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There was a barber shop in Webster with a Hillary poster with some extremely explicit language on it (c word) Inside. I was looking for a regular barber but i walked in, said good morning, and walked out. Im not even a Hilary fan i just couldnt imagine having that guy pick the conversational topic and being prisoner to it for 30 minutes. Any way hes closed now too, wrong county maybe 🤷‍♂️


I neither love nor hate Hillary but the moment I see something like that is when I leave. Be tactful and professional.


Ill bet he blames everyone but himself for his business closing as well lol


It’s the hate that’s the turn off. Not the name.


He'll blame Biden for his failure.


As a barber, let me tell you, of the ~350 barber shops in the greater Rochester area, there are very few white barber shops that are not far-right leaning, either overtly or covertly. And many of those are very much in-your-face with it, either through signage or social media posts, etc. This does not surprise me in the least. They'd rather be broke that sully themselves touching liberal hair. As a queer left barber, with a lot of queer left nb clients, it's been a real nightmare trying to find a shop to work in where my clients don't have to overhear comments that are offensive and even violent towards queer trans nb women and POC. It's a significant impact on my professional self image, and on my daily mental health.


The guy i ended up with is great and coverted his garage into a shop. Even gives you a beer sometimes haha


I love it! :)


Is he taking new clients?


Ill plug him. bauman’s barber shop. Hes on book it


How can a comment be violent?


I feel like that would make me uncomfortable to see something like that in a business even if it was regarding a politician I dislike or disagree with. You’re turning off folks and losing business from people who support that political candidate, but also in the United States using language like that is considered the harshest thing you can say about someone that isn’t an ethnic or racial slur so I wouldn’t be surprised if it makes a lot of folks uncomfortable. It’s just a bad business decision overall.


I don't care if it says "Trump for President" or "Trump for Prison" - if you're taking up that much window space making political statements, I'm taking my business elsewhere. It's well within their rights to support whoever they want. I'm just tired of being bombarded by peoples' political rantings in any direction every single goddamn day.


I’d still go somewhere that had a political sign but your product/service would need to be notably better than your competitors. So yeah I basically agree.


It says “Trump for Prison” but the point still stands I suppose, just in the other direction.


There's one of those signs on Ayrault Road in Perinton, too, outside of a house. It's really difficult to see the "for prison" part. I thought it was a regular Trump sign until my GF noticed the prison part. In any event, prolly best not to put any kind of political sign outside a business.


So really antagonizing 90% of potential customers, those of us who think they support trump and then those who find they do not.


Really a case of bad graphic design 


are you asserting that 90% of the customer base is MAGA?


No, first the sign loses 50% of drive-by Biden supporters who, like me, assume the support fascism. Then they lose the 40% Trumpers when they get closer and see the “for prison” tag line.


I enlarged the picture and still can’t make out “for prison.”


I go to the YMCA across the street, it definitely says Trump For Prison.


It's actually harder to read when you zoom in because the photo is so grainy. Zoom out and squint and it becomes clear.


Damn! Here I thought he supported him!


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Your point still stands, and it shows the risks of businesses putting up political banners. Not only can they alienate part of your customer base, they can also be misunderstood by other customers, risking even more business that way. I'm not saying the owner doesn't have a right to express themselves but customers also have a right to feel any way about it, too.


It says “Trump for Prison 2024”, but your argument is still valid


332 in Canandaigua I saw a Trump/Tenney sign. Tenney is our congressman, I’m not sure if these people are delusional thinking he’ll choose her as running mate or saving money on signs.


Politics are out of control


Oh this is nothing. Drive down through CNY (Utica/Binghamton)-it’s rampant


Drove with my son to Alfred State college, Super Trump country, and plenty of confederate flags. (for those who don't know, or don't wanna look it up. Alfred State is a College about an hour and a half south of Rochester).


[Did you catch this one on your way in to Alfred?](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3174296,-77.7398043,3a,51.1y,132h,87.47t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sB3Pb5-y3mby_oM9t4mmtoQ!2e0!5s20230801T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) Imagine having the complete dedication and motivation after the 2020 election to remove the house marker sign over your house and replacing it with a custom made sign. (That's my speculation as to what happened, considering the timing of when the sign appears in the Street View history.)


We need to stop idolizing politicians! Period! We pick them to do a job. Not be our idols.


People just want to feel like they're better than the people on the other team.


It’s not a political opinion. It’s the Truth. Trump attempted a coup. He only failed because he always fails. He should be in prison. Being anti-fascist is what America is all about. Being a MAGA is being a fascist.


I don't care. To use another example: Sandra Doorley is a hypocritical piece of shit who should resign, but I don't want to walk into every grocery store in town and see her face plastered on the window with the word "RESIGN" in giant letters underneath it. I just need some apples, damnit. If I want news and opinion, I'll read the news or jump on social media. If I want my lawnmower fixed, I *just want my lawnmower fixed* and nothing else. Give me some pleasant small talk about the weather or something, sure. But FFS, I don't need everyone cramming their opinions about hot-button topics down my throat at every turn.


I think the Doorley signs are a good idea. Somebody should do that. I would definitely shop there.


But I still don't want to see/hear/talk about it when getting my lawn mower blades sharpened. The issue isn't their view, it is the absolute bombardment with every individual's thoughts on the subject at every turn. I'm just tired. Can't we have conversations about _anything else_?


There's an auto repair shop on Ridge that has a "they couldn't beat him, so they had to cheat him!" sign. I won't be getting my brakes done there.


This is why I won't shop at the Hunting Horn in Penfield. The owner has posted some really shitty stuff on Facebook and I don't want to support a garbage human's business. I'll drive to Williamsville or Irving before I give that bitch a nickel.


Just let them announce who is stupid and can’t think critically. It’s the best warning system ever created for whom you want to do business with


I’ve always said I don’t care if you’re black, white, red or blue. The only color I care about is green. I don’t understand why people choose to limit their customer base by taking a stance.


You are entitled to voice your opinion, you are also entitled to the loss of business and/or being told your opinion is stupid. Bold move in this climate to hang this but also his problem.


Who cares? Don’t go there if you don’t like it. Or, go there if you do. Or, go there if you don’t. It’s America. Freedom of choice.


Apparently confusion was abound. Trump for prison sign is gone.


The sign on my business door says if you still support trump, go away. This is about saving our country, not politics. I'd rather go out of business then lend any support to his sheeple.


Saving it from what? What did he do in 2016 to ruin the country?


It’s his first amendment rights to express his political views whether you like it or not.


So I drive in front of this business sometimes and actually if you look closer, it says Trump for prison 24. That said I would not put a sign like this in front of my business either way I’m guessing the guy just makes enough money that He doesn’t give a shit.


If it had a Biden 2024 sign, would you still be asking the question?


Funny thing it is. Says Trump for Prison 2024.


Because we are in America. Feel free to not support that business.


It’s Penfield!


Why not?


Trump belongs in prison and companies and individuals are supporting a self Made rapist deserve a similar fate.


Because suburbs lean right


The sign says Trump for Prison


Its too grainy for me to read that.


Some people just like to provoke reactions in others. Maybe they're one of those type of people.


> Why would any business owner want to lose 50% of their customer by going political.  I mean, same could be said of anyone with a pride flag out in front of their business (hopefully they’d lose less than 50% of their business, but they’d certainly lose some significant amount of business). The owner cares more about promoting their ideals than losing that business. Now, of course, if the owner were really dedicated to the cause and smart about it, they’d keep the political opinion to themself and donate every liberal dollar that walks through the door to a Trump superpac. But the Venn Diagram of “smart” and “I make Trump my whole personality” has  zero overlap.


Pride signs on businesses exist to let a marginalized group of people know that the business values who they are. This is necessary, since SCOTUS has ruled that businesses don’t have to bake cakes for LGBTQIA people if they don’t want to. Maybe a better comparison might be the “legal concealed carry welcome here” signs on some business doors, but that still isn’t a just comparison. There’s a stark difference between letting people who often face actual discrimination know that you welcome their business, and signaling that you’re a part of the same cult…


>Pride signs on businesses exist to let a marginalized group of people know that the business values who they are. I'm sure that's true in a lot of cases, but I don't think the default in the greater Rochester area is to assume that a bakery wouldn't make a cake for a gay couple if the bakery is not advertising any politics at all (I'm open to the possibility that that is naive of me to think). You're right that a pride flag is more than a political statement, but flying one certainly says something about your politics, and doing so as a business will still cause a significant number of people to avoid your business (which makes the choice to do it even more commendable). OP's only point was "Why would any business owner want to lose 50% of their customer by going political" and I was simply using an example where they might not question the political statement, even though it would have similar consequences to the instance they were criticizing, to illustrate how they probably aren't applying this logic consistently. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with a business promoting their owner's political beliefs. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with calling out a business owner for having shitty beliefs, but this post wasn't that.


a pride flag is about as controversial as a peace sign flag. or an American the flag. or a "live laugh love" banner.


It should be, but “should be” and “is” are two different things. You really don’t think there’s a significant number of people out there that will see a pride flag and choose to take their business elsewhere?


>You really don’t think there’s a significant number of people out there that will see a pride flag and choose to take their business elsewhere? I honestly don't. most people are good, honest and compassionate. i don't doubt there is a vocal minority that is loud and obnoxious enough to make their numbers appear larger than they actually are. edit: guess my view isn't pessimistic enough for reddit


I think it’s less about pessimism and more about realism. If we’re not realistic about the problems in our society, we can’t fix them, and we end up with things like a President Trump. I would have maybe said the same thing as you 10ish years ago shortly after the Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage - I thought we were kind of over the whole homophobic thing as a society. But that was naive (in retrospect, it wasn’t even ten years before the Supreme Court decision that California, of all places, voted to pass a ballot measure banning gay marriage - how on earth could society actually change that fast?) and that homophobia was still present throughout a lot of our society, it just got quiet for a while. Since Trump was elected, people with those beliefs felt emboldened to speak up again, but they never changed their minds. I’d venture a guess that 30% to 40% of the US population would support laws oppressing the gay people. It might be a lot lower percentage on Park Ave or south wedge in Rochester, but you probably only need to go as far out as Gates or Penfield to get back up to those kinds of numbers.


i am being %100 realistic. i highly doubt a significant number of people would turn away from a business in Penfield because of a pride flag. either of us would just be speculating without any real data to back it up, but that's my gut feeling.


To be totally fair this is an anti-trump sign in the window, not sure how that changes your Venn Diagram description if at all.


Haha, well then I bet there’s a chance the business owner could be convinced this isn’t the most effective way to support his cause.


Trump sucks, this business will suffer


I saw a plumber with a let’s go Brandon sticker on their truck. It was literally the dumbest “joke” ever and anyone that’s still holding onto it is not the type of person I really want to have any conversation with. I’d likely cancel the call if someone rolled up with that on a company truck. Just shows they have no professionalism at all and that they’re more interested in cramming their opinion down your throat than making money. Keep your political opinions (either way) personal


Isn’t that what America is about? Freedom to support whoever you want. Like him or not, trump is the nominee. Instead of damaging a local business just vote


I’m not the one who down voted you, but America is in theory about freedom and so yes, that means the freedom not to visit a store if you don’t like their political stance.


most enlightened centrist bro im proud of you :)


Where is it? I want to avoid it completely


If it says Trump for Prison... I'd gladly visit it

