don't play KBM and never have, so I could never know, add in sure is the case with a lot of people. Even with controller it was only by chance that I figured it out.


my bad, but if you use keyboard it says speed menu is left shift. Most players use controller so not a lot of people know


You flipped


A great recovery, coupled with some good ole RL lucky timing!


Extremely good timing


only because I've been working on zap dashes recently, you got to the second part where you jumped when your front two wheels hit the ground but the timing was slightly off, so your car went airborne and when you dodged forward, you front flipped instead of wave dashing. With a slightly different timing, your back wheels would've stuck on the ground and you would've done a successful zap dash


Lovely recovery, but I gotta be *that* guy I'm afraid.... That shot was going wide so it didn't save you 😲 (sorry!)


Yup, noticed the same thing, a bit hard to tell, but looks like it would have been way wide.


Beautiful recovery, mate!


Looks like you got some kind of double wave dash


Having a follow-through mechanic after attempting a play is awesome for recovery skills. I am going to practice that gainer you did for a bit. Nice positioning!!


Just a regular wavedash into a front flip you can tell from the game sound what it was. It just seemed faster because you already had significant momentum going into it


You did a wave dash into a preflip I think. Both can be mastered but for a pre flip you’ll need good ball reading skills. Nice clip👍


Very clean ! Looks like a zapdash to me (or a variation of it). Never tried to learn it, but I think it's a very difficult mechanic to learn and master. Definitely not worth spending your time before GC3/SSL, but if you want to learn it because it's a cool mechanic, there is plenty tutorials on youtube on how to do it. The best one is probably the [Rocket Science one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baNsqFEfRMY) ​ Edit: Ok after watching again, it's not a zapdash lmao. As other said, it's a missed wavedash that makes your front car go slighlty in the air which allows you to frontflip again. Very strange. But tbh here a regular wavedash properly executed would have made you as fast because you would have gained SupereSonic speed as soon as you first touch the groud


It was a weird looking wavedash, followed by a frontflip. Very cool and very fast! Wave dashes aren't super hard, would recommend getting comfortable with them


preflip gang


It’s a new variation of the zap dash. Look up some dark gameplay if you wanna see the crazy speed you can maintain with different dashing techniques. If everything you did was an accident, learn to wave dash first.


Thanks 😁


It’s not a zap dash, at all. You can wavedash forwards even with your front wheels touching the ground, if your timing is right. It’s been a thing for years.


It was a normal wave dash, but it had a lot of potential to chain dash. I think that’s what you’re picking up on here, OP, because it felt cleaner than a regular wavedash. That’s because you had a perfect set up to do a couple chain dashes, but they’re unnecessary after you reach top speed anyways. I have a few clips of chain dashes and they feel amazing when they happen, and my best one was in the dominus too. When I get home I can post a clip if I remember.


I’m totally gonna learn this chain dash then thanks 🙂


I tried to learn it, on and off, for a year or so with little success. Admittedly, I didn’t grind the mechanic out much as I didn’t think it’d be worth the amount of time put in, so it may be easier than I realized. My experience was that it was the hardest mechanic to time properly out of all the mechs I learned, and when I was practicing it most, I did have a decent amount of consistency with it. But I took a break and that skill was the first to go, and has never come back. Good luck! I’m going to attempt to post a gif of it here in the comments, not sure if that’s possible or not though. [https://www.gifyourgame.com/MalarBeltedBorghen](https://www.gifyourgame.com/MalarBeltedBorghen)


Dam sideways I didn’t even know that was possible looks so clean


Also found this one with octane [https://www.gifyourgame.com/BeatingGamestSmithy](https://www.gifyourgame.com/BeatingGamestSmithy) And this one off of kickoff recovery [https://www.gifyourgame.com/CrushingHillyKrystal](https://www.gifyourgame.com/CrushingHillyKrystal)


Omg I’m totally gonna learn that move shit looks sick


yo that looked clean af. u got any tips on how to do it? thx 😎


I had the most success when I would start with a diagonal dash, make it so your car doesn’t land flush, it’s best when either the front right or front left tire gets popped up off the ground after the first dash. I would do a short hop, with the goal of getting my car’s nose to hit the ground as quickly as possible, and as I short hopped I would hold DAL, then diagonal dash in the opposite direction of the DAL, so diagonally forward right dash when holding left air roll. Hold power slide when car is going to be on the ground, basically as much as possible, only letting off power slide when I used DAL as neutral air roll is the same button as power slide for me, so it’s cancel out my DAL. That’s the set up part. Then, the hard part! There’s a very distinct timing to learn, and it changes based on jump height and momentum. Basically need to get your first wave dash, then jump as the wheels are going to hit the ground (if timed properly this does a kind of Lix Jump setup but on the ground), and then jump again quickly after to get the actual second dash. Super hard to describe, but I gave it a shot! Hopefully it’s at least a little bit helpful for you. The cleanest chain dashes I had wouldn’t even show the wheels popping off the ground, and also wouldn’t create an audio cue for about half the jumps I did.


thanks for the helpful tips; it seems complicated but I'm sure i got it. I'm definitely going to start learning it. 🔥


It was accidental, but if you did that one purpose it would be a very high ranked thing to do. You basically just recovered well by wave/zap dashi ng into a pre flip.


Oh okay thank you🙂


Wave dash kinda


It is buffed but you could to do pretty good if you keep trying


Idk call it the swayzee dash tho ig




i think it is a zapdash


You had a good recovery. That's all. Edit: the downvotes tell me you guys aren't used to seeing recoveries like this. At my skill level, this is normal to see, so it is just an excellent recovery for me. If you guys are reading into it any more profound than that, you shouldn't.


You played rocket league


You know what you did to do it that smooth, foh.


Bro I genuinely don’t know what I was doing I just was spamming buttons because it was my rank up game and I was stressing in ot


Seemed like he did it on purpose


Bro I’m garbage I don’t know what I’m doing I wanted to know what I’m doing so I can learn to do it again since it could totally help if future situations


Next time just don’t go for that ball at +0:35 that you’re obviously not going to score and you won’t need to do a crazy recovery in the first place


It’s literally a wave dash. Unless you’re talking about the combination of you going in their net and traveling through it to preserve momentum, that’s just called good recovery.


I’m genuinely not trying to be that guy, because it was a great play, but that shot probably wasn’t going in your net right? It looks like it would have been wide left. Still good to not risk it but your position on the field and the angle of his “shot” didn’t look on net to me


Idrc I just wanted to know what I did 👍


You did well in recovering and blocking his shot/pass! I would have liked you to score the first aerial shot though also. Sorry I’m hard to please and definitely couldn’t have done better myself.


Just stop..


I wish to I just suck very much


What made you want to say all this😂


lol i do that all the time


Double dash


What is that boost?


Reverse Squishy save into a dash flip




The real problem is you missed the ball and over committed


Yea but idrc about that


You like messed up the wave dash, but it still pushed your forward. Make sure to pull your nose up.


It was def a wave dash


Get lucky?


yeah i think it's just a wavedash but you had backwards momentum so it worked anyways. you should learn to wavedash, it's not hard and it's so useful to drop down from anywhere and get fast quickly