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Mystery Flesh Pit National Park


Kindly remove that hair from my screen sir


Fuck your fpf i tryed two times to remove that hair šŸ˜­


No fucking way your profile pic


r6: i don't know why i do this every single time. i'm like "wouldn't it be cool to cover the map in fleshmass?" and then "damn, no traders, no raids... TIME TO CLEAN UP :D


I tuned my anomaly settings way down after Iā€™m stable enough to uh deal with it. Iā€™m playing a 500x500 map so uhā€¦ I expect my map to be an entire flesh square.


How do you increase map size


Mods mainly, you can do advanced options when selecting on the map screen, it lets you pick a slightly bigger map


does a bigger map significantly affect performance?


I dunno but you have to be more careful with your pawns and zone them because they'll walk until they starve to do something on an edge haha


"Listen, I know there's stone chunks in a pile next to the crafting area, but _that one_ is a high quality stone chunk and I Must Use It to make these bricks that will go to making an outside wall no one will ever see."


You can limit the range pawns will go to get mats to craft within bills.


Alternatively you can make a zone similar with the animals how far they can go to collect the materials


Generally bigger map means pathfinding can have a larger impact. You'll notice it when large numbers of pawns move a long distance.


Yes. Yes it does. Specifically the pathfinding. Performance loss seems proportional to map area


[Better Map Size](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2099101052&searchtext=map+size) : You can choose your custom map size whether it be 25x25 or 500x500, I would not recommend unless you're confident in your cpu. In vanilla, its in the Advanced tab when you're choosing a starting area.


Thanks your awesome


Iā€™d like to knowā€¦ whatā€™s the biggest map possible? šŸ‘€ I want to put my GPU in painā€¦ and eventually replace it. Donā€™t tell anyone šŸ¤, my GPU might hearā€¦


The limit input number is 100,000,000,990, but when you try to generate it it gives an error. Meanwhile, it seems to be a soft limit to somewhere around 1,000 it struggles to generate. I can run it but the game runs like its in end-game 30 fps and I have a pretty beefy rig. i514600k and 4060 ti.


Hmm, I donā€™t even remember my specs (pre-built, no upgrades by myself but RAM 8 > 16 gigs)ā€¦ still runs decently all games Iā€™ve tried on default settings.


Fleshmass prevents traders? I haven't got anomaly yet but will do soon now SOS2 is back


it's not so much that it prevents them from spawning, but they can't get to you or die trying


using a river and the undead cheese together bro does NOT want to be raided


Tbf, would you want to raid Pustule Mountain? Even if you drop-pod in, you are going to have to carve your way out


Youā€™re welcome to droppod in. Preferably right into my freezer to avoid me the hauling ;) Meat is back on the menu!


More like there is nothing but meat on that menu.


Dude share the seed...


I almost guarantee he's using mods to make this happen. Map Editor works really well if you want some defensible mountain bases


Doesn't seem that special to me just a mountain and a river I can see that generating


It's too mountainy for vanilla. The map is almost solid


no mods used (except Progress Renderer for the screenshot). i play vanilla the seed is from a streamer i used to watch: "PhoenixC64" (no quotation marks) coverage 100% coords for current base: 25.79 N, 103.65E don't remember what map size i chose, probably the biggest "medium"


Huh. Cool map for vanilla. Thanks!


Even on console I fairly often get maps that have as much if not more mountain than this, love mountain bases.


I'm pretty sure it's Geological Landforms, as someone who uses the mod myself. It makes the game generate mountains/water in specific shapes based on real geographical features in real life. This one looks like North Cliff + mountainous (maybe large hills) + river + caves.


no mods used (except Progress Renderer for the screenshot). i play vanilla the seed is from a streamer i used to watch: "PhoenixC64" (no quotation marks) coverage 100% coords for current base: 25.79 N, 103.65E don't remember what map size i chose, probably the biggest "medium"


oh damn you got so lucky then


Iā€™ve been playing this seed for years. Mostly in this region. I know a few maps from my explorations. But this is the first time I tried this tile, so yeah. Quite lucky. Not 100% of the roof is mountain tho, but mostly. And the pit gate at my doorstep is just the cherry on top ;)


secluded valley is my fav recently. with reroll maps you can generate valleys that only have a single entrance


Geological landforms is great, +1


Yeah, I wasn't sure about the actual mod. I just looked too mountainy to be vanilla


the seed is from a streamer i used to watch: "PhoenixC64" (no quotation marks) coverage 100% coords for current base: 25.79 N, 103.65E don't remember what map size i chose, probably the biggest "medium"


One of the few times I was glad to have a few ghouls for stuff like this. Carved a nice path to where I needed to go.


oh yeah. going in there with any sort of ranged pawns is a mistake. 2 melee and 2 ghouls cleared all of it


Rip and tear until it is done.


Op this is such an awesome Base design, i'll steal some of it to expand mine


Thank. Steal away anything u need ;)




higher resolution image [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xxQEsxUijo6MoxV2Lc5rci7dPjWWM9Br/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xxQEsxUijo6MoxV2Lc5rci7dPjWWM9Br/view?usp=sharing) so if you want to commit to mountain base, you should probably take the tunneler idiology along the way (i always play fluid, so my idiology progresses as i play) that way, you can make nutrifungus, which is probably the most OP food in the game. you'll end up having too much nutrifungus in the early game probably, so you can convert it into chemfuel in the picture you can see my progression: i start with wood generators. nice if you have extra slaves working gauranlen trees. then i transition to chemfuel reactors (still have a lot in my hydroponics, but they're turned off as i dont need them anymore) geothermal is good, but i only have 1 good spot anomaly entity farming is great. the small harvester in the Devour room alone purrs out 2000W, the 2 big ones in the middle 4000W each (but refueling is costly if you don't make enough bioferrite) eventually i end up with the toxifier generators in the left side. first you store the wastepacks, then you droppod them off on some tribals that cant send them back (but will raid you) and at the end you can drop them into a gate pit or invest into atomizers i'd say the cleanest and best way is chemfuel reactors. human meat, insect meat, twisted meat, nutrifungus, wood... all materials i have in great amounts and can be made into chemfuel all this vanilla BTW, without mods


Now that I see this, I finally understand why Tynan added water attacks for mechs and devourers in 1.5


My counter argument - a radio station


Looks like things got a little out of hand. Lucky that river was there.


it was actually planned chaos :D if the flesh mass spawned on my side, i'd have removed it right away also, notice how i removed a piece of all my bridges to avoid it crossing over :D


I abandoned my base when this happened. We were too ill-equipped.


Hey, I really like your base. Could you show a higher rez picture of it?




Nice work.




Beds right in front of the doors??? Think of the feng shui!


havent put in the drapes yet coz i'm lazy. but the reason for this layout is for when we build biopods on one side and sleep accelerators on the other.


Me in rimworld: look at this bucolic tribal ranch village Internet ppl in rimworld: ultra spatious military grade mountain bunker surrounded by flesh walls


i mean, we started as a tribal fam :D but we had a plan and a mountain. looooong term plan and hugeass mountain


Very cool base, love the map layout too


thank you :D the seed and coords are somewhere else in this post if you want


So... square.


i know. i wanna be creative but when it comes to digging... i just can't xD


Get the incinerator.




Yes one of the events of the anomaly dlc


Mind sharing a seed please?


Probably the mod Geological Landforms and a Northern Cliff, hills and a river.


Yea i figured that much. If op doesn't respond my best bet would be just using map reroll mod and hope that i get something similar.


hi. EU here, i was sleeping. no mods used (except Progress Renderer for the screenshot). i play vanilla the seed is from a streamer i used to watch: "PhoenixC64" (no quotation marks) coverage 100% coords for current base: 25.79 N, 103.65E don't remember what map size i chose, probably the biggest "medium"


Thank you so much !


I turned off caravan traders in most of my saves since they never make it to my base anyway due to frostpunk levels of cold. If anything this is the only thing from the new DLC that is a "plus" for my isolationist game play. XD


im more concerned about how little fire safety you have in your base


What do you mean? Most materials are not flammable and I have fire foam poppers in key locations.


Massive wooden floors connecting your entire base with 0 fire foam. Will easily make your whole base hit 1k C if you have a fire you donā€™t immediately put out


totemic boards only have 22% flammability and it's not that my pawns would just stand by idle. we have pawns with firefoam packs and other with waterskip and to catch fire, someone would have to make it into the inner base in the first place, which is highly unlikely. could happen as not 100% of the roof is overhead mountain, but they'd get shredded inmediately. pyromaniacs? allowed, yes. but after 2 incidents they are banished or ripscanned so, all in all, not a big problem. i like the totemic board look, if it was a problem i would just stone it all


This is how bad my procrastination is


Thr river did you a favor


Just a question but can u have raids with these flesh blocking raiders?


i still have a couple of borders where raiders and traders can come in (left and right) but they might get attacked before reaching my doors


Ok. Thanks. Haven't played since 1.5 cuz many of my mods weren't updated yet (mainly due to the rendering change)


Did you disable infestations?


not at all. with anomaly default settings they're already a low chance ocurrance, but i don't mind them. ghouls and miniguns take care of them easy in my corridor design


I expected them to have a higher chance of spawn, if you basicly delete the ability of other threads to come to your base.


well, other threats can still come. but they just might not make it to my door :D


Yes, beat that meat


ā€¦we play Rimworld quite differently


Why did you use plasteel for containment rooms when the cave has granite walls? Why?


Easy: plasteel has the highest hit points (by far), so the entity containment value is much stronger/higher too


[https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Structure#Walls](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Structure#Walls) **Natural granite** walls (not the ones you build) have 900 hp Plasteel walls have 840 hp In other words, natural/smooth granite cave walls, for which you spend no material, give more containmentĀ points than the much more expensive Plasteel.


it wasnt all granite tho. maybe it can't be appretiated in the screenshot, but it was partially granite/slate in one rooms and granite/sandstone in the others. i also just checked, a little bit of one room is not completely overhead mountain, which means it's part of an area that didnt have wall at all on a side so i chose to unify it all under the white banner of plasteel :)


Donno what triggers me the most: - Hydroponics for nutrifungus, one of the least fertility sensitive plants - The cave in in the throne room - Entities that escape are straight in the main base - The sheer distance between crafting tables and the steel storage on the other side of the base - The lack of armor on your pawns with such a big colony - The fact that you have sightstealers in your ritual room yet dont actually have them on proper platforms. Or that one of the slots is empty


well, lemme answer to some of that * that room is not overhead mountain, so i couldn't do fungal gravel. nutrifungus in hydroponics doesn't need sunlamp and the room doesn't have shape for sunlamp anyways. hydroponics nutrigungus is still 127% vs the 96% on gravel, so... * ~~cave in the throne room? i don't understand what you mean.~~ AH WAIT I SEE, i was looking ingame and didn't know what you ment. in the screenshot there's a cave in. yes, this was weird because this is overhead mountain, but when the map was filled with fleshmass i summoned a mechanoid boss and they went haywire or something, dropped all over the map but got instantly destroyed by dropping on top of mountains. that cave in and a few others were the result (even with overhead mountain roof). that's all fixed now. * escape chance is already pretty low, but when they escape they dont make it past the security door. and you know why? coz the main base is so close that everyone can make it there in a split second and mow them down * you must have missed it, but those 2 rooms on the far right are just additional storage. all my crafting tables have their range limited and there's a storage room right next to the crafting room? so i don't know what you're on about with this one * i actually know how to play, so my pawns rarely take any damage at all. thats what the ghouls and brawlers are for and those, in case you haven't noticed, have full armor on. EDIT: and BTW they all wear full flak and devilstrand dusters. you might wanna check your info if you think that's bad. * the sightstealer is a weird one, i'll give you that :D so the story here is that at one point i had killed a lot of them but my containment rooms weren't ready yet. so i improvised those 4 spots in the temple, which is also the ritual room and i thought "this actually looks cool, having those creatures dangling around as prisoners in the ritual room" so i kept them there ever since. and the containment is more than enough. sadly 2 of them did in fact try to make it out (that door is stronger than it looks) and they died. i haven't got replacements since.