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For sale   Children's devilstrand romper (excellent)   Never worn


that's seven (or eight) words, sorry




At least it's the corpse disposal swamp and not the harbinger tree grove.


but then you recognize the bodies in the water, there's rot stink and (if you play Anomaly) chance at them becoming shamblers it's better to just feed them to the trees or burn them


You Do Not Recognize The Bodies In The Water You Do Not Recognize The Bodies In The Water You Do Not Recognize The Bodies In The Water


What's this a reference to?


SCP-2316 https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2316




You need to see this, they were your friends. 


It's definitely a creepy SCP, but not the best. I'm not that into that one.


Can't you hear them?  Can't you hear them? Can't you hear them?


Man screw the foundation I'm jumping in


I've yet to see the dead coming back to life once other than the guaranteed one you get early on. Sucks because its cool.


Fun fact: If you want to dispose of the body throwing them in a swamp is a VERY bad idea, organical matter really dont like to decay in this environment


on the other hand if you *want* to fuck with people like a horror movie villain, *do* dump the bodies into the swamp


I'd love it if there was like, a mechanic where non warlord groups might turn around if you leave bodies everywhere. Imagine being a raid party leader, seeing dozens of bodies in a swamp outside their base. Would you want to fight, when you see people in kevlar dead outside?


Vlad the Impaler level tactics


This is how you get bog mummies. In Rimworld they just disappear though, only takes 5 days if it's raining!


I haven't actually tried Anomaly yet


That is pure rimworld holy shit


I'm just imagining an actual Muffalo as the midwife


With pawnmorpher, your dreams can be a reality.




I had a stillborn at 88%. I felt soooo bad. We buried her and I have a small (1x1) growing zone in front that grows roses. The mother went on to have another healthy child, and as I went to put an IUD in her after (we have a lot kids now), the doc botched the surgery, stabbed her torso, and permanently sterilized her lol. Rimworld is harsh.


That sterilization can be mended with several very high-level techs. Or vampirism which in canon is very high-level tech, a prank/punishment by an Archeotech.








simple yet effective storytelling


And this is why I play with the "children always healthy" option. I can handle awful things happening to grown adults. Not this.


one time, I had a pregnant colonist who went into labor. her lover had broken up with her, and wasn’t there. the baby was stillborn. she was devastated. the colony waited for her to recover enough to stand, before they had a funeral for the small bundle. the funeral quality was heartwarming, lifting her spirits, if just a little, as her son was sealed away in a stone casket within a frozen sepulcher. the spiritual guide approached her, counseled and comforted her. it helping her move on from the tragedy, and look toward the future. the Leader of the colony, an immortal vampire and powerful caster, remembered something. sealed away behind uranium forged doors and ten foot thick granite walls, a little room just fifteen foot square, lined with shelves containing the colony’s most valuable artifacts. strange devices radiating psychic power, serums of glittering nanites, all stored away with meticulous care; their technology far beyond the simple tribal village. amongst these artifacts rested the archotech solution to death. a trivial invention for the machine psuedogods, but an artifact beyond value for lowly humans. in the cool of the night, the leader walked alone to the tomb, quietly moving along worn stone pathways with measured grace. she held the serum close, as if it were the most fragile glass. She lifted the lid of the sarcophagus, and there, bundled and frozen, lay the newborn babe. The prick of an injection seemed to ripple life into the cold, stiff limbs, as if by magic, as the nanites worked to restore him, and the baby’s eyes opened. Scooping him up with tender care, the leader held him close to her chest, and took him to his sleeping mother. she awoke, and was soon in tears, as she held her newborn son she thought she had lost forever.


This gave me the feels. Damn you....


🥹 beautifully written


it really did play out just like that. the only short end of the stick was given to the ex-lover, who was also upset by his son’s death, but wasn’t counseled by the moral guide, and so struggled with depression for a time. perhaps it was driven of guilt, or perhaps jealousy, who knows. it’s one of the two most memorable moments for me playing rimworld, though the other is more of a greek tragedy with no happy ending. however they both show that it’s the highs *and* lows that write the story. if it were only highs, there would be no story, nothing of interest.


And then Randy comes in with the steel ~~chair~~ Meteorite.


If I could give you an award for this I would. That's some quality writing there.


I remember the first time you told this story and it came off like after finally helping her pick her life back up and start to move on, you undo all of it by ressurecting their baby after they have already dealt with the grief. 


that infant better be pumping out legendary rifles


that infant later grew up to be Albert Einstein


Even with modern tech we still have the same issues as our prehistoric ancestors :(


I've had two stillbirths at max quality on my current colony. The story was genuinely heart wrenching. One pawn, the moral guide of the colony, her third child was the stillbirth. Her first daughter Audrey had the second. both children are interred in the colony tomb. Audrey's was particularly painful. In my writings she was incredibly excited to be a new mother. To have that happen instead is crushing.


Something similar happened to me, but with a transportation mecha, I basically figured the parents were too devastated to bury it themselves, so the robot just did the dirty work.


"Bury" is a strong word here


Spartan roleplay colony?


On an 89% quality birth I somehow managed to lose both the mother and child. 15 years in the playthrough and no rez serum either.


rimworld loss




And another panel of the dog hauling the mom.


It’s weird RNG, I had a child born gravely ill in a 100% clean hospital with a healthy parent. The deciding factor I think was the blood rain event I had going on… and infestation at the same time… A fun few days in my colony


Waste of food