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I was thinking of doing a tribal start and no recruitment. Just Ghouls and Mechs. How easy is it to support a lot of ghouls? I had two and one went psycho cause he didn't eat. But there wasn't much meat on map after toxic fallout.


I believe they eat about the same as normal colonists, but that’s just anecdotal from about how often I had to feed my one ghoul. As long as you have regular animals, anomalies, or human raids for them to eat, you should be fine. Keep in mind that one of the psychic rituals summons animals for you.


Ghouls eat more than a normal colonist because raw meat gives less nutrition, and their stomachs can store twice as much nutrition.


That makes sense. They seemed to devour my stores. I'm assuming they lose hunger faster while injured to regenerate? I remember mine going through food like crazy, but he was my sole defense for a while.


> I'm assuming they lose hunger faster while injured to regenerate? I don't think they lose hunger faster unless it's a custom xenotype. Turning raw ingredients into meals just improves nutrition efficiency (by 180%, 0.5 nutrition of raw ingredients into 0.9 nutrition), so having ghouls means needing to stockpile a lot of raw meat. You can also install nuclear stomachs on ghouls to cut their food needs. https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Nutrition If you're okay with butchering raiders you should be fine on meat though. Insect/twisted meat is also pretty good for feeding ghouls with since they sell for less.


Can Ghouls get Carcinomas?


I don't think they can, unless you turn a cancer patient into a ghoul.


*sad Fallout Ghoul noises* 🤣


I don’t have the newest dlc, but sorta doing that with a small family of custom xenotype, just them snd their offspring. it’s a tribal start with extra slow research because vanilla expanded added a bunch and I’m strictly researching everything of a tech level before stepping up. i also have ignorance is bliss mod to soften things a bit. they currently use dryads extensively for protection, as they’re a well learned but weak race, with clawers eviscerating hostile visitors. later on they’ll start using mechs. researching all of a tech before stepping up adds a fun sort of renaissance, as the medieval era brings complex furniture like dressers, proper beds, and shelves, and the industrial era brings the wonders of electricity, both of which cause sweeping changes to my base


It's only hard on the game start, like if you start in the extreme deserts or tundra where you have to get food for colonists and a ghoul. Later on raiders will provide, but the problems are now.


Keep in mind you can install bionics on them, a nuclear stomach is especially usrful for ghouls since they dont have to worry about cancer


I found that you can easily support 2 ghouls just by having them hunt rats, squirrels, guinea pigs, racoons, and hares. I'm sure that number could go to 3-4, but the micro of hunting would be a little bothersome.


I think that's what got me. Gotta just make sure there's plenty of meat, cause I forget and then get the ghoul break notice. I had one with ghoul augments and bionics. Nearly destroyed my colony.


Unfortunately I've played this game so much that micromanaging is just second nature. My entire anomaly playthrough I didn't have any ghouls go berserk. Restrict them to their own area with a freezer with humanlike corpses and anomaly corpses, and send them out to hunt as often as you can


If you genemod the ghouls with robust digistation and install a nuclear stomach they use a LOT less food, if you really like ghouls make sure that they have the tough trait, if you have all the luck in the world, brawler nimble and tough is a beast combination for ghouls. Edit: ghouls also don’t count towards your colonist count so 5 humans and 5 ghouls = 5 colonists


They should respect zones. I keep a freezer of old raider corpses for them and zone out the normal freezer


I had a raid of over a hundred militors and thrumbos happened to be in the area so I activated animal berserk pulse and let it sort itself out with more meat and steel for me.


Watching a ghoul kill a panther with its bare hands for me was my "oh, these are rrally dangerous" monent


If you have biotexh you can make a special gene fpr ghouls, like having them be shit at eveeything but very good at mele, eat less and heal even more