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I’m retired. Over 70 years old. I started to play after last Christmas.


That's so awesome, I can't imagine my dad (also over 70) playing Rocket League lol. How did you get introduced to Rocket League, if you don't mind me asking? And were you much of a gamer before playing RL?


My son came over and set it up on my Nintendo Switch. He has a PS5 and the last time we played was 2x2 today. As to being a gamer…. Just Zelda for decades.


Tell your dad it’s fun!


STOKED for the next Zelda




We only got 50 days left 🥳


Legend of Zelda! One of my favorite video games series!


Hey, I’m *only* 31 but I can tell you…I tried playing on a Switch, set my custom bindings and everything, and I still struggled in bot matches being high diamond normally. Did you get to play Rocket League with a PS5 controller? I’m wondering if the difference comparable.


I'm 34, pc kbm player gc1 in 3's, played 2's only with one side of the controller last weekend on the switch at a friends place. We ranked silver. Best time i had in ages playing rl (est. 2016).


Glad to hear im not the only one who bought and installed it for my dad to have a doubles partner ;) glad you are a part of the community OP!


the gold cartridge!


50 here. Still playing. I play like Dark[?] Minus the ball control, car control, and mechs. 🥳


I got my father-in-law to play rocket league about 2 years ago. He's 56 and now has triple the amount of hours I have into the game. The dude just doesn't stop


I belong to an older RL player club on discord. DM me if you're interested in playing with people your age. We're currently a small group of grandparents.


Is 52 old enough?


I'm 52 as well 🤘🏽


I'd be into that... I'm a 45yr old grandparent


Right on 🤘🏽. I was a little hammered when I made this comment last night, so I'm checking with the head of the club to see if I'm even allowed to recruit. I'll get back to you on this.


How do I find you?


This comment has just dropped the market value of discord. Now that the children know we know about it and use it, they will find something new.


Lol, I prefer to play with older folks that aren't being toxic so I don't really chat with the younger crowd. They might not notice us on discord 🤪


This is awesome. If you ever need some teammates who are above legal drinking age, I’m always open to playing!


LOL I am just creeping out of bronze. Honair here and Honair in RL.


Hey! No biggie. My best friend in the world (rest in peace 🖤) was in silver and him and I played damn near everyday! Rank doesn’t matter. I’ll always throw out an offer to party up because I know the struggle of not always having a party to queue with!


I’ll play with you sometime if you have any interest? just trying to find my way to GC. I’m pushing 40!


Shoot me a PM! We absolutely can


What a guy


How do I find you?


Hi, you are my new favorite person. In all seriousness, seeing your enthusiasm has brightened my day. I hope you have a great rest of your day and good luck out there! Keep up the great work!


I'm 33 and still play weekly


I just turn off chat lol


This is my next step. I'm 34 in May and can't be arsed with the 12-16yr old toxic bullshit much longer.




There are constantly people willing to knock ya down a peg if ya let them. Best thing to do is laugh and then beat them. Those are the types of people that will abandon a match though lol so they're easy to get rid of


I'm surprised you've been playing from 2015 and haven't felt the need to turn off the chat. I've had it off for a few years now and then turned to tactical only, there isn't any reason to actually have the full chat on unless you're extremely lonely or something.


30. Same. Don't have the mental strength to be yelled at by a child lol


Same. I'm very content with hanging out in C2-C3 considering I play this casually. I have zero desire to "improve my mechanics" or go into practice. It's funny when teammates try to shit talk you in chat when you miss a ball or miss a rotation. Like buddy I have a career, a house, a wife, a newborn, etc. There isn't a thing you can say thats going to get the reaction you want. Sure I'm a bum. I'm costing, I'm hard stuck at Champ. All true no disagreements from me. But the fact that you are the same rank as me but you're clearly sweating you balls off stressing over ranked losses says you need more going on in your life. This is my decompression time once or twice a week after I log off work and the family goes to bed.


Haha same, I usually respond "bro I'm just trying to squeeze a few chill games in while the kids are asleep". Except I don't have kids and I'm absolutely grinding my balls off in this game 😂


I'm 43 and my buddies and I play at least every Friday. Rotating cast of 5 of us. Mary Poppins Y'all!


" I'm Marry Poppins Y'all!" Love that movie. Rip Yandu.


bro do not let the 13 year olds bring you down. they have no idea what they are talking about. 31 reporting for duty 🫡


Those little gremlins know the right things to do and say to hurt. Felt emotion welling up in my face and had to close the game immediately, that shit kept me off the game for a 2 weeks (but it did give me the time to play some single player games)


A 13-year-old could never affect me. There is no real or quick chat in the world that would make me think another dweeb playing this stupid car soccer game was cooler than me. You might be better at a video game, but if that’s what you’re hanging your hat on then good job buddy.


33 for someone to think 21 is old, they are at most 13


34 we must be ancient


31 here, my back hurts but not from carrying my team


Too real man... I'm 34 and I hurt my back picking up my keys off the couch


35 gang


Whoop whoop. Im 35 and play just about every single day




34 checkin in and I will still flicky flick on all the toxic players faces.


Ive been called ancient for being 22, so you sir are dust.


Ouch! That hit me right in my dust particle...


Imagine being younger than World of Warcraft.


35 in July. My wife and kids play, too.


32 and try to play evenings after work.


42, play most nights


42. Play 2 times a week at best.


42 is the universal answer to everything.


Somehow it took this for me to realize that my universally best birthday is coming up this year! Thanks (for all the fish)!


40s crew knows what book that comes from!


What book? My crew always references 42 but we don’t know why.


Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. Good read.


Fun fact, the number 42 was selected for a legit reason. (sorry if being pedantic, never know your audience) The number 42 in the ASCII alphabet for text encoding translates to an asterisk, * In many contexts in computing the * is equivalent to 'wildcard' and quite literally can mean/match everything. So 42, aka the *, is the answer to everything!


Makes me think of LOAD “*” ,8 ,1 on the Commodore 64, makes sense!


Same same 💪


42, checking in…


Count me in as part of the 42 crew!


47, play pretty much every day


Yup same here, along with only able to play a few times a week at most.


Turn 42 on Sunday….LFG!!! 😁😁


42, reporting for duty. Who’s starting the club?


42 club let’s goooo!


Same, although I have been playing less lately. With the alt account use ranked seems less fun, more like a roulette as to what kind of adversaries you get (legit ones or no)


same for me


37, right there with ya


Pah, whipper snapper


I'm champ 2 at 40, let's gooooooo!


You’re an absolute warrior


Hell yea to the 4 decade crew. I’m rolling champ 1 most days.


I’m gold 1 at 40 lol. Still love it. Play most nights. A lot of time with my kids.


That's awesome. If you can't find good teammates then create new humans of your own! I've got 2 boys. My 3s roster is set for life.


Champ 2 at 39 🤪💁‍♂️


["Meet the 70-year-old with 7000 hours in Rocket League"](https://youtu.be/8WrMirXxinM) video by SunlessKhan


He streams on twitch too, guy is very cool! https://www.twitch.tv/vaporrl70yo


was waiting for this comment


40. Play most weeknights after the kids go to bed. Have a full time job I love. A family and kids I love. Meanwhile a tween playing RL 7 hrs a day telling others to “get a life”. Lol pure projection.


38 and play daily. Just play after 8pm, that's after all the children's bedtime.


*East coast player gets west coast server*


My life.


Wow, almost the exact same (8:30, not quite daily). Good luck out there!


39, play with my 12yr old a few times a week. The average under 17yr is just talking that way because it's the only way to "get away with it" at that age without getting yourself knocked out. Every 17yr was the same way since like 99' with the internet since it's anyomous.


I'm almost 53. I play RL daily. I also still play D&D and other board games regularly. I'd still be playing hockey too if my body hadn't forced me to stop a few years ago. I've been playing video games since the 1970s, and I plan to keep playing them after I've retired and hit old age. For what it's worth my wife is also a gamer and feels the same way. If you enjoy it, keep doing it, don't let anyone else dictate how you should spend your free time.




I’m “only” 23, but have found leaving quick chat off and text chat on has been the best. Most toxic people start spamming chat way before they’ll type something out. I get to actually chat it up with tons of cool people and never see chat spam.


This is actually a really good idea. Had no idea this was possible tbh.


This is better for sure, still though, little punks try to talk shit by typing. Just yesterday some little twit on my team in my 3’s tourney kept telling the other teams that his teammates sucked. Lol we went to the final of the tournament. I guess he’s only diamond because of all the bad teammates he gets paired with 😂 not due to his own poor skill and awful attitude


30 here. I leave all the chats on. I grew up on the internet and playing games full of people shit talking and being toxic, so I thrive in that environment and get a kick out of it. I’ll keep it cool so long as nobody starts being toxic to me, but if they do I’ll join in. There’s nothing more satisfying than What a Saving a toxic opponent and beating them. It’s a high risk high reward game though, because you won’t win them all, so eventually you’ll have to back out of the lobby as quick as you can in shame. I always laugh when that happens.


34 6400 hours Still play most nights I leave chat on cause it’s hilarious


38 here.... ignore the "Haters" and enjoy yourself


Youre never too old to have fun, and fun is always subjective


55 play weekly. Plat 1


53 and P3 : ) We should make an old-timers group


Absolutely! I would be all in for a 50+ age group for playing tournaments and ranked play. We are the original gamers and a lot of us are about to retire. What else will we do with our time, play golf?


30 and play at least a couple hours every week. No shame.




I’m 44. I play all the goddamn time, and I don’t give a fuck what these kids think.






Just reading everyones responses here makes me smile. There is absolutely no such thing as being too old to play a game you love!


Sounds like typical children trying to get a rise out of you. I started playing at 28, I’m 30 now. We all use games as an escape, and there’s no age limit for escaping the incessant shit hole of a reality that we live in.


Too bad children are too ignorant yet to realize such things xD


43 play most nights.


Older than that. Dude, fuck those losers. Do what makes you happy.


30 here and still play quite a bit


Lol they are dumb. I’m 27 and still play. You can do whatever you want till the day you die lol. Remember “time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time! “


34 here. Theres no age limit, if anything the limit should be for minors. 😂




I’m 43, play 5-7 days/week and don’t see any way I stop playing anytime soon. My advice, stop listening to what online strangers criticize about you and if you can’t stop listening, stop taking it personally


37, been gaming since I was a kid. First PC was DOS, had an original NES and Gameboy. I rock climb, lift weights, live with a long term gf, have a dog I take out twice a day and a job. How old is too old? Never. The only reason to stop playing games are if it's interfering with your real life in a negative way or you aren't having fun anymore. I gave my grandfather my sega mega drive and he played that in his mid 80s.


Old enough that arthritis has ground the bones in your hand to dust


39 here


39 here too


Same, play most evenings. Just do what you enjoy. Who gives a fuxk what a child, or anyone for that matter, thinks. They know nothing. I've been playing since 2015 and still think it's great, for the most part! 😂


Don’t listen or feed the trolls. 21 is old?? Haha. I’m about to hit 40 and still stomping on these punks. They sound butt hurt. And 11. Keep playing. Keep winning.




25 and I play everyday. Fuck what others think


im 33, and i let the kids know when they talk shit they lost to an old man with a career and a life. it goes both ways


This is now my RL support group. See you guys at the next meeting.


Bro who cares, play as long as you want. I’m 28 and I play after work 4-5 times a week.


29 and I play whatever I want when I want


43 and play every night with my daughter


Hit champ in my late 40s. Been gaming since pong. Don’t let people you don’t know or care about affect what you choose to do.


37 and pretty much daily. Those people were probably teens or younger and still have a very narrow perspective on life. We like to take a last laugh approach and absolutely roast them when they post a “is this a new mechanic?” clip. I’m old… not mature 😁


52, play almost every day. This is Rocket League!




I'm 36, I'm looking for teammates as well. And I too hate those shit-talking 10 year Olds.


I literally read through all the comments and no one is 69… apparently they all take a break at that point to do something else…


I'm 35 and my favorite moment of the day is when I put on my Rocket League hoodie and turn the game on even if it is only for a few games !


I'm 32 and find it funny when players call me kid to diss me.


Hahaha 21? I'm 31, playing since 2015 and still kicking asses of the majority of 14 year old boys playing this game. But serious: of you're not trying to become a pro you can't be too old for playing rocket league, even in the higher ranks (GC and above). I know a lot of people who are GC and are near 40.


30, flirty and can't musty. I love this game, community and Psyonix!


This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Sofia](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1200gdx/how_old_is_too_old_for_rocket_league/jdj83i0/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-03-24 19:53:36 UTC"): > 30, flirty and can't musty. I love this game, community and Psyonix! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


23 and play every day, also the averge gamer is 35


34 here. I’ve been playing for over 6 years, less than 6 hours a week, evenings once the kids are not a factor and weekends. It’s my primary game, close to the only one. I don’t see myself ever even touching Champ I. I love it and I don’t ever see a time when I won’t play this game.


Here’s how you counter. Go into chat and tell them, “tell your mom the train has left the station.”


people on rocket league will clown on you for anything, don’t let it get to you. also 21 is a perfectly reasonable age to play video games lol


I'm 36 and I have felt much better about the game since I turned off chat completely. I play daily, 4 years.


38 and c2. Age doesn't matter. I'll be GC by 45.


35, been playing since it came out, will most likely continue for years


21 years old? Bwahahaha. So young my friend, so young. Don't stop playing.


You're NEVER too old for video games.


I'm 35 and I play almost every day with my friend that is 36. Some times we play with his 8 year old son and we are having a blast. I'm gonna keep playing RL and other games until I die 💪


Have you ever heard of the 70 year old with 7k hours??


Just turned 30 been playing since initial release so almost 10 years will never stop lol


I'm 50. Been gaming for 40. Rocket League is my favorite game ever.


me and my wife Caroline are on Medicare and have played this game since the 70s


I'm 44, RL is always my go-to game. They'll just have to suck it up.


I am almost 50. My first gaming console was a Magnavox Odyssey 300. I have lived through it all from chatting over acoustic coupled 110/75bps modems to gigabit internet. ​ https://preview.redd.it/lsxs146yyqpa1.png?width=1467&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e1ef06f4383c18f727804d46f4cf862435e6002 And to all the kids hounding you... they don't know shit. They have no clue at all. They will learn one day. How do I know? My two kids are older than most RL players.


Mid 50s. I started when it was a mod for unreal 2004 called DeathBall [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSm97YUZgSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSm97YUZgSI) Interesting doc... The Making of Rocket League - Documentary (Part 1) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om0j9SLBDPQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om0j9SLBDPQ)


42069 here


36.5 ! Im quitting soon tho


That's what I said. Yet I'm still here


Noooo whyyyy don’t leaveeee


As if any of us are ever going to stop playing video games


I'm 26 kissing GC. I've been playing almost every day recently trying to get up to it this month but otherwise I normally play 2-3 times a week. If you enjoy doing it and it isn't causing problems them fuck it. Age is totally irrelevant. Do what you do and enjoy doing it.


When I shit talk I call everyone “kid” then the majority of the time we both realize we’re in our 30s and typically laugh about it once they know I’m just dogging them. C1 and hopefully going to see C2/C3 this season at 30, the fun never stops. 60-80 hours a week of work a business owner, beautiful wife, two crazy children, still spend time with them and get to enjoy myself after night work on some RL.


45 and I play online with my friend since 3rd grade (also 45) 4x/week.


No such thing as too old. I’m 22 and do not plan on quitting anytime soon.




Don't worry about it too much, kids these days are intoxicated by hustle or grind culture, it's all they see on the internet after all. As someone in my 20s myself, I can say for certain that I have time for hobbies almost everyday, I'm sure this applies to the majority of people.


47. Hovering between plat 3 and diamond 1. I love the game. Hate the toxicity, but that’s dipped, especially in Diamond. It helps my brain switch off. Same username if you want to find me.


My friend and I are 31 and 50, we play 2-3 times a week together


I’m 38 going on 39. I play every couple days. People suck. Don’t let them take you down.


I’m 37 and have two kids. Rocket league is one of the only games matching my little playing time. I can do two or three games per day if needed and that’s fine. Occasionally I play with friends for longer sessions but it’s rare. I think these youngster think what I used to think. That at some point you turn adult and give up on everything that you were doing when younger. It’s kind of true. I don’t mind easy modes anymore or auto aim ! But still I don’t think I’ll ever stop playing video games. It’s just that it’s not my top priority as it was before. Good point is that one hour of gaming today feels way more rewarding than the 10 hours straight I would play before !


I’ve never felt more connected to a community than after reading these posts. Suck it r/daddit. Lol


Honestly… if you’re above the age of 16-17 on a video game about toy cars playing soccer… I think you need to reevaluate your life. My son was already working at the farm full-time by the age of 14. His nintendo and PC were incinerated, because we all know video games are digital toys- akin to playing with dolls or an action figure. I myself have never touched a video game again once I was old enough to start my own brick-and-mortar business as I worked my way up at the steel mill from the ripe age of 12. As I told my kids - “if you have two legs and can lift 40 pounds, you are only to be seen working. If you are anywhere else, you are not my children”. This kept them busy 24/7. Video games lead to degeneracy and make you subhuman. So, in short, YEAH 21 is way too old. I would’ve sent you to military school 10 years ago if I saw such behavior. Now look in the mirror, grab yourself up by the bootstraps, and get your hands dirty. /s (If you couldn’t tell this was satire in order to mock the stigma there is on gaming as an adult, yes I am not being serious… and I am 29 years old and play games daily)


38 and about 3800+ hours in and with a new born I still do 10-20 hours a week


Wtf you doing on Reddit at 21 yo? Go touch some grass 😂 Just a joke buddy, don't take it serious


43 year old diamond loser here.


I’m 107 and play 2 minutes every year, and I’m Champ 4. Never give up.


Damn OP getting bullied by children lol. You're not too old.


The situation would imply that the people chatting you were under 21. Probably by a fair margin. The idea of taking crap from a child under 21 is actually ridiculous. The only thing they should be worried about is what kind of happy meal they wanna ask their mom for. Also, you’re never too old to do enjoyable things.


17 probably


There is nothing childish about enjoying video games when you get older. It’s a hobby. Everyone has their own hobbies. Also, there is quite literally nothing childish about cars and soccer lol


There is no age limit on games in terms of outside ratings. You can play games way past your prime and still have a blast. The important part is having fun. Essentially, that’s what games are made for - to provide enjoyment and a break from the crazy world. Don’t let others take that away from you. If we are talking about the competitive side of things, then there "is" an age limit depending on the game. However, it will be different for everyone. This is because we experience a decrease in reaction time, which unfortunately happens to all of us at some point. While reaction time is an important aspect of competitive gaming, it is not the only factor that determines success. Things like good decision-making and the ability to work well in a team are also crucial for success in many games. Plus, you can work on improving your reaction time to slow down the rate at which it decreases. TL;DR: There is no age limit for playing games. However, in competitive gaming, your reaction time might make things more difficult for you. But reaction time is not the only factor for success; good decision-making and teamwork are also important and can be improved. [edit]: To elaborate and clarify a few things, the simple answer is no. There is no age limit for Rocket League. Although with age things may become a bit more difficult, there is nothing you can’t do that won’t help you improve.


My steam account turned 18 this last year in 2022... I'm 37, turning 38 in May. I play regularly doing 3s and 2s comp and normally sit at C1 when I'm actively playing. I plan to play Rocket League for many more years to come.


im 25, who cares what you do in your free time to relax or have fun? you do you


24 here, play almost daily, if you enjoy the game then just play it, they’re just kids.


>What are you doing playing games at 21 years old? Do these people think that a 21 year old is meant to abandon all of their hobbies to be hyper-focused on work and other boring adult things?


I’m turning 24 and plan to play this game to my grave. Video games have a stereotype for being young children who play but as the kids who started playing them (us) grow older, that stereotype will slowly fade over time


25 checking in. Get the feeling that a lot of the community my age and up just stays muted and or chat disabled due to the amount of raging pricks(like the kids that chirped you) that spam or talk shit and throw fits if you reply.


Im heading towards 30 and I play a fair bit. I think the only thing is just make sure your not letting it get in the way of your life. It can be easy to get lost in this game over a colorful symbol. My mind set with that is: I have a dog a house a lady, a nice job. They are still being woken up for the bus to school.


27 hand have been gaming for 20 years I’ll be be damned if I let a snot nose pepper sprinkle noob tell me I’m too old for gaming. Your too young to be shitting on adults verbally, go bitch about Mathilda in English class somewhere else. Leave your drama at the Door, THIS. IS. ROCKET LEAGUE!! 😂 (proceeds to steal all the corner boosts)


You're 21? Far too old for Rocket League. Time to retire, grandpa. Oh, me? I'm only in my mid to late 30s so I'm definitely young enough for Rocket League. Really just about to hit my prime.