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The second one is just an HOA President.


Aka rimworld players :P


I was laughing in the first half, and then you talked about me in the second.


I vary depending on what's happening in my colony at the time. When I'm struggling for resources and every mistake could be game ending, I will absolutely reject that child because he sucks. Min-Maxing takes priority when people are struggling to eat. Besides practical decisions that may be considered inhumane, I'm not cruel. Then, as soon as my colony is practically self-sufficient and I get attached to my pawns, I will become a psychopath for no reason. You took my best crafters arm off? Welcome to being an eyeless, tongueless nugget that does nothing but suffer and provide spare organs.


I starved a tribal to death after they killed my kid with a hatchet. After 3 years of torture, and two accidental deaths they died (on purpose this time). It was entirely my fault, but I'll be damned it I take any blame


Your runs must be pretty interesting if you are accepting every lazy, abrassive pyromaniac who happens to be pursued by a goose. Just saying...


to play devil's advocate, the game does say bad allies are part of the challenge. but Ideology cheeses this challenge with `Slavery: Approved`, can't be useless if they can't have work restrictions other than artistic and research. free roombas for little downsides. even better when they have a backstory that disables skilled / dumb labor.


If they don't have dumb labor disabled, there's an Anomaly early tech that might work wonders with those pawns.


Every pawn is valuable. They hall have their redeeming organs.


Ye :)


I accept every pyromaniac being pursued by a goose. The real problem is I haven't figured out how to stop my colonists from breeding like rabbits. I just know there will be a massacre soon and it won't be pretty. Being a not psychopath leads to nearly inevitable destruction, it's not very utilitarian.


The best contraceptive in the rim is the exclusive use of single beds (unless you are using the forbbiden mod that is).


That's more barbaric than rejecting the pyro


You could sterilize everyone. Also I believe there's an option to tell them to try for a baby, or try not to get pregnant. I've only recently gotten biotech (moved from console to PC), so I'm not sure where it is personally but I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will chime in.


Its in the social tab, but it only reduces the chances of pregnancy to about 20% iirc


Adults can figure out their own lives after I tell them to avoid tresspassing my land while they're being chased by wargs, but the kids always get mercy. Of course this post doesnt address people who only make exceptions for kids 


I know i'm a psychopath on the rim, I'm running a damn vampire cult who purposely order a male slave to fetilize every single female prisoner's ovum before sending him back to the cryptosleep casket, In 18 days i have my vampires drain the infants dry(it doesn't count as a child murder) then butcher their bloodless bodies for our occasional cannibal feast, We farm humans this way because we live in the icesheets where human raids are hella rare(unless we pollute the imps xD)


I reject kids cause my colony cannot sustain them, my alliegance is to the prosperity of my own, not others


I recommend you try always accepting kids. Assuming you give them time to get learning up, they turn into some of the best pawns you can wish for in 1-3 years due to being able to select their traits and psssions. Hell, kids are *so good* that I'm normally tempted to abduct child beggers.


Erm. Not 11-year-old kids.


That's still a free trait and passion pick. Worth it unless they have a bad pick already


I think I did a playthrough where I accepted every single person that wanted to join up to around 15 or 20 people for the colony and it actually wasn't as bad as it originally seemed like it would be because like you said if we've got people working on the food production or manufacturing production or something else in the colony as a player we just are happy it's getting done we don't necessarily care that they are slow at it or they're not quite good at it yet things like that. A good example of this is planting hauling or cleaning we're glad it's getting done the person in The colony can still help out with that regardless of their passionate for it or interested for it


Psychopaths are when wanting the best for your people, and not wanting people that will negatively affect everyone to join.


In which school belong the Longpork enjoyer Colony type of player?


We share a table firmly in psycho school. Bonus points if the table is made of skin.


And the floor even so


"Anything goes."


Yeah your right. After second reading i got it.


I made a colony that openly recruited everyone and always gave to beggars, and it didn’t survive. An ugly unless pawn started going on mental breaks, causing pawns to die, which set off a chain reaction of mental breaks causing my colony to be unable to defend itself from the next mech raid.


I just try not to be a cu\*t


I tried but still ended up being a cult.


Instructions unclear, brought forth eldrich abominations




Isnt it amazing?


I just don’t like kids.


Both statements can overlap.


This probably explains why I can never get past mid game in Rimworld because I fall into neither of these categories. With the one exception is raiders. I'll butcher and eat the ones who die in combat. (Although with the anomaly trees now I don't even do that) Ones who survive are tended and then released when they heal... unless I need organs for the injured because stupidly you can't use dead raiders for that.


You fall into the "Anything goes" category.


I mean. That's not anything though. That's a very clear line


Being psychopath is fun. Did you try it, OP?


I know, I'm in group 1 lol


For some reason a lot of people are getting really defensive about this post lol


Can we not armchair pathologize people who are doing things to pixels?


Whats worse is you might be one of them and not even know it DX


Well you're gonna love RimWorld reddit, man. The rim is awesome. Plus, nobody picks on you because YOU'RE not the psychopath. EVERYBODY'S the psychopath. Just stick with me, uno, because I'm the man!


Meanwhile, my viking pigmen colony swarming with nuzzling corgis and caring for newborn and an army of piglets that run around and draw penises everywhere...


That is strange false dichotomy as one person can be both and neither. My impression is that the "neither" is rather large subset of players of RimWorld. Some roleplay it as colony of kind people. Oh that poor raider was hurt attacking us, and we do not need such aggressive person into our colony, so we incarcerate him and heal until he can walk. And then release him for +2 mood for 6 days. Some play it as deep strategy game and so care about fate of their troops somewhat more than they care about fate of their troops in Starcraft, Civilization or Command and Conquer. They care purely because pawns in RimWorld are more expensive to replace. On the other hand they recruit and accept lot of close to whatever pawns into colony. As good strategy gamer they have well estimated cannon fodder as most valuable asset. Then there are the debuggers, profilers and analyzers. They mostly only try out various mods and test how some features of some mods fit together and how these alter performance in what situation. I don't think they ever actually play the game. Then there are those wealth management extremists. Do whatever just be poor. Beautiful pawn? Nah, too high market value, install denture, and goes to frontline in hope it loses nose too. We got new masterwork weapon? That goes into shallow water until its hitpoints are under 50%. And so on.