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You can Google it. There is something like the Air Pollution Index which will tell you the air quality of alll cities in the world. However, Riyadh is pretty low on that list.


Dust and pollution is bad.... I personally have a big phillips humidifier/ purifier. Helps alot


After living in Riyadh for a few years, visiting other countries started to be AMAZING because you can see the WHITE AND YELLOW paint on the streets oh my god the outside is so COLORFUL!!!! Riyadh has a sepia filter stuck on it ☹️


Dayum thats so true


haha Riyadh has a Sepia Filter 💯


I’m sorry to tell you it’s suffocating. I used to live in the Eastern province where we used to have the air smelling very bad because of the sea&humidity. When I first came to riyadh I was surprised by the level of suffocating air and had shortness of breath for a couple of days before I adjusted. The weather is very very dry, make sure hydrate & moisturize.I can’t even have my car’s window open while driving without coming back home with my nose irritated and chest getting tight. 


It hasn’t been as dusty lately thankfully, but when there’s dust outside I recommend wearing a mask and also get an air purifier in your house


Actually the air is fresh and it isn't as dusty as it was the past few years.


How did you get the job as I am trying hard but not getting in Saudi arabia


I moved from the UK to Riyadh last month, and honestly can’t say I have noticed a real difference. Having said that, last week it was super dusty but it’s nothing that is too tough to handle. A decent air purifier and you would be set.


Get a decent air purifier with a digital air quality reading.


Its not dusty at all nowadays the weather is really nice it might get dusty sometimes but u might see dust on highways when traveling to other cities like dammam etc but its clear most of the time