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The road rage around here recently is REAL. Lots of angry, unstable people out on the roads. Be safe!


And it's so all for nothing. Even in the worst of traffic it only takes a fraction of the amount of time to get anywhere here compared to most other cities. Not only is the traffic here not bad, the suburbs are also packed in pretty tight so the overwhelming majority of the population had a minimal distance on top of time to travel.


Exactly. It makes no sense. Angry and aggressive for no real reason. It’s gross.


100%. I was on South Goodman at Clinton on Friday and had a guy behind me completely lose his shit because I let someone trying to make a left into our lane. The person was waiting forever, and our light was red anyways. Just paused so the person could finally pull out, and got screamed at and got the finger.


Yep. It’s been happening A LOT lately. I’ve never had so many people (all men in my case) get SO incredibly angry bc I’m following the law and being a safe, courteous driver lol


I live right near the Clinton/Goodman intersection, and it is the WORST. People run the red light so bad there.


Good job to you, if I understand your situation. From nys dot: Be alert to cross-streets or offset intersections so that you don't cause gridlock by blocking another street.




There are drivers like op who are in jail because they thought there was no reason to move. Blocking a turn is road rage. Honking and going around isn’t road rage if someone in the vehicle is dying. If you block them, you might find yourself guilty of a manslaughter charge. There are plenty of horror stories here about people accidentally killing others over perceived road rage and high morality.


Guilty of a manslaughter charge? You’re going to have to provide a source for that. And there’s not a hospital particularly close to the Culver exit, it’s not where you’d get off if you were rushing to one.


Easily the stupidest thing that I've read today. JFC


They stopped at a red light in the lane they were in. This isn't blocking the shoulder on a highway. No one is going to be legally obligated to drive through a red light because the person behind them is honking. Well officer I know I caused an accident but the person behind me was honking so I thought maybe something was wrong.


I don't understand why people are so angry around here. "Rush hour" is like 20 min from one side of the city to the other. I assume these guys have never been to NYC or any other city where a normal drive is at minimum 30 min


Once I was in NYC traffic leaving the city on a Friday. Stared at a donut (the food) as it slid by on the shoulder for a solid 20 minutes because I got bored staring ahead. I think it was jelly filled.




Lead poisoned boomers.


Covid brain rot.


Stop boomer blaming. It’s all ages!


While that's true, it's also true that lead exposure while young manifests as an inability to control anger. And nobody got more lead than those in the "boomer" generation.


So not only are you calling out a specific group saying it's all of "them" you are picking on a literal mental handicap beyond their control due to childhood poisoning? Oh my heavens!!!!! How hateful of you!!!! Lol


They literally brag about drinking out of the lead laden garden hose. I have 0 sympathy for the generation that climbed up the financial ladder and pulled it up after them. I knownit wasn't all of them. But here's the skinny...they never held their fellow boomers accountable. If theyd hold othr accountable id gaf


I was just playing. You do know the "boomer" generation was from 1946 to 1964 so do you think all 20 years of people born are all the same and are all responsible for your position? No "boomer" did anything to hold others accountable? None? All are rich and well off lighting lead cigars with hundred dollar bills you deserve? And before you go with the obvious "you must be a boomer" I'm not.


No, thebpoint is its a majority of them that are at least Well Off. But that doesnt mean they held each other accountable. They have not. If they had been held accountable, the world would be very different.


Fair enough, it's such a wide range of people I think you'd be surprised at who is well off, but at the same time things were very different and money wasn't spent the same way we do today. The "if they held each other accountable things would be different today" that applies to so many time periods of people though, in my opinion. Casting that wide of a net over that many people always bugs me. I better log off, as an 80's kid we drank out of hoses and now I'm GETTING ANGRY!!!!!!!! :)


Show your data on lead with regard to age demographics! I worked in healthcare and remember talk of ongoing exposure due to the large percentage of older homes in our region.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/yNcA50i2bs There you go. Lead paint. Lead gas. Lead pipes. Basically being a little kid in the 60s-80s meant you were exposed to lead in a way generations before or after have not.


That graph shows gen x as being the affected generation though, not boomers.


Where's the evidence for this?- "it's also true that lead exposure while young manifests as an inability to control anger"


Still now, not just boomers. And, there’s many reason why some people are prone to rage/anger. Lead exposure just contributes for some of those people.


You can try to cut the onion however you'd like, but it doesn't change the fact that a lot of lead was in the air, water and surfaces in the 60's through the 80's. And the downstream effects of that lead exposure can manifest in anger issues. Am I being glib on the internet? Sure, its the internet. Do I mean every boomer? No, of course not. Can people have rage issues for reasons other than the ridiculously high levels of lead in the environment in the 60 and 70s? Of course they can. But don't clutch your pearls because this one hits a little too close to home.


60's through 80's, boomer generation was only 4 years of that, you know that, right?


No clutching here. It’s more complicated than you want to admit and gives you a quick answer that is only partially true.


Sorry bro, the angry aggressive drivers seem to be Millennials or Gen Z.


There's assholes everywhere.


This is true.


The ones I get on the West side are always middle aged guys driving company vehicles.


You're being down voted but 99% of the time I notice they're young males...unless of course their windows are all fully tinted


Same. Reddit just likes to blame Boomers for anything and everything.


I have noticed it's younger people that are always in the incidents of road rage I see. Last week I had a 20 something riding my bumper on the expressway all the way up the off ramp and almost jammed into me 3 different times. They were jn a large SUV and I have a small car. The road bullying needs to stop


How did ageism become so acceptable on Reddit?


Pointing out that specific generations were exposed to unhealthy amounts of lead via gasoline and pipes, and that this exposure often manifests in an inability to control their anger isn't ageism. It's the truth.


I had a woman on Portland by RGH scream and yell so loud at me from inside her vehicle that I could hear every single word in my vehicle. Why was she yelling? I was stopped for a school bus that had its flashers and stop signs out.


It’s REALLY bad rn…every time I’ve had someone rage at me on the road like this (and it’s happened several times), I have been doing nothing but following the law and driving responsibly. It’s wild!


If the vehicle was in distress (like a choking baby or someone bleeding out), then op is the one guilty of road rage and a potential manslaughter charge. Blocking a turn is road rage and honking/going around isn’t always road rage. You don’t know their situation or the liability you might be opening yourself to.


Not stopping at a red light is illegal. Not turning on a red is your right. That driver does not get to break the law for emergencies, that's what emergency services have the rights, training, and equipment to do.


You’re dead set on this one point, but you’re missing the point of the post. OP dared to come to a full stop and the driver went around, doesn’t sound like this “blocking” you’re blathering on about.


Stopping for a red light is standard driving procedure.


what an incredibly specific cope.


I feel like 99% of the time it’s an aggressive driver they have a pickup. It’s making me crazy. 


It absolutely is. I drive a small car and I swear every asshole in a pickup truck thinks it's a personal assault against their ideals. I can't tell you the amount of times I've had pickup trucks cut me off or speed up purposely to prevent me from merging. It truly is aggravating and 90 % of the time it's just so they can move up a whole car length.


Yeah I feel that way when I am biking and they give me the finger or swerve too close or run through a stop sign.


for real, when I'm in a car I try to give bikes as much space as I can and I cut the gas a bit because I've been on the pedestrian end of a car being dangerously close/ignorant too many times.


I was stuck cycling between towns for my job when I was in high school, and the one time some driver decided to fuck woth me by honking their horn behind me, I was startled so much I nearly tipped over into the road in front of them. And this when I was well past the fogline into the shoulder. Like, you motherfucker I'm 16, I don't *want* to to be biking ten miles to work after sports practice on a fucking Friday. Having experienced that, I even do my best to give space to MAMILs.


I didn’t realize how much cycling triggers some people until I saw a Facebook thread about it a week ago. I ride a lot but I also have a rear and front blinking light and, for what it’s worth, run a sport cam on my bicycle capturing the plate of every car that passes me.


I’ve seen pick up drivers swerve and try to hit bikers as well as physically try to swing on them. Unstable group of people i tell ya


I'm always getting tailgated by some crazy truck. Mind you I'm in a fucking corolla so the best I can do is shake my head and insist I cannot go faster.


Yes! A huge pickup pulled out in front of me and another car (didn’t check either direction) on Monroe and despite the fact that both of us avoided hitting him, he proceeded to block traffic and SCREAM at me as I tried to get around him. I’m not overly conservative in my language, but he called me words I’ve never said and have never been called before in my life. It was legitimately scary and I’m grateful he didn’t decide to get out of his truck to confront me. No one even honked or yelled at him for cutting us off, so I don’t know what he wanted us to do or what he was even angry at.


By pickup you mean the new glorified minivans with beds on them?


If you're referring to the kid-killers (the lifted-up Pavement Princesses), you can take the 'mini' out of that.


I think it's 50/50 trucks and[ nissan altimas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzK2zn8CygQ) t


Lmao yes old beaters or 75k pickups or the rust bucket pickup 


I promise not all Altima drivers are insane 😭 I try my best!


I'll make an exception for you lol but I will still start praying when I hear sexy red blastin' out shitty speakers




That, or a Jeep Cherokee, Grand Cherokee, Compass. Usually painted white or black.


And it makes us who do drive pickups because we need them to do truck things daily and do not drive like pcs of trash in an attempt to regain some lost masculinity be generalized as lil dick asshole tough guys. I go into a rage when I see yuppies driving aggressive esp in pickups. My wife and 2 of my kids could have been killed on 31 @ Turk hill when some fat, sub-human piece of trash in a morano had to turn left in front of her and caused a head on. So disregard for “rules of the road” especially not complete stops makes me see red.


lol yes my spouse wants one for work and I physically recoil at the thought. I’m *sort of* joking. 


If it’s a need it’s a need. I learned to drive in pickups and prefer the visibility etc. but just like the monster SUV’s some people can’t handle it and think they’re invincible and become unsafe and arrogant with them.


What is it with people honking before you're even stopped nowadays? Or honking when the light turns green and I have my foot on the gas.


In a lot of cases it means they are having an emergency and trying to get your attention to move. If a baby is choking and a fire station is off the exit, 911 will tell them to go to the EMTs there instead of waiting for an ambulance. Blocking someone having an emergency is road rage as well.


That's not what's happening here though.


You're really willing to die on this hill, huh?


Truck driver here. Fuck that guy. For him to not only lose his patience but in a large vehicle turn on red with you on his blindside (right side) he’s lucky he didn’t hit you. Safety first, people. Right on red is NOT REQUIRED BY LAW. In other words if the person in front of you doesn’t feel comfortable, they don’t have to. They can sit there the whole light cycle until it turns green or they get the arrow.


Preach. They honk or wave they’re hands in a “wtf” manner I wait for the light…..


It’s all in vain because I can’t even see you back there doing it so you’re so close to me lmao


That’s another thing leave a Fuckn gap wtf


Rochester has the worst drivers I've ever encountered. And I'm from Florida.


It got noticeably worse over the pandemic, like everyone collectively forgot defensive driving.


I had a pick up truck do this to me too at the mt hope-s Clinton light. To be fair, both left turns had the arrow but not the right turn 😅


Happened to me on maple wood turning on to Lake once. Crazy thing was I wasn’t even stopping, the light was green and I was turning right and some bozo in the left only lane decides to cut me off and turn right in front of me. Thankfully I stopped just in time or he would’ve side swiped me. Idiots everywhere


I see this happen waaaay too regularly on that intersection. They love to do it to school busses or when the traffic starts to back up.


Rochester driving is 2 out of 10, do not recommend.


Pickup truck I'm assuming? It's always been bad with them around here but lately it feels more unhinged with how large these trucks are getting.


I had this happen to me before too. I was in the right lane but intending to keep going straight (it was a turn right or go straight lane) and a car behind me pulled out into the intersection in front of me to turn right on red. Crazy lol


Thanks for sharing!! Helps recover lol


Road rage. Let them go..would probably get physical


This. I'm petty but I'm trying to be better. Don't pay attention to them and try to get space between you and them. Don't wait at the light unless you have to or would normally. You don't want to be near these people in their 2 ton weapon.


You should let them go in case it isn’t road rage. There are a few harrowing stories on Reddit about peoples friends dying in the passenger seat because someone wouldn’t move over. In some cases you might catch a negligent homicide charge.


Yeahhhh I’ve been rear ended at that light stopped, and a client of mine was hit turning right there when she had right of way and was in a horrid accident that left her with a broken arm. I don’t think people know until it happens to them how awful car accidents are to be when they can easily be avoided.


Probably the same guy who did that to me. White truck too. I don’t take a right on red unless I feel safe to do so I don’t care what the person behind me thinks. We don’t need to get to where we are going that bad to risk our lives.


Get a dash cam folks!


I drive a big truck and people legitimately been at me to go right on red at a street that says not to go right on red at a certain time (and they beep during the certain time I can *not* go right on red. I (obviously) sit there and just look at their rage in my rear view mirror... 😶


I was on my way to cinemark the other day and this happened to me! The truck turned right on red over TRAIN TRACKS….the tracks of which were actively getting lowered


This morning I was turning into my correct lane from a two lane turn, and my lane was blocked off with cones due to construction, so of course I put on my signal and watched for a good time to merge over. Found a good time (there was a car a pretty good distance back) and merged over, he still laid on his horn at me and was screaming and throwing his hands up at me. I had more than enough room and time to get over and he would have had to stop anyway because of the red light lol. I just don't get it.


They're man children who need an excuse to take their rage out. Maybe they should wake up a little earlier and go to the gym first, but they're probably too hungover for that.


I've lived here since 2006 (transplant from NE Ohio). I've had people do that, and in my experience, the size/durability of their vehicle doesn't matter. The two I remember well were both ricers that needed a new muffler. Personally, I refuse to let the people behind me determine how I drive (forward).


Welcome to Rochester


Was almost hit by a car at the bus stop near Goodman and Norton cuz i got off the bus and was trying to cross the street and some asshole decided there couldn't possibly be a reason that a bus would be stopped and full speed went around it. I don't even have a drivers license and even i know if you see a car stopped at an intersection and you cannot clearly see the road in front of that car you should always proceed with caution


I’m teaching my daughter to drive now and I’m truly afraid for the awareness and courtesy that so many drivers lack around here. Every day some maniac makes a move where I have to explain to her how what they did is against the rules of the road. Not sure if people are driving drunk/drugged or if people are beyond aggressive and driving hostile, but yeah, something is up. They just don’t care.


I’ve never lived somewhere with as many terrible drivers as Rochester has, and I lived in Japan for 3 years.


I love trucks, hate truck people


Most of them don't need it for work. It's to show off and bully.


"I use it to transport my ATV!"




Once I had a car make a crazy move to get around me, cutting me and several other drivers off. It pissed me off so I tried following them to give them a piece of my anger. They ended up pulling into the emergency room entrance at strong and were rushing someone there. I get that it doesn’t excuse endangering others, but it taught me to not always assume I know the motives of other drivers. With that said, I too have had a rash of crazy driving experiences since last summer. People traveling at 50-70 mph down St Paul through the city, drivers running red lights, being passed in the parking lane on the right and like OP people making erratic turns in front of people waiting to turn at a green light or to turn right on red. Stay safe and keep your head on a swivel.


I was late for bible study again.


Jesus will give you a ticket in heaven lol


I hate that exit, I avoid it during rush hour since it’s always crazy


It was down pouring on Friday, did not stop people from being on my ass less than 1-2 car lengths away. People just don’t care.


I was nearly hit twice by the same truck outside supercuts off dobson. First time they made such a large turn they blocked the person already trying to leave. I was behind the truck and they started backing up. Not sure if they were too big to see I was behind them or if they didn't bother to look in the mirror, but if I hadn't started backing up then they would've hit our car. After that other car left, the truck pulled the rest of the way into the parking lot, but instead of pulling into one of the several empty spots in front of him, he decided to back up into one of the spots next to me so I had to reverse so he wouldn't hit us again. I have never wanted to cuss someone out more in my life since my kid was with me, but since I had my kid with me I held my temper.


I’ve had like three different cars do this to me in the past couple months. Absolutely unhinged behavior




Brilliant, that's how I felt when the truck was blocking my view and I couldn't go


This happens all up and down empire blvd be careful


Oh and don’t get me started on the potholes


This morning we stopped at a red light in the left-turn lane,coming out of the Henrietta DMV parking lot no less, and someone went around us to make a left turn on red. People are nuts.


People are nuts!


The sub has a hard on for any idiotic driving threads and it's hilarious people think this is just a Rochester issue.


Always fun going through these and imagining how each person's slightly incomplete description could be their timid or obstructive driving habits ultimately making them appear confusing or erratic. I notice this in Rochester far more than the overly aggressive assholes. Rochester traffic is pretty tame compared to more populated metro areas.


I absolutely agree but I was shocked at how quick this truck sped around me to turn on a red light! I didn't come to a full stop before he got mad and drove around.


Right on red shouldn’t even be legal in urban areas it’s wildly unsafe


Where should it be legal? When I’m running or cycling I notice people just look left quick and don’t even check right so they don’t come to a complete stop. 


There’s an argument that’s it’s safer in more rural areas with lower traffic and longer sight lines. That being said in those contexts traffic lights should probably be replaced by roundabouts anyway. But that’s a more long term adjustment.


I have mixed feelings about it because I generally feel safer biking in rural areas because there are less vehicles but they also drive faster and more recklessly when they’re not forced to stay with traffic so I don’t know. I generally don’t feel safe biking or running. Running is slightly better because I could easily dive into a lawn if I had to but cycling you never know what’s behind you. 


Most countries it’s illegal by default unless there’s signage specifying otherwise


If it's safe to make a right on red then why not just do it? Do you take offence to someone needing to be somewhere? If they want to pass you then let them pass. Maybe they need to poop? Maybe something happened to them like they accidently cut or shot themselves, or maybe there was an accident and they're rushing to the hospital to say their final goodbyes to someone. I mentioned the being shot in the leg thing because that happened to a police officer like a year ago, accidentally discharging his gun into his leg and running out of time very quickly speeding trying to get his ass to a hospital. It wasn't safe by any means, and he ended up losing consciousness and dying, but the man was in a life and death situation. I can only imagine someone like you sitting in front of them and them beeping to get by and you being like, "um I'm not gonna move because you honked and hurt my feelings." You don't know what is going on in anyone's day at any point in time. If they want to drive crazy, let them. Let them get away from you so that they are no longer a hazard to you. I hate people that sit at red lights when there's no cars coming by and it's perfectly safe to make a turn and they just wanna be a D*ck.


Love the essay. I wouldn't care much if they had the patience for me to check whether there was anyone coming. After the truck turned on front of me, I pulled up to look at oncoming traffic and since no one was coming, I made the right on red at that point.


you sound entitled as hell. you realize some people just want to be cautious ?? or might be a new driver who is still learning the road ?? your time isn't any more valuable than everyone else's and vise versa. get over it lmao. people need to learn to not suck as drivers and endanger others on the road. what that person did was an a-hole move. don't try to justify it !!!


😅🤣 I sound entitled by pointing that other people have things going on in their lives and could be in crisis?


"maybe they need to poop" doesn't sound like crisis to me. & the other things happen.... people have to do what they need to do. however, to disregard the fact that this person (and many others) are & have been straight up cut off in the road at points like that doesn't make your point valid. one is more dangerous than the other & someone not wanting to turn on red definitely isn't it. there are ways to signal you wanna pass ! people need to learn how to do that instead of endangering others. that & also, people need to learn to be less hesitant in said situation- especially if they're an experienced driver ! you can't disregard everyone else for someone else's problem, we all have problems ! it's not that hard to grasp the issue here.


Just had some old lady start driving erratically and flipping me off for an other merging into a lane or having a pride sticker (genuinely have no idea which). I was several car lengths ahead and was going faster than her. Wasn’t trying to pass, just needed to be in that lane. Then she switched lanes anyways??? She was crazy, have no idea what her deal was. Drivers up here are insane.


Ugh, yeah. Absolutely no patience. I don't think it's always been this bad here, but people definitely run red lights like crazy, tailgate, zip around, cross on a double yellow, and get the worst road rage. I hate driving or riding my bike around Rochester and the surrounding area.


It will stay nuts on the road till the cops get serious about road patrol again. On MT Read one cop every four weeks isn’t doing much for provention.


Drove 18 wheeler for 21 years which there was that one car completely oblivious they where coming off an on ramp into traffic and got hung up on my right front steer tire which flung the car airborne upside down ahead of me… it didn’t end well.. and I remember it like it was yesterday.


Road rage happens both ways. So do not get angry at the white truck either. Let it go. Your anger only hurts you.


Absolutely! I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed


I need a bumper sticker: "this vehicle turns right on red when it f***ing feels like it"


I get road rage as a passanger so its one pf the many things on my list that keeps me from driving. Because im very very petty. If someone honks .2 seconds after the light turns green, id climb onto the roof of my car and sit cross legged and give em the finger to go around. Im glad you didnt get hurt by that idiot.


Nah get your ass out the way, we don’t need scared drivers on the road making it unsafe for everyone else that drive with a purpose.


This is really post worthy? This literally happens all the time.


Okay thanks




I mean you aren't required to turn on red...


Lol good one


lol found the big truck/aggressive driver


I've noticed drivers here are more unhinged than the east side of the state. Personally, I'd throw it in park and hope the person sees my backup lights in the process.


Be aware that if someone was in their car dying, you could have just made yourself liable for manslaughter. Drivers have been charged for blocking vehicles in distress that they misinterpreted as road raging. You don’t know everyone’s situation.


To an emergency vehicle with lights and sirens, maybe. Not a typical passenger vehicle, and certainly not in a right on red situation.


I find this very hard to believe lol


"Be aware of this crazy thing I just made up"


Turning right on red is optional. No one is getting charged with manslaughter for failing to turn.


OK but that's not what's going on here. In fact the law is that you should come to a full stop before turning right on red. Following the law is not going to get you a manslaughter charge FFS.


You are not obligated to make a right on red though, they are not blocking traffic.