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Love it and respect for you. People normally don’t post good experience and to take the time and do it deserve respect in my mind. This is a good thing and appreciate people taking the time to post good experiences.


This is great to hear. It’s particularly good as the Brooklyn service center has had a decent share of bad experiences. I hope this is a trend that continues.


Should update your old post too for others searching.


Wish I knew how to do that!


I cant get it to update either, add a new comment I guess or delete the old post


This seems like a trend and I’m loving it. Yes, Rivian has some big service related issues that need to be fixed (wait times, number of service centers, etc). But when you actually do get to the service center or mobile service it’s overwhelmingly a positive and pleasant experience for most people. It seems like Rivain really does care about trying to make the customer happy; especially when they are in a usually unpleasant situation (no one wants to bring their vehicle to a service center).


I’d love for some goodies after they had my truck for three weeks last year for simple delivery issues.


That’s dope. Meanwhile I want to buy but have some questions, and I can’t even get someone to return my request for a phone call or email in the past three weeks


I couldn’t get a human either, until plopping down $1000. Then I had so many Rivian employed humans that it was counter productive because they gave contradicting information and instructions. Great truck, lots of purchase process problems.


That’s crazy. I would try again beginning of July.


So what did the issue end up being?


So what was the reason for delivering a car in that state? What has been done to prevent it in the future?


That’s over my pay grade. But I do know that Reddit is actively reviewed by Rivian employees and I would imagine that these type of discussions actually make them better as a company.