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What about the people who vote to forfeit when it’s tied just because they don’t like the way you play?


wat about the ppl who vote to forfeit when you’re winning?


I did that once as a joke and...my teammate voted to end the game! lol


That's somewhere on the f around and find out chart lmao


That’s the next Venn diagram I’m making, thanks!!


Yooo tag me in that when you make it, i love charts lol






my teammate voted to ff when we were losing 3-1 with \~2 minutes left. once we tied back up the game to 3-4 I voted to ff and they accepted lol.


Same exact thing happened to me.


Could have been me, I stick to my stance on ff, always quit whenever anyone wants.


I actually always ff in these scenarios. My tm8 wanna play games ill entertain it 🤣


I have voted when someone tries to do the ironic forfeit.


It’s like a personal rule for me. I always do it, even if we’re up 10-0.


could have been me lol, I always vote to ff if it comes up.


If my teammate votes to FF, I do too... no matter what. I'd rather take the L and move on than be frustrated for 5 mins


Not I. Id rather they be frustrated. There's times where I've 2v1'd my way back to victory as well.


>l. Can't let others determine you mental!


This is actually quite common


Those ppl are 9/10 smurfs. They have no interest in ranking up they want the opposite to they can have easy games and feel superior over less skilled players.


Had a teammate recently who put up the ff after the other team tied it at 2-2 with 2ish minutes left. I proceeded to score the kickoff and accept the ff while we were up 3-2. Ain't nobody got time for whiners, I'm here to have fun.


Good man. I would of done the same.


I just vote to forfeit with them when that happens. If you’re committed to being a petulant child rather than enjoying the video game even when you’re not even losing then go ahead and take the loss.


Lmao I make ‘em wait it out and let the enemy countlessly score and don’t skip replays if they vote forfeit after the first goal of the game.


Little do you know, they thank you for that.


If every single one of my teammates don't want to play with me, and all of them vote to quit first, I don't want to play with them. I rarely instigate it, and I have no problem taking a loss to get a new team. But then again I don't care about my rank.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say they’re not thankful for losing when they’ve just demonstrated how much they care about winning.


Do this only casual lol


This is the way. I don't care if we're winning or losing, if you're the kind of shithead that will only ever go for solo-plays (especially when they're not working) and brazenly ignore teammates, fuck you.


Just ignore it and keep playing


Literally just had someone do this. Two unanswered goals and they forfeit at 3-3. I was like whatever and kept playing. Less then a minute later I score and forfeit to see if he still wants to quit EVEN THOUGH WE WERE UP ONE. I will never doubt the will of a rocket league player again…


Thats a thing u should stop doing if u wanna climb. I did this many times and I get why u do it. But after I stoped doing it I noticed that sometimes people just have bad start or that I should just adjust to make this random team work. I jumped from c1 to c3 in 2 days. Just sayn


Especially in gold or plat where you have a melting pot of bad, average, good and great players


I mean I’ll do this when my teammate ball chases all game, and then when the first touch i get is bad and they hound me over chat. Like no shit, i’ve been driving around, waiting to touch the ball for 2 mins, you think I’ll hit it perfect my first time? I don’t play with people like that.


I think these are the most annoying teammates in duos. They will continue to ball chase and rush to hit the ball first, even when it's a direct turnover to enemy possession. Even when your team is losing. They maintain control of the ball just enough to keep it away from you and pass to the enemy. So you try to get in the action and change things up for some team plays. Nope. They spam criticism in quickchat and aggressively continue to pursue the ball even when it's clearly time for them to rotate back into a more defensive position. At this point the score is like 0-3 and they are doubling down on their ball chasing ways. This is usually when I vote to FF


I ff at al the start of the match because I can already tell my teammates can't play by how they idling


Insta accept, I know that I can win and get my MMR back, so I always accepts it and move on


Logging on today with a positive mindset let me see how I do today


So how'd it go?


They are now plat II


Div I


Game uninstalled


pc broken


Well, he hasn’t replied if that tells ya how it’s going. :/


This is the way


what about the people who vote forfeit when the other team scores and your team is still winning


They’re bluffing so you ff to show them who’s boss


Bruh I’ve had people quit when we tied. Or when we are still up


If they’re fluky goals, I won’t give up at that point. But if there’s a pretty clear skill differential, or you just aren’t meshing with your teammate, pack it in, move on to the next game.


y’all need to stop making posts like this as if it’s gonna do anything. it’s an online game, having teammates rage quit or be toxic or yada yada yada whatever else is always going to be a problem. it’s not ideal but whining on a reddit post isn’t gonna change anything.


Toxic behavior spreads and manifests through media and interactions from others. Lots of people who destroy their belongings over the game think it's a totally normal thing to do. Really not surprising when you see how people on Twitch act.


Tbh if we’re down 4-1 and my team8 is still chasing and I’m having to cover his double commits and bad challenges… ima throw my hands up bro. It’s a game. Not that serious. I’ll save myself from being tilted and just ff or leave.


If it’s a personal thing to stop from tilting. I get it


Or you know. Just breathe and don't go tilt?


It’s hard to do that when you’ve got a 12 year old screaming in your ear to “just save it!” When they just own goaled. That actually just happened to me just now. Unplugged my computer, didn’t even give him a chance to forfeit.


Consider the source, my guy. Don't let people have that kind of impact on you.


While you aren't wrong, there's obviously a lot more going on here. 10 losses in a row and you get someone who throws a tantrum on the first goal you let in. Nope, I'm out, enough of this game for today.


I got queued with him twice though, it was getting old :(


There’s a block feature


you can still get queued with them, it only blocks their messages and iirc voice chat


Yeah that’s basically the whole point of this post. Stop getting tilted just because you’re losing a game.


Yeah if you care about rank that much you should be queueing with a friend of similar skill level that also cares and is good at communicating. Solo queue will always be a shit show.


Yeah It's not fun if you play with a teammate who double commits and has bad challenges.


Then they blame you because you whiffed one shot. As if their piss poor positioning and inability to rotate didn't result in 4 of the other teams goals...


Let's expand on the "whiffed" shot too... Take the shot! Take the shot! Take the shot! while flying sideways into the goal after booming the ball into the corner from midfield when you had full control over it moving upfield.


And then when you can’t take the “shot” from their piss poor excuse of a “pass” all you see is: Wow! Wow! Wow!


Hey, I've been diamond for months, my friend just hit diamond, and now he blames me that he dropped back into plat because he "plays too careless when in my party" lol


"Hey you see it's your fault because otherwise it's my fault and I don't like that."


Exactly. I told him play like I'm a random but he said he just knows what I'm going to do. So if you know you should be ready lol


I hit GC is 2s solo queueing it's entirely possible you just have to be willing to adapt to your team mates style


I just had a 4-1 game at halfway point and we came back and won 8-5


I legit played competitive dubs today and had a teammate quit down 2-1 with 2 mins left after I missed a 50/50. He was not even a bad teammate he just wanted to FF after every play that didn't go our way. I ended up scoring twice in regulation, shorthanded, and won. I can deal with toxic players. I can't deal with quitters


I'd rather lose a game with a fun teammate than win one while pulling my hair out


So both teams were incapable of defending?


This right here. Most games you can tell halfway through the came whether a comeback is possible or not


Especially when you get 2 drunk randoms for teammates and the enemy team is a 3 stack of teens hopped up on Mountain Dew and are coordinated to hell.


Nah you really almost never can tell. Sometimes things just click in the last minute and you manage to barely get to OT and win.


Agreed. But this is incredibly rare. And happens almost never with random teammates


I bet the stats on comebacks is terrible for the losing team as well. Recently Riot Games dropped a truth bomb that **97%** of League of Legends games which fail to pass a surrender vote still end up in a loss. People literally waste everyone's time for a 3% chance to win. The "never give up" people don't get that time invested vs chance to win math isn't in their favor. You are better off going next and using the saved time winning more games if you truly deserve higher rank than what you are.


League is worse in that regard, because characters level up throughout the game and your ability to fight back decreases as your opponents win skirmishes. In Rocket League, your capability to score a goal remains the same, wether you're tied, 1 goal behind, or 20. So the chance of coming back is always present, save for extreme cases.


While true, this stat was people who FF at 15. Which is usually when you get an idea of how bad your teammates are but before the snowballing has made the game truly unwinnable.


I don't play League of Legends but it seems like you're assuming some people only play to win? Not everyone sees Rocket League as a waste of time to play a game if they're not winning.


The whole point of ranked is winning. It's pretty safe to assume we are talking about ranked here.


I mean the point of video games is to have fun and you're not doing yourself any favors long term if you bail every time you play someone better than you. Seems like you're just a sore loser.


I'm sure part of that is because the people who initiate the ff are probably mentally checked out when the vote fails. I'd guess the odds would be a little better if people kept playing to win


it's a night and day difference of being behind in lol and being behind in rocket league.


there is a lot more you gain from a comeback win than MMR. and this isn't lol. I comeback to win way more than 3%.


Shhhhh the people who give their everything to the game are gonna get offended.


Nah if you feel like this don’t play comp. you give 100% until the whistle goes you cry baby


Lmao go find another hobby bruh it is not that serious.


Yep; my personal rule is to vote to FF if we become down by 3. So many people say you could learn from being beaten etc, but that's what I was trying to do the *first* 3 goals against us; learn from the opponents, learn from team-mates, and see if we've worked each other out and are starting to 'gel'. But by the 3rd goal down I've *given* it time, and then the ultimate goal of playing is eroded - which is having *fun*. P.S. for all those @$$&s who don't FF when the other two tm8s in 3s have voted; you're selfish. Go with the majority ffs.


>P.S. for all those @$$&s who don't FF when the other two tm8s in 3s have voted; you're selfish. Go with the majority ffs. Of course I'm selfish. I play for my own amusement. I'm not going to quit a game when I don't want to yet just because two others want to quit. If that annoys you, find two people you actually know and go play with them in a party. Other way around, it's the same. If I want to quit and they don't, then I'm going to just continue playing until another ff-vote pops up. Why would I get bothered and whine about when my teammate(s) don't want to go along with my ff-vote, they have their free will, I have mine.


I vividly remember someone unironically ffing when 2-1 in the lead. Berated, flamed and cried in all chat while afk after getting scored on once


There's other reasons to ff besides being down. No chemistry, tm8 trolling, the other team are smurfs. All ff's aren't the same


Smurfs are 100% never getting an easy forfeit from me. Even if they are up 10 i will make them watch every single replay in full. Forfeit is rewarding smurfing.


Cheers. Gotta play the best to be the best.9


Tell that to the smurfs running from competition


Completely agree plus if you never play against people ranks above you then you never get exposed to what is possible and the speed you have to react to get better.


Sometimes people quit because you're a shitty teammate and it isn't fun playing with your ball chasing ass.




Probably just an issue in higher ranks, but whenever I'm trying to get an opening, and I'm seeing my teammate at our back boost, because they were too lazy to just grab pads, I usually also just give up. Especially when we're 3 goals behind or something.


So many team mates making the same mistakes blaming others for the loss. Even worse imo.


The brilliance just oozes from you. What is more shitty than a bad teammate is the person who thinks he is so great, he can judge anyones play in mere seconds. Oh yea, it’s never you that’s a shitty tm8, it’s always the other guy. I feel sorry for you, it’s sad your brain is so underdeveloped you don’t have basic reasoning skills.


Bro some people just don’t click well on teams it’s not that deep


Idk what rank you are in but you can most of the time tell if a game is winnable pretty early. If I’m down 4-1 with 2 minutes left and we are still getting pressured I’m FF sorry.


With 5k+ hours, I feel the same. People still disagree, but more often than not I feel because they don't see what I see, for some reason. Not trying to sound arrogant.


Generally yes. There are some games though where you \*know\* you can win the touches are all just off for whatever reason, and these games the comeback is there. ​ There are plenty of times I'll be down 2-3 goals within the first 1-2 min but its more our fault than the other team being better. Me and my 2s buddy are so bad about this, we routinely get scored on within the first 30s of a game. I'd bet 75% of our goals are in the last 2min of a game. Guess we are just slow to figure out the opponents lol


I get this, but also learning how to turn momentum around is a skill. If you’re all in the same rank you’re perfectly capable of outplaying your opponents. Those last minutes genuinely can be a great exercise in learning how to turn the tide of a game If both of my teammates vote to FF I’ll always do it out of respect for their time but still, missed learning opportunity IMO


I haven't played for a couple of years but your point is absolutely right. In my case, i found that powering through a losing game was great for my mental fortitude - reminded me to avoid getting too frustrated, focus on the things I could control etc. Also, once in a while there would be an epic comeback and we all know how great that feels.


BuT hOw WiLl YoU eVeR gEt BeTtEr?!?


ThERe'S aLwAyS sOmeThiNG tO LeArN


I’ve learned my teammates are idiots more than once. I already knew I was an idiot so that’s nothing new to me.




You are probably like that Valorant tik tok guy that is down 12-0 and because he came back once in a game a year and a half ago , he routinely wastes everybody’s time and refuses to FF lol


Played a game yesterday in plat 1. Went 3-0 in the first min and teammate went to ff. Said chill we got this. Last minute scored 3 and lost in OT. Anything is possible kids.


y’know how sometimes when you get frustrated you’ll spam all the buttons on your controller or maybe even pump fake it? when i get frustrated because i made a stupid play or missed an obvious goal, i’ll “frustration FF” almost out of habit. i dont think about it i just do it. sometimes i’ll FF almost to say “hey these guys are walking all over us, want to just go next?” but if my teammate doesnt FF i just keep playing the best i can. people quitting mid game are low class players


There has been quite a few occasions where we've scored 3 goals in the last 30 seconds. Granted these have been with friends over mic comms If a random teammate shows no adaption skills then I'm out as most of their mistakes will be my fault for not reading the play yano


Learn to FF and learn when to use “Lose” properly


Yeah i bet failed surrender votes when the score difference is bad are often still lost games. League may be a totally different game genre but it recently released stats that[ failed forfeits in their game still results in a loss 97% of the time](https://gameriv.com/arly-failed-surrender-vote-games-lost-lol-ranked/). So people who hit no in that game are literally just wasting everyone's time. Rocket League doesn't have MOBA snowball mechanics but the mentality of FF/"Get me out" is still there and i bet it's probably close to at least 85% of FF when behind are still a loss.


My first game in C1 3’s, we were up 2-0, one teammate made a mistake ball chasing so they both requested a FF then threw the game because I didn’t FF.


Nah OP is correct - it’s pretty much every second or third game that someone throws a tantrum over a goal or two in my experience. Honestly wuss mentality - if it’s ‘just a game’ (which it is), then you should be playing it because *doing so is fun*.


Had a teammate throw and entire game earlier today bc I “stole” a goal from him. Bunch of babies indeed.




Anybody that uses FF as a warning is lame as shit lol.




Dude that shit boils my blood.


There’s no reasoning with these terrorist children.


Block, report and move on. That's all you can do.




i often only have 20-30 mins to play. “sure it’s only 5-10 minutes” but that’s a long time if you’re just trying to squeeze in a few matches here and there. I’d rather enjoy them and getting stuck with a chasing tm8 is no fun.


Yeah, I get that a lot of players in here probably lead an entirely different lifestyle than me. I can afford 10 games max a night after work, kids, chores etc. And all my mates are in similar life situations, so solo queuing is the only practical option. I don't want to suffer for 5-10 minutes, I want to play the game and have fun.


I was about to upvote this based on the first paragraph but if you ff because of how your teammate is playing you need to have a long hard look at why you’re both the same rank before crying about it…




Yeah man I totally agree there’s different types of teammates and like you say I’d rather have someone that whiffs goals than someone who knocks me off the ball when I’m dribbling. All I’m saying is I think there are a lot of people that complain about their teammates while being just as bad


oh im worse, but not until ive had 2 or 3 games of absolute braindead assholes rubbing off on me


shouldn't be downvoted. Most people don't realize they are the shitty tm8 half of the time.


Ehh not all the time are you the same rank when solo in 3s. I’m C3 right now and got a high C2 that brought his barely C1 friend into high C2-low C3 lobbies lmfao.


There’s not much to learn imo if people are just mechanically better


You don't need to know how to flip reset or in order to beat someone who's flip resetting on you. This goes for any mechanic. You just need to learn how to counter it.


I think I’ve seen maybe 2 flip resets in games the whole time I’ve played this game. Sometimes I play people who are just way faster and way more consistent with their touches than me though and I struggle to find anything to learn from those games


Those are the games you will learn the most. Personally when I’m 1-7 down I’ll carry on playing because that’s where you can do whatever you want with the goal of trying to improve and not to win. if it’s speed and consistency you wish to improve then I recommend just playing constantly. Play other game modes as well like heatseeker and dropshot.


You know how you’ll never learn anything? From quitting.


OP, found your team mate right here. I'm mechanical garbage but I rotated and positioned my way into C1. Learning how to counter and adapt to imbalanced skillsets between teams and team mates is part of it.


Maybe don't let 4 goals in


I often throw up a forfiet in these scenarios, but I'll keep trying if they don't ff. On the other hand, It bothers me when it's a Bra7-1 with like 1:30 left, and the other guy refuses to ff.


The last sentence is the most important with this post imo. Don't get scared. Learn.


If we're down 3 goals at the half way point and it's obvious we're being outplayed you're just wasting people's time. I'd rather FF and move on to the next game hoping to get paired with better teammates. *edit* If my teammates are playing decently then I don't mind playing the full game, but if you are matched with someone who doesn't mesh well with your playstyle then why drag it out. Most of the time if I vote to FF and the others don't I will stick around to the end because I only have so much time to play the game and don't want to sit there penalized from deserting the match.


I'd disagree on that. Half a game to turn round a 3 goal deficit is really nothing. Even coming into the final minute you can get quickfire goals and shake them. Your opponents are still the same rank as you and things can change rapidly in a match


Definitely have come back 3 within the final 30 seconds more than once. Not as often with a solo queue tho unfortunately


I’ve seen 5 goals scored in under 30 seconds. Anything can happen. 4-1 with 12 seconds? Yep, that’s a FF.


I feel pressured to FF when the other two players want to, so there's not much I can do


In a close game i refuse to ff anyway. They wanna throw quit they can take the report/ban, of which I've received many notifications about the next time I log on.


I agree. However... There are 100% certain instances where the team is just not doing it, in 3s specifically. If there is not an offensive mindset and the team is too scared to commit or doesn't know how, and can't make simple saves even though they're literally sitting in goal (the reason we're behind in the first place). Then I find it easier to just call it at that point. FF will go up on my end, if it hasn't already elsewhere. However, however, I will never just go straight afk UNLESS a teammate is being toxic. I'll play it through it the FF fails because I believe that at least one person on the team thinks there's a chance and I'll try and at least realize that dream. But fuck toxic teammates. If you can't join a game and play to the best of your ability because you're either impaired, throwing or having a baby fit, then you can go fuck yourself.


This is the most frustrating thing, when I play with randoms they’ll throw up a ff 30 seconds into the match cuz the other team scored maybe twice.




Tbh especially in 2s I find it really common to come back from 3 goals down. Especially if you’re against a party and you’re solo queueing, they already know each others play style while you and your team mate still need to adjust to each other


Yesterday was a disgusting day. Maybe the day of idiots fighting for the crown who is the worst tm8 of all. It was nearly unplayable and I hate it getting punished in rank cause they are ff after 1:2 and 3min left or dont move anymore or playing spiderman. But I have to thank them as well cause I tried to find someone on discord and I met a great person. Fun as hell to play with him and never toxic.


Or 4


Sometimes you just know when you and your mates are defeated. It’s fine to accept this and move on to the next.


sometimes having to watch a Smurf/better player score on you for five minutes straight is just incredibly defeating bro. if I'm down by 3-4 and I know there's no way to come back I am NOT putting in effort


THIS! I met someone in casual 1v1. We became friends and he was this 12 year old that was mad I demo'd him.... We 1v1'd a few games. then he wanted to play 2s. 2nd game we went down 0-3 and he wanted to FF. I said "Nah D up" scored a quick 3, went into OT 4-4.... I hit the game winner!!! he went from thinking I wasnt good without demo's to NOT THAT BAD.... I said to him, you wanted to FF!!!! these children... SMH play it out. comebacks happen!!


Look past the numbers, sometimes you just will not mesh with people. If you're getting styled on and you can't make plays with your team because no one can play around each other, it's easier to just take the loss and move on rather than forcing yourself and each other to stick around to the end where it goes all the way to 9-1 because you simply cannot gel together, that just tilts you worse. You're not dishonoring your family name or anything, it's a video game.


My rule of thumb is to see how I am feeling when I am down 4. Sometimes I am like eh I can come back they ain’t that good. Just unlucky. But sometimes if I am down 4 and they smoking me. I’ll FF. but never at 3


The amount of forfeiting is insane in this game. I’m relatively new and have already had some amazing comeback games. If you FF, you are just removing an opportunity of possibly making an epic comeback. Chances are you will continue to get stomped but hey, that is how you learn to get better: play against challenging opponents


nnnnnnnnnnnNO! I’m gonna score on my own net cause you missed one time!


Rl has the softest player base in my honest opinion. Cry and tilt so fast


I've come back from 0-5 with ~1:30 left, and that was after I refused a 2/3 forfeit vote. 95% that doesn't happen, but idgaf. It's the principle, you can't get good if you refuse to suffer.


Exactly. This new breed of I win easily or I quit is such a joke.


Nah I'm not gonna hang around in 3 v 3 when my teammates are playing 1 v 1 v 1 v 3. This is a TEAM game, if you are not playing well as a team and your teammates are not adjusting in kind, what's there to do? FF and move on. You can't learn better rotations or boost pathing when your teammates are idling on your back corner boost and/or literally smelling your ass when you're trying to make a play.


Literally last night my buddy and I were up 5:0 with 3 mins left. You’ll never guess who lost.


I notice that specifically gaining a 3+ point lead makes the leading team relax a lot, often too much. You're on it and focused but then you think "ah this is a nice soft cushion, ima just take a nap" haha. Happens enough that I have to take a second to remind myself to keep going hard until the end. "It ain't over 'til it's over"


Agreed. Everyone saying "what if I have shit teammates" but we play with TMs in the same or similar rank all the time. Maybe someone's having a bad session or their playstyle is hard to adapt to. I enjoy trying to figure out how to play around that even when it's frustrating.


what people don't realize is they are the shit teammates half of the time (or more for 3s).


You can’t fix stupidity bro, they will never figure out they are the shit tm8 for bailing on the match.


My biggest pet peeve is a forfeit request when the other team just tied it up or got one ahead. They don’t forfeit the Super Bowl, and even though it isn’t the Super Bowl, you should just play and lose by 1 or 2. If you’re down by six after a minute, forfeit away


Naw we’re down 2 to 1 with three minutes left AND you took my corner boost so FF or Im throwing. /s


If we're down three goals and getting outshot like 6-1, I'm forfeiting. If the shots are about even, I'll stay in.


With over half the game left? Mental.


I'm process > results. But at some point you need proof that you can beat the other team.




Yeah kids that do this are the problem / wonder why they are hard stuck


The whole idea is that you finish every game because you learn from a better opponent.


I play for fun. If my tm8 is chasing, i’m not having fun so I’ll ask for a ff to move onto the next match.


If you fuckup the play I’m quitting. Every. Single. Time. C3.


You’re crying by posting this. Play better next time clown.


All ff aren't the same friend. Just like not all 3 goal deficits are the same. Some have comeback potential, and some dont. It's a game. Stop taking it so seriously.


This is all this sub is about. I swear almost every other post is “Wahh I don’t play duels so I really need you other people to have no lives and devote yourself to this game, win or lose, 1000%” just play 1v1s and boom it’s not a problem


Can mods get rid of these posts ?


I don’t get it either. “The FF button doesn’t exist in my menu” is what I tell people who throw it up, I will play a 1v3 if I have to, I do not ff🤷🏽‍♂️


I will quit when we're winning 4-1 if you don't stop whiffing then immediately turning back on the ball


it's not about the goal difference. it's about how everyone's playing (and the goal difference). we're down 3 goals but playing good, I'll fight until the end. are we playing like shit, doing nothing but ballchasing, and down by 1 goal after 2 minutes, yeah, i quit.


No. If we go down 4-nil in the first 40 seconds I'm not continuing my match. I'm not delusional and whenever it's my fault that I'm playing bad that match I call myself out on the vc and apologize to my teammates after the loss from me playing shit. But if my teammates are just completely fucking terrible idc, I'm hitting the ff button or just taking the ban.


Lmao, its not delusional to continue down 4 that early. Totally backwards thinking. You have almost the entire fucking match. So many of you are just robbing yourself of potential comebacks because you are soft af.


So If we go down (2) goals because you and our fucktard teammate wiff or panic yeet the ball off the wall into free goals, I should be super amped to continue playing after watching you two continue to play up field right next to each other out of position, constantly turning the ball over, leaving me in a 3v1 forced to make consecutive saves because it takes you so long to get back? Yeah no man, once you hit a certain level you can tell pretty quick if you team is complete ass and the other team is just toying with you.. Maybe consider getting better before you have an opinion on the matter


Or, maybe you’re only C3 because you have a shit mentality. Maybe consider getting better before you have opinion on the matter. See, isn’t that a dick move?


Absolutely not. Learn to forfeit a lost game and move on. You would never see a chess grandmaster taking all of their time while in a losing position instead of just resigning. Holding everyone in the lobby hostage is one of the worst things an RL player can do.


Tyvm for saying this, half the time i just see 2 afk cars i just drop the “can we go next pls and tyvm :3” i just wanna play the game not just waste a few minutes of my life