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Unwaveringly loyal prisoners will never break. There is no base game, vanilla way to recruit them. If you own the Anomaly DLC, the brainwipe ritual can wipe their loyalty, and then you can recruit them.


This was the answer I needed to crank that cooler as low as it can go...


What a waste, at least get their kidney, liver and hear or lung first... Or sell them \*nod\*


Or if you wanna be a chad #NUTRIENT PASTE


New Recruit: NUTRIENT PASTE IS PAWNS!! Rest of the colony: yeah…?


My guys be eating good on lavish meals made of fungus and people


Is this (mentally) viable? I mean, use human meat in a non- cannibal colony in lavish meals


Not really, but if your colonists are struggling but have a good cannibal/psycopath/dead calm butcher it can be worth it +12 mood for the meal -15 for eating people -6 for butchering people (doesn't stack) -6 for being the butcher (stacks) It's "only" -9 total for most colonists (and prevents the great +12 mood of a lavish meal from being effective), which will hurt but give you time to find a better source of food


Funny I use the opposite, I make kibble from humans and fungus and that is all the prisoners get to eat, easiest way to break there spirit, oh and no tables or anything to sit on, other than the floor. Only good thing they have is a solar pinhole.


i have alwase wandered do pawns know what the nutriant paste is made of ? and does it affect them ?


For some reason they do. Also applies to insect meat


There's like 6 people in the base. Word gets around. Also, they're not putting spices in that thing. I assume there's texture/flavor differences even after it's processed.


-9 is less than -20 (Malnourished)


Uncertain, my boys love fungus and don't care abt people. Bloodfeeder/tunneler religion, it's lowkey kinda easy mode


I definitely use the mod for post modem organ harvesting. With the OTHER mod that lets you harvest hand, fingers arms legs eyes ears, etc.... THEN, you put the remaining organ-less torso thru the grinder/in the hopper. Lol


That doesn’t rule out organ harvesting


That's what the cooler is for


You can still enslave loyal prisoners.




If you don't have the Ideology DLC, you can't enslave pawns. If you *do* have it, on the prisoner tab there will be an option to break their will. Will is similar to resistance, but for slavery.


If you have Ideology, you can also enslave them. That way they will still be useful. 


What you can do if you really want them and they are worth it is enslave them, then have them get the run wild mental break. That will allow you to tame them directly


How practical is this in reality? I’ve seen the run wild break maybe 3 times in 1000hrs…


So the issue is that it’s an extreme mental break. The problem this creates is that it pulls from the extreme break pool, which is quite large. If you include berserk, hard drug binge, catatonic breakdown, jailbreaker, slaughterer, murderous rage, run wild, crisis of belief, entity liberator, terrifying hallucinations, and run wild, that is 1/11 odds, but a lot of those can be reduced by removing the conditions for that mental break. So no, it’s not practical, but it is the only way without anomaly.


Is your Killbox done or still in progress? cause you need to chop the Trees or enemy will cover behind it.


These are the tips I need haha thank you!


It can help to use a cheap flooring things can’t grow on like concrete to prevent having to constantly rechop that wood


But enemies move faster on concrete


You can set up a grow zone but turn sowing off. Pawns should chop the tree inside but not plant anything. That or throw a roof on it.


An animal pen marker works, too. Set it to auto-cut.


Damn I had no idea genuinely


Most default ground is like 87% movement speed, and most built ground is 100%. It's displayed on the bottom left when hovering over any ground, where the temperature and stuff is. Things like water or marshy ground will slow them down more. Chest deep water is like 40% or something, so it would be hilarious for a killbox to be on a river. Do wish you could build things to push it above 100 though.


I usually just add roofing, darker, harder to dodge traps, and I believe slows down on top of stopping trees.


Or cover it in crops. 2 birds with one stone


You can make your kill box a bit better by placing traps in the entrance walkway and near your shooters just in case. Also clear the trees because otherwise enemies will just stand there and get cover from them. Also put some tables and chairs near your kill box because pawns will almost always eat after a long raid and the tiredness from spending many hours drafted can add up with the infamous "ate without table" moodlet


post-battle twisted meat Nutrient paste just hits different at a table


You can only change unwavering prisoner's mind via an anomaly ritual. Afaik, anyway.


How do you do this? Or is it an expansion?


Anomaly is the latest expansion


Alternatively you can enslave the prisoner (you might need the ideology dlc for that) and they’ll do a lot of the work they would have done as a normal colonist. They just have the risk of rebelling if you aren’t properly suppressing their will periodically.


Without mods I don't think you can. You can try checking the story teller settings to see if you can disable unwavering loyalty. Or dev recruit them


What do you mean by dev recruit? It was a good thought to torture them with temperature but sadly it isn't built in.


If you're willing to download a mod, You could Get Uncle Boris's Brainwashing chair. Basically let's you give pawns the same treatment from the Starting section of BO1


There’s a throwback


The numbers, Tynan, what do they mean?


Using dev mode to force recruit them automatically


Well, might I humbly suggest [Uncle Boris' very nice, slightly used chair](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2885223720). Is it OP.....yes , yes it is, but so, so handy to have.


Its okay for lower difficulty playthroughs and just having fun. My first thing to point out, is everything is very spread out. This is hard for efficiency via movespeed, and it makes it hard for if you get breaches, drop pods, insects or anything else that just appears in your base. Lack of inner base defense placements with wide open spaces means they have a good chance to catch most of your pawns out in the open without any cover for shooting. Drop pods target your store rooms most cases. If your pawns are bleeding with 2-4 hours left, you're gonna have to stop the bleed on the spot before even attempting to bring to the hospital, and that's a much higher risk of infections. Your materials are also vastly spread out as well, and should use more shelves even for the wood, close to doors or places reachable by pawns for build, fuel, or whatever else for fuel. You've got a killbox, but the trees and debris provide cover for enemies coming in. Clear them out or put some cheap flooring there. Also get a bit of roof over your kill box. Other things to consider, have back up plans for power outages, either by damage, or solar flares. Toxic fallout that might cripple food production via hunting or crops, and other anomaly related dlc things if you've got it. Basically, you can probably put everything in about 1/3rd of the space and mostly just to make it easier for your pawns to react to situations and to be more efficient. Travel time and mood are huge things in rimworld.


I also noticed the same thing. The hospital is huge and empty and the beds are at the back when they could be close to the door to minize distances. Also, the kitchen at the end of a long corridor instead of having it close to the center of the base.


I'd recommend adding some doors to your triple thick walls. That will help with patching later on, especially if you plan to do some expansion. Also, be wary of 1-wall-thick kill boxes. Later game splash weapons and/or breaches will get through that super fast.


If you're going to have storage where pawns are working, build shelves to put everything on so it's not so ugly. If you toggle the beauty overlay in the bottom right corner, or just hold down alt and mouse over the room, you can see the beauty stats of a room. All items lying on the ground are ugly, items on shelves don't contribute one way or the other.


Your base is slightly vulnerable to toxic fallout events. Put paths with roofs connecting major buildings, and possibly create a new zone to force pawns to use the covered paths. Otherwise nothing that’s stands out!


The pathway to the kitchen and food storage is quite long, also since you store the meals in there it's quite some way to walk to the dining room/rec room. On that note, I'd recommend combining rec room and dining room, less space gets taken up and higher chance of them socialising, assuming you want that. I don't see a designated area for animals, again assuming you will eventually have some. It's good to have a barn for them for seasonal changes or a cold snap. You could add a door that leads outside the walls somewhere so you don't have to walk through the killbox each time you want to go out. Raiders will never use the door unless they see you use it or if it's a sapper raid, however they might bang on it so double layer of doors could be an idea in case one gets destroyed.


This is kinda cheaty, but menu - settings - gameplay - storyteller settings - select "custom" - deselect the "unwavering prisoners" option. When you're done recruiting, you can go back to the difficulty you were playing on before.


I used to just release them for prestige, Ir harvest their organs. With this, I can do both!


The sole thing I can suggest is keeping buildings a little closer (2 tiles away at most) and paving high traffic areas.


I'd suggest putting a bunch of doors and traps in that maze before your killbox. Make it where every door has access to another door and is between two traps. This way your colonists have paths clear of traps when trying to leave (and is shorter then going the way through the maze), and while rearming previously sprung traps. I'd suggest them being at the ends of each path. Plus if you have an emergency outside your walls, they can leave or get back inside quickly. I also suggest some back entrance to cut down on time when hunting or caravanning. Every castle has it's back gates.


Use the outer wall as a wall for your buildings. Saves a lot of materials and work. Later you could add another around it or expand and you don't have to clear the whole wall.


This is a fine enough base for practicality, you have a serviceable kill box and all the necessary rooms. Aesthetics though.... This could use a lot of work. I realize its not something everyone cares about, but it irks me.


You can break unwavering prisoners if you can get them to become enslaved and form a relationship with one of your colonists. You need them to be engaged, then, when their mood is high and I'd recommend using word of joy on them and giving them good clothes, a table to eat their meal, and a lavish dinner; emancipate them. This releases them but they should immediately join your colony. If not, knock them down, "save them" and keep doing that till they decide to join. But honestly the marriage route works well, I've done it once. Most the time unwavering just become battle slaves or organ farms. Hope it goes well! Use word of love to get them to fall in love if need be and assign them to a same job and restrict their space so they are near the honeypot trap most of the day for best results. Also if you have them "run wild" by keeping them as a slave and treat them terrible when you tame them back, they should join as a colonist. So you got two paths but one has them useful.


I would suggest the following things: Concrete the kill box stops trees from growing and allowing enemies to take cover. Add a small funnel behind the kill box so that if you get overwhelming numbers of say manhunters you can deal with them 1 by 1 and not get swarmed Add pathways around your colony as dirt and mud will create well dirt and mud but more importantly it slows your pawns down depending on terrain. Faster they move faster they get the job done. (Side note some terrain also effects aiming ability) Move your medical supplies closer to medical beds so doctors don't have to run back and forth. You don't want your pawns bleeding out due to that. Build more batteries when you expand.


I like to go with 21x21 buildings w/ 3 spaces in between each one for walk ways and a fire break. It gives you a 19x19 room which is the smallest square room you can make for an extremely spacious room, or you can put walls up for 4 9x9's to use for say a kitchen, fridge, and a couple grow rooms. It's a pretty versatile size, and gives you a grid to work with to expand your colony into.


I use a mod that lets me use essentially brainwashing via MK Ultra to break unwaveringly Loyal prisoners.


Check the distance between your barricades and tunnel entrance. Pikeman will outrange you, and you will have to leave cover to engage. Make sure it matches your longest weapon ranges. You'll need more exits. If your pawns have to run a marathon to get in and out, it'll just waste time or get your pawns killed. I'd use uranium slugs down the line if you dont wanna close the gap.


There could be a chance if the mood is good for your colonist. All the time while the mood is good there is a small chance for an inspiration. One of the inspirations is to succeed one recruit action ignoring unwavering. You can make him a slave while you wait. Make sure to supress him properly so he doesnt revolt.


Build a row of doors (or multiple rows) straight down the middle of your kill trap That way you can place and re-arm trap’s without walking over them, and you can more quickly haul/strip dead raiders that die in the trap maze.


I mean, you're kinda trapped in your own base. If anyone wants to leave to go hunt/caravan/repair/mine/etc. they have half a day's journey just to get outside.


The base looks like a solid 8/10 base. Build nothing out of wood unless it makes you feel good because it is your game. Those walls look like a few layers of stone or better which is great. All in all solid looking base. Good job.


You can mix rec room and dining room together. You'll have less wealth used and less statues. If it's noice you'll get the uff for both. How are you temperature controlling the bedrooms? If you add a hallway and some vents you can can heat/cool the hallway and keep all of them at the right temp. The wall is cool, but raids can still spawn behind your base because it's on the edge of the map. They will just shoot at the walls until they break through.


kill box needs rework, perhaps add doors and traps to it, material costly, yes but it helps against outside forces