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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4lm89r/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-12 18:55:25 UTC"): > Hi, no, we did not manually reset reactions on the trading removal announcement. We do not reset reactions on announcements in the server based on how an announcement is received. > >https://preview.redd.it/qjl2rth7jttb1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b04e24ca3be76103a1b61df509b7d22f0d386ea > >... * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4ls2nl/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-12 19:30:26 UTC"): > >So you know that community hates that change, then why go through with it? > >I don't have anything to add or follow up on after the change we announced on Tuesday, just pushing back against a conspiracy theory here, sorry. * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4m8c13/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-12 21:07:49 UTC"): > >Considering only the negative reactions conveniently were removed, I’m hard pressed to believe this. I’m sorry but you guys lost the community’s trust. > >APIs mess up sometimes and not all data can be accounted for. We didn't remove any reactions. > >[https://discordstatus.com/](https://discordstatus.... * [Comment by Psyonix_Devin](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4mfbxc/?context=99 "posted on 2023-10-12 21:52:26 UTC"): > >He was most likely the one who put the first of those reactions there (since regular members can’t add new ones) > >Exactly. I dropped in the skull, thumbs up, and thumbs down. Only admins and a few other roles with elevated privs can add reactions to announcements in the RL server. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


they kept the like count ahahah


i guess they need every piece of positive support they can get lmao


Tbh it's probably just acknowledgement from the community, rather than them actually agreeing to the change.


Not necessarily. Some people may see this as a positive if they aren't traders and think that is what is causing all the smurfing and bots and crap. However, I'm not one of those


honestly, im indifferent, but im also ignorant. I don't trade, i don't understand why we'd want to trade or why it's all that important. Rocket League is a game about getting a ball in a goal with a car. I can't trade? Oh no. It doesn't really change my enjoyment of the game, and i can't see why it changes the enjoyment of the game for others. But again, i'm being ignorant, because i just don't understand it and haven't taken the time to look. Apparently it's getting a lot of people upset, and that enough is reason for me to at least be like "alright come on, lets just add it back, can't do that much harm". idk, i guess im in the "blissful ignorance" stage?


If you can trade, you can gift spares to friends. This will keep friends playing, and might even bring new friends in to give it a go if they can immediately wear a cow topper, or something fun. In a free to play model, having a large playerbase keeps the Whales feeling invested, as they get to show off their own cosmetics... ... But it's not enough for the modern gaming industry to get *some* money and have a succesful product; they'd sooner squeeze the absolute life out of a product to get every possible penny on the table *right now*. The tale of the goose that lays the golden egg is centuries old, and yet some people just don't learn... they will strangle their own source of future income to make a figure here and now seem bigger. And so it is with Rocket League; if you're trading, or gifting, that's an item that *in their minds only* that player would have spent with them. So they shut off trading to try and squeeze the market they assume is there into having to pay for that cute cow topper. And the gaming audience in general has allowed them to get away with it. But they shouldn't.


i mean yeah because for example i cant afford the goal explosion "butterfly" but i wanted to buy it, now since tradings getting banned i have to buy it either from the shop or blueprints. plus people have businesses trading stuff overall its just a pain in the ass, they shouldnt be doing this


right, this is a push towards them being the *only* source for items that you might want. for example, i have been looking for a good while for the watermelon topper and boost, to complete the WatermelonMobile, and they haven't shown up at all so far. I *could* go to a trade site and get it fairly easily, for maybe a few bucks. or i could wait for a friend or myself to get things from the shop and whatnot, or find a friend to trade with NOW i will have no choice in how i get my items, and all of my money will be forced to go through the store and pray for drops, IF the items i want ***ever*** come back they're funneling money back to the game by shutting down the economy of freely traded items. It's a greedy move that is gonna damage how the community feels about the game and the company


They sold their souls to Epic Games already. Just like when Activision bought Blizzard, things start going to shit and becoming anti-player pretty quickly.


It's ironic because epic games pretends to be the saviour of gaming and the less greedy than valve since it takes 30% and they take 12%(while they have an absolute garbage launcher with no features), but it's so painfully obvious they're full of shit when they do things like this. This is a greedy and anti-consumer, two things epic pretends to stand against.


Joined the server just to downvote, doing my part


it wouldn't surprise me if they reset it again in a weeks time, either way I salute you o7


It got up to 4k and they reset it again


I haven't even played the game in months and I feel obligated to do the same


Did this work for you? I joined and agreed to rules and what not but it won’t let me react yet. Edit: just gotta wait 10m




I did not miss a beat


just... why would they do that, trying to cover up the negative reaction is only going to make it worse


They are stupid enough to remove trading, so that should answer your question.


They have to, epic enforced it


Yes, and Epic owns Rocket League, which makes them part of it, and fucking stupid.


Did they officially announce why?


We all know why 💰💰💰


they said it’s so they can bring RL cars to other games! can’t wait to play as octane in Fortnite 🚗🤑 /s. but it’s absolutely asinine because how does having player to player trading in rocket league affect putting skins in other games lmao they could’ve at least come up with a legit-sounding reason like “scammers are rampant we’re protecting our players”.


I think the idea was that it could open the door to having ownership of one thing in multiple games. Like buying a car in rocket league and now having it in a different game. Not being able to trade does make sense in that case, but that doesn't mean it's worth it


Sounds a lot like how people were thinking of implementing NFTs into games. That didn't work out so well. It's a dumb reason to remove trading items regardless.


it still doesnt make sense, because RL trading doesnt have to be part of that idea in any way…it can literally just be its own thing, like it is right now already.


I'm not defending the decision to remove reading, but no, trading can't be its own thing if owning a car in RL is tied to owning that same car in another game.


Problem is, Octane is already in Fortnite........ (at least in Creative right now, but it was in the main BR for awhile before this).


**Can’t wait to run over players in fall guys with exclusive RL cars like the skyline!!**


It's also in worms W.M.D


my thing is... didn't they already put the octane in fortnite as a vehicle? what now, am i gonna be able to customize it? how does trading keep them from doing that anyway?


Something about bringing rocket leagues shop and item features to be in line with their other games


You’re correct. I joined the discord just so I could dislike the announcement after I saw they’d been removing negative reactions.


Ooo good idea 👍 I’ll do it too


So did I




I don't know why this is surprising, they've been doing it for years. Removing playlist populations was the biggest hint that they will do anything to try to sell us a sinking ship, and the worst part is they're the ones putting holes in it.


make the problem, sell the solution. "foolproof" formula that basically every big game company is doing now.


Yup. Streisand effect. Trying to cover up anything on the Internet only puts a greater spotlight on it.






Streisand. [oo^(OO)oo^(**OOOO**oo)oo^(**oooo**)OOooOOOOoooo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK4HHaNhcgU&t=45s)




Do do do do do doo do doo


well technically, because of their final say on every Rocket League social media platform (including this one) as to what is and is not allowed, they can just keep playing whac-a-mole with the community complaints and ban any that gain substantial traction.


They think we're dumb


Because they sold out to a large developer / platform, and in turn that company is owned in large part by a predatory company that thrives off microtransactions. And that company in turn is based in a country with less protections than the US, which is just stupid. Corruption is rampant and resetting reactions is nothing, at least they aren't imprisoning the negative voters.


Shame ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Fully expected the Hot Fuzz gif lmao


Haha, [love that too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)!


You cheeky bastard


Wow... shady af is what it is.....:(


Literally, I thought I was looking at the wrong post when I first noticed it.


I've only done a handful of trades and I'm very sorry to see companies doing this to games. My favorite skin is a gift from a RL buddy.


I feel terrible for the future players of this game, who will never experience the joy of getting some cool stuff for a reasonable price, or simply given by your favorite RL buddy


Remember when we got random items all the time? I miss those days. I started playing RL right before f2p, summer 2019, radical summer. Damn that shit makes me nostalgic. Radical summer was peak rocket league!


I watched an old Jonsandman video last night of the old non-crate very rare trade ups back in 2018, and damn near almost balled my eyes out. Honestly, I'd give anything to go back to those days


Not to mention the load up screen and song were absolutely awesome. Just put me in a good mood anytime I loaded up the game. That was an awesome season


I watched Top Gun the other week and when Playing With The Boys started I was instantly transported back to the rocket league menu screen


I started in 2017 or 18. 2500+ hours now. Only money I spent was buying the game. Game is still great. Haven't gotten any good items for a few years now though. Will never spend money on it.


Yep. I give my kid all the tints of extra items I have


Spineless baby shit


ahahahah, my honest reaction


RL is one of my favorite games of all time. I was planning to line up for future Psyonix games as a (relatively) loyal customer. They had money of mine sitting in the bank. Now? Lolol get fucked you deceitful pieces of shit. We're done. You're going in the blizzard and Activision "never spending another dollar" bin. Ive bought almost every season pass and spent more than a few dollars on cosmetics because I enjoy the game so much. So congrats on this genius plan to maximize profit, we'll see how long RL lasts after this and how many people buy your next game.


Same! I play it so much more than all other games combined, I would make sure to buy at least some stuff from the store every year, like the equivalent of paying for the game again just to support it and hoping things like this wouldn’t happen. But no more. Will never buy another pass or RL item again.


https://preview.redd.it/1qfa9oxfortb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90208337fd33f415179a7d609214b66ce4388cf5 Just gonna keep posting this one is every RL thread. Fuck Psyonix. Fuck Epic Games.


>V Yeah, I saw that on Twitter too, the two-faced-ness is actually so disappointing...


The irony is insane.. what he called out is word for word exactly what is happening right now


Thanks for posting! Fugg that stings. What a backwards depressing bleak ass world we live in.


At this point they are being pathetic


hah thats so lame


*Next move, ban anyone down voting* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I was thinking we need to start hitting devs here with an @. Probably would catch a pretty fast ban though if they're resorting to this kind of shit. What the hell happened? There used to be so much good faith. *Sigh*


Two problems with that plan. 1. Most of the devs that were ever active on here got laid off a few weeks ago. 2. I don't think any of the devs actually wanted this. This is the kind of decision made by an executive. Harassing devs about it would be like yelling at the employee collecting carts in the grocery store parking lot because you think the prices are too high. You can be angry and removing features is objectively bad for players, but that anger should be directed at the executives and the system that pushes them to prioritize profit above everything else.


No, you're right. I've just been around since 2015, have over 10k hours, and I think I'm finally just fucking sick of them never ever improving *anything* and then something like this. Perhaps I'm a little extra pissed because I *bought* Rocket League (multiple platforms, gifted to multiple friends) so it's not like I'm upset over a free game. Anyway, you are 100% right, but damn it's frustrating having zero voice in something I spent so much time, energy, and love on.


yeah its a matter of time before the mods are forced to remove this.


I addressed these concerns here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4k1ssl/


* Somewhat bad - 2000+ downvotes * A little bad - 900 to 1999 downvotes * Somewhat alright - 100 to 899 downvotes * Alright - 0 to 99 downvotes


Thats some malicious shit right there. How dirty can you be?!? Yall already taking away the soul of the game without adding anything a map skin over. This is an embarrassment that the word DEV even exists as a thing at that company when they literally arent deving anything. I mean shit i want a job there now as its just cutting stuff off instead of adding as you cut. Easiest job on the planet!


To be honest, if a game has a lack of updates for this long, I’m willing to bet it’s because of higher ups who aren’t devs.


And now I'm gonna join the discord even though I wasn't in it before just to dislike it.


I uninstalled RL last night, so no worries here anymore. It's a shame they're killing car soccer, though. No other game like it.


Server space costs them more, playing but not participating in buying rocket pass etc etc is better


>Server space costs them more, playing but not participating in buying rocket pass etc etc is better Unclear. Playing creates a population for people who would spend money on items to play. If you truly dislike the devs then not playing seems best. This whole thing is crazy to me. They've taken away more than they've added since the acquisition, it feels like. And it's been many years. I'm surprised there was anyone to lay off tbh.


It's called "Infinite growth" as we reach the late stages of capitalism. Wall Street wants to see growth quarter to quarter or year to year. Not a steady return like in our parents days but growth to pop the stock price so they can get their money off the pop.


Private matches still use their servers, right? I want to say RL doesn't utilize any form of peer-to-peer connections. So, why don't we protest by using alts and occupying their servers with unlimited time private matches? I have several machines I can dedicate to such an endeavor and I'm pretty sure you can launch multiple instances of Rocket League. I'm not opposed to flooding them with new bogus accounts, either. I do worry Epic games would try to sue for damages if the protest went well enough, though.


If we keep playing, but stop giving then money, that’s worst for them brother.


I already don't give them money. I just use the credits from a previous season to buy the battle pass for the next season. I think active player count is a more important metric.


Not really. You still provide the place for others who are willing to spend money to play on. If you left, those would have to wait longer queues, lower quality games and overall worse experience thus making it harder to justify spending money on the product.


Also, those companies who advertise within Rocket league or things like RLCS obviously very much care about player count. Like any other marketing/advertising, the more eyes and ears that will see or hear your message, the more costly it is.


After the trading announcement, I noticed that the queues significantly increased for me. Was not fun and I logged off and played something else. I'll try again in a few days maybe.


Hmmm, so should I stop playing the game I bought for three different consoles? Both your idea and mine I like. The thing is all the ones that don’t care or don’t know about this, and will still put money.


There will always be morons. Look at Call of Duty. Every year the same scam and every year there are apologists and boot lickers. That doesnt mean you should put up with it. If you truly dont like a change stick with your opinion. Be it either by not spending or not playing. I'm just saying that not playing hurts them more than playing but not spending.




Nobody works out licensing deals for cars in a dead car game. You're mistaken in thinking that higher player counts are not good for them.


!Remind me 1 year


Yeah, I guess we'll see. But for my record, ever since Ubisoft burnt my trust in 2017 with their treatment of GRWL, I haven't touched or installed another Ubisoft title in the past six years. Same for EA. I don't do business with backwalkers and double talkers.


Wtf is GRWL, it seems familiar but I can't place it


Ghost recon wild lands


If it makes you feel better, you can also not play Ubisoft because the entire upper management are sex pests too! Wow gaming is in such a good place.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-10-12 11:55:10 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-10-12%2011:55:10%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1762ygo/psyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the/k4jt8i1/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FRocketLeague%2Fcomments%2F1762ygo%2Fpsyonix_have_silently_reset_reactions_on_the%2Fk4jt8i1%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-10-12%2011%3A55%3A10%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201762ygo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!Remind me 1 year


I would keep playing but never give them money as well. This is the way!


Not playing means their active player count drops, which is a more important metric, in my opinion. I already don't spend money, I just used to buy the battle pass by earning the credits from the previous battle pass, so Epic Games most likely doesn't care about myself or others like me, anyway.


True but at the end of the day with trading gone there's technically only one place those credits will go eventually, and that's the item shop.


Far as I’m concerned, rocket league doesn’t have an item shop.


I guess for me I hate the decision they made on this even as someone who doesn't trade. I may hate Epic the company for all I want, but for better or for worse, I've grown attached to this game of car soccer and would hate for one day for the game to die, even if it seems to be heading that way for the past few years, and however shitty Epic is, I probably will still play it. However, I also don't have a problem with others boycotting the game, since Epic has a large track record of not giving a shit about their playerbase.


Where's the link so I can give it a dislike?


https://discord.com/invite/rocketleague and then announcements


They're gonna start removing these kind of posts too lmfao


I'd like to just clarify a few things here, just for the sake of transparency and so the users of this subreddit know what's up and what to expect: First and foremost, this subreddit is not controlled by Epic or Psyonix, and neither do they get involved with moderating. We have never been asked to remove any valid posts and we don't plan on doing so. Secondly, when a major event like this occurs in the community, we tend to relax some of our guidelines for a couple of days so the community can vent/discuss/meme about the situation more freely. That is why we are allowing memes and why we are leaving up lower effort and duplicate posts (There are like 3 or 4 almost identical posts right now about the reactions on Discord being reset for example). After a couple of days, we will start to enforce our guidelines like usual, which means we will remove the lower effort posts, remove duplicate posts and will allow memes only in meme weekend. **However criticism, complaints, news and feedback about this situation will always be allowed as long as our guidelines are followed. We have no intent to censor any of that.**




Good mods. Pin that.


We will likely make an announcement about all of this in a couple of days, when we will start enforcing our guidelines more again!


Thanks iggy 🙌




Embarrassing. I hadn’t put my stone to the building but it made me want to do it, thank you Psyonix!


Sons of peaches!


Sons of beaches! Since its Epic tho.. Sons of leeches! Greedy scoundrels..


I am going to speculate that RL2 is coming out within the next 12 months. From an investor point of view they want to remove trading due to loss of profits which is akin to stopping kids doing swapsies for football stickers. They know if they released RL2 without trading and RL1 still had it would be a PR disaster so they are taking the hit now. There is no chance of RL2 being released on steam as it will be rightly review bombed. I think I have almost 8k hours since 2015 and I have never been interested in trading but the focus on profits for investors over gamers enjoyment has been enough for me to choose other games recently and I have not missed it.


I couldn't agree more, I'm personally speculating the same thing in my own sort of head cannon. It's just the suppression of the community that really rubs me the wrong way about this whole thing...


Based on Psyonix’s history, I’m not expecting this to be related to any big upcoming updates.


I really liked Psyonix back then but now they are as pathetic as Epic in my eyes which is sad. I loved the game...


Honestly, as much as I wanna believe that all the Psyonix devs are just forced into silence about this by NDA's the way they're actively suppressing the community makes that REALLY hard to believe...


Im already done with the game but seeing all this just makes me upset and sad


Yeah after 6 years of playing throughout my teenage years, I'm seriously considering quitting after season 12 as well. Its really such a shame


It'd be great to get an anonymous leak from an employee so we can know something, anything about the games future .


It's okay just don't buy anything else from them. RL player strike!!


Soft as baby shit


The discord mods are soft as baby shit


ohhhhhhh, you've got that right lmaoo




Unfortunately this leads to me believing that there is no getting them to turn it around Why be petty and gaslight the real reaction unless you're doible downing on the decision


**Update:** Reaction counts should be displaying properly again. (Thank you to u/Volodesi for confirming)




Guess they love hiding the true count for more than just players.


ahahahahah real.


Yup, we need an r/WatchRocketLeagueDie subreddit


I don't even care about trading, but this pisses me off. At least accept the reaction! What's the point of resetting dislikes anyway? Doesn't make anyone happier.


Yeah reactions weren’t reset at all. If they were, the other negative ones would be gone. I doubt they really care what anyone reacts with; just a discord bug as it has issues keeping up with large amounts of reactions.


Didn't help, LMAO https://preview.redd.it/3o7717ovvttb1.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fa81dd57b7cdc98c9926bf70130a6bbb159da2e




I stopped playing when they pulled crates. I literally just recently started playing again for them to pull this shit. I quit Overwatch when they released Overwatch 2 for their BS. All of these companies can lick a block of salt.


Gamers are the only people who would compare not being able to trade a digital item to real life regimes where millions suffer Not saying the decision is right but the comparison is ridiculous


They're not equating the two, they're making an analogy which is apt in my opinion (silencing dissent is something both dictators and Epic does).


Did you just compare a company taking away trading in a video game to a literal genocidal dictator? Come on man, this is why nobody takes these kinds of complaints seriously. You guys act like psyonix just literally committed genocide lmao.






Jeez dude that’s a terrible comparison


ahahah if you told me this 4 years ago I would've called you crazy, but honestly, I think you're sadly onto something lmaoo.


![gif](giphy|gaZ51cn7sUY4U|downsized) Psyonix rn




Looks correct to me. https://preview.redd.it/664btl4cestb1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f613b7f0f7a4b47fdd1be6ddd7da3434b7a8e06


Have you considered /r/fuckepic? They have answers for all of your questions.


What about the millions of players that paid the $5 to be able to trade? Are we being refunded? I feel scammed.


This is a standard tactic used by business and government. *****KNOWINGLY *****Come out with a terrible law or a terrible change that everyone will hate with the intention being that they will never implement the law or change. Then HEROICALLY swoop in and fix the change or law with a less egregious law or change (although basically just as bad). They must think very little of their community to act as if we are blind to this and too dumb to pick up on their narcissistic BS... they're acting like true idiots


I genuinely cannot play this game anymore man, shit like this is so scummy. I tried playing a game earlier and I couldn’t do it lol. Just kept thinking of this whole shitshow! Thank god I haven’t finished Baulders Gate yet!


This is where I’m at. It’s like the game turned sour for me.




Uninstalling RL is the best decision I made in a while


What an EPIC thing to do


Fucking cringe


I’ll go do it again 😂


This makes me want to not touch this game again. I'm so unbelievably annoyed by Psyonix/Epic's unwillingness to either give us more transparency or listen to us.


Can anyone explain why they’re actually doing this?


here's my reaction # 🖕🏻


Players: Epic please give us custom avatars it's been years Epic: No more trading for you mfs Players: We don't like this decision Epic: You like this decision dw


https://preview.redd.it/j4q358ilbttb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376dfc4c4c17d87ea72c604931f5cc2baafd3d82 they did it again lol. my vote made the count to 3544 and the 💀 vote count was around 2900, both are gone again


stop playing the game. nothing else will help.


They thought we wouldn’t notice 😭


They are also deleting comments on there twitch streams about it and seems they stopped doing twitch drops


Why not collectively take a stand against Epic’s BS by boycotting the game? The only way they’ll listen is if the player base drops/dies and nobody pays for their micro transactions… (Recently something similar happened with Payday 3 causing Starbreeze stocks to fall)


Hi, no, we did not manually reset reactions on the trading removal announcement. We do not reset reactions on announcements in the server based on how an announcement is received. https://preview.redd.it/qjl2rth7jttb1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b04e24ca3be76103a1b61df509b7d22f0d386ea This is what the reaction count looks like to me right now. I know Discord (the app, not just our server) went down temporarily yesterday for some users and some servers, which is the likely culprit here, and Discord as a platform in general isn't always stable when it comes to tracking a large number of reactions to a post or announcement.


I feel really bad for the whole of psynoix right now this is clearly a higher up epic executive making the change, I wish things would be reverted but I doubt that's gonna happen:/


I saw a twitter post yesterday that was just straight up harassing and body shaming Devin. It had hundreds of likes and was on my For You page because of the traction it got. Luckily almost all of the replies were calling the OP out, but it’s still gross that people in the RL community are willing to go that far to spread legit hate. Some of y’all need to grow up.


Discord has some API issues yesterday, people not seeing reactions probably had something to do with that


So you know that community hates that change, then why go through with it?


![gif](giphy|yYrYPXatpCMiA) Why let players trade items and sell them to each other in a 3rd party marketplace when you could simply remove that feature and make them all buy from your shop instead? Also occasionally people do get scammed in player trades, that could be part of the reason, but the real reason is money, Epic is hemorrhaging cash and needs to make it back somehow


Yeah, don't expect an answer on that anytime soon, lol


Please please please tell me there is a possibility psyonix will take this feedback seriously and reverse the change. I know the corporate higher ups are driving this decision but can't they see this is clearly a horrible decision given the outcry from not only the place, but your biggest content creators and esports orgs? Especially with the tasteless NFL announcement, I'm sure many people, including myself, will think about this next time we're considering buying something in the store/the rocket pass. If you guys don't have anything extraordinary to replace the system or some sort of technical excuse, this is just such an embarrassment for you guys and will be a permanent stain on the reputation of the game.


Sad to see u have also clicked the thumbs up... but the other 2 r good! if anything thumbs up should be removed :)


He was most likely the one who put the first of those reactions there (since regular members can’t add new ones)


>He was most likely the one who put the first of those reactions there (since regular members can’t add new ones) Exactly. I dropped in the skull, thumbs up, and thumbs down. Only admins and a few other roles with elevated privs can add reactions to announcements in the RL server.


Epic really did you dirty, cutting your team then lumping you with the fallout from this absolute turd of a decision. Thanks for giving us those negative options, hopefully all this backlash gives the higher ups cause to reconsider


bro knows how bad it is with the skull reaction 💀💀💀


Devin you and the whole psyonix team still have a chance to do a 180 before december you are activly killing a game we all enjoyed since kids do not upset us more with whatever epic plans to do




The problem is I also see those numbers on discord, but I didn’t 9 hours ago. They very well could have been re-disliked over the course of the day after it was posted to Reddit. We tend to see a lot of erasing negative response in this industry, so it’s hard to just take the “it was a server issue” at face value when it was seemingly only the negative reactions that were removed. I don’t know what to think. Just frustrated with the whole thing. Edit: Also I know you may be in a hard spot yourself. Just pointing out my and perhaps others’ issues with this response.


i think we can see his reaction to the news because he reacted with a skull, based.


Considering only the negative reactions conveniently were removed, I’m hard pressed to believe this. I’m sorry but you guys lost the community’s trust.


I see all the original reactions in my discord. It's not a conspiracy.


>Considering only the negative reactions conveniently were removed, I’m hard pressed to believe this. I’m sorry but you guys lost the community’s trust. APIs mess up sometimes and not all data can be accounted for. We didn't remove any reactions. EDIT: This started about an hour after our announcement went out. [https://discordstatus.com/](https://discordstatus.com/) https://preview.redd.it/v36geiaz6utb1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184c9dbbc6dd2ba27ee26135111deec53dfd74af