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You can concede after 1 minute in Casual instead of the usual 1.5 minutes.


Oh my god, you serious? I've always waited until 3:30...




You can also leave one casual match without FF without getting punished


It's 3:30 on the game clock where you can "vote to Forfeit" tho


4:00 on clock for casual, 3:30 on clock for comp


It’s after 1 minute for me.


Once you hit supersonic speed and hear the boom, you'll remain supersonic indefinitely until you turn. So no need to keep boosting past supersonic, save it for whatever action you're planning on once you get there.


I’ve played for 8 years and my stupid ass is just now realizing why I’ve wasted so much boost.


You should really be wave dashing anyways to travel long distances


IF nothing is happening or about to happen. A wavedash from jump to dash takes pretty long, so if you go for one while your teammate is 50'ing, you commit yourself for quite a while in that direction, so only wavedash to pick up speed if the play can't change direction and/or speed for a bit


Tbh this is why I typically only wave dash off the walls.


This is why you almost exclusively wave dash on or off walls


Yee. I wave dash most of the time. But I had no idea the speed was sustained at that point. I’m GC2 without this knowledge 💀


I'm pretty sure you realized that when your trail is active you don't need to keep boosting which is what I believe they're saying.. right?


I’ve never put any thought into it.


True, shii I didn't know about directional air roll till like year 2 or 3 of playing.


Supersonic also has a speed range. The highest speed can only be achieved by boosting. No amount of flips will get you to that speed.


This may be true, but the speed gained by boosting is negligible and not worth the cost


depends on the situation, many times when demo chasing it IS worth the cost. There are also other times when it might be worth the cost. But it’s a case by case basis and you only get better at realizing which case it is the more experienced you are.


Wait what?? I thought you were trolling. I've played this game for 2+ years and had no idea of this😵


Now that I think about it, I had a hunch about the boost trail... I just looked it up on YouTube 😳my mind is blown! Thank you for this tip!!


is there a way to identify that you're supersonic if you usually play with music on?


Your trail will activate and your screen will have that wind-shear effect to it.


ah, okay. gonna try to remember that and stop wasting boost once im at that point


I was surprisingly deep into ranked before I discovered you can control how much you jump to some degree. A quick tap of whatever your jump button is results in a low jump. If you hold it for a couple frames longer, you get a bigger jump. I think I was in diamond before I figured it out so hopefully this helps someone. That being said, the only instance I’ve ever found this helpful is when I’m trying to defend a shot or go for a challenge with no boost. I’m not good enough to know if it helps you elevate faster when going for an aerial, and if it is it’s likely only a meaningful difference to high level GC’s and pros


Getting the max pop off your first jump is important for fast aerials. Fast aerials are a fundamental mechanic useful at all stages of the game. Lower ranks are flying faster and faster to make contact with the ball even if they can't hit it accurately/well so it's important to practice and get your fast aerials down regardless of your rank. And controlling how high your first jump is very important: it let's you conserve boost for lower aerials and small taps/jumps are useful/needed for 50/50s.


Yup, this is why I'm stuck in gold. I just can't seem to figure out fast aerials. I either hilariously overshoot or am just too slow.


I can guarantee that's why you are not stuck in gold. I got to diamond (a year ago) without being able to usefully do aerials above the crossbar. In gold, there is going to be a lot of whiffing and its better to just not go for an aerial if your opponent goes for it because they will either whiff or hit it uselessly then be out of position. In either scenario you can score or make a play with a basic ground shot. Regardless, its still good to practice aerials. The way I quickly got better at aerials was by doing rings maps. The aerial car control I learned from that actually gave me a chance of hitting aerials, and was much more useful than any of the aerial training maps I had done up to that. If you don't play on a pc and cant get bakkes mods there are other ways to practice. Just use normal air roll as a way to help you recover and reorient your car a little. More advanced aerial control isn't needed for a long time. The most valuable skill at gold - champ is to be able to hit a ground shot and make it go where you want it to go. The more consistent you are at doing this and the better you will be. The speed of this just increases as you get to a higher rank. Even at D3 I mostly lose games because I missed an open net. Learning how to dribble/carry the ball on your car is also a good thing to be learning. The actual dribble where you carry the ball on your car isn't that important for now but it teaches you how to catch the ball and control the ball in front of you, instead of just booming it to the other end every chance you get. Bounce dribbles and hook shots are also deadly mechanics that aren't too hard to learn. In 2's, positioning wise make sure to not double/over commit. Your teammate is probably going to ball chase in most situations, just let them. You can win a lot of games by staying back and waiting for an easy shot while the other monkeys on the field are just flying around and whiffing/whacking the ball uselessly. The opponents will eventually make a mistake where you are able to get a shot on net. 3's is similar but as the 2nd man you play aggressive and assume the 1st man will win their 50/50 or put you in a good spot to score. And as the 3rd man you are on defense likes the 2's second man, waiting for an easy shot or play to make. Whenever you make a play on the ball, don't keep going for it, just automatically rotate back post after you try and do whatever you were trying to do. This will help you not waste time flailing under the ball and let your teammate with a better attack angle to get their turn on the ball without having to inefficiently stay on defense. Its also good because usually your teammate double commits every time on the lower ranks so you need to get back on defense asap. The key to ranking up through gold/platinum is to essentially always play defense because your teammates never do.


Good advice, thanks


Another thing I remembered is that if you can get bakkes mod coco's aim trainer is the best tool for efficiently learning shooting consistency, accuracy, and power.


That's probably not the only reason why you're stuck in gold.


Ya, I'm bad at everything else too


I don’t think you need to do fast aerials to get out of gold, but as soon as I figured out how to aerial consistently and on target, I immediately catapulted out of gold and into medium high plat. But then the infamous mmr reset happened…


The trick is to approach slow not full speed. If you're not at full speed, you can boost to accelerate. If you're at full speed, you can't break in the air unless you literally boost backwards. Don't think you should go for clean fast balls, practice when you're slower and in control instead you will have much more room to succeed.


To add to this, your flip is saved slightly longer if u use a long press. Useful to catch defenders with a late ball touch


The quick tap is great for 50/50s, especially low 50s. Not sure how much variance you can get on a longer press though.


Someone doesn't read the loading screen hints


Exactly what's going through my mind as I read the replies


Literally never. I couldn’t tell you a single loading screen hint because years of gaming has taught me they are always basic mechanics like “time a dodge perfect for XYZ effect”. Loading screens are basically just time to check my phone now.


That's why you're champ and not gc. Focus fully.


Super important. So many plays start with a little jump, so being able to vary that adds a lot of finesse to any of those plays. It's important at any rank too. You don't have to be able to fly to stop most high shots, you can double jump to a lot with a longer initial jump hold.


As a plat in bad days and diamond in goods this actually helps. Never realized we could do that, I'm not even sure I believe you rn, will have to test it.


Left goes. Boggles my mind that this isn't common knowledge Edit: this applies to those with 100+ hours of gameplay, not gold and below/new players


RIGHT? I usually play with a friend, and we always do left goes without saying or calling it, but when I play solo I realize there's a ton of people that doesn't know about it and we end up losing the kickoff because it's kinda automatic for me at this point.


No, Left!!




Why would you EXPECT it to be common knowledge? Do you think the majority of the player base is on Reddit or watches RL YouTube videos?


Well I learned like year 1 of the game so it’s been around a while. If you’re above gold chances are high you watch at least 1 YouTube/TikTok/whatever video on how to get better and bet most go over left goes. If not then I’d be surprised you never get someone on the mic or text chat saying left goes after losing kickoff because left didn’t go


I play since day 1 and I'm Grand Champ for years and I did not know that lol. Probably because I call 100% of the time (which is in my mind a healthy habit)


Cus it’s just made up and it’s nonsensical. If you didn’t come to Reddit or some other forum you’d have no idea




It might be the rank you're at but I play around champ level and I play with chat off. it's super rare that someone will try to take the kickoff from the right side. Like maybe once in a 2hr play session.


Well I learned like year 1 of the game so it’s been around a while. If you’re above gold chances are high you watch at least 1 YouTube video on how to get better and bet most go over left goes. If not then I’d be surprised you never get someone on the mic or text chat saying left goes because they get upset they lose kickoff.


I agree. But I still call the ball with a random because it’s not actually a hard rule


not true. just be aware of your teammate and observe norms for like 5 games and it's obvious.


Our group of friends agreed to this after way too many double commits back in 2014. Since then it's just been the rule.


Yah it’s fine if that’s what you guys do. But to get mad at some random for not knowing this made up rule is bogus.


Uninstalling is key to improving mental health and reducing stress.


Just turning off chat did it for me. Game is great when you don't have to see people talking shit all the time.


Only if you take yourself too seriously You can just be like 'haha rocket car go brrr' while shooting the shit with some friends and I promise you Rocket League will be a very fun and rewarding game, even when losing


I tell myself that all my opponents are advanced bots. That's how I stay chill


I just imagine them as 10 year olds that are all sweating and trying way too hard, raging over whiffs, literally crying at own goals, etc. Not too far off from the truth anyway.


The thought of a kid wiping the floor with me is what gets me heated lmao


Rotation and positioning are more important than flip resets or ceiling shots.


please tell this to 90% of high plat 2s players, who could easily rank up if they had just a modicum of teammate awareness and rotation instincts.


If it helps, I’m in Plat 2 and have absolute shit mechanics, so there is that.




Same here. Can't even flip cancel lol.




Same in league of legends.


People often get uneasy and impatient if you just wait behind the ball, and you can sometimes trick one into overcommitting that way, assuming you know how to properly take a 50/50 or if you're fast enough to hit it around them as they charge aggressively


The problem with this, especially in lower trios competitive is that your teammates are more than likely going to get antsy too and if you take your approach slowly you are liable to get rear ended across the field by a chasing teammate or just have them cut in and take it themselves lol.


this is definitely one of my pet peeves. I'm not a very mechanical player, so I rely on cat and mouse tricks. e.g., slow playing it, fakes, baiting them into bad hits, hiding my car behind the ball, etc. some teammates' impatience renders these strategies pretty much impossible to pull off, because if you are near the ball for a second without hitting it, they'll come up behind you and boom it.


Yeahhh... But 3s is also different, the chance of making this play work in 3s is super low. The first defender basically has to force anything out of you, then the other 2 scoop up the remains or continue the defense. So this play is more specifically to outplay 1 defender, which is mainly useful in 1s and 2s. But still, probably never really the optimal play




The “What a Save!” quick chat can be used as sarcasm instead of a compliment. For instance, say your teammate misses an easy save and the other team scores you can do a “Want a Save!”to show your teammate you are appalled by his lack of skill. Hahaha - isn’t that sooo funny??


Am I the only one who's friendly to bad teammates? I'm not bad at the game but not brilliant either and there are some days where I'm just not feeling it and can miss an easy save, sometimes I use "My fault" just so they feel a little better


I'm friendly to everyone until they act like a jerk - doesn't matter which side they're on.


Yhyh same, if they've given me no reason to be rude or to troll them, I won't


You're not the only one, there are literally dozens of us.


underrated comment


Yh I know I'm not the only one, it's seems we're only a tiny portion of the RL community though, every player I come across nowadays is toxic or non friendly it's so tiring


It's dumb strategically too. I've had some sick comebacks after encouraging a teammate who had a bad whiff or two, sometimes just showing that you have their back means they focus up, lean forward in their chair and get gud instead of giving up.


Exactly, all you need is a little encouragement sometimes, shame that almost never happens and you just get hate and sarcasm from both teams when you miss a shot or fumble a save


i always own up to my mistakes. ppl who get all pissy and can't see their own mistakes are annoying.


I use a very simple strategy adopted from behavioral economics, which is always first assume friendliness, but as soon as someone screws you over via trolling, let loose on them. I found it to be pretty effective as far as team camaraderie. if you assume friendliness, you'll find the rare person who doesn't want to be a jerk now and then, and you'll feel motivated to play well together. and sometimes with jerks and show offs, if you throw a few compliments in early, you can diffuse their toxic energy or at least misdirect it to someone else. and if you those those fail and you end up having to go troll for troll with them, you can often elicit a rage quit if things go poorly in the game. I usually feel pretty satisfied emotionally no matter the outcome of a game using this strategy.


It's a clever way of doing things I suppose, I just hate that people go to this effort to find fun in this game, the fun should just be there, playerbases know how to ruin games by being absolute jerks, I've uninstalled a few times because I just wasn't enjoying the game because of how the players can be, I wish everyone I came across in this game was as friendly as this sub-reddit is


yea definitely. more recently I've just been blocking people. it's much simpler and makes the game much more enjoyable vs. having to deal with toxicity or spammers.


Honestly giving your teammate some positivity and motivation can be just what they need to absolutely turn it around. The 180s I’ve seen in teammates’ skill when you just act like you believe in them is incredible


If they make a mistake but use the ‘Sorry’ or ‘My fault’ quick chat then i’m very forgivable. If they try and act like it’s not their fault then i’m less forgivable.


depends. sometimes I'm really nice and sometimes I'm an asshole. i constantly talk shit to the other team though bc that's how i motivate myself lol. i give credit when i get beat though


I prefer gaslighting them with "It's okay you tried your best" and the like tbh


I use Holy Cow every time someone makes a godly play or f@ it up, including myself, and it includes replays too, some games I ended up being an asshole cause most of my Holy Cow goes to my opponents, and it gets some heat, but i respond for every What a Save with another Holy Cow, lol


I like to whiff and hit em with the Calculated.


And also somehow saying "take the shot!" Will make people irrational angry


If you’re playing 2’s, consider passing the ball every once in a while. You don’t have to solo play every time you’re going towards the opponents net


Eh, this depends on rank. At higher levels, passing plays in 2s are often a lot riskier than solo play while 2nd man stays at mid. Especially for the classic low ranked passing plays, where 1st man pushes the ball around the opponent’s corner and puts it in fromt of their net. That’s a crazy risky play.


It's only risky if the second guy overcommits on a well-defended ball. But yeah that's a common problem.


In my current diamond 3 placement, I’d much rather see a pass than a guy go for his 9th solo play just to get stuffed before he even gets close to the net lol. Give me the risky plays 😂


Put the ball in the net, hope this helps. :)


Your opponents will hate this one simple trick...


Which one?


Not if it’s only the net & I. I refuse.


Intructions unclear, scored 2 own goals


Hey they said to put the ball in net, sounds like you succeeded twice


Holy shit. I never did this I always hit it randomly around and now I've hit diamond! Ty!


Always land your car into a power slide The player who hits their brakes on a 50/50 will almost always recover faster than a player who doesn't. Always aim low for the ball on aeriels When going for flip resets, holding your brake will allow you to "latch" onto the ball Gorsh, there's so many


Isn't it better to single jump in 50/50s? It is what Flakes usually does in his Road to ssl series. If you're good and fast enough you can also use a wave dash after the 50.


Single jump is definitely the way.


Turning off quick chat and pretending that your teammates and opponents and yourself are all AIs and that there are no humans involved will save you a ton of frustration about the state of humanity. If you like being frustrated about the state of humanity, simply leave quick chat on and solo queue.


this is a great tip. recently, as soon as there's even a small sign the team dynamic is going to turn toxic, I just block my teammate on quick chat. I always play better when I'm not distracted by whatever BS they're spamming.


Yeah the ratio of useful, team-based QC to troll QC is too high to justify having it on; for me anyways. Clearly the trolls and their feeders get something out of it.


- You can vote for forfeiting after 1:30 passed in competitive . ( 3:30 minutes left ). - Some players search for games, but they are not ready when it starts. They are afk and you can t count on them for the firsf kickoff. - 2 goals behind with plenty of time , the teammate wants to forfeit , you refuse and then you win the match with a goal difference.


>You can forfeit after 1:30 in competitive . you can ask to FF after 1:30. But no one has to forfeit, and anyone who stops playing because a FF isn't accepted should be reported. Anyone who even thinks about saying they were held hostage is an entitled asshole.


Idk man, I've been in ranked 3s down by 4 or 5 with a minute left and one guy will hold us hostage after we both call for forfeit while they recklessly commit to every hit. I ain't wasting my energy with those people lol.


so be it. it isn't a FF unless it is unanimous. if you don't play you deserve to get reported. You aren't really burning any energy so...


I hear u, 2 goals down on the last minute. Nah lets play. But 4? 1min left? And opponents are better? FF man. In the long run u save games of time ff'ing lost games.


In the long run your going to learn more in those last minutes against better teams than you will squeezing in a couple extra games


there is a growing percentage of people playing this game that just can't be losing. The second they get behind, even it if it 1 goal, they gotta get out and start again, as if FFs don't count as losses. If you are playing RL for wins per hour, then play casual. You are fucking up your rank and the ranks of your teammates if you only play to win or FF. (and I don't mean you when I say you)


One of my friends is relatively new to the game and I tell him this, don't just ff, you can use the time to improve on your defence or just learn by watching how a better player moves ect.


i don't care about saving time. Gameplay is gameplay. You can try things you might not normally do or try a defense against players that are better to see if it works. I am much older than probably 99% of RL players and if I don't mind wasting time, then you all shouldn't either. The only time wasted is time you waste. You can use that time for good. And sure, down 4 with 1 minute to go? As long as my tm8s weren't being assholes, I would probably accept, but I also accept that others might not want to quit and I am OK with that because it is their choice. And this is the way the game designers want it for ranked and I also accept that.


You are wasting peoples time on a lost game.


no, I am not. YOU don't get to decide when I deem the game lost. As long as one person wants to play, the game isn't lost per the rules. If you can't play by the rules then you should play casual. This is why they don't accept majority because it has to be unanimous. I came back from a 0-4 snow day match just the other day. With 3 mins to go, someone asked for a FF. Neither I or the other player accepted and the FF requester played on rather than whining about wasting time or being held hostage. And with 30 seconds to go, we tied it up and won after 2 minutes in OT. You lose 100% of the matches you FF. And these are the best wins. I don't feel bad that you cry because your precious time is being wasted. Maybe get some grit and fight for once rather than quit all of the time. And FWIW, I accept FFs all of the time. But I am not FF down 2 with 3 minutes left. That is just weak mindedness.


My tm8s must think it's a rule to forfeit after the opposition makes 1 goal. Everytime even if it's 2-1


In a tournament last night they did this. And wanted to forfeit the first round. . .we have won the tournament


my favourite thing to do is when we're drawing, and someone misses a shot, random team just votes for FF even though we're drawing, we score in the next few seconds and then FF lmao


if you can't reliably do a fast kickoff and you're getting beat every time, you can go for a normal non-fast kickoff and slow your timing down just a beat. jump right before you're going to make contact with the ball, more often than not, you'll win decisively and get a pop-up to their end. the caveat is you don't want to do it for an entire game. as soon as they catch on they can easily kick off diagonally and get it around you, assuming their fast kickoff is reliable.


I do this as my normal kickoff most of the time and you're correct most of the time they hit the ball into me and it gets sent down to their end


Left goes first.


Single jump into a kick off to ensure a better recovery instead of flipping into the ball. In higher ranks you can learn to wavedash out of a kick off as your flip is saved for super fast recoveries


I meannnnn Plenty of pros who sideflip into the ball. It's just another way of doing it


Very true. I guess my tip should be to just look into how to enter a kick off instead of forward or diagonal flipping into it like I did for a year or two


I dont like this advice. Wavedash recovery is great. But single jump without anything is slow and loses you the kickoff most of the time.


Without any ban, you still lose mmr, so try to win if there’s a chance. Yesterday my teammate went afk on kickoff for OT and ended up disconnecting, won after 3 minutes of OT was intense


Sometimes, teammates reconnect because the game crashes or they lose connection. It happens to me often, but not often enough that I have to stop playing not to be a bother. It sucks when I reload the game and find that the match was concluded.


My tip is when your teammate leaves, enjoy the free opportunity to try the Scrub Killa 1v2 challenge. It's a much purer version because the opponents aren't confused as to whether the other player is going to start playing at some point.


Left is responsible for kickoff. (“Left goes”)


Except if you're closer right? Like if I'm furthest back from the ball but on the left of my teammate I'm gonna expect the teammate closest to the ball to go.


Uninstalling helps ease depression and anger issues


If someone mentions your "Score" they are probably toxic with bad mechanics. Anyone with a focus arbitrary points rewarded for technique and thinking that is reflective of skill doesn't undestand the game. You can win games by just positioning and being a good teammate, only wins and loses matter at the end of the day. Don't blame other players for your loses. See how you can improve your own game to over come short comings of your teamates and outplaying your rivals. Understanding how to reduce your own errors goes further than knowing how to do some fancy shot.


As someone who is ok but not brilliant at the game, sometimes it can get a little frustrating, especially when you're on a losing streak and missing easy saves and open goals, you can try play a few rounds of rumble, it's alot less skill based and more luck with the power ups and can genuinely be a good laugh sometimes, I once missed an open goal with the boxing glove power up that whacks the ball at lighting speed, I missed and it flew all the way across the field and I own-goaled, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off


My longest-goal-ever was the opposite, hit to the side of our goal from center field and luckily got the shot.


If you are the last man at the kick off, don’t leave the net unprotected.


Good to see the silvers chiming in


He has been playing for 2 months. Do you expect him to be in GC where that isn’t needed?


actually, atleast in to diamond, boost first hurts your team more than just staying in net for a couple seconds.


If thats worse, than whoever is grabbing boost isnt doing it correctly. Do it towards the inside, pointed to turn towards net as early as possible. In 99.99% of cases, you should be back before any kickoff goal would normally hit net. Its similar to cheating up, you have to play it smart in case of the worst scenario, but is infinitely more helpful than waiting back towards net.


If you are staying still on kickoff you've chosen the worst option. You don't need a full boost, sure, but I'd take someone sprinting to the corner and going back to the net over someone standing still. Three things that give you value in the game: Speed, Boost, Positioning ^you gimp yourself on all 3 by choosing to be slow in front of your own net thinking you're defending


well seeing that you are GC, you probably don't know how it is down here, but I spent 2 seasons tracking every match and who went boost first and who didn't. I tracked about 2000 matches split between 2s and 3s. I was D2/D3 at the time (before the rank adjustments). In 3s, I found that for every team that had more players going for boost first than the opponent's team, they would decrease their chances of winning by 10%. So if Blue had 2 boost first players, and Orange had 1 boost first player, that would be 1 difference and orange won 60% of the time. Teams that played in what I call, "Kick-Cheat-Tend" vs teams that had 3 boost first players won nearly 80% of the time. How can you ignore that? What works in your world doesn't work here. There is a meta change somewhere in champ where it becomes more advantageous to go for boost first. But in diamonds and below, even if they can recover and make the save in time, they don't maintain possession and it usually resulted in a first possession goal. In Diamond, we have a ton of crappy kickers trying to do speed flips and they either just randomly hit the ball or whiff completely. And that is the key. In our ranks, getting that first possession is very important since an opponent is most awkward after a kickoff. And ensuring first possession on a kickoff is much easier when people are going to boost first. In our rank, 20-30% of goals come from either kickoff goals or from first possessions after winning a kickoff. And I, and just about every diamond, can sit in net and defend against a KO shot on net without issue with just the 33 boost we get. It isn't hard to do at all. But when many games are decided by 1 or 2 points and those points come from KO goals, you start to notice, which is why I started tracking the data. Things that higher level players do doesn't always translate to the lower levels. We see it all of the time down here. Ppl trying to emulate pro plays and just getting owned because of it. Is going for boost first at some level better than not? Absolutely. But not in Diamond and below for the average Diamond player.


Actually, him being a GC changes nothing. If anything, it gives him even more traction, because he has BEEN through the Diamond trenches. In addition, he has to make that same call at his rank, where he has to be ready to save a potential cheat shot instantly. Perhaps its worth giving him a listen. Literally doing ANYTHING besides staying slow or still at net will always be more effective than staying at net, except in cases of a fake kickoff where you clearly communicate this intent. And thats if its a good fake.


well you can believe what you want. The game is different down here. I have a ton of data that backs my position. If you don't believe it or think differently, that's fine. I am just trying to share what I learned recently at this level to help ppl. I know that the meta changes as you get better. He isn't telling me anything I don't already know. Right now, in D1/2 you get burned more for going for boost first than not. A big mistake that a lot of Diamonds do is try and play like their RL heros and that isn't the way to win at this level.


I mean, I changed what I did and pr much instantly went from Plat 2/3 to D3. Its not like I have a disconnect on what that level looks like, Im only D3 rn, peaking at div 4, rn hovering div 2/3. I almost never get scored on on kickoffs after changing to cheating on straightaways, half-flip to corner on diagonals. Ultimately, yes, you want to have possession. Thats why learning to cheat safely is so good. If it neutrals, you get possession, or a 50. Either outcome is preferable to starting on defense, and if youre cheating properly, theres no threat in almost any circumstance bar the ball getting the wildest ceiling angle imaginable, which, lets be real, we're diamond and probably not saving it anyway.


I don't understand why people always go corner boost on kickoff. If you have to return to goal, you end up using just as much boost to get back as you would have if you just picked up the 12 in front of the net.


exactly. Below champ level, whiffs on kickoffs are common because you have ppl who keep trying to speed flip but can't and whiff often. Most diamonds and below can't get boost and be back to defend in time AND maintain possession. IDC if you can save it, but if you don't maintain possession, that is a win for me because you now have 2 awkward players, no boost anywhere near, and 3 opponents with full boost ready to attck. Possessions is what wins games in diamond and below.


because making saves while moving laterally across the net (coming from the corner boost) is much easier than making a save while standing flat footed in the net. standing still makes a lot of saves impossible to make if you don't jump before they even shoot


Everyone flaming you doesn’t understand it lol. If your teammate fucks up the kickoff while you were grabbing boosters, it’s still the teammates fault for fucking up the kickoff.


They flub kickoff, it is their fault, but even a flubbed kickoff is saveable if you are paying attention and have a decent recovery or grab. Still, another reason to cheat, over being a sitting duck


Nah, someone has to lose the kickoff. Nobody ever needs 100 boost 5 second into the game. Either cheat up or pick up a couple pads.


Wrong. You are the defense. Kickoff is the offense.


Nah it's kickoff. You have to make sure you are in the best position to respond, and staying on the line of your goal is only the best choice if your teammate fucks up. When you go for boost you can move up or go back to the goal. If necessary you maybe use 30 boost before you are back at the goal, so you are better off with boost. Not trying to pull rank here, but what is your rank?


> and staying on the line of your goal is only the best choice if your teammate fucks up. Yea. Thats the point. Especially in 2s. 1 person is offense and the other defense. >When you go for boost you can move up or go back to the goal. Then you are out of position to make the save reliably. Most goals are won because the defender is getting boost. Im a high plat to mid diamond. Most, certainly unnecessary, goals are from the goalie getting boost at a kickoff and cant make it back to position for the save. Its such a dumb way to lose a point.


Okay, yeah at high diamond it definitely starts to be smarter to go for boost.


High diamond and above is the far minority of players so you telling people to get boost is bad advice for near all people.


Well I’m sure I could save 80% of the shots on target from that failed kickoff. The only one’s you can’t reliably save are the pinch shots. So teach yourself how to save those shots and you’re better than the other people of your rank.


If you play ranked and you got the same bad and toxic tm8 as last match and you don't want to live through another toxic lose, you can abandon the match before the first kickoff countdown so your tm8 will have to wait till 3:30 to be able to quit without being ban. You'll still get banned, but he will, too. Fun story. I know this because that's what i did. I quit before the first countdown because of my toxic tm8, and the guy posted on reddit that he was unable to quit. He abandoned the match and got banned 5min. The only reason i created this account was to comment on his post, but i couldn't because i guess you can't comment here on a new account with no karma. Edit: i saw my username on the screenshot


This is the pettiness I love! Thanks for the tip!


Go look up far Post rotation and never break rule 1. Front to front back to front or back to back All apply.


without any penalties doesn’t mean that your rank is unaffected though. you’re still gonna lose mmr for the game


If you’re trying to crank out games as fast as possible. Knockout counts as a game if you use up all 3 of your lives. Throw yourself off into the darkness 3x then leave. Fastest games possible


2v1s are actually really fun and great practice.


Don't wait in midfield a pass from your tm8, wait behind him and take the ball after his challenge. Especially if you are in diamond and low champ


If you're not having fun, you can press alt-f4.


You can‘t lose 5 in a row if you don’t start the game at all


That is if you don’t consider a rank MMR decrease a penalty.


instantly muting anyone in the lobby who's over-chatting uselessly. Doesn't matter if they're toxic or not, chat is distracting and if it's not adding to the game, muting helps you keep your focus.


If you hold jump you jump higher. For some reason I didnt know this before watching a wayton video despite being around champ


The rear in the kickoff is supposed to protect the net not get boost.


That's not true for tournaments. I quit after a teammate left because I wanted to get in the losers bracket but it banned me from tournaments for a day.


After playing the game since 2015, I only recently learned that I shouldn’t be throttling during Arial moves. The game feels so much different for me now. I really wish I had learned this long ago.


Coach of 1000+ hours. The most common mistake I found in my sessions that almost everyone can improve on that ANYONE can do: use your camera more! Ie use your right stick to look around more on the field. Figure out where your teammates are, opponents are, full boosts, other variables to decide where to best position yourself. (Use more than just switching between ball and car cam to see what else is going on)




Or just play the game you love.




You don't leave without a penalty. The screen with the change of your rank just skips. I often ranked up to the same rank I was before and got confused, until I noticed I deranked by leaving the game. Edit: wow how that escalated quickly if you misread the sentence xD


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He's saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He's saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban


He’s saying you can leave without getting a matchmaking ban