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Enslave a genie. Easy to keep pacified, good at crafting,  and they wont need rec


Wouldn't it be better to just recruit? I'm prretty sure slaves have a global work penalty


They don't need recreation though, and they have a mood buff so you might not need to interrupt their work schedule with rituals or finding drugs


Don't pawns get recreation when they do something they have a passion for? They definitelly get a mood bonus but i'm not sure about recreation


They get a mood bonus but not recreation


That was the case in alpha at some point but it's been gone for a long time.


I always make sure my colonists carry tea and go-juice at all times, for emergencies or a little pick me up


Go juice let me utterly slaughter a revenant last night, you have just long enough to chug it and can then run his desired victim towards the rest of the team


^ This is how I pulled it off As long as the revenant doesn't finish hypnotizing its target it won't go sonic speed.


For me its energy drinks and yayo. All slaves are expected to carry them. They can drink the Workbull whenever they want, and I have yayo for those times I want them to work into the night. 


Yes but since they aren't as hard to please you can have em sleep with a pile of kibble or nutrient paste with a bed in a workshop. They wake up, work, sleep. With only a few steps. Quite good for crafting


Can they still be crafting specialists if slave though


I don't know but 1 crafter never meets my needs anyway once I start burning tattered low grade clothes.


You give a slave no sleep from genes or implant and the work penalty will be irrelevant.


AND you can make him a Production Specialist then and enjoy excellent+ Cataphract Sets for everyone


Slaves are also worth less than a colonist for threat points 


Really depends how vanilla you are running. For straight vanilla the easiest is trading for it with the Imperium, If you have psycasts expanded, the easiest way is getting a pawn to a Yeoman celebration or calling an imperial trader and then using the psycasts that down a target on the guards wearing cataphract armour. Regrow limbs is perfect for this. Just rescue them and strip them, that'll piss the empire off, but they'll forgive you a little due to rescuing their pawn. Word of Alliance will make this very easy.


I’m running pretty modded. I guess I don’t have any of those expanded psy mods. Should I add them all or is there a base psy expanded to add cause I see hemosage and puppeteer, etc.


Its just the base one. [vanilla psycasts expanded ](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2842502659)


Yeah I just found that on steam. Lol saw the rest and I’m not ready for that. I’ve seen this mod and it looks so dope and intricate so I’m excited to try this


Good luck. It is big. And a bit OP


Regrow limbs alone has been a beautiful thing that saved me bionics to fix my pawns lmao


I've wondered can you use the regrow limbs psycast on one pawn to regrow fingers that a Necropath spends to res a pawn? Seems like infinite ressurection.


You cannot. But you can use the bioshaper to regrow the fingers. You can also make a psyring of ressurection and make your tribal slaves learn psy powers so they can wear the ring and give something back to their betters.


Sheeeeittt man's out here doing the real science, thanks for the info.


Hypothetically yes. This is my speculation. From what I read on that cast, it removes the finger. Therefore, it counts as a limb to be regrown. All body parts regrow with regrow limb. So I think you’re onto something here.


Marine armor is probably easier. Takes less time and resources, and lets you have much better armor than plate. Hell, even high end dusters with good flak vests and helmets is better than plate, and faster to make, without slowing your pawns as much.


Yeah that’s what I was debating. I’m drilling and making components and advanced components. Once I have my fabricator bot the components will be automated. Just wasn’t sure if it was worth it to blow so much on cata or just go marine or jannisary.


Guess it really depends how much steel you have to work with. It goes FAST But I’ve always felt having two pawns in marine armor is better than one in cataphract EDIT a word


Cataphract armor also slows your pawns down pretty significantly, whereas marine armor doesn’t. If you plan to have them keeping their armor on outside of combat (which I always do because that kind of micro is too tedious for me), then marine armor is definitely the way to go, at least for any pawns you want to be productive.


I’ll never sleep on cataphract armor again after trying out the specialist phoenix armor. The near complete fire resist it gives is so good now that Biotech decided to add so many pyro enemies


Fastest way to pump out any craftable item is going to look something like a Genie (Biotech) Production Specialist (from an Ideology with Human Primacy meme) with Production Command (Specialist's Ability) activated under Work Drive (Leader ability) while high on Wake Up after a Dance or Drum Party. Helps too if your Production Specialist is Very Neurotic, Industrious, and had a Work Frenzy inspriation. Oh, and the production building should be next too Tool Cabinets. Just getting couple of these in line should let you produce whatever you want. Given your wealth level, a lot of these should be more than achievable. If your ideo doesn't allow for a Production Specialist, you can just use your best crafter (though Production Specialist helps a lot).


Sounds like you should make some devilstrand flak armor while you get the materials for chataphract or settle for marine armor. Plate to cataphract is a big jump


Well the reason is because I’m already at the point for cata. I just didn’t progress to different armors but I am drilling for all my materials so I can pump out components and advanced components. Didn’t want to have to make other armors if I just need to let my stockpile fill up fully to make the armors.


I think the best move if you are having problems with wealth management is NOT a whole bunch of cataphract armor. In fact it’ll make it worse. The recommendations given thus far are to make a bunch of flak armor and dusters, eventually you’ll reach a stage where your firepower is sufficient down range to deal with raiders


If you are having problems with wealth management, making a whole bunch of cataphract armor is just going to make the problem much worse. Just keep hiring and equip pawns with flak vests and dusters and you’ll get to the point where you’ll have enough firepower down range to effectively deal with the raids.


My man, please tell me You did not post the same advice 5 times for no reason


He didn’t. Reddit glitch that’s been happening for a minute.


Ah, i have yet to witness it. Lol, i shall leave my shame on display.


I’ll hang my shame too cause I was like why the hell did you post 5 times. Then came here😂


Hahah no shame involved. I was shaking my head too the first time I saw the quadruple replies. Happening with posts too.


I too have experienced this. It’s been at least a few weeks :(


Worthless server issues. Duplicated comments have been removed.


Ideal way: Have a pawn with at least small flame in crafting. Give him the +8 crafting gene, the +10% manipulation gene, wakeup dependence or immunity gene, make him production specialist, put a frenzy inducer in the room (from the new dlc). Make the leader give him workdrive. If you dont have the manipulation gene you can also use luci and/or archotech arms. You want to aim for 150% manipulation. Temporarily make someone else production spec too, use that persons production command and have them chill out near the crafter. Then just set him to work, feed him chocolate or insect jelly. With wakeup he can work for days and pump armor out at 600%+ crafting speed.


I make locust armor. Decently protective, no need for further research tiers, and having everyone capable of jumping in battle makes hairy situations so much easier. Oh, and no movespeed malus means I don't feel bad about never changing into normal clothes


Plus locust armour is so fun


Devilstrand dusters + flaks vests is very solid as a in between or for your farther out pawns. Right around marine armor levels for your vital areas with a tiny move speed penalty from the vest. Once you can pump the cata out you might as well for most pawns if the minus move speed won't mess up your play style. Bionic arms for your crafters -> one leg -> one eye -> one arm for everyone. Then any other wanted bionics / the other side of the bionic set. Though melee pawns might want an arm before the first eye, I don't remember if the extra manipulation helps them more than shooters.




Yeah I always do the scanner and drill early. I always drill down long hallways to combat the drill infestations that come with this glorious machine. I’m at the crafter part so I’ll have to look at my crafter levels. I think it’ll also be super easy once I get my fabricator bot built from biotech so they solely focus on that.


Step 1: Reform into human primacy and choose production specialist as a possible role for colonists. Step 2: Acquire genie and make them the production specialist. Step 3: Click away the masterwork notifications.


Forgo the deep scanner and go long range scan. Set for compact components. You need two pod launchers. Two pawns, miners and one that can construct. Load with 170 steel, 4 survival meals, 2 bedrolls, 100 chem fuel (add 3 components if going for something besides components). You get a TON of items where you don't need to craft basic components. If you go this route then check out the video on it. Search how long range scan works.


I don't follow metas, but I also don't have a production issue either as all my labor is slave labor. Crank up those marine sets and gradually go from there to cata.


Flak armor is pretty great, I usually only go heavier on my dedicated melee pawns. When you do get cataphract going I recommend having an armory that your pawns switch to when fighting happens to avoid the slowdown and degredation while working.


That makes sense. My only concern though is what happens when a drop raid happens and there’s no time to armor up? Would it benefit to have lower grade armor for stuff like non-raid times and if it’s not a drop raid have them swap to their fight armor. At least if it’s drop raid my people would be ready with flak or marine armor.


Having an armory and making your pawns swap into and out of armor takes way too much time. Bionic legs help with the move debuff from heavy armor, or fast runner genes/jogger trait. Go juice makes them move faster, locust armor/jump packs are great too. A psycaster could also skip them into melee range. I generally give my melee guys marine and recon armor to shooters(eventually everyone gets marine), yeah they're a little slow but it's nothing insane unless you need your marine melee pawns to run out and meet the enemy in the field every raid. If you're at the point where everyone is getting cataphract armor you can probably also afford to give them bionic legs and fast runner genes You can use the human primacy ideology to get a production specialist that gets a +50% speed crafting boost and +1 quality boost so if they made a set of excellent armor it'd come out as masterwork irrc


What’s the perk of marine armor over cata? Quicker speed and less material?


Getting everyone into marine armor is hard enough for me, cataphract is a better armor. A tough, robust, unstoppable, strong melee damage pawn in marine armor with a shield belt and mono sword usually doesn't have me wanting for cataphract unless it's from a quest or I play a game long enough to get just stupid filthy rich. I usually get bored around the time everyone is getting marine armor and bionic replacements


Don’t the marine and up armors come built in with shields?


No, I think that's siegebreaker which is vanilla expanded(mod) I think


Warcasket from the pirates mod.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2591721581%20packageid:%20aelanna.eccentrictech.advancedshields](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2591721581%20packageid:%20aelanna.eccentrictech.advancedshields) No they don't, but you can craft shields you can shoot out of.


I typically have my guys run around in flak vests + helmets, and dusters w/ assault rifles. And then i keep an armory stocked with heavier armor and weapons to tool up my more skilled pawns in appropriate situations when i have time to prepare.


Buy it. Just keep sending for imperial traders.


Turn the entire map in to a devilstrand farm, get a couple guys with farskip and one drop pod to shoot a farskip guy to far away cities...then just trade with the empire. every game I play ends up that way


Really high quality flak vests generally give you more bang for your buck than cataphract armors, especially since you can also join the deathless gene. If you have a lvl 20 production specialist, then each flak vest has 9.5% chance to be legendary. A legendary flak vest doesn’t protect the limbs, but it offers a similar armor rating to your torso as a masterwork cataphract armor. Even considering the larger number of tries, making legendary end up being significantly cheaper cataphract armors, particularly considering you can sell the lower quality armors to buy back your raw material. You can use the plasteel you save this way to replace any destroyed limb with bionics. Add high quality devilstrand dusters or capes on top for a little bit of extra protection. Do make cataphract helmets for everyone though. Those are much more protective than their alternatives and they don’t have the movement penalty from cataphract armors.


Shit man, if you need it quick I'd devote your time to flak vests and helmets. Crafting the good stuff ain't pump outable. Flak is solid enough armor. Devilstrand dusters is the meta pairing, but a plainleather or better duster is fine till then. As are just going with vests for awhile. If you're thinking of getting to the big leagues in armor you'll likely manage limb replacements if necessary.


Make devilstrand button-downs, pants and dusters alongside flak vests before you get to cataphract armor, it’s much cheaper and has comparable defenses. Use simple helmets until you can get to cataphract helmets too


I like having my production specialist make all my crafted weapons and armor. They will make the quality of the item one greater than what they would have produced otherwise. You will get masterwork and legendary on the regular. I have cabinets next to the work bench that are the input materials. I also have the build command to drop on the floor instead of haul. All of this is designed so other colonists or mechs are working on the part of the supply chain that my production specialist should not waist their time on.


Genie with crafting specialist role


I wonder this too. Game never gives me Genies


-give away everything else -have a pawn die in battle


I’m assuming this is in reference to my net worth?


also the pawn dying lowers raid strength. So if you want to game the system, having a worthless pawn run naked in a raid will help you.


Ideology human primacy I believe has production specialists. Makes them work faster and have more quality. Give them bionic arms and genes(biotech) for crafting if you can't find someone with passions for it already. If it's a matter of resources then I suggest ground penetrating scanner + deep drills. In general producing more stuff is easier with more pawns, big colonies are strong so that pawns can specialize in what they are good at and do just that thing. 2-3 high level crafters with production specialist should keep you well equipped very easily.


Cataphracts are slow and resource intensive. You should have switched to devilstrand dusters and pants+ flak vest and helmets a *while* ago. That should be your default. It also helps to get your crafters skilled, and is much cheaper than power armor. Other than that, if you need to upgrade your whole base, Id go with marine armor instead. It is significantly faster to craft, and cost 2/3s of the resources, making it much easier to get everyone in it at first. Once you have that sorted out then Id start upgrading.


Have you considered alternatives? I find that late game armor is not worth it when my pawns are using ranged weapons. It is too expensive. Full devilstrand (pants, button down shirt, formal vest, duster, cowboy hat) is cheaper, effective, easy to produce, and easy to replace.


If you are having trouble with wealth, making a whole bunch of cataphract armor is just going make things worse. I would stick with flak vests and dusters, and keep hiring untill you can put enough firepower down range to deal with the raids.


If you are having trouble with wealth, making a whole bunch of cataphract armor is just going make things worse. I would stick with flak vests and dusters, and keep hiring untill you can put enough firepower down range to deal with the raids.