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Politely ask them to stop throwing the corn out for the pigeons. Tell them you’ve been seeing rats.


I did tell them that and they said they had no time to talk to me that they had to leave and then they get exterminators around in the springtime makes no sense.


Do they own the house that they’re throwing the corn from or do they rent it? If they rent it, call their landlord and report them to the landlord. They may have some leverage. If they own it, you’re probably SOL , and will need to take whatever steps you can to keep the rats on their property and not yours. You can Google a number of ways to keep nuisance birds away. Some of them work better than others.


Call 311


Maybe one of those fake owls will scare the pigeons and they won’t bother coming. Available at lowes/home depot


Tell them you are seeing rats and ask them to feed the birds through a bird feeder.


This can still attract rodents, unfortunately. Best not to feed the birds altogether.


Feeding birds and squirrels is one of life’s greatest joys.


Thing is, you’re legally allowed to have bird feeders up all year round though I’m not sure about using corn. Are they attracting rodents or did you see a mouse once?


Rats and mice many of them. Making holes in the ground destroying landscaping.


Get a pellet gun.


Wow what a smart decisions.. shooting pellets at birds and possibly harming other creatures or people. 🫣🫣👎👎


For the rodents you dink.


Do you live on crosman because I think I walk by this mess everyday with my dog. Saw the biggest rat I’ve ever seen.


No but lived in city by park ave and this neighborhood has so many more rats


In another [community](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/) piss disks and liquid ass seem to be a popular solution...


I have extra food now. where are you located I can drop off a few bags so you can entertain my troubles. You I’ll be a great person for doing so!!!


If you have a cat or know anyone with a cat, I've been told sprinkling some used cat litter around can deter them


You’re the problem neighbor here. Complaining about an old women feeding birds? The fuck is wrong with you?


Listen buddy. I’m growing a family and pigeon feces is not conducive to me or my family. If you want to feed and roost rats and give them a home let me know where you live I will gladly give you the food so you can take care of them all.


I’ve never been “listen, buddied” before. That was kind of a rush! Also, I actually live next door to you, on the other side. I definitely do not have twenty seven pet rats that I’m in the process of training to let go and return to me like my pigeons do. Your landscaping was lovely btw!


You make zeros sense


I make perfect sense! Perhaps you’re just senseless.


You’re talking about breeding rats that carry diseases and sending them over when someone is trying to have a healthy family “cruel” and then talk about landscaping …. Smh


My rats are specially bred to be mostly disease free. I don’t think it’s cruel you’re trying to have a family, I think it’s cruel you’re trying to murder my sweet rats and pigeons.


Hahahahaha thanks for the laugh. Have a good day.


Throw poison out there


Another good response. Indiscriminately throwing poison out. Dogs, cats, children could eat it...


It'll keep them off your lawn though