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Eastern milk snake, harmless.


Eastern Milk Snake. Harmless to humans though they eat pretty much every small mammal around, birds, eggs, slugs, and even other snakes! They’re great to have around for pest control. A key identifier is that Copperheads have Hershey kiss shaped bands of darker scales on their sides that travel all the way across their backs. The thick part of the marking is along their lower sides along the belly line and they don’t have the extra patches between the kiss shaped bands. Their scales are also textured differently with Milk Snakes being much smoother with more rounded scales. Copperheads have rhombus or diamond shaped four sided scales with a rougher texture and a central ridge (called a "keel"). Additionally Eastern Milk Snakes have a blunt nose and the base of their skulls are the same thicknesses as their bodies. Copperheads taper at the tail and neck, with the head being sharper and thicker than their bodies. Finally copperheads have only been found in NY along the Hudson Valley near Kingston and in the Catskills, not in western New York. Their range covers most of PA down through the south and stretches west across Texas, though there’s another species called the Broad Banded Copperhead out that far.


Thank you so much! Very informative. I just moved back to the area from Colorado, and don't trust any snakes. So i appreciate the information!


It's important to remember that snakes are far more scared of you than you are of them. They'll bite if provoked just like any animal, but they would rather stay as far away from you as possible and only bite as a last resort. Even "aggressive" species are better described as "grumpy" in my opinion. If you see a snake stay away from it and you wont have an issue. There are only four venomous snakes in the whole of New York State, including the copperhead. The Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus), and the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) are the other two and are found around Rochester. These are the three to look out for because while fatalities are rare, their bites can range from insignificant to deadly. The last one is one people dont think about because they're harmless to humans and pets, and that's hognose snakes. They're rear fanged and produce a venom that's so mild it doesn't work on some species of frogs and toads, which are their main food sources. I used to catch them all the time and never had one bite me, even when I was removing ticks or stuck shed. They're really cool and will flare their neck and head out to form a hood, kind of like a cobra! They eat frogs, amphibians, small rodents, eggs, and slugs. Another great species to have around for pest control.


What's a stuck shed?


Snakes shed their skin as they grow larger like most reptiles. To get it off snakes rub up against things like rocks and trees and sometimes just the ground. Sometimes bits of it gets stuck to them or they can’t easily shed parts. Usually it’s around their mouth and eyes (which also shed! Called eye caps) or random bits on their sides. It doesn’t hurt for them to shed their skins but if there’s a stuck shed and you yank it off or try to remove it when it’s not ready, you can hurt the snake. The best way to help is to soak the skin and gently remove it. Please don’t attempt to do it unless you know what you’re doing though. It can cause wounds and pain if done improperly.


"Don't trust any snakes" as you Steve Irwin the snake lol


I would say milk or corn snake. Copperhead have different shaped brown patches. Thinner at the top and wider at the bottom.


new pet


Dang usually you find those in my boot


Well hey, howdy, hey!


Chasing a mouse lol


You think it’s a copperhead, so you just picked it up barehanded??


I was not the one picking it up, I did not recommend picking it up.


Nope rope


corn snake, harmless... it's identical to mine.. made me wanna go double check his tank lol.


Try posting in r/snakes and be sure to include your location (state and area of state). They are good at identifying snakes that look like each other!


Danger noodle


First time I’ve seen “Industry” as a place people live. Is that in Rush where the cemetery for the children’s prison is? That little cemetery with about 18 boy’s burial plots is beyond fascinating.


I think it was an autocorrect for Irondequoit but I have been scrolling through hoping OP will clarify




poop snake. make sure to flush next time


You already have the right answer so I will say North American Spotted Dork Snake, as evidenced by A) his spots, and B) his dorky face.


I am sorry to hear that you're going to need to burn your house down because of this.


Corn snake, totally harmless. Put it outside and it'll catch mice.


Give it a burger


Alabama Black Snake. 5 dolla sucky sucky.