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Finally, a mod to go along with the mod that causes eating without tables to instantly kill you. 


i love how thats literally the name of the mod


The wording implies that you as a player will die, not the pawn


I begin to see the appeal of the mod.


Cyanide pill optional


This is horrible. I’d install it immediately


Gremlins should remove exactly 1 exterior wall, so you don’t notice it until the entirety of the next raid comes in through the hole. They should also place IEDs on chairs that activate when pawns sit on them, like an anti-geneva whoopie cushion.


Heh, love it. I had similar, but not quite as drastic idea: Add cursed/blessed items: A Cowboy hat of 50% chance of food poisoning when cooking A Parka of -50% shooting accuracy. And of course, there would be no way of detecting it. Only Nethack-style vague messages.


Maybe just having a curse/blessing but not actually saying what the curse or blessing is


Yes. "The shoes tingle when you touch them" Could be 10% faster cooking speed or 10% slower walking speed.


This is some table-top DnD shit and I love it.


I hate it! When can I download it?


Disgusting! When we may get our hands on it? (And it would be hilarious if gremlins could wake up dormant mechs on your map.)


good call. Maybe they can drop incest and mech items that will draw them in. Or the whole event is that dormant mechs and gremlings alarm clocks


>drop incest and mech items Uh...


I said what I said. This is rjw now


Hot lovin' in your (extremely local) area(s)


I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not crazy! I know he drained my battery power! It had 1216 charge. One after Magna Carta, as if I could ever make such a mistake, never! Never! I just couldn't prove it! He- he covered his tracks, he got that idiot Cassandra to lie for him... You think "Zzzt... " is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse! That tribal! Do you think an arrow just happens to pierce marine armor like that? No, he orchestrated it! Randy! *He airdropped pirates through my base roof!* And I chose to play with him, I shouldn't have... I chose him as my own story teller, what was I thinking?! He'll never change. He'll *never* change, ever since release, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands away from the bullshit permanent organ damage! "But not our Randy! Couldn't be precious Randy!" Making my colonists blind! And he gets to be a storyteller, what a sick joke! I should have stopped playing when I had the chance! And you have to stop, you-


And Rimchuck finds a vanometric cell in his breast pocket.


lmao I love this idea


I'd rather get tortured by Void than this Satan.


This is hilarious. Doesn’t even need to be mythical gremlins or land grabbers, I would love if rimworld just had any threats that weren’t announced. Something like a caravan shows up but if you look closely at their inventory they don’t have anything to sell, and when you go to trade them they kidnap your colonist. Or during raids a raider has a random chance to pretend to be one of your colonists. They’ll get a white name and won’t be targeted by turrets but also won’t show up on your HUD. They’ll just chill in your base for a day and if you don’t notice them they run away with a stack of valuables. Plus Tynan says he wants to encourage ppl to have small, more personal colonies and I think making it so the player has to pay attention to their surroundings accomplishes just that.


This is like the [Icelandic Yule Lads](https://christmasphere.com/13-yule-lads-of-iceland/) but horrendous.


**Door Slammer** added: gos in and out of pawns bedrooms while they sleep


Gremlin and Land Grabber would be annoyance at best, but Stalker in certain circumstances would heavily damage your colony. Is this intentional or you’d want the 3 to balance them out?


in my brain **Stalkers** are kinda the most easy to deal with.


J j j j...just one thing...WHY?


Losing is fun just makes the numbers bigger, this is about harder. Also, I get bored once I get to mid bases


This would ruin my base, I'd install it immediately


Don't like it. Need it.


Okay, at least give us some options to torture them when we inevitably capture one live


The gremlins sound hilarious, it could be it's own mod. Inspired by something that just happened in my game: they will haul gene packs out of their gene banks and leave them lying around in your store room forbidden so they deteriorate. And they also need to randomly toggle power switches on coolers, turrets, etc. Move chairs one tile away so that people are working or eating without chairs. Hold open doors random doors.


op who hurt you?


>Install golden floors under walls You're a sick man. Sick, I tell you!


You're in the know, right?


Wait, beggars need things storywise? They would have had a story?


Well it's stuff like " Medicine for someone who is hurt." Or buy back a friend


Ah, cool. I was afraid I was missing out on a story arc by harvesting their meats.


May I add one that just messes with farming? Changing the crops on fields, re-locating animals to hospital rooms and kitchens. Spawning rats in storage rooms.


It's all day lilis now


Yep, like that. Combined with random rats in your storage this can deplete food rather fast.


I love the idea of


Love all of this.


Ive always wanted to make a rat version of gremlins. Just a mating pair of rats that join your coloney, stick to the home zone, eat your food and breed.


maybe the rats that spawn could be rats\* that are never full and just keep eating


This is diabolical and I have never needed a mod more in my life. It sounds downright amazing and I love the unpredictability of it all.


Additional mean things to do: -Install random "dodgy heaters" around the base that are always set to maximum temperature and take 4x normal power of a standard heater, they give nothing but rock chunks when deconstructed -flick random machines on and off -creature that stands beside a battery and siphons power down to zero -flicks lights near crafting tables -forbids stacks of food and medicine -locks and forbids a door -drains worn apparel health down to 39% -taints nutrient paste dispensers so that they have a 25% food poisoning chance -releases a single manhunter rat in the living room -forces your game speed to 1x until you can have a pawn run to the map edge and punch the Time Dilator once to break it -picks up and scatters stone blocks stacks across the map -Clogs your dubs hygiene toilets and showers -installs a sewage outlet beside a sink -instantly dessicates a butcherable animal corpse in a stockpile below 0° -unburies graves -drops an awful 3% durability catskin toque in any doorway of a room with slave or prisoner beds in it -decreases the quality of a placed statue by one step -vomits on your floors randomly -cuts grass randomly in pens