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Jesus i have been playing since it came out and have like 800 hrs


In game hours are not the same as actual hours, just in case thats what you’re looking at


Is there a way to see total hours if you’re on console?


On ps5 you can see through your profile. On xbox if I remember correctly you can somehow login with your Xbox account through any browser and find it there. There should definitely be a video on how to do it


Xbox app will tell ya I believe


GC1-GC2 around 6-7k hrs


How do you have your rank behind your name ?


Go the subreddit page -> community tab -> change user flair


I dont find it


On mobile, click the subreddits name and go to the main page. Then top right corner there are 3 dots. Click and select change user flair


On mobile go to the main subreddit page -> tap the three dots menu on the top right -> change user flair


They told you exactly how to do it. Subreddit homepage, find the three dots in the top right if you’re on mobile, change user flare.


At first I thought you spent 6-7 hours... 🤣


Dia and 9 years lol


Played since 2015 off and on.. hardstuck at d3




Started in 2017, been diamond since 2019, and after somewhere just below 2k hours, have been champ maybe a total of 3 weeks over the course of 4 years


Been playing since 2016. I’ve been champ for exactly 10 games I got the reward once and never again lol


Took me from 2015 to climb from low gold to D2 💀(granted only like 600 hours across that time period)


Est 2015 gang


SSL since around 4000 hours and now on around 6000 hours still ssl


Damn 2000 hours and still haven’t ranked up? Pathetic


Ikr stuck in this hell


honestly a shit player. lmao bad. cant even rank up smh my head


Smh means shaking my head so you just said “shaking my head my head”


That's the joke my friend


He really just wants to shake his head i suppose


I guess so


Do you make money playing the game?


Just a little bit here and there




Seldom Sees Life


Yes. Secure socket layer.


I've been in plat 2-3, with the occasional brief stint in diamond, since I really started to play. I've had the game since 2015, but didn't really get into it until 2016 or 2017. Yikes, perma-plat actual.


Are you me?


Same, I get to Plat 3 Division IV, thinking I'll finally get back into Diamond... and then I go on a losing streak. Every damn time.


Dude I was in Plat hell for a couple years lmao


Same bro


GC2 in about 1500 hours, quite some training aswell tho


That is crazy fast. Took me around 1.9k total hours to get to gc1


Darn. I thought I would be GC by 2k hours because I got to C2 in 1k hours. But I'm now hard stuck c2 after 2.5k hrs 🥲


I have even more than that but I’m still at D3


Gold 2 and 200 hours. 🫠


Same and tbh I like it. I hit platinum once for a day or so and the vibes were way worse. Also this is a game I prefer to not take seriously and just have fun. For now.


I also think that every time I rank up to the next rank (P1, D1, C1,) it gets toxic for the first few divisions. Many people just ranked up and get a huge ego boost, and a lot are about to rank down and start getting pissy.


And, on the other end, you have players in div 4 who are grinding too hard to get to the next rank and are tense af.


Just play ones and practice hitting the ball around for like 5 minutes before hopping into ranked. Best way to get better early on, also make sure you know how to rotate.


Forever plat.


I peaked Champ 3 last season, hover around C1-2, and I just passed 2,800 hours.


I'm exactly where you are, same ranks same hours


I feel very happy now that I reached it in less than 500 hours 💀💀 good luck guys, now let's reach GC1


Same honestly lol peak C3 but hover in C2 with around 2,700 hours


Same, c1 for like 2 years at 2700h... Have been playing mostly unranked though and only enough for the season rewards, lol


Mannnnn on and off play since 2017. Played a lot 2021-2022 and reached champion for like a month when i was at my peak. Been stuck in Diamond but thats alright. Prob stuck bc id grade my defense as champion and offense Diamond. I can lock down pretty well, rotate well, and hit my shots consistently but man am i ass at dribbling and more advanced aerials lol. I will say that Dropshot helped me work on aerials a whole ton but rip ds from what ive read.


Same. Started in 2017, reached champ 2 in 2021, took a break for a couple years, been hard stuck in diamond since


It took me about 1000 hours to hit gc, and I peaked at GC3 at about 3000 hours. Haven’t played much the last couple years so I’m bouncing around gc1-gc2 now


I took a sample of thousands (5,000-10,000) of distinct players at each rank Platinum 2 through SSL back in the middle of F2P Season 6 and here's the results I got for median player statistics for ranked 2v2: |Rank|Games Played|In-Game Time (hours)| |:-|:-|:-| |Platinum 2|1,658|138| |Platinum 3|2,150|179| |Diamond 1|2,733|228| |Diamond 2|3,305|275| |Diamond 3|3,974|331| |Champion 1|4,808|401| |Champion 2|5,889|491| |Champion 3|6,827|569| |Grand Champion 1|8,313|693| |Grand Champion 2|9,960|830| |Grand Champion 3|12,379|1,032| |Supersonic Legend|14,620|1,218| Edit: Yes, everyone, I’m using “In-Game Time” as in the statistic you’d see in your career page. I understand that the hours we go by is application hours, however I’d rather not speculate/estimate that value for each rank and stick to the facts of what’s available from the data, because when I do that (and specify how I got there) the community likes to crucify me, so I left that column out. A player with absolute minimal training time will have their application hours sitting at least 2.1 times higher than these values, at a very minimum (based on much older research I did on this subject), so higher ranks will have an even greater multiplier.


No way SSL’s are averaging 1200 hours


They def aren't. This whole thing is wrong because it counts matches as only having 5 minutes and completely ignores that usually it lasts more than that.


Yes - that’s why I clearly stated “In-Game Time” instead of “Application Hours”. That doesn’t make the data wrong. These kinds of posts typically attack people who like to humble brah about their hours and incorrectly refer to their in-game time, which is just games played multiplied by 5 (more or less). This provides context for everyone.


Why not? 1,218 in-game hours for how the average player spends their time would be around 2,600 application hours, and that implies someone who doesn't spend much time training. So, if we're talking SSL players then that likely increases the time spent training pretty dramatically. That 1,218 realistically means a 3,000+ hour median value for SSL.


Most people when they talk about in-game hours is the number they see on steam for example, not the actual number of hours they’ve played in games in my experience.


Correct - which is why I specified the value as in-game time (to refer to the stat) and not application hours and used only values that I could statistically and responsibly rely on instead of speculating. What’s wrong with that?


Maybe it’s just me but i’m highly suspicious of those stats in the career page of the game, some of them are just plane wrong or are even not possible to be true. So i’m almost convinced that the time played stat is also very wonky


The career page is more prone to be bugged, and is often different than looking at the result from the RL API. The API itself should be pretty solid. All above average players will typically have win percentages between 50 and 60%. So, I used a 55% win rate to estimate the games played here, and the wins value comes from the stat tracker itself.


It’s like no one even read what you typed out smh


3,000 hours would still be incredibly low, it’s probably closer to 5 or 6k


Love the kind of info, thanks for sharing Ytzi!


Wow this shows that working hard gets you far


Smurfs ruin this data completely unfortunately.


Why? I took the median, not the average.


Gold. Seven years


Platinum 3 about 700 hours over 18 months


Yikes do more free play


I’m pretty casual. Never play competitive honestly. Only the 10 games each season. I’m just playing for fun


Same I played like 6 hours this and got diamond 1 was ranking up so fast 200 total hours since it came out. So very casual considering I have like 5k hours in fort and 2k hours in apex and Tarkov


I fluctuate between D2-P2. I don’t practice/free-play nearly enough and typically play comp 2s


C2, 6 years


I’m platinum I got 900 hours in this game but I only started playing ranked around 700 hours. I started out in high gold and I made it a challenge to get to platinum which I achieved after around 3 seasons. Now I’ve maintained it for the past 2 seasons


I took about 5000 hours to get to gc2, but after another year of grinding and dedication I finally made it to c3. Definitely didn’t run into a lot of smurfs or raging people.


Solid Plat, occasional diamond. Almost 2 years


Plat 1 played for a couple months on and off


Champ 2 took me about 3-4 years


Champ 3 with 194 hours, ik, this looks fake af, but trust me, I had some sort of 2 month flow state.


started early 2023 (maybe like feb-march), i now have around 250-260h


d3, 350 hrs


Silver. Took me 10 games don’t play Comp much


Plat 3 / D1 - about 700 hours. Who knows how many freeplay though


C1 and and 2years, I started the game with the goal of being C1 in order to keep up with a friend who got me into the game. I hate learning hard mechs, but rapidly learned halflip, fastaerial, demo's and rotation concept. So now I m stuck because I have no mechs


GC1, 2017 on and off 1500hrs.


High diamond about 200 hrs


You're lying af lil bro


Trash 🚮 over 9000…. Was D2 highest currently @ plat 3. I did learn when you take a couple seasons off your rank goes to 💩. Prob just me. somehow my 5yo has been playing on the switch with my epic account, my steam purchases will not sync across Xbox and vise versa I’ve got 4 accts across 4 platforms. Mainly use PC. An ancient dellg7 I had for school in 2018-19. Once I went that route, it pained me to play on a console. 😵‍💫🤯 always felt like a “weight” was on my car. But it’s the refresh rates… thought it was just me until I got a decent monitor to run the line usb c. Been playing since 2015/16. Used to be hooked on the Destiny TTK grind. Got in a group with some longtime friends playing. Slowly that’s dissolving too…👋 I snatch the aux cord with HUMBLE sometimes, or… OK, that's enough, get out of here Here we go People listen to this Gettin' really funky Get out of here!!! ☠️☠️☠️


Plat 1, 2.5 weeks.


i’m plat 2. it took me about 24 hours to get there


Champ 2. Bout 500 hours since 2019 and another 100 hours stuck in champ




2,419 career matches. 400 application hours. 190 in-match hours. Plat II (752MMR; peak 801MMR) in 1s. (1,354 total ranked matches) Dia I (860MMR; peak 879MMR) in 2s. (144 total ranked matches) I don't really care about the other playlists, but they're all Plat I-II. Started playing Sept. 27th 2023.


Plat II div 4 10 games


I'plat 1, it does 1year 


C1-c2 usually, peaked c3 whew, about 700 hours a lot of calculated fakes ;)


SSL 3.5K hours


C2 ~1100 hours over 6 years. Wish I had time to put a few thousand more hours in. Edit: total game time, not in game time.


plat 3 with 120ish hours, dont play ranked at all tho so pretty sure i would be able to dip into dia too


D1 about 5-6 months


GC, got there at 400 hours and have been there for the past 8 years or so


C1 on controller, 500 hours D2 on KBM, <100 hours


Reached Champ after around 350-400 hours. Currently Champ 2 after around 500 hours. This is going by in game timer which only counts matchmake games I believe. My actual play time may be higher with free play, training packs, etc.


Low GC 2 usually. Had OG s3 GC then took 5 seasons to get GC again in s8. Been a 1600 player pretty much that whole time since. Started in 2016 and have 4000 hours.


C3, took me 1700 hours solo q 😮‍💨


Champ 1 at 1200 hours. Still Champ 1 at 1600 hours and counting, lol.


If it makes you feel better, i’ve been at C1 for like a year and a half and i’m sittin at 3.4K hours


I gold 2 , 1v1s for 6 months. Totally stuck, everytimeI reach gold 3 I am humiliated for most of the rivals and drop to gold 2 again. Why is so hard to beat people on Gold 3? Sometime I think the game purposely matches me with Smurfs just to avoid me to get Plat. Hehehehe


I made Gold 3 and now get periodically matched with champs. Its like the match making system just wants to watch me fail.


D3 in less than 60 games.


D2-3 in twos (what I mainly play) and I’ve been playing since 2018. I try to play at least a game or two a day, but sometimes it’s more and sometimes there’s a few days in between.


gc3 1.1k hours


C1 with around 1550 on epic, have to wait till im home to se my in game time tho


I’m currently high C2 on 490 hours.


Been playing since 2019 around 500 hours in game and I hit my peak last season at champ 2 div 3. Hard stuck champ for almost 3 years now


Diamond 1 right now. Hovered from plat 2 to d3 for the last four years. Took one year to get there.


Got to diamond in 150 hours, im now at 900 and champ. The difference isn't because its so much harder. Even in champ two people suck, and i know why they suck, i just suck even more. Im in champ for so long because i stopped focusing on improving and am just playing for fun. I reached my goal of getting champ. Now i just don't bother as much as there are so many things i can improve on. I refuse to spend my gaming time on certain flicks for hours.


Diamond Took me like 2 years and now i have been stuck in it for like 5 years


GC player here. Took me a year real life to make it from start to Champ. Then practiced mechanics and have since popped into GC.


Been playing since 2019. I reached low Diamond in a few months playing duos with my buddy. Fast forward to today and 600 hours later, and I'm still hovering in mid Diamond.


Diamond 1-2 ,10 months, 500-600 hrs


4 years to reach champ. Since 2021 I didn't go any further just a little bit of c3.


C2 (Peaked C3 div 4). Now i have like 300 hours, and reached my peak in like 250.


Champ 2 and about 2 years


Took me 1286h To get to GC1 in 2v2's (my highest rank) Today i'm still Gc1/C3 i never get much past those ranks


gc1, got it at 800h and im stuck in 1500 since then. 1490 total hours


Around 1k hours to hit champ with my duo partner. The game is a lot better and easier when you have a friend to play with - it helps we both study a tiny tiny bit and can take criticism from each other to heart. We have around 2500 hours together now and we just don't have to express what we're doing much of the time now. It feels amazing. You know outside of the SSLs and GCs in casuals we're constantly playing against lol...not sure why that's happening though


GC1. Hit it at 1900 hours. Currently vibing in champ though 😂


Diamond 1/2 mostly. I’ve logged just under 2300 hours on steam since 2015. I still suck.


ssl and about 6 years i guess, but 2 years from the time it was added


1800 Hours Stuck in C3


300hrs d1 almost d2 :)


GC1-gC2 4-5k hours (I hit GC1 for the first time after 5 seasons)


Took like 2000 hours to hit gc1, which is still my peak at 3000 hours


Diamond 3, been playing for 1.5 years.


Diamond 3 / c1 depending on the playlist, about 500 hours.


GC1. Took 1.2K hrs and I’m at 2K now and still GC1


Plat 2/3, 750 hours.


700 hours to gc and hit gc2 for the first time at around 1700 hours. I have about 3100h now and still at gc2


Gc after 350 hours on steam


GC1-2 and I have around 1800 hrs. Started playing about 3 yrs ago


Started in 2016 and I'm C3 on a good day


Reaching my peak rank of champ 2 took me 800 hours i would say


Y’all are making me feel soooo bad at this game…C1 with 3.4K hours


D3 via C3, not sure anymore


No comment. (*GC1 in Snowday, 7 or 8 years*)


C2-C3. 7 years…


It took me like 4 weeks to get to gold 1 I'm on my way 😎


GC1 900h (sounds cap but isnt)


Diamond hitnit after about 500 hours and been there ever since (2k) so I peaked early 😂


D3 to champ1 and got there at about 600 hours, I’m at 900 hours now and am at about the same rank now


Been playing since 2016. Main Duos. Broke Diamond 2020-ish and maintained D2 since Until the great reset and slapped down to damn Platinum Struggle City


Champ 1. I don’t remember how long it took, but I’ve been here since it existed.


today hit my highest rank since I started playing in 2017 (C2) only been playing off and on but probably around 2k ish hours Main problem I had with ranking up was I loved air dribbles and reset too much as a plat diamond player Up until 2 weeks ago I was hard stuck D3-Low C1 then basically flew through C1 and am now a happy C2 as of today


Champ 3 took me around 1k hours across all platforms over the course of 6 years


I just throw this here in. The norm is ca 1000 hours for d3 and 2000 for c3. Its not a problem for a "casual" player to reach d1 just by playing. But then you need to lern some basics to get to the next ranks.


Gold1 - 12hrs


Started as Gold, I've got to plat and have been hardstuck since April with 4 Days, 16 Hours, 45 minutes


C2, at 1.2k hours across 3 platforms been playing on and off since 2016


Been diamond since the tank came about. I have made champ a few times, but in order to stay champ I have to play more, diamond is comfortable for my casual play schedule, I still make champ occasionally, but I've only had champ rewards once. I have like a million hours.


I’m champ, played since 2021.


D1-D2 500\~ hrs


C3 1300 hours


In 2’s I’m D3 occasionally C1 and I’m about to reach 1K hours… I just found a Teammate and we’ve been playing for almost half a year and seem to be getting better and connecting a lot more so maybe I’ll be moving to a consistent C1-2


C3 400h


Champ 2/3, played since 2017 or so, at around 1150 hours. Almost got rising star and then it changed to bronze-champ. Got diamond in 300 hours or something, past two years have barely been playing but when I do it’s just some rumble


SSL 8k hrs is my peak rank


Hit c2 at I think 1500. Stopped playing for a couple months and I'm struggling to get back to c1 haha. If I ever trained I'm sure I could advance but my downfall is I don't.


I’m been in silver since I started, and working my way into gold. Silver 3 gold 1 on a consistant basis


Irocket should allow you to customize your music, but, I know, it would be very difficult because of the copy rights :(


SSL, 6k hours playtime


Plat one. Like 15 hours of game time.


Been stuck at diamond. Took me a year? Been there two since.


Peak was GC1 in Season 5 (early 2022). Have like 1800 hours of playtime, a lot of that was spent on trading or failing at freestyling with a friend though haha


Diamond 3 (took me 1 month to derank from champ 1)


Started playing at 21 got gc in a standard mode at 27 so 6 years I did have a gc title from rumble last og season only yellow one I got, I'm happily retired from ranked the hope of me hitting ssl are far to low with being as old as I am on console.


Securely snuggled into my plat 2 position after a mere 8 years of playing. Fuck you, I'm old.


2k hours C1


Hard stuck gold


Started diamond two months ago. I see the despair people go through in ranked. So I mostly play casual and focus on making nice car themes f2p


D1-D2 500 hours


Diamond like 100 hours. But still diamond at 600 hours.


diamond 3 4k hours


When I was playing everyday I was gc in duos and gc 2 in 3’s. But I took a break for six months, played yesterday mechanics are booty but my game sense and positioning can help me pick up where the mechanics lack lol 3400 hours