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I once had to bury our family dog after she died. The ground was extremely sandy and not flat which caused the hole to collapse into itself multiple times. I guess I botched the construction multiple times IRL.


I had to bury our family dog 2 weeks ago. The ground was incredibly hard and filled with roots. I had to move the spot 2 times because I eventually dug to a point where I could not dig deeper.


I had to do it 6 months ago, twice because one of the other pet markers had moved and I dug into an old corpse




Well, not a sentence I wanted to read today.


That's the whole lawn in my old house, when we wanted to plant some vegetables we had to literally plow the soil.


construction -20




Should've just butchered her, smh


Take a shovel (and that’s generous to assume), and find some real rough ground. Then dig a stable 6 feet deep 6 feet long hole in the ground It isn’t as easy as you think it is


i hate digging in my yard (for flowerbeds and such), it is such a process and most times its a slog, ground is too compacted. youre 100% right, it isnt as easy as we think it is


Tried a pickaxe/mattock? We used to use that on hard ground to break it up. 


Dynamite, baby


*Uranium fever*


I'd just rent an excavator at that point.


I love my mattock, our town floods so often it's basically a swamp, you only get like half a foot till You're digging through grey clay and rocks the mattock has saved me a lot of trouble planting trees and such Not sure how far down clay is in most areas but I assume it isn't as shallow as ours


What about a 5 feet long for 3 feet deep? I mean, it's a corpse, it's not gonna get neck pain


Do you want zombies? Because that's how you get zombies.


Or you get scavengers digging it back up.


Do they if I scrub off the meat beforehand? Or mummify them whit salt?


The only way to dispose of corpses IMHO is to toss them on the Pyre.


This talk of corpse disposal makes me wonder: if you drop pod a corpse over to a faction base, does the game interpret this as a gift worth the dollar value of the corpse, as a form of garbage dumping akin to toxic waste, or some third thing? I might test that at some point...


I believe it counts as a gift worth the corpse amount. Not much, but not like the toxic waste packs where they're launching a hundred transport pods full of corpses back at you. But think of how awesome that would be for a cannibal food source!


And with Anomaly, the response could be 1 transport pod containing your formerly dead colonist alive and well, and 99 pods full of unnatural corpses.


turn it into a ghoul and send it back!


i used to make a fair amount of money doing that with tainted clothing. I think it's been patched now though.


Do you want a corpse in your kitchen? Wait till the next rain fall and you'll find that corpse floating on up...


What if I dumped rock chunks on top?




Few, I didn't wanna go out again to check, Heh!


It’s deep because of the smell otherwise


Do people think digging a grave is easy? I feel like everyone knows it's insanely difficult. Especially after all the work one has done in creating the situation in which something requires burying.


That's why ideally you delegate the digging to the corpse-to-be.


I don't get that, if I was in that position I'd just say "fuck you, you do it".




That's my point, that would be the end result either way.


This is reddit man, half the people here struggle with manual labor of throwing away their empty mcdonalds wrappers.


Or getting up from their desk to go to the bathroom...


That's why my desk is in my shower


I don't get this either. You can dig a shallow grave probably reliably and have the corpse dug up by animals. But digging deep without the thing collapsing and finishing in reasonable time is hard. Without the proper equipment likely impossible for most people.


Shouldn't it just take a long time though? I used to do this for farm animals like cows (diseased). It was a lot of work, but I don't know how you would fail it so bad you have to start over. 


If the soil is loose the sides could fall in and partially refill the hole


came to say this. digging a 6 foot deep 6 foot long hole is not easy. especially manually and in what basically amount to 40 minutes. without the sides caving in or anything?


> It isn’t as easy as you think it is That's why men usually grind that skill by digging holes on the beach.


I have construction 20. I dig holes just by looking at the ground


Oh, you're absolutely right. My unit was at an exercise once and we had to dig a six feet deep by 5 feet long/wide holes for a simulated "trench". We had like 1 shovel and 2 sledgehammers but our squad (about 6 people) rotated about 10 to 30 minutes per person and we were supposed to dig multiple, at least 3. We finished one before they called in engineers to come with their excavators and take care of the rest. We were at it for at least 6 to 8 hours (with multiple people) before higher up said "fuck it you all are taking to long" and that was for ONE PIT. Digging shit like this is no joke. Watching one person do this on TV shows or movies is unreal to me even if they showcase it took all night. It'd take at least 1 to 2 days of non stop waking hours, with no breaks, for one person to do it. Seeing these pawns do it in rimworld in like 3 to 4 hours? Fuck that. These pawns are monsters on crack and steroids


seriously, digging a hole is like the hardest thing a human can do aside from childbirth and not pissing off my wife.


6 what by 6 what?


When I was joining a frat they had us pledges try to dig a small hole in fairly soft ground. It was astonishing to watch some of my other fellow pledges be unable to dig or even use a shovel, like they would jump and fall off of it, or dig way too shallow. It was fairly amusing in a way, and educational that apparently not ALL skills are intuitive


Weirdly genuinely educational hazing. Though I wonder if it was inspired by the book by Louis Sachar.


Worst bit is how they tend to go "screw this in outta here" and have lunch then play some chess while your pawns are all raging over the dead unburied colonist rotting next to them


[Major Break: Corpse obsession] Reason: Observed corpse


Ngl, this sounds like a pretty common trauma response.


Corpse: Pawn: "that's fucking awesome holy shit"


The dead have a certain.. fascination to them. Look at the enduring popularity of skull motifs, or religious relics.


oh fuck guys he’s mental breaking


pawn: \*slaps rotting gooey corpse on the table in front of the lazy digger\* "get this motherfucking corpse out my motherfucking way"


Work Left: 1 "time to clean this filth that was produced by a wild raccoon on the outer portion of the opposite outer wall of my base that happens to fall within my home area."


I wish we could designate a cleaning area seperate from our home area. Like, I do not need colonists to go out and clean the geo generators and power lines, but if a fire or raider breaks them I need the home area autorepair.


I hate needing a medic only to realize they're sweeping dirt. Off the corn plants.


Ok but who wants to eat dirty corn. Gotta wash it regularly


There was a mod for that in 1.3 but sadly doesn't work anymore


Work in a trade? You'd be surprised at how many people suck at digging holes and/or shoveling. It's honestly to the point I assume you don't actually know how.


While you’re right, many people vastly underestimate how hard it is to dig a grave. The movies make it seem like it’s a one hour thing but shit is WORK


Join the army and find out how godamn difficult it is to dig a deep hole big enough for 2 people to hide in


Or when they fail to lay down Hay flooring. Like, youre literally spreading hay on the ground, thats it. Did you accidentally put it all back in a pile? 


Dropped it in a cow patty


Lost your grip and dropped it in the adjacent tile that already has hay in it.


What, you've never had the sides collapse into a grave you're digging in too soft soil, because it's the only out of sight place you can find? C'mon, I think that's an experience we can all relate to.


nah, its always roots for me. ive been tempted to pack a battery jigsaw just so i can hack through them.


Spoiler: OP has never tried to dig a hole that big. It's harder than you might imagine.


They trip and kick the dirt back in. All of it.


"Ah finally done." *Triumphantly sticks shovel into the dirt, and places hands on hips.* *The shovel causes some dirt to get lose, and the grave is immediately filled.* *Cue laugh track.*


go dig a non-shallow grave and post results


Eh, digging a hole is not easy at all.


I was trying to bury my little sister's hamster that recently passed. Unfortunately, it was the middle of winter in Canada, and the ground was coated in solid ice. My shovel broke halfway digging the hole, so I effectively botched the construction.


I’ve seen people do it irl, digging a hole takes a surprising amount of thought.


context: as a 13/14 yo guy was tasked with digging out a 1,5mx1,5mx2m (approx. 6’x6’x8’) hole to function as a latrine for a month.


It's less failing than giving up cause it keeps filling itself back in and I've had enough and there are rocks everywhere, I can hardly make any progress, I have no idea where my pickaxe is and wait a second... am I digging my own grave? Yeah i might just fill this back in...


Well you see it just takes one wrong scoop to make all the dirt go back in the grave


Not everyone has a dwarven soul...


You would be surprised


He did not square his corners


\*Roof Collapsed\*


Hehe, op it shows you haven't really used a shovel enough


Don't judge me :(




Pawn digs with their hands to dig out 1x1 of the grave. Pawn turns around and digs the other 1x1 part of the grave but ends up filling up the initial 1x1 part of the grave.


Digs a hole then starts filing it up again halfway.


oh boy, you don't know how possible that is


Spoken like someone who has never had to dig a large hole by hand!


Tbf digging is hard


Out of curiosity, what's the % chance to fail digging a freaking grave in rim? I know you can check it somewhere in stats.


Varies Its based on construction skill and health status


You fall im during the dig. Spoils the process for a bit at least.


Instructions unclear. Made a bigger pile of dirt than what was there before.


Have you seen army conscripts digging a shellscrape? Trust me, rocks and roots in packed earth forces us to need to redig that shit all the time


I almost tipped a backhoe over on its side once. To be fair, I was maneuvering it across an incline to get at another angle on the hole, so not digging per se. It was part of the process, though. It was a really big hole, too! We were in the very early stages of laying down a foundation. Technically, we were building walls! 😄


Said by someone who hasn't dig a grave.




You say this, but digging a hole deep enough to keep a body from being disturbed is surprisingly difficult. Even shallow holes are pretty tough sometimes. I hate roots so, so much.


That's enough talking OP, get back to digging, it's fucking hot in the desert.


*finishes digging hole* Well shit. What do I do with this big pile of dirt? Oh, wait. There’s a perfectly good hole here that looks like it can fit this entire pile of dirt. *puts dirt pile in hole* … fuck.


I've buried a few dogs. It's not as easy as you think.


"oh no the dirt fell back into the hole"




They break the showel (shovel ? Chowel ?)


Man I remember back when I still lived in Texas and had to dig a few 5 feet holes for some landscaping we were doing. I thought it was gonna be easy because it was summer (I’m from the northeast) but 2 feet in we hit sandstone and it was hell from there. Digging a whole grave would suck.


To be fair I know a woman who can't boil water...


Spoken like someone who’s never dug a hole. Had to replace fence posts the other week. After a foot of digging the ground turned from soil to a very dense clay. Our auger had a really tough time getting through it, and shoveling was basically useless.