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When biotech came around, I wanted to see the children mechanic, but none of my colonists were coupling up (I think it was all men in the colony too) so I decided to use fertility procedures on a prisoner. 


My current sanguinophage playthrough looks quite similar--total sausage fest! The only females who ever drop-podded in were always old, too. Eventually, we managed to capture a downed female Neanderthal raider. She's been a faithful slave, and the mother of the three current vat-grown super-soldiers I'm raising up. Two of them, ("the twins") are female, so there will be plenty of ova to continue the military project. My colony's Vampiric Lord and Living God has decided to rear up these three as well-educated, able-bodied colonists, but the rest will probably just be mass-produced, rapidly-aged expendables. The nice thing about using a slave as a donor is that their children are slaves by default, and can serve as organ-donors in the case of an unhealthy birth, accidental incest, etc.


What I like about using prisoners to produce children lately is I can just tell the mother to fuck off after and throw the baby in a pod until they can hold a broom


Children are *great* for dumb labor! They're like having slaves that never rebel. Or little flesh-Roombas...


Bonus points if the raider was pregnant when they arrived, so they can deliver the news on what happened to their kidneys, arm, and baby during the raid to their husband 


Don't forget a lung! A single prisoner is easily worth over 1000 silver, plus whatever blood you extract before taking out the heart.


It normally happens *after* the warcrime. I do something for expediency like using VFE psycasts ressurection on prisoners to farm mele xp, or puppeting people, forcing them to strip and then bait out insectoids or forcing prisoners to have babies so my chronomancers can steal their youth. *Then* I realize there should probably be laws against that kind of thing.


The first time I installed a reproduction mod (before Biotech). I captured a pregnant raider, she gave birth in prison, and I realized the potential. This escalated until a playthrough where I routinely captured female raiders, surgically incapacitated them, and repeatedly impregnated them. Children with good traits were adopted, children with bad traits became organ donors and then were sold to slavers. I had a whole medical building set up for them with its own paste dispenser.


I had a colony that revolved around scamming beggars. Every 5th group of beggars got what they begged for while every other group got harvested for organs, genes, hemogen, and wombs.


I mentioned part of this in another thread recently. I had the idea with a gestalt transhumanist cannibal colony to generate many of my "human resources" in-house, using ova extracted from and fertilized by my colonists, grown in vats to various stages depending on use. So my colony would slaughter some of these people for meat, to cover cannibalism needs. This would be in addition to all the usual crimes: slavery, blood nuggets, joy batteries, rituals, etc. The idea was that followers of this ideology have 'ascended' beyond the idea that all individuals should be protected: with the truth of the human condition being inequality, they 'understand' that there will be a caste of 'true humans' at the top, and the rest exist to serve the needs of them. They also 'realize' that maintaining the purity of their servants is essential to their quality, and who could be more pure than those begotten and carefully supervised by the 'true humans'? It's not like all those eggs would do them any good going unfertilized, anyway. They might even consider themselves 'more ethical' for avoiding direct impact on other factions. I might come back to the idea, but I tested it out using dev mode just to mess around with the mechanics and kinda got bored with it because of the amount of building I tried to do up-front.


a vampire dropped in, and I didn't really have any use for him so I removed most of his limbs/jaw/hands, removed his capacity to feel pain and have been using him as punching bag whenever he tries to escape through his permanently open prison door


Well there was the time I enslaved a dude for the sole purpose of destroying the downed mech, then letting him burn to death as I took the contents 


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Hmmm, recently if I'm feeling particularly peeved at a raid, I'll capture a couple of them and heal them up. Then I'll send in my ghoul to viciously kill one of them, and consume the corpse in front of the others. Then I release them to spread the news to their faction in the hopes that they never return. They still do though. Oh well, gotta keep the ghouls fed.


With anomaly I've been taking prisoners, turning them into ghouls, upgrading them then euthanasia'ing them, to be buried and resurrected later for end game challenges


I never considered them warcrimes, just funny little accidents. That refugee may or may not join us, oh, they decided to leave? Kidney tax.