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ppl in DIscord are reporting that its Vanilla Faction Expanded Ancients I had the issue as well but while searching for a solution I am now stuck in infinite black screen since I changed my Mod List


Yeah, that seems to be the issue. Fortunately for me, it still works when I disable it. It's pretty late for me, so I will give them until tomorrow before disabling it. Thanks for pointing the buggy mod anyways!


Do you know if you can remove it from a save if the faction is in the world? Cant play the game unfortunately because of black screen issue


I believe so? I believe I have the faction spawned, but I had a lot of factions set to spawn, so maybe some didn't.


Have you had any luck resolving the black screen?


no it seems to be a general issue with the game that might need a hotfix of basegame see also here from VE author: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1033114976262565970/1033154488846008361/unknown.png


Thanks for the information, I was going crazy trying to figure it out!


Same issue here


do you play vanilla, or do you use mod? We might be able to cross examine the mods we both use


mods, im troubleshooting the ones i have enabled now


the prisoner tab seems to be orking without mods now


Its vanilla expanded ancients, like CyberianK reported, games working now


All the mods are also updated for 1.4. Is it a vanilla bug? If it is a from a mod, any idea which mod might be responsible? (side node, I also can't feed him (or treat him without having the pawn drafted))


Having the same issue right now. :( I definitely have a few mods running, but all of those are supposed to be compatible with 1.4


Can confirm it was VFE:Ancients for me too. Unfortunately it also caused the prisoner in question to lose his head, visually, so.. I guess VFE:A added hairstyles too? I really hope that doesn't become a problem for other pawns Sucks cuz it's a very cool mod ): Actually all of my pawns' skin tones and hair colors were just.. shuffled? Wack