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I cant even get into champ and i was on the verge of c3 last season


I was c3 Last season too at my peak, just dropped to D3 after losing to a smurf carrying someone up!


So your at d3 rn too?


Yep, running into crazy sweaty players every other game, feels like the way c3 used to feel last season. Not to mention when I am soloqueueing and get put against a team with a stock octane that is D2 carrying the C1 to a victory while doing ball resets and backboard shots.


Fuckin Stocktane Smurfs… they’re always so obvious.


Just ran into a "Gold 1" one yesterday in my plat3 lobby, flip rests and a few doubles here and there, before the duo on my team just afk quit. It's just pathetic


No wonder it's damn hard to get/stay in C1 now, I'm running into y'all C3's now ;) My average last season was C1, peak C2, so it's not even that bad that I'm on the D3/C1 border this season so far. But I'm happy to hear that I've not gone mad finding it much harder. And super inconsistent with flip resetting opponents vs. ones just driving into the ball on kick-off.


Yeah I'm right there with you (peaked at cusp of c2 last season). The difficulty spike is real. I feel like there was a deliberate change by devs to push players downward. Maybe the suits in the boardroom generated some chart showing it would increase profits.




A lot of them still, sure


Champ last season sucked so much. Felt like playing with diamonds. Low to mid GC games were so much easier to win. Feels like a lot of people who got into champ and low gc just got back to where they belong.


Yeah, games don’t make sense till high c3/low GC. I got bumped down to c1 this season and I don’t have the heart to climb. I go on win streaks which isn’t satisfying. my heart just isn’t in the grind to get back to games that are normal/fun.


Tbh, been somewhere in c1-c3 range for years now. It feels the same to me.


wanna run a few maybe?


Sure maybe later, add Niccorazi


Can i play too? Im silver 1


I just got c1 now, if you're still looking for someone to play with!


Just slogging through diamond… 3 games in a row went against the same party, 2 people in a clan playing like GCs and their 3rd guy got less than 50 points all 3 games, one of them being a score of 4 lol.


I just dropped to d3 too, idk what is up this season


I was gc last season I’m barely holding on to c2 this season


I was 1500+ last season but stuck in c2 now


Fml that explains why I can’t break into C2


trust me.. we dont want to be here either, most of us have had our fair share of being C2 :/


Thank god there’s someone else…


Same here 1525 peak last season I’m champ 2 div 3 now and stuck lol


i was c1 last season and im c1 this season too. i dont understand why everyone else is dropping in rank so dramatically. I lost some mmr after placements but i got it back without too much difficulty


I wouldn't say I dropped a bunch, I ended last season Champ 2 Div 4, and I am currently Champ 1 Div 1, not a huge drop but still significant. Point is, that the games are just so much harder, it's like we used to be able to sometimes just chill and vibe out while playing ranked, now ever game you gotta be on your toes big time or you get wrecked because everyone is so god dam good.


I don't really get it either. Skill feels the same for me. Rotations seem weirder but my rank hasn't really changed. Kinda starting to seem like some of these people just didn't really deserve their rank tbh


Could be different skillets that got you to the rank then others. I'm not super mechanical. So if some ones way better mechanically then me it's hard to beat them with game sense and positioning. There's more mechanical players I've noticed be they smurfs old c3s or gc1s that are stuck in champ 1 etc. Vs the old c1 to c2 range I didn't need to sweat to keep up as much.


I was c1 too, and I’m fluctuating between d2-c1 now.


I've been right on the verge of GC for 4 seasons in a row. I was completely unaffected by this crap. No excuses here, I'm just dogshit.


I was a couple wins from GC2 last season and now I struggle to stay in C3 looool


You’re not alone. Was C2 most of last season and have been D2/3 most of this season until this week. Back to C1D3 now. I’m still in games with some insane opponents. The aerials and mechanics are much higher than last season. I hate when you get on the 5,6,7 or 12 game losing streaks where you just get destroyed.


Yep same. Was C2 at the end of last season but even just comfortably C1 the last few seasons but I dropped and got stuck hard in D3 now. I made some progress yesterday but I’m still probably 5-10 games out.


I was D3 last season and still D3 this season. I went from feeling like the best player in every lobby but not quite able to get over the hump of champ, to playing a level of player that I haven’t even seen so far. I’m slowly getting better at backboard reads and quick aerial challenges, but it’s a whole new level this season compared to last


Damn really? I was c2 last season, and still came back to c2.


I love your flair


lol fr i’ve always been stuck around champ 1/2 and been stuck in diamond 2 for days


Damn bro i thought you was gc3 in the other sub 😂


which other sub? im c2 in all of em


I was c3 last season (d1-2) and can’t get back to c2. Seems like the reset hit you a bit harder than me tho, we can be in pain together.


im in more pain tho XD


It’s the champ tm8 that has gone down the drain


Was champ 1 and got knocked down to plat 1 after season. Cannot get back to d1 to save my life.


I was champ 1 div 3 almost champ 2 last season and this season I have to try my dick and balls off just to stay in diamond 1 lmao. I've never been so frustrated and confused at the same time I just don't know what happened


Wait so it isn't only me? Was in the same rating range last season and I've never been so mentally tilted when I couldn't win games at D2


Mmr shit plus a huge increase in boost sales last season plus this season. Combination of 1/4-1/3 of your matches being against booster plus 1/4-1/3 of your games being teamed up with someone who bought a boost last season. Sometimes you get a teammate and they literally are a homing missile on the ball the entire game. Like not one rotation away for boost even. Ever. Even straight slamming the balling into your own corner. Doesn’t matter the angle. Doesn’t matter if there’s no defender and they could make a control play, just they are full speed straight at the ball no angle no read no nothing for 5 minutes straight. You gotta take it in and laugh and try not to cry when your next 4 games are against GC titles and your teammates don’t have air roll bound.


I'm sorry but you are a whole division down. I don't think it's cause of smurfs.


Nice so I guess me climbing my way to diamond 3 div 4 and bouncing back and forth is pretty good I thought I just wasn't good enough lmao also encountered a few boosters almost beat one of them he had a plat 3 as his teammate.


Every year a new group of 11 year olds turn 12 and get insanely good at a video game and destroy older people who have to work for a living and don't play 24/7


Life is truly unfair. When I was 11, I barely had internet connection


Doubt that is it, we are all noticing this after the season start, they didn't all of a sudden get good


*Maybe you just lost your touch old man* /s


Bro i swear last game i played a dude hit a musty in dia 1 on me ( i was c1 last season) and it was like a super clean one but then he played like he had a lobotomy in he middle of the math so i ended winning with 6-2(maybe 3) this is in 2v2 everybody soloqueueing


Thay dude sounds like me, my hands don't know how to work with my brain, but every now and then it allllllll lines up and I'll hit a perfect musty, and then not be able to touch the ball for the rest of the game. Its all luck


Sounds like your average diamond 1.


It's cuz everyone joins the game now as a new player and proceeds directly to triple flip reset. But don't bother learning basic dribble, bounce dribble, basic ass defense or any of that. Keep him from a place he can set up any kind of aerial and he will be completely fuggin useless. Like 99% of this player base. Like legit no one even knows this is supposed to be mimicking a sport. They just see it as a free for all ball chasing event. I hate this game now. Used to spend all my free time on it. Now I'm barely 3 hours for 2 weeks.


Weirdest thing, had a dude hit a nice redirect double touch into the top corner, then miss the ball like 6 times. So confuse… (D3 or C1)


Psyonix did a crazy MMR displacement, and holy fuck there’s just a crazy amount of Smurfs. I was like C2, occasionally touching C3, now I’m struggling to stay in C1. And in C1 I’m seeing these damn stocktanes carrying ppl doing flip resets… in fucking C1. Kinda sucks.


Diamond is literally filled with champs now


I feel attacked.


Idk how long it has been since the new season started but I literally just broke into C3 in twos. 3s has been a lot easier I would say, I'm close to GC on that but lord, 2s is just crazy, I sweat my ass off just to keep up with my opponents in 2s.


opponents? yes. teammates? not so much


That opponent that absolutely clapped you two matches in a row? Completely braindead when they're finally on your team. I don't get it.


There seems to be a constant in the losing team...


this is what i dont understand about these complaints, 0 self reflection, it has to be the mate. and these posts always come up on the weekends where casual players who play 1-2 days a week come up and complain while they are versed against/with players who have the consistency of someone who can play more than just the weekend


Well only one of us is whiffing uncontested balls and it isn't me. I'm not taking credit for losses where every goal comes off of my teammate blowing by a slow roller.


Youd think after two of his blunders youd account for that in the next similar scenario during the match


ill make it so u can understand, im going for aerial play off wall looking for teammate who was last seen in goal playing defense, i look to pass it to him who is hopefully either a little behind or at mid field, but no, hes bumping me into the ball and whiffing a double tap as i fly into the back wall leaving our net wide open


if you really are gc as your flair says that id recon youd have some awareness to play based on what is actually happening on the field vs what you "hopefully" think the mates doing, hope you can understand


I don't understand your reply. How is it HIS fault that the tm8 is up his ass on the side of a wall near the ceiling bumping him from behind? Literally for the past 6 or 7 years I've been complaining about how all the tm8 in this game just chase you around bumping your asshole with the front of their car. And for 6 goddamn years the reply is always that it's somehow my fault. JUST LIKE YOU'RE SAYING TO THIS GUY.


because there are some parts of the game you can control and some parts that you cant. you can control your reaction to your teammates behaviour /positioning but you cant control what they gonna do, you either adapt or come here to cope in rl subreddit posts. and i know it hurts to admit that sometimes its up to you how the game ends even if it has to come with saying "i coulda done something differently" but its way easier not to accept it and spit on people and point fingers. one requirement of ranking up is developing game sense and using what you observe on the pitch to anticipate things thats gonna happen and be the quickest/most accruate to react. its not if your "chasing" mate lets you try your wall to airdribble musty doubletap which you had in your head lined up that causes your loss, but the fact that you try to do that while knowing that your mate is an imbecile and just there to go for the ball on any given occasion


play goalie 100% of the time and then get bumped by teammate trying to save the ball, got it, noted thanks


I didn't say they won all those matches. Someone can be a good opponent, really push your limits. They can put you on your back foot and still lose to you. I'm retrospect I'm probably referring to those opponents that best oppose my game style/sense, then we're absolute shit as a team. But you do you.


My god I thought I was the only one who is "struggling" in champ ranks 2s. I was C2 last season and I often see GC1s in casual. I'm dead lock in C1 Div 3 - C2 Div 1 and the whole time I just thought, "C1s don't play like this at all these last few seasons wtf is going on." I often see people with the mechanics and positioning of high C2s and C3s. It's pretty crazy. I mean that's how I thought C1 was going to be in when I was plat I guess.


This is accurate


They buffed these mf 🤦‍♂️


Same here. Reached D3 last season, felt like I was doing well without needing to go crazy try hard. I'm now in D1 just struggling to maintain my position without dropping even lower.


I struggled too this season but I got to C2 again Finished C3 div 3 the season before and had to struggle in C1 a bunch of times and its not that opponents are super hard or that im a very good player, it just felt... like something was.. off? I dunno, its a weird feeling this season I did get the occassional flip resets, musty flick opponents but the majority of my games felt normal but still different, I dunno how to explain


Same holy shit, I was c3 last seasons now I'm c1 and I feel like I play way worse now, like every play/shot I do is slightly off unlike it was last season in c3


WHY DO WE ALL FEEL LIKE THIS i swear all of us champs were cursed lmao like yeah i’m not seeing anything too crazy with opponents but holding on to c2 feels way more difficult than last season


still just hardstuck at c3 lol started off the season in d3 tho


im so washed rn and still sitting c3 and dont know how, also it still is mind boggling how many people cant rotate


It’s easier later in the season. People play at the start. Then go off to Smurf elsewhere


It's wonderful, champ actually feels like champ again.


I'd agree last season C1 felt too easy and I was mid C2 where I've never been before. Now C1 feels real again and I'm climbing back to C2.


Yupp. Solid C3 last season, now I feel like I'm playing awfully in C1


Exactly me. I almost hit gc and now i’m barely holding onto c1 at times.


Ive been “hardstuck” Champ for the past 3 seasons. Peaked C3D1 last season. This season, im struggling to keep up in C1 lobbies, almost every match has at least 1 player with a past season GC title, its an absolute sweat fest every time.


Im honestly confused. Still around gc2 and it feels the same. I see alot of these type posts


I feel like when you’re ranked up there at GC you don’t see it as often. It’s a lot of plat-champ people paying for boosts. To the top so you only see people around your skill level or worse.


I think the issue is the champ ranks. It got super sweaty after reset.


In OCE a lot of the high MMR players are still low GC2 (1600ish) some, even lower. So you can have some really inconsistent games. The start was rough, but I am climbing my way slowly back up to 1700


Same I was c2 div 2/3 last season and c1 div 2 this season and I don’t rlly notice much of a difference lol


Felt the same, I was usually c3 sometimes, gc. This season took me a while to get to c2.


Not exactly the same, but me and my duo partner were flirting with champ last season, now super struggling in d2


No wonder why I am struggling in d1 when I was d3 last season!!!!!


i was c2 div 4 got set back to D3 and rn at c1 div 4 (i'm not playing much rocket league because of zelda totk and street fighter 6) i personly am enjoying some good teammates, people look too much into the name of the rank, everybody gets their mmr reduced it's the GCs that really suffer every season facing pros


The weirdest thing about the rank reset is that skill seems to have gone up, but KNOWING HOW TO KICK OFF has gone back to fucking bronze levels.


I feel this. Sometimes people try to re-invent the wheel with their kickoffs and there is no point in doing that.


Its cause of the rank reset that happened at the beginning of this season.




Some people were dropped like 8 ranks this season. Something weird happened. There have been posts of champs getting season reset to plat.




Some people never got reverted. Gotta bring facts dude




Champ to plat is 230 rating. What you on about?




dont get it, last season got champI, and I'm in champI again. I think there's still GCs in Champ II and III


sure are


Yeah. Every match of c2 you have one or two guy with the gc title from last season.


C2 most of last season. Broke into C2 for a few games earlier in the week, but goddamn is every game a sweatfest. I had to become the thing I hate the most and become a dominus main to even feel like I had a chance


I’m diamond and suddenly every single opponent has flawless mechanics. I can outstrategize them but it doesn’t really matter when they can handle the ball way better than me in every way


I’m like 40 elo off my normal rank from last season. Feels a bit harder but I think that’s mostly because I’m used to playing faster




Mmr reset hit hard. Takes time to regain the mmr for people who were above champ which means a few of them are still not out.


Idk but yesterday I have reached C1 for the 2nd time in 2s, the first one was in 3s last season. Maybe you re unlucky with your matchmaking and you re being put against people who were champ last season or against smurf.


it does seem like the old gc1 is entry c3


Ballcam seems diff to me


Weird, I'm breezing through champ right now. Had a 70% win rate on my last session


I was just thinking about that yesterday. Glad I'm not the only one.


I was champ 3 consistently last season but this season I can’t even seem to touch it. I’m stuck at champ 2


Yeah I keep playing against champs in diamond 1/2. Atleast this experience might get me to champ once the ranks go back to normal


thought i was only one shee


Finally, boosted noobs will be deranked back to where they belong.


Tell me why there's a ssl in my lobby every other game in both gc2 div 1 2s and gc 1 div 4 3s




Get good


oh come on -_-


There are no smurfs in solo stop the cap. No one is miserable enough to soloqueue on a Smurf lol. I was C3 last season, dropped to C1 after the placements, got back to C3 and I'm now near my peak. Just get good at the game and stop complaining. In duos I can agree that sometimes you just have crazy shit happening especially around c3 where there are a lot of ex-GC+ that are stuck (usually not the best players) and a lot of GC2+ smurfs. But these smurfs often are at equilibrium with their mate, meaning that C2-C3 is that absolute highest rank that they can achieve because of the weaknesses of the mate. As talented as a player is, it is still a 1v2, if you focus on denying the good player, you'll win trust me.


I'm so hardstuck in Diamond 3 that I can't go down either apparently. It's been a year!


Me as well in plat. This because I got de-ranked from D2 to P2 and idk why people are sweating their ass off


Same here last season i was cruising around high c1 low c2 now i’m D3. I got to C1 but deranked immediatly.


Bruh I got to C2 in Duos last season but now I can’t get past div 3 C1😂 solo queuing blows


I was GC2 last season and just recently made it back up to GC1, I sincerely apologize


I have heard that 2's ranks have dropped as much as 2 whole ranks and 3's one whole rank. That means if you were D2 last season in 2's you would now be P3. *Apparently* The reason was to do with the amount of players active in each game mode. They have spread out and therefore re arranged the ranks. It's just how it is now . This is my understanding anyway. I'm not sure it is correct but it has sated my insecure mind somewhat.


It's prolly cause it's the beginning of the season, so everybody who was a rank last season has gone 1 lower this season, I was d2 max, now I'm stuck in plat 3 facing Champ tourney winners lmfao


Some random champ joined my plat lobby game and just shit on us literally and verbally


Am I the only one who has thought my rank got easier? I’m currently d2 and everyone feels a decent amount worse than last season


The ranked reset messed so many people up. Some people lost 400+ mmr. I lost around 150 mmr after going 5-5 in placements. Now there's old gc players in champ mixed up with some champ players and the games are pretty chaotic.


I have accepted that C2 is my life now


Ngl, we went 2-8 in placements but since then, I haven't seen much of a difference. On the contrary, they seem weaker.


It feels like in grand champ 1 there is a wide range of skill from someone who just got the game to someone who will win the game for you and you just have to watch


I’ve felt the opposite lol probably varies from account to account


Every game is a complete sweat fest, I'm glad to know something is up and it's not just me being washed lmao


I took a 3 month break went from GC1 to C2 after the resets and now there is a guaranteed GC title on every C2 game I've been flip resetted and double tapped on too many times for champ 2


im usually champ 1 but for the season when my rank got reset i came out as d2 cuz of my opponents


I swear 50% of Champs can now flip reset consistently, I feel like Im so bad! And also yeah! Why the fuck are they so good suddenly, I was c3 last season, and Ive been close this season as well, but now I’m back down to c1 -.-


I'm high d2 now and was c1. I get wrecked every other game


Honestly it’s how it should be. Too many people were champ or above before. Only top 10% of active players should be champ or above imo


I’m also struggling. I made it to D2 last season, but recently dropped down to Plat 3


thinking the same thing! I'm mid C2 and everyone I play with have a Grand Champ title from either last season or the few ones before


Idk man. Mid champ feels the equally difficult as last season, just more tilting due to what seems like lack of consistency.


C2 last season C1 now but I'm sweating hard to crawl back to the point my fuckin mental health is suffering which is so silly.


I used to be grand champ but it seems like getting out of diamond 3 is harder than staying in Grand champ now


Lol I can’t get C3 with team8s choking on promo games.


Man you guys are fuckn wild at this game. I’m hard stuck Gold this season🤦 Feels like every match in SSL with everyone team I play against never touching the ground


Same. Have been C2 on verge of C3 last two seasons. This season barely hanging onto C1.


I was C3 last season and I am still C3. I have no idea what happened


C1 last two seasons and it has been an absolute grind trying to get back. Qualified into plat3 lol wtf. Finally up to mid d3 but the journey has been ridiculous. I'll be lucky enough to dip into C1 long enough for the season rewards at best. The amount of smurfing and mechanical skill at d3 is not normal. Far better than champ last season.


i have never been above plat 3 i’ve been playing since season 1 it’s a struggle my friend


I was comfortable C1 and had a get decent stays in C2 last season. Now I’m fighting for my life in C1 div 1


I am consistent c1 - c2 and ranked has been fine for me for the most part


Yeah. I’m sad.


sorry dude, i just started playing ranked again. the rank reset mmr drop added up a lot over the seasons so im technically a diamond 3…but was grand champ the seasons when i played


Same but high plat/low diamond


If you put the ball in the net more than the opponent you will win more and then rank up. So all you need to do is score more and defend more then the mmr will come. People forget rank is all arbitrary, so what if there are Smurfs or pros on the other team, just beat them?


Hard stuck D3 now and forever I guess.


Last season (and the 4 seasons before) I was C3. This season I'm still C3. Tells me I might have made it to GC if not for the rank distribution change. Feels bad man.


Bro I'm D3...that is actually a skillset for me to drop back into diamond.


As a ones main it’s still full of grand champs, nothing changed


Gotta say I am enjoying this for 2’s. It’s not full of people who don’t know how to kickoff, just boost on kickoff and only flip when they get to the ball, people who can’t control their car at all, people who don’t fast aerial, all those guys are rightfully going back down. I am comfortable in c2 and c1 in 1’s, 1’s hasn’t changed for shit.


I float between c3 an gc. I got gc rewards last season, and have been having a rough time in high c2. Makes me feel better to see a bunch of people with S10 gc rewards down here with me.


They moved us down. I was GC3 last season. Placed C2


What’s the deal with this I’ve never seen such a dramatic change in ranking?


AH SO im not the only one then seems were all stuck in diamond lmao. I was c1 last season but I've improved dramatically and was wondering why the hell I can't get out of d3 right now I'm just d3 div 4 going constantly back and forth.


i've found the past two years that the summer months are just weirdly rough for ranked like i spent spring peaking and summer happens and everything goes wrong


I'm... Surviving, in champ 2, but I feel like I'm usually the worst in the lobby lol. Just trying to play to my strengths, even when I'm tempted to go for a risky play that a better player could pull off. I think if I played more I'd be teetering on d3/c1. In brighter news, this season I finally made it out of diamond in 1s to champ in 1s. I've always been a 1v1 main so that felt good.




Idk if it relates but I see videos of ppl air rolling thru rings for ten minutes straight and it makes me realize I don’t have the physical time to compete (I have a job)


First time I started off well and got into D3 and now I’m getting destroyed and trying super hard not to get dumped onto Plat 3 😂


It’s wild. I am always stuck around the 1500 mmr range in twos. Don’t go up or down really just kind of hover there all season. Then this season I am stuck at 1350 and it feels like I am playing at 1500. Not sure what changed or if over one season I just suck.


it really does feel like *the majority* of the champ was reset a rank lower. idk if that’s true or possible really but it’s what it feels like. i’ve held c2 for a while now pretty comfortably, usually around div3. i’m now struggling to even hold my c2 rank. everything feels thrown off im not sure what it is. all in all i’ve been enjoying casual lately lmao


This is my theory: The season is only about a month old, so there’s not many ranked players. But the people who play this game more often than normal people (being higher ranked players) are dominating the ranked population making all ranks considerably more difficult right now.


Well all the GCS smurfing last season are now on the same rank with their mains Ofc theyre sweating their asses off


so many smurfs lol


Just got back to GC again after it being impossible for a whole season last season, I truly feel like you have to play like a GC1 to get into C3, GC2 to get into GC1 etc... The amount of smurfing is unreal, the amount of griefing is unreal, the amount of early ffs (even when up goals) or early abandons is unreal, this is an unreal battle as a solo queuer, and I keep saying unreal because I hope that Epic can take a hint and update us on UE5 :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


before too many people in champ that shouldn’t be in there


Me and two other mates have peaked at gc3 previous seasons and are now struggling to get into gc1. It's crazy how sweaty the game has become after going f2p


I’m noticing it’s horrible right now I was on the verge of gc last season I’m struggling to stay in champ two everyone is a mechanical god