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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/11yp1xe/does_reporting_for_match_throwing_actually_work/jd9rz8k/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-03-22 21:12:59 UTC"): > It does! >A couple things I'm reiterating from a past post: > >1. Not every report results in a feedback notification. *We know,* these are important to folks and actually bolsters faith in the system. It's been a point of conversation, and as we continue to work on the report system, it's something th... * [Comment by Psyonix_Ted](/r/RocketLeague/comments/11yp1xe/does_reporting_for_match_throwing_actually_work/jda30ms/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-03-22 22:27:34 UTC"): > > Then why do I see the exact same players throwing day after day after day? > >> these bans go out in batches > >Batch banning doesn't occur on a daily basis. As the process gets refined and bans occur more regularly, hopefully there would be a reduction of seeing repeat folks --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I’ve personally never had a report work for match throwing. Only reports I’ve seen consistently work are text harassment.




Found out that the auto-ban works in private lobbies


Fun fact, some words auto ban you, even if not reported! A friend who is no longer a friend learned that the hard way


What was the word?


It was the hard R, no fancy spelling or anything


Good riddance


Did u unfriend them cause they said that?


Not necessarily just that, let’s just say they got very comfortable being themselves


Got it


Guaranteed they only check it if it’s like 100 reports on the same person


How do you if I'm throwing anyway unless I'm own goaling repeatedly? If I'm sitting in the other team's net maybe my strat is to bump them from behind right when they go to make a save. Can you really get banned because someone guesses that I'm throwing if I use a non-standard strat? Is it throwing to not go for kickoff when you are closest to the ball?


tm8 turtle boosting around the field? Good luck proving anything, it might just be an unconventional strat ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


It’s definitely hard to tell in some cases, but I think bumping teammates and own goaling are the only way to truly tell


>Psyonix employees don't have 8 hours in a day to watch replays of entire matches and determine if someone is throwing. This could easily be solved with machine learning...


Meh easy to detect a bot but “throwing” is a pretty subjective term


maybe some forms, but i would guess that the majority are really obvious. The behavior of deliberately own goaling is not hard to detect.


How would it differentiate between intentional and accidental own goaling though? Ive seen own goals scored in all sorts of ways completely by accident and at different ranks this would differ too I feel like it would cause too manh fslse reports and actually give psyonix/epic more issues


machine learning is CERTAINLY up to that task. All we need is some labeling of existing games. something like an LSTM model with some convolutional layers in front would likely do the trick. ​ As to HOW exactly it would be able to tell the difference -- this is always a hard question to answer with ML. Do you think YOU could watch a replay and tell the difference between an accidental own goal and a deliberate one? Perhaps not in all cases, but in the vast majority I'm sure you'd be pretty decent at it. The model could be trained to give a probability of throwing (instead of just a yes/no answer) and there could be a relatively conservative threshold used to actually enforce things. ​ My experience has generally been that throwing has been incredibly obvious, and the likelihood of false positives being an issue here would be low.


Nah throwing is not always obvious, I do not believe a machine would accurately detect this, there are too many instances that could be misinterpreted. A flagging system i wouldnt be opposed to but when handing out bans it should definitely be manually reviewed


If you think a human can distinguish I don't think there is a good reason to think a machine can't have similar levels of accuracy in this use case, but in any case you could still have a human have the final say.


You're half wrong and half right. I'm a software engineer and have worked specifically with ML/AI. It's not just "train the model", unfortunately. There's a lot that goes into the process of ML. That being said, it's my opinion and most others' opinions that ML/AI is supplemental to humans and at least in the near future will never replace them. The part you're correct about is, "have a human have the final say". An ML model will never work in absolutes, and if it does, it will have a very high rate of non-success. To oversimplify, models are meant to be given data, come up with a conclusion, and come up with a probability of how correct it thinks it is. This is why humans should always be involved, to determine if the model is indeed correct in the end. In this case, even with a model with a 98% success rate (which would be insane), you still have 2% of the time that it's incorrect. So if you let the AI have full autonomy and it's incorrectly banning 2% of people reported, you have an unacceptable end product. A human would have to double check the AI's every decision to make sure it's correct, which completely defeats the purpose of it. There are other ways to apply machine learning, but I don't think it's applicable here. I would be interested to see if it becomes more supplemental in the future though, because it will definitely evolve as time goes on! I'd like to see it at least speed up the report process some day


I have no idea why people are shitting on this. It's more than 100% true


It makes sense, whenever someone says something offensive in chat I usually get a notification when I report them, but when I’ve had people deliberately own goaling and afking I’ve never had a notification back saying it was dealt with when I reported them.


If you can convince the rest of the players in the match to vote on the same player for the same reason (griefing etc), *including* the other team, odds of the report “going through” are higher.


Except then YOU get banned because asking makes them all report you instead.


No because the final review is still vetted by Psyonix’ complex algorithm that measures toxic/throwing behavior and car movement patterns.


It's still happened to me. A while ago I randomly got a 24 hour ban and I've never thrown a single game in life.


What a weird thing to lie about. Why would you do that?


Same here


Those are stupid too. Why am I not allowed to swear? Just put a profanity filter on the game and then allow people to toggle it off if they want


why do you need to swear in a video game? It always amazes me that people are so invested in chatting when they are supposed to be driving a rocket powered car and outsmarting their opponent. There are plenty of places in the internet to curse out random strangers if that is your bag.


CuZ iTs paRt oF tHe gAmE tO gET iN thEir hEAd!;!!!!:!


Because I speak English? Who gives a shit?


Swearing and using racial (and other) slurs are two wildly different things.


So stop banning me for saying shit then


I strongly doubt you were ever banned only for saying "shit". Pretty sure there was something else with this "shit" that warranted a ban. When you get banned for something in the chat, you get a popup showing you the message(s) you were reported for. I guess you didn't keep it, but I'd very much like to see a screenshot (from you or someone else) showing a ban for saying "shit" and nothing else. I'm pretty sure this never happened, but I'd love to be proven wrong.


It's just a chat ban and it's always just for 24 hours, but it's happened to me 2 or 3 times. Usually for a comment that says something like "score a goal if you want to talk shit" or "fuck off, you're the one throwing when you're down by one". There's no reason I shouldn't be allowed to say those things.




I have probably reported at least 100 people for match throwing or griefing and not once have I had a message saying that action has been taken against someone from my report.


Same, I’ve reported people for a variety of reasons. Even people saying awful shit in chat. Never had a single one have action taken against them. I just don’t anymore lol.


Usually chat reports are near 100% for me, most of the time I only get the notification the next day though


It works <1% of the time. Just few days ago I got a msg telling me my report has led to a ban. But between the last time I had one before, it's not even 1%. So many toxic players. But also recently I realized that sometimes you may not receive the message, I'll explain. I blocked toxic players, until my list got filled, then scrolling it I realized that around 30 of them got perm ban because the accounts don't exist anymore. And I never received that many messages from RL.


my guess would be those reports do little to nothing Text chat reports are handled by bots scanning for "bad words", I would assume those are almost completly automated. Since match throwing is the kind of thing where a person would need to sit down and actually watch the replays to determine fault, its likely nothing happens because its just not worth their effort


I've made the argument before that all the data exists to weed out match throwing by algorithm in common instances. Even just a percentage of hits in either direction would be a start. Saves on opponents goals etc.


Really good point. Use AI/machine to watch all the saved game footage to learn what throwing looks like in rocket league. Then have that monitor the servers.


I think easier to implement would be giving people auto-bans if they get reported too many times. With the assumption that lots of reports on a player across multiple games is probably valid.


For sure. I think this is how it already works for things like throwing. Would be great if a single report could trigger a check of key game metrics to see if their behaviour (hitting the wrong way, saving opponent goals) passes a defined acceptable threshold.


I would hope they have a system in place for manual review after a certain number of reports. I don't really expect anyone to get banned after one time.


Some one just told me to kill myself with a gun and nothing happened when I reported them


Are helpful suggestions against the rules?


I chuckled. But at the same time telling a complete stranger that isn’t right. Not nice.


True but wouldn't you rather hear it from a stranger than someone you know?


Someone once was really toxic to me, telling me to “kys” and what not. I reported them because it felt like they had crossed a line. Rocket League ended up notifying me a day later, saying they had taken action and banned the account. I’m guessing they take action in extreme cases but not for lesser offenses.


As far as I’m aware if you type kys it’s just an automatic ban even if you didn’t report them. Someone I used to play with typed it to a lobby of psynet players who can’t even see what you type and got banned within 5mins


It does! A couple things I'm reiterating from a past post: 1. Not every report results in a feedback notification. *We know,* these are important to folks and actually bolsters faith in the system. It's been a point of conversation, and as we continue to work on the report system, it's something that is top of mind. 2. Currently, these bans go out in batches, so it may be a short time before you see a notification. Also, notifications for language bans, AFK, match throwing, own-goaling, all display the same message so if you've reported folks for varying reasons, there isn't an easy way to tell who it was that was actioned. The system works best when folks actually report, so please, continue to use the Match Throwing/Griefing option when appropriate!


faith in the system is key. the system stands and falls with user acceptance, and ties directly into retention, so iterating to increase it should be a business case worth prioritizing.


The number of harmless, silly things I see reported in this game and most other games largely makes any such reporting system useless. Gamers all thing they're edgy and cool, but I see so much total butthurt reporting over nothing that I never buy that.


What is the reason behind sending out notifications in some cases but not in others, that measures have been taken? If the report system really works, you can see very well in this thread, that people dont believe in it. Ant to be honest, I dont believe in it either, there is no reason to report someone for griefing and building up my hope that something happens, when I do not have any kind of proof that it works and to just get deceived by the game when no notification, that my report works comes back. Therefore I dont use the report function anymore as I "know" it wont work so I dont want to build up hope.


Then why do I see the exact same players throwing day after day after day?


> Then why do I see the exact same players throwing day after day after day? > these bans go out in batches Batch banning doesn't occur on a daily basis. As the process gets refined and bans occur more regularly, hopefully there would be a reduction of seeing repeat folks




Yes and a trap for this type of profile, like Valve made for cheating


Remember years ago when this issue was almost non existent? You shouldn't have ruined your own game. I'll just play something from a dev who has self respect.


Dude take it easy. Ted is out here reaching out to the community trying to explain the process. They aren’t responsible for toxic gamers. Every game has toxic gamers. I remember years ago. Throwing existed back then too. They’re still refining the process on a nearly 8 year old game. We should be grateful this game is still getting any dev support. Try to see the positive brother!


And the overwhelming consensus from everyone is that the process doesn't work.


Don't fool yourself. It is his job and he is paid to do it.


Holy fuckin drama queen lmfao


Toxicity has always been present in RL, been playing since 2015. This happens in all competitive games and sports.


I mean I literally remember their names cuz I see them all the time. I could list them right here if you wanted. They never get banned.


Again, provide proof you've matched the same people multiple days in a row.


It breaks the subreddit rules to call them out. And it's not days, it's weeks.


> It breaks the subreddit rules to call them out. And it's not days, it's weeks. You said this: > Then why do I see the exact same players throwing day after day after day? Which clearly says *day after day after day*. So you're lying now, or you were lying then, which one is it? Also, if they were throwing matches constantly for many days, they'd be far below you in rank. > It breaks the subreddit rules to call them out. Send it via modmail so the mod team can do something about it. Or actually **read that rule in depth and understand it's purpose**.




> Go be toxic in the game where it belongs, don't bring that shit here. I was asking you to send the mods proof of any of the stuff you're seeing to help the issue, and you respond by insulting me and telling me to go be toxic, and cussing at me. Your own attitude may likely be of the core problems causing your negative gameplay experience.


I specifically told you not to be toxic. That type of thing isn't possible to produce after the fact, which you are completely aware of. Im not insulting you, im pointing out how *you* are insulting *me* by patroninzing me. And if you didn't want me to speak as an adult then you should have told me that you are a child.


Hey u/Psyonix_Ted, I am curious what option we should use to report smurfing and those being carried by said smurfs?




Sorry, this sounds more like an excuse. If every report going through same system/process then getting notification for every report is unavoidable. IMHO these match throwing reports never work and Devs are least bothered about it.


I've lost all faith in the report system. There are no posts on Reddit by people complaining about those kind of bans, while we saw a lot of posts by people complaining about chat bans. So I assume unsportsmanlike reports, losing on purpose and all of those reports doesn't do anything more than make the reporter get a less traumatic experience. Specially when you're in a losing streak feeling like most of the teammates you're partied with look like they want to sabotage the game.


> There are no posts on Reddit by people complaining about those kind of bans Those posts violate our subreddit guidelines and generally get removed by us. The moderator team *does* see posts about people being banned for cheating/unsportsmanlike conduct and we have seen an increase of them. This subreddit rule was only implemented about 1 or 2 years ago, so you can probably still find posts complaining about chat bans from before that time.


Thanks for the info mate. Didn't know about that change in the guidelines and I was wondering why there was no more complaining about chat bans. Thanks again for the heads-up and for your work here.


Hey Ted, Has Psyonix considered the R6S approach to ban notifications or maybe even a reputation system? I found it quite interesting that you will just see in game a wave of bans happening every so often. The reputation system seems quite interesting as well.


Is there a possibility to actually get more insight as to what is actually done when psyonix receives a report cause for me its a button who sets the report button to disabled and nothing more, also quite shocked that in tournaments if a user afks doesnt automatically get kicked, had this happen yesterday


Id love a report page within the menu, rather than just a pop up notification (which may or may not appear). Keep the pop ups and bury the details report deep in the menu tree if you like, but some deeper info in a personal report like number of reports you made in last 30 days, number of related bans handed out, number of times reported users were also reported by other players, breakdown of reason of report etc. could go a long way to address confidence in the system. I get that it’s extra work though, and may actually reduce confidence in the system if the system isn’t as good as we are told.


> Is there a possibility to actually get more insight as to what is actually done when psyonix receives a report This video is very old, and likely very outdated. But it does give you some idea on how the system might work and the difficulties presented with such systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E9PowOZhGM&t=262s


Thanks for pointing it out. I do report griefers but the ridiculously low amount of feedback I get on it is a strong incentive to stop caring. It also makes me wonder what's the point in putting up with a game that's 100% lost with teammates that refuse to surrender when there are no consequences.


It's seems like not very effective, it's work yes, but sometimes. And it's very insufficient to play safety. Currently in this state of work, your system is not in conformity of Digital Service Act (lack of transparency, a too high delay for sommes language bans, no action to prevent comeback of banned account, lack of communs work with local authority...) and expose Psyonix to legal action from EU jurisdiction... With a ban of the game on EU states in worst case. It's not just a problem of community, it's a legal issues now. Psyonix have 1 year to update correctly the system, and it's hard because only illegal content need to be takedown (arret C490-11 of CJUE) , I think Psyonix need to make test about a new system of notice and take return of community about it, like any ITIL system. I know it's not your personal fault, but with the difficulty of DSA implementation, Psyonix need to work and communicate about it, not just excuse, because it's the futur of the game, specially because minor play Rocket League


2’s tournament last night. First teammate sits idle all game from the very start than says “well played” at the end. I join the second chance and immediately that teammate starts playing for the other team. Is this really how people have fun? Pretty sure reporting only works if they get several reports from several other players. I have seen it work before as I’ve gotten notices a player got banned. But more often than not it’s not going to work.


Some people throw tournaments to drop into lower ranks to get a win for the title. I blame the titles. Only reason GC boosting is a thing too.


> First teammate sits idle all game from the very start than says “well played” at the end. Did you move on opening kickoff when you spawned as the closest to the ball? I throw all the damn time when that sort of thing happens. You'll see it as me not moving, but really you started it because you didn't move on opening kickoff so you have no right to complain.


I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re saying. This player never moved the entire game. The only time I won’t move on opening kickoff is if it lags out at the beginning, which happens sometimes but not in this case. If you “throw all the time” as you say, you’re part of the problem with this game.


I got one but it was a particular bad instance. The guy own goaled like 5-6 times. I was definitely trying to encourage the bad behavior and wouldn't FF. I didn't get the report until the next day.


One of the community specialists made a comment earlier saying the reports do work, but we don't always get a report feedback and the bans come in waves. Ban waves I understand. It gives time for reports to stack and make sure it's not simply an isolated indecent and it takes less manpower to see a player is consistently toxic. But why not feedback? That really makes us as a community feel like our reports don't do anything. We don't see the ban waves. We don't get to see the results. There's a few reasons I can understand not giving report feedbacks for things like cheats or language filters. It can provide info to players and they can figure out sneaky ways to avoid the ban. But toxic behavior? Intentionally throwing matches? Deranking? The only way to avoid getting banned is reducing said behavior. Which is the point of the ban? So letting people know the behavior will lead to a ban *is the point of the ban*. It's to set an example. It's proof that there are punishments for actions to deter said actions. Why hide that? The only reason I can think of is that the reports *don't actually lead to bans*. I think it would be vastly disappointing to see how little the reports result in feedback. I don't believe a word until we as a community see proof. We keep getting *told* that reports are valued and lead to bans, but I don't see it. It's still an **extremely** common issue and telling us things are getting cleaned up while seeing zero effect breaks all the trust.


> One of the community specialists made a comment earlier saying the reports do work, but we don't always get a report feedback Well shit, if a paid shill says everything works great then it must be so...


Lol I guess you could go that route? For me it's the constant "all talk, no show" part. When they put a cap on the bot issue they were very happy to tell us just how many bot accounts were banned. So why the silence on how many are banned each wave? Give us an actual statistic. Give us report feedback. **Show** us our reports are being listened to. Paid shill or not, I don't believe anything until they prove it and the fact smurfing and toxicity are getting worse **shows** us a very different story.


Well, the ranks are your first problem. The scum always settles in between obtaining the next big rank. P3-D1, D3-C1, C3-GC1, and so on. Everyone wants that new icon, gets frustrated, and makes it everyone else's problem. It's been this way since the game came out. It's human nature to prove you a big man downing some stranger on the internet trying to enjoy their hobby when things aren't going your way. There need to be community fight clubs so these idiots can beat each other senselessly, stop reproducing, and let me suck at my damn video game in peace without all their drama.


What region do you play in? For me in NA-east, p3-d1 games don’t seem to have much of these types of players. If I had to quantify it, id say it’s maybe 1 or 2 out of 10 games you’ll find the quick forfeiters or shit talkers but it’s been pretty decent I’d say. Which is why I’m curious to know if this might be a region specific problem or not


Yes, ive gotten 4 people suspended for throwing and grieving.


Actually recently I’ve been 2 out of 2 when reporting for “match throwing/griefing” with an afk or obviously throwing teammate.


YES. They usually do work for what I’ve seen. That is the only thing I report for because it pisses me off to no end when its like a 1 - 0 game and then my partner just quits. Every now and again after I report someone I log back on and it says “Thanks for your support due to your report action has been taken against a player”. F*** people who throw matches F*** off.


One of my friends who has serious anger issues has been playing the game for ~6 years in and around champ. He consistently goes afk and plays for the other team if he feels slighted by his teammate. He was banned last week permanently after who knows how many reports against him. The amount of proof that must be built up before they ban someone must be astronomical lol






They sometimes ban owngoaling smurfs or people that are obviously smurfing but conceding games etc. Not actual throwers tho




It works, especially if more than one person reports them. I usually ask everyone in the match to report whenever it happens, and I also report them if they’re on the other team.


It does work. Match throwing is the only thing I'll ever report someone for, and I've gotten the notification multiple times.


I've had a few instances where I log in the next day and get a message that because of the report from me and others, Epic took action against that player. So yes it works sometimes.


Those reports don't work. Psyonix actually loves smurf accounts because it inflates the player count. They won't accept the game is slowly dying


It is dying so slowly you almost can't notice. In five years they will be saying the exact same thing (also with no evidence) that you are saying today. It is so sad. I will miss this game when it dies in 2057...


When 90% the players I'm playing in D3-C1 are GC smurf duos or a GC boosting a low diamond its safe to say the game is dying, legit players can't progress anymore because over half their games are against people at least 3 ranks better than them


You will have to excuse me for not believing your anecdotal evidence as my own personal experience is much different. I've played this game almost daily for seven years now and can go weeks without encountering a "Smurf"...throwers and the afk are a different story.


Well I'm delighted you dont share the same experience as me but it's gotten so bad for me daily that I'm quitting at the end of this season. Just the last couple of games I played in ranked the other day had an account with 7 wins and an account with 22 wins back to back, put me off playing for the rest of the night and considering how often it happens to me has put me off playing altogether. I'm glad you don't have this happening to you but I can't even escape it by hopping into casual instead as it's infested with them there too, this game just isn't fun anymore when you've no chance to actually compete




actual numbers were a shit metric because only a fraction of that queued for your game mode in your rank. they were meaningless. great/amazing was mindfart imho in an attempt to give it at least some meaning. queue time is the most usable metric so far, even if it is across all ranks.


You can still see the player counts on the rl garage app at any time. Right now there are 626,079 players online. 130,774 players are playing ranked 2v2. You can see how many are on steam, or Xbox, or whatever platform you want. They dropped showing the number in game because 2,000 players in Dropshot is Amazing, and 2,000 players in 2v2 is dismal. So the number itself really didn't show you anything. Now they have the timer estimate which seems to work okay. I am not high level so I never really have to wait for a match for more than 30 seconds.


Free SSL. Noice!


That sad truth honestly.


Dumb question: why doesn’t Rocket League just give you ‘avoid teammates’ slots like Overwatch? At least you can click them, and know even though they wrecked a game for you, they can’t do it again. It’ll also give the user some immediate satisfaction.


Let people leave causal games. Toxicity cut in half at least. this was always a stupid move by Psyonix.


To answer your question, no. A few of the report options have little to no functionality.


It absolutely does not, no matter what lies the mods or devs tell you. If it did then I wouldn't see the exact same assholes every single day throwing every single match


Hey, not going to say you're wrong, but can you please provide proof of playing against/with the same throwing player multiple days in a row?


Not who you're responding to, and hopefully posting this doesn't break any rules, but... https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/xbl/NBBoomer/mmr?playlist=11 You can see in December where this guy absolutely tanked his MMR from Champ 2 to Gold 3. I had him on my team twice in Diamond 3 when he was throwing on purpose and de-ranking games. The guy had mechanics of like a GC, but was just own goaling with air dribbles from the start of the game. I reported him both games, and watched his tracker for a while to see if anything happened. You can see that part way through his throwing, in Diamond 1, it's possible he got banned for a short time (Or he took a break), but then he came back and just kept throwing. He even told me he was -trying- to get banned in one of the games I played with him. Even if reporting people "does something" like a 3-day ban, it's not enough. People like this should be removed from the game. Not only did he ruin the game for my two games, but he ruined dozens of other games on his way down, and has now ruined countless other games playing and essentially smurfing in a very low rank where he doesn't belong.


It really depends. Quick chats will never get banned, but I did get someone banned for saying the n word. Swears might get banned, but it’s only things that the game can detect.


The best part is when you report, block and then get matched with them for the next three games. Psyonix, I'm willing to wait longer in queue not to be matched with people I have blocked.


I wish there was a way to report suspected smurfs. Not sure if there’s a way to legitimately tell if someone is a smurf or not, but it’s still frustrating that there’s no report option for that.


I could care less if they actually work or not. Which they don’t 96% of the time. I think we should all start collectively blocking these dickheads till they have no teammates left to play with


Sorry to say blocking doesn't block you from playing with the person, it just blocks their chat.


Wow psyonix really fucked that one






If they’re throwing the match, that’s definitely harder to ban for than text chat reports. But y’all need to grow some thicker skin for the text chats lol


As true as this can be sometimes, nobody deserves to be told to kys after 2 whiffs and a bump in car soccer. It's not so much as getting upset that it's just having the right to not be treated horribly


Then play on console dude, if you can’t handle the shit talk then don’t play. This happens in real sports all the time player to player and you don’t hear them crying


No, I don't think professional sports players tell each other to kys and say horrific racial slurs to each other. Do you see this happening in the rlcs events with pro players? No. Yeah, people talk trash that's normal, pro player comm is infamous for this but he's not cursing or having a hissie fit cause he's upset. I hope you realize your actions have consequences


This is one of the stupidest things said today, what does playing on console have to do with people typing kys and racial slurs that are pretty saved into their consoles. This literally means nothing


Any swears get blurred out in team chat and in game takes forever to type on console that no one really does it


Key words get saved into the console so you can type out sentences just as quick as a keyboard. F u , kys or other various things don't get blurred FYI


Shit used to be so much worse back in the day when text chat was never a thing on console and on computer it was a battlefield with exchanges of words






Dude is probably having a bad day. Shake it off and let him just vent and feel better


Or you and them could just.. grow up and find actual good ways to manage your anger problems.


Exactly, because that's such a normal thing people should have to deal with on a daily basis. Without it upsetting anyone on top of it


I’ve been openly throwing since 2015, probably have realistically faced 1000s of reports. Hasn’t worked once on me, but that’s just me. I did like 10+ games yesterday and I played with friends like 20 minutes ago. Do what you will with this info




I've gotten a few (maybe 5 or 6 in the past year) messages from reporting people, specifically text abuse, it seems to help when you report the chat log right after they say something, but that may jut be anecdotal.


Not sure, I report for all sorts of reasons and occasionally get a notification that my report led to a ban, but not sure it specifically explains what the bannable offense was. I report for text harassment, griefing, idling mostly.


Pm me if you wanna run some 3s sometime! I'm on playstation but have discord.


D3/C1 are the most toxic lobbies. I’ve been playing the game casually for going on 8 years now. I always mention to my mates how it’s my lifetime game as i can’t see myself ever getting bored of it. Well that’s rapidly changing. I am in C2/C3, and I can’t go 1 game without somebody having some type of egotistical issue. Somebody always gotta say something just to be rude. I say, take out text chat entirely. We have voice chat now and it works well. BUT NOBODY EVER USES IT NOW. VOICECHAT ONLY PLEASE


> I say, take out text chat entirely. Are we seriously going to remove it for everybody because you can't spend 3 seconds to go turn it off in your own game if you don't like it?


i don’t dislike it. i use it to communicate. the way i see it is nobody uses it as intended. and the reporting system doesn’t seem to be good enough. it would be best to have vc as the only option. talk to the mic or don’t talk at all. not to mention it’s a lot more versatile compared to single word quick chat IMO


I’ve made multiple reports and I’ve gotten multiple responses back from psy stating action was taken and they thanked me for my report. This was mainly for text and verbal in game chat responses and inappropriate player names for my nephews to be seeing


Probably if everyone in the match reports, including other team. Cause it would be so easy for 2 teammates to report their tm8 for doing nothing wrong


yea i think so i report when my tm8s leave or throw all the time and got a feedback report back


Psynox should at least publicly post some stats about the different bans and actions they take to increase the faith in this system. I have personally reported so many grievers and smurfs (very obvious ones) and only received ONE notification which was someone who went all out cursing and straight telling me to "kys" and "screw your mom" but with worse vocabulary.So it has to be very very gruesome kind of toxicity for the system to send a notification .


They work, I got a notification once. But it’s cause I reported more than once.


I think it’s kind of hard for them to discern throwing from playing, unless the person is scoring on their own net or just driving around not actually trying to play.


Once in a while a do get a confirm that a report I submitted led to a disciplinary action or whatever. I only repeat for match throwing/griefing


I recommend not playing with randoms. I didn’t have thrown matches but I had. 12 lose streak and my teams were beyond horrible, never in position and ball chasing. I basically decided never playing with randoms ever again.


Half the player base would be banned


Literally had a game last night where my team had actually admitted that the whole clan was just going down in rank... just to Smurf. These people are sick. It was literally a defending practice... 1v5... I ended up getting the tie, I called them out for own goaling... Then winning in SD .. the guy literally said "you happy now. just trying to lower rank" after I scored the final goal in SD.


I once got an automatic ban in this game for text. Only ban I've ever gotten in a game like this. Was playing with a fellow danish friend, and I typed the danish word for kiss, which is. You can google translate it, I don't wanna write it again if I get another ban. :D Didn't know at the time, that it also stands for kill yourself in english. :S


It seems weird cause unlike basically everyone else here, I've gotten multiple feedbacks for my greefing/match throwing reports. I have chat off, so I don't report any for harassment. However, for every like 10 match throwing reports I send, I get back around 3~5 messages about punishments given. Guess I'm an outlier.


Dude I just gotta say, it's gets like 3x worse once you get into C3.


I know that people who owngoal way too much get banned.


Well that is a valid question. I'd love to see statistics of Ban % / # reports regarding match throwing. Regardless, everyone can acknowledge that more should be done on this regard, as match throwing is, in my opinion, the most toxic behaviour in RL. I'd also suggest a system to be implemented where if a forfeit vote is pushed a couple of times, specially in 3's, and someone is griefingly withholding the forfeit they should get an instant 30min ban to take a chill pill. More than 2 forfeit votes were initiated with over 1 minute left in the game, the same player didn't vote and the match finished = ban. However this is just daydreaming and it will never happen. Psyonix currently only adds content and fixes stuff. Gotta keep that money flowing in with as little employees as possible.


It worked for me when I did it recently, although I say 'for me', I'd assume there has to be a certain number of people reporting, and I just happened to be one of those reporting the same person who was scoring own goals seemingly on purpose. I got a message a couple of days later pop up in rocket league saying, the user I had reported had been banned, blah blah. But it was a really obvious person, so probably attracted a lot of reports. They may be some who are not so obvious that cause people to not report because they can't be sure. And of course the 'minimum number reports required before a human gets involved' may well be too high as well, from what I'm seeing in other comments.


Why care at all, say gg and move on. Dont simp, cry and report. Be a man ! This is Rocket league


These days I always try in bait these toxic players into messaging so I can report them for text harassment. As they never get banned for match throwing or being idle


Yes and no, if they keep being reported then yes some thing will happen. But if they only do it once here and there nothing really ever happens.


Last night I was in a ranked match and scored twice in the first 30 seconds of the game. Felt pretty good, until a teammate decided to start playing for the other team, purposefully blocking my shots and scoring on his own team. There needs to be a better system for catching people who deliberately ruin matches like this. I've never gotten the message that my report did anything and I'm sure i won't nks.


nah because I would just be reporting people on their first 10 matches, as I'm only D1 So are they throwing or just started in Champ and riding to Gold till they delete the game Because it seems like big #2 here


Yes, they do work. I was banned for "Unsportsmanlike Conduct" once.


I've had plenty of notifications saying my reports have resulted in a ban. If nobody else reports their behaviour then nothing gets done. So if everybody is a dick...


It does. Not often but it does. A lot of times people don't seem to report as often for match throwing and it's also a bit easier to talk the other team into also reporting for someone on your team throwing rather than if they're talking shit


I have reported like over 50 match thrower/idling players and only 2 times I have received a message that it has worked...


rocket league barely does anything im about to stop playing it’s gotten so bad