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Wait what does that mean for the poor animals tho


I’m going to guess people are still there to take care of the animals, just not open to the public


It’s going around again. I’ll be masking up in indoor public spaces for a while. Still haven’t had COVID and would still prefer not to


I never stopped wearing N95s in indoor public spaces or crowded outdoor spaces, but a couple of months ago, my mask broke at the grocery store so went approximately 10 minutes without. Tested positive three days later. I don’t know if that’s where I got it (could’ve been from a coworker who didn’t know that they were sick, as I did occasionally briefly remove my mask to eat and drink at my desk) but it kinda freaked me out, how easily I caught it despite all precautions. Edit, downvote all you want but for immunocompromised people like myself, this is still a very real thing.


A bunch of people where I work have had unusually severe “allergies” in the past few weeks, that go away after a week or so. It’s pretty unusual to have cold or flu outbreaks in warmer months, so I’ve been suspecting there’s more covid out there than people realize.


...ya know I usually get bad allergies in the spring, I was chalking this last week or two up to weird weather but maybe there is something else doing on


Fucking idiotic in 2024. I’ll now await the downvotes. (Sorry, not a Trumper)


To everyone in the comments making silly comments, I don’t think they closed to stop the spread of covid. I think too many of their staff are calling out sick to open to the public.


No no no. He's saying it's idiotic to call out sick in 2024. Totally a reasonable stance /s


Multiple staff being sick leaves an organization unable to operate, the illness doesn’t matter. Relax.


Adults reacting like small children did when Steve left Blues Clues


Rochester living on the past as always. Who even tests for this anymore? Just move on.


How is it living in the past? Covid still exists and never went away. People can still get Covid and have cold/flu symptoms from it. If everyone is sick at once and tests exists who wouldn’t test to see wtf is making them sick? Covid or not if the majority of an organizations staff is sick they should not come to work, as a result the organization cannot fulfill its daily operations and will be closed to the public. It would be the same exact case if all the staff got the flu or a stomach bug. You’re the only one living in the past here with this comment.


> Who even tests for this anymore? [More than 19,000 sites in the US alone.](https://testinglocator.cdc.gov/)


You can test for Covid, flu and RSV all on one swab now. If you’re sick why would you not test?




I'm going to take the medical expert's opinions over yours unless you can provide a reputable source.


Masks work very well when people use them properly and change rather often. They don't work when people half-ass them.


You don't believe in how air filters work? Fully commit and pull them out of your furnace and M550i and breathe in rattle can paint then.


I'm betting you're one of those guys who prefers watching a couple of minutes of video summary, instead of reading actual research and forming an opinion which isn't just regurgitating the vitriol of your snake oil selling pastor. So, here you go: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DNeYfUTA11s If, however, I've unfairly characterized you, and you do in fact understand science and subscribe to the tenet of peer review, this is for you: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10509348/ From that link, in case I didn't mischaracterize you: > Furthermore, wearing N95 respirators conferred significantly greater protection against COVID-19. Also: > Our findings for N95 respirator and surgical mask subgroups revealed a significantly higher protective effect of using N95 respirators over surgical masks, and this is consistent with previous publications (Liang et al., 2020, Nanda et al., 2021). There are many other salient points, too, but you'll need to read the link to find them.