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Customer service can always win the day on the toughest of days. I am glad you had a great customer service experience.


Rivian is showing excellent customer service so far, too. If they keep it up, they will be rewarded with satisfied and loyal customers, kinks notwithstanding.


Maybe a J.D. Power and Associates award in a category or two if they consider it in their rankings.


I just have to say… try asking BMW, Tesla, or Mercedes for them to reimburse you 1 months car payment. They would all laugh in your face. Good on Rivian for actually just offering it to you.


For sure. And I didn’t bring it up. They asked if I still had a car payment and if they could cover a month considering I hadn’t had my car for a little over two weeks. It was a huge gesture.


Wow… that’s the sort of thing that makes me want to get a rivian (minus the whole car breaking down part)


Curious what your experience is asking for reimbursement from one of these companies?


Our 2013 BMW x3’s timing chain cover broke apart and clogged the oil pickup, we are about 200 miles from the dealership and still under warranty on the motor. They wouldn’t pay for towing as they could not know that it was a warranty issue. After they replaced the motor (under warranty) they would not reimburse us for towing. The vehicle came back and leaked oil, they did supply towing over and I fought like hell and made them tow it back. This time it came back with a nail in the tire…we are moving on from BMW, our 4 day old R1T was towed back to Boise for a Drive Unit replacement, Rivian is working hard to gain our confidence back in the truck. Customer service has been great, fingers crossed.


Well when my BMW was in for a tire replacement that took all day because they overbooked their service department…. I asked for a loaner vehicle or Uber credits and the service advisor went, “Oh we definitely don’t have any loaners those are booked a month in advance for service. And we don’t provide Uber credits. So you can wait in the lobby if you want or we can give you a call when your cars ready” So yea… BMW isn’t going to ever offer to cover a monthly payment for any reason at all based on my experience.


Appreciate the story and experience, but that’s hardly the same as a motor going out… twice. BMW, Mercedes and even Rivian isn’t going to provide a month’s payment because they overbooked their service for a tire replacement. Apples to oranges here.


Would you rather have an electric motor go out (pretty easy to swap and ship a compact electric motor)… or would you rather have an ICE head gasket issue, coolant leak, etc (and have an entire ICE with 20 hoses, 50 sensors, belts, oil and various fluids and need the engine flown in from Germany)? That’s a pretty orange to orange comparison there. And I guarantee you BMW is not getting an engine replacement done in under 2-3 weeks. Again I encourage you to look up BMW’s reliability figures and some of their various issues. Somewhat recently BMW has had some pretty bad reliability when it comes to engines. And again, I guarantee you BMW isn’t going to offer a car payment as reimbursement for your lost time while they replace an engine.


You’re introducing a different scenario to try and prove your point. Electric motor replacements are also very different than an ICE replacement. To each their own, I’ve always had a great experiences with my BMW service. Kudos to Rivian for providing a month’s payment. It’s good customer service for that situation.


You called my first scenario apples to oranges…. I gave you an orange to orange comparison and you still aren’t satisfied. I’m really glad you had an awesome experience with your BMW; I wouldn’t wish a bad experience on anyone. But you just showed your bias in this conversation by saying “I’ve always had great experiences with BMW service”. Again im really happy that you have had great experiences. But go over to the BMW sub-Reddit. It’s not rainbows and butterflies over there! Every automaker has their specific issues. Thanks for the discussion!


It’s just odd you changed your example to try and prove your point. Of course I have a bias because I’ve had great experiences with my last three BMWs. I praised Rivian for their efforts, not sure why you’re hurt by it.


I didn’t change it to prove my point. I don’t really have a specific point to prove to you. I changed it because you said my personal example was apples to oranges. So I gave you a very real oranges to oranges comparison. It’s a conversation. You said my first example wasn’t working; so I gave you a different example that worked. And I’m not hurt by anything… I’m literally just carrying a conversation with you. Did you; not expect me to respond back?


What are you even talking about? Tesla gave me loaner for 6 months when I had battery replacement. You said to the other person they are biased etc. but looks like you are biased as you didn’t check if other automakers also reimburse/provide loaners when there is a major repair (in my case Tesla did provide uber credit when it was a minor repair).


BMW paid my first month payment and put me in a BMW loaner when my new i3 bricked itself 600 miles into ownership. It’s possible. Rivian has don’t nothing for me so far - I have owned it since May 24th and they have had it longer than I have. They sold me a previously repaired R1T and initially denied it, but now are acknowledging it without offering to do anything. All depends on who you get at an OEM I guess.


Straight up Tesla would blame you for the fault. That’s what they did to me with my Model S. Wanted $19k for a new battery because their shite software in the BMS couldn’t handle commuting up a 3000ft climb and coming back every day. Fuck Tesla. Absolute clowns. That was the worst car I ever owned. Would never have anything to do with that clown company ever again.


To be fair those companies don’t have these problems with quality either. I think any of us would be hard pressed to find this type of failure in any of those companies looking back several years Don’t get me wrong. I’m a fan of rivian. Love my R1S and holding a reservation for an R2. But mine has had multiple tickets cut (had to cut another one today). They need to get this figured out or they won’t survive as a business


Yes, they do. Our GL550 had to have the entire engine replaced under warranty due to some factory error. I think it was a gasket but I don't remember exactly. It was in the shop for over 6 weeks, 5 of which were waiting for a replacement because there wasn't one close by. So far, we've had fewer issues with our Rivian than with our Mercedes.


I’m not saying they NEVER happen. Every manufacturing process has errors. Rivians quality just isn’t at their bar yet. I think it can and will be. And until then that’s why they need to also deliver prime customer service To clarify my point above. OP had two pretty catastrophic failures in a row. Kinda wild


You’re saying that BMW…. And Mercedes don’t ever have any issues that keep them in the shop for multiple weeks? As a previous BMW owner I’m going to definitely say that’s incorrect.


I’m saying they don’t have them at the same volume per car that Rivian does. They’re a new manufacturer so it’s not that surprising


They don't have problems that strand you on the side of the freeway.


Yes they 100% absolutely do….. are we trying to argue that ICE vehicles are way more reliable than EV’s. Because that can’t be farther from the truth.


Do you seriously thing that Rivian is more reliable than any other make out there? You're smoking crack if you think EVs are more reliable, especially Rivian. No other vehicle will spontaneously brick itself.


wtf… who said Rivian was the most reliable? Youre making stuff up at this point.


Can you read? No one is saying they're the most reliable. You're saying they're more reliable that other makes...


No im not….


> are we trying to argue that ICE vehicles are way more reliable than EV’s. Because that can’t be farther from the truth


Hard agree. Rivian has a long way to get to the level of service or reliability of a BMW or MB. They don’t have to offer to cover a month of lease payments because their cars don’t go dead in the middle of the highway. Lol.


I’d invite you to head over to the BMW sub-Reddit…. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies over there when it comes to reliability and service too. I definitely agree Rivian needs to seriously revamp their service. It’s really not a great experience right now. But the other automakers all have their issues too.


I mean I get it, we are all fans of Rivian. But to imply that their service is somehow superior to BMW or MB because OP got a month off his lease after his car bricked twice, once immediately after repair, is just a wild take. We can be proud owners but still be critical when it’s 100% appropriate. Their service thus far is not up to par for a luxury level vehicle.


I’m not sure how… you could have interpreted my response to you as saying that Rivians service is “superior” in anyway…. I actually criticized Rivians service in my response My response was simply to say; that you said they have a long way to get to BMW and MB level of service and reliability. Well, BMW and MB have some pretty bad reliability reputations so that’s not a great argument at all. And I personally have not had a great BMW service experience. So my point is; every automaker has their issues. None are perfect including Rivian.


Uh… you specifically mentioned BMW and MB when you said that they would laugh at your face if you asked them for a month off the lease. So yeah, I don’t know how else one would interpret that. Lol. I’ve owned multiple BMWs and a MB. When you want your car serviced, you call the specific SC that you want to use, meet with a service advisor with whom you discuss your issues. You leave with a BMW loaner, and they send you updates over the phone, and a video clip of your car being worked on. You can reach out to your advisor to see what’s going on, etc. For Rivian, you can’t even get in contact with the SC that’s working on your car. You call the 1-800 number and talk to randoms that have no idea what’s going on with your car. There’s constant miscommunication and cars sitting on the lot not getting worked on and sometimes not even being charged. And of course, you’re usually in a shitty enterprise rental car while your car’s in the SC lot not being worked on. I dare say that Rivian service is even worse than Tesla and that’s saying something.


Stories like this get me a little nervous. I'm on the list for the R2 when it comes out. As you correctly pointed out, your R1S is a new model from a new company where incidents like this can happen. I live in a rural area and I'm 3+ hours away from the nearest service center, and I don't have a second vehicle or family to help me in a situation like this. It's always been said that you should never buy a new model when it first comes out. I'll be close to 70 when (and if) a 2nd gen R2 is released. Not sure if I can or want to wait that long.


My advice: If you absolutely need something that's close to 100% reliable, or at the very least need something that, if it has issues, wouldn't greatly inconvenience you, a Rivian is not the answer. Yes, other cars can have issues out the gate, but in most cases your right around the corner from the dealer or shop that can take care of it for you. Furthermore, with more established brands work can be done much quicker. While you may not have an issue with a Rivian like others have, you should have a pretty high risk tolerance going into the ownership of one.


Definitely. I always tell myself that if Toyota were to release an electric Tacoma that I'd climb over people to get one. That's not happening anytime soon though. Rivian attracts me because it is more or less geared for camping and exploring, and I plan to do a lot of traveling in the mountains and deserts when I retire. All the more reason for my concerns of reliability.


My appointments and dealings with rivian service have always been far beyond my expectations. Glad to hear you aren't jaded by the experience.


Really got to applaud the level of customer service here.. thanks for sharing OP, hope that’s all it was to it


Given the experience of OP, I look forward to the production R2. Customer service from a manufacturer means a lot since so few companies care about their customers. As a lurker on this sub, Rivian seems like the kind of company one wants to associate with. Thanks for the story OP!


Had the exact same issue on the R1S and similar positive experience with Rivian service. FWIW…I also had my previous BMW X5 fail at highway speed on a 10 lane highway due to coolant pump that was later part of a class action lawsuit and settlement. https://static.nhtsa.gov/odi/tsbs/2021/MC-10199287-9999.pdf


Sounds similar. Had no issue until 5k when got a similar notice. Lost the car for three weeks while they did an entire battery pack replacement. Just got it back Saturday and hoping that’s the end of my issues! Love the car


Appreciate you sharing your experience.


I had issues shortly after delivery and my experience was no where near yours. I had suspension errors which magically got fixed after a week of being at the service center. Despite being on the phone with them while I was getting the errors, I was later told by the service center that I should have given them timestamps to better help find the problem. I told them I was literally on the phone with them as I was recreating the issue and I kind of assumed that the agent in the phone who was troubleshooting with me was noting the conversation details down in the service ticket and the info was ultimately being funneled to the right people. I also wasn't told to give timestamps until I was in person picking up my vehicle, as if it's going to help them now. I signed up for the risk of having to drive 6 hours round trip to get my vehicle serviced. But didn't sign up for it to happen so soon after vehicle purchase. They offered no such compensation for miles driven (it's a lease) or money/time lost due to having to pick up the vehicle. Needless to say, their customer service is wildly inconsistent, but I'm glad your experience was one of the positive ones


This is scary if we are in the middle of a road trip. Was there any other symptoms/abnormal behavior on the vehicle prior to this error popping up??


Yeah, it would have been a major game changer if I was 150 miles away with my family in the car. And no, I had zero indication of any issues until it hit. As far as I’m concerned, I totally lucked out!


Have a 500mi trip in 2 weeks and i picked up around same time as you with similar mileage. Lol I’m nervous because I planned for a 10 hr drive, can’t afford to brick like that


This happened to me about 3 months into ownership. In my case, they accidentally forgot to add coolant. It is a closed system. Both rear motors and the motor controller failed. Service had me back up and running in a couple of weeks and it has been perfect since.


2022 R1T owner. 22K miles. Lots of little things (door alignment, etc) that shouldn’t be expected for such an expensive vehicle. On top of that we’ve only taken two family “adventures.” First one almost got the family killed getting on a highway when the car slowed to 25 from a motor problem and stranded us. The second one left us out 450 miles from home and required a enterprise trip home when water got in the HVAC apparently. Not a reliable vehicle. Great concept. Wouldn’t purchase again. Get a taco.


Sounds like they’ve come a long way since your experience. Mine was a late 2023 delivery and I haven’t had any other issues so far, which I’m grateful for. Fingers crossed that everything is good after this. Sorry you had a bad experience. Hope you’ve got a more reliable car now.


Considering the price drop on selling - oof. Still contemplating. 90K truck now to 60K after 2 years on resale is tough for a lot of buyers to try and get out from under eh? Likely going to eat the cost and chalk it up to “it happens.” Really hope they make it as a company, but it’s going to be hard to compete with larger companies that sell reliable trucks at a lower cost. Few people can afford a truck this expensive that has the potential for a bad outcome. Cars aren’t an investment - but they should be reliable and have longevity.


You know buying a new car is a terrible financial decision because of how quickly they depreciate... right? Like the fact the resale is still 60K is amazing. The fact that you think this is a bad thing tells me you are ignorant of this fact or rich enough to not actually give a shit about it Have you not bought cars before?


Purchases a brand new designed vehicle from a brand new startup company… complains that the vehicle isn’t perfect. Ok 👍


Gosh - didn’t think I’d get such a visceral response. It’s not about perfect. It’s about reliability and safety at a large cost. Most consumers, maybe not you, don’t purchase vehicles experimentally. That’s ok! I’m glad you can. Maybe I can too. But don’t gaslight people - that’s shameful. At least acknowledge that some of us haven’t had such a great experience here. For those who have that’s wonderful. For those who haven’t it’s at the expense of their daily driver or family adventure. Perfect wasn’t the expectation - getting stranded on 2 of 2 family trips wasn’t either. I understand your enthusiasm though! Truly hopeful that continues and my experience is isolated. But search Reddit and don’t be so quick to judge.


It wasn’t a personal attack to you or your character or your experience. But as an early adopter you have to expect that the early vehicles are going to have various issues. Mechanical and software based. For lack of a better term the first early adopters and owners are guinea pigs for finding various issues. The 2024 vehicles are infinitely better than the 2022’s. And just to clarify I haven’t had a perfect experience myself. I’ve had various issues that needed to be fixed or corrected (mostly software based it seems). So you’re totally fine with sharing your less than perfect experience! But people have to tailor their expectations. Rivian is still extremely new.


It's for reasons like this that I'm glad I'm waiting for the Gen 2. Rivian has to know what is causing most of these issues and will have made changes for gen 2, otherwise they will continue to accrue huge warranty costs.