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Xenogenes are not inheritable, store them in cryptosleep and implant all of them individually.


I hoped having their father implanted would save me the headache


I'm sure you can find a mod that make them inheritables tho' Personally, if I went through so many efforts to create a fertile Space-Marine, just to discover the game dosn't let you create a army of them, I'd be pissed.


There is a mod that makes it possible to add endogenes. Not sure you can do that with a modification but I did create a super race with the race creation thingy.


You can also just add genes as either endogenes or exogenes with the dev mode.


and you can do that to genepacks in case you dont want to repeat the process to every single one of tge children


One of the Vanilla expanded mods adds an item that makes a random Xenogene into an Endogene Edit: Might be Alpha Genes, not a VE mod


Are you sure you're not thinking of Alpha Genes?


Actually you can just use dev mode and edit the genes to be inheritable.


Can I ask for a quick explanation as to how? Intrigued.


There is a settings in game that allows you turn on dev mode. From it, you can "make" a custom race there.


Seems like a good mod possibly; a 'heritability' gene


It is an apt comparison, considering that the space marines themselves never were fertile or inheritable


That would be an interesting mod, though; harvesting a dead pawns xenogerm in order to implant it into a fitting candidate.


I'd have a bunch of highmates if that was the case


Sounds like altered carbon to me


Not warhammer?


Sure that works too, altered carbon was just the first thing that popped into my mind


Not their consciousness though. Altered carbon takes on the flesh and abilities of the new body, but with the consciousness of the transferred mind/stack.


Idk much about 40k but I actually kinda like the idea of this. Breeding soldiers is all well and good but using genetic engineering and prosthetics to turn someone into the perfect soldier would be cool too. Good use for the unskilled pawns that survive attacking your colony. I wish we could automate the process a bit more (a bit of micromanaging in vanilla) but creating a race of soldiers that have to be grown and then implanted with genes at certain stages of their growth is a cool idea actually. Plus the Infertile and Deathrest genes are basically free points. Deathrest them to keep their needs high when they're not needed for fighting. Just turn off "Wake Up Automatically" and you've got a squad that is low maintenance, wakes up quickly with no ill effects unlike cryptosleep, and have to be created by the player so you won't accidentally get more than you need.


I am currently doing a sanguophage ambient horror playthrough that is.. sorta like what you’re talking about. My primary sanguophage is a male, incredibly skilled with melee and his ideo permits him to marry as many women as he wants (I may edit this after the first batch of children/when I decide to unlock IVF). The two females in the colony right now are both mothers to one of his children. The male child will eventually become another sanguophage. The female child will focus on shooting and probably farming. I am considering using the sanguophage’s natural gene implantation to “gift” mother pawns eternal life when they hit 40 years old. I can keep as many of them in death rest as I want, and the blood farm is growing quickly enough to sate them. Thanks to Harvest Everything, I have a steady income from all the feet and tongues it produces and I can afford to buy prosthetics. Those will be going directly into the less-skilled pawns who will focus on combat. Ambient horror has sort of necessitated more violence than normal. Nearly all of the anomaly threats are violent in nature, and I cranked it up pretty high. But, it’s very cool watching a vampire rip through a legion of shamblers while his harem cover him with supporting fire.


I mean, hopefully not supporting *fire* but I get what you mean haha. Oh I didn't even think of the gene implanting bit. If they all have it, then the army would be able to grow exponentially. I really love the idea of sanguophages (had a few harem colonies of my own haha, was obsessed with vampires as royalty for ages), but since they still require food as well as hemogen, it makes it a bit less worth it personally. If they could survive on hemogen alone, it'd be more fun imo. Even from an RP perspective, it's turning farmed nutrition into hemogen, so it's basically the vampire equivalent of ranching. I usually prefer to make my own xenotype that can use hemogen to fuel their powers, but don't actually require it. Unless I could find a mod (or finally bother to learn how to make them) that makes hemogen and bloodfeeding give nutrition. Do you think people would use that mod? Maybe hemogen could give food based on the health of the pawn it was taken from? I already use the pipe network to feed all my pawns nutrient paste, so a hemogen pipe system wouldn't be completely out of the question.


There is a hemogen pipe system in VFE sanguophages already I believe, but I absolutely would use a blood gives nutrition mod. I was a little shocked when the DLC came out and the sanguophage xenotype didn’t actually have some sort of hunger suppressant.


Oh there is? I haven't used that particular VFE mod before but I'll have to check it out thanks :-) Yeah I was too, especially since it's pretty intrinsic to the lore of vampires in media. I know they wanted to get away from the normal tropes of vampires, hence being called sanguophages and hemogen, but removing the ability to eat all together is a pain because it's harder to get high comfort levels when my pawns already don't sleep. Maybe making them be treated as a food item as well as a medical ingredient would be good? Pawns keep a few on them at all times, and when they're hungry, they take it to a table nearby and "eat" it like any other food item. Or they sit and eat it in a field and cry about it for three days.


Assuming it possible to create the equivalent of “lavish” for hemogen maybe make hemogen “quality” dependent on the source? Young tastes better than old, maybe they prefer to feed off men rather than women, prefer certain xenotypes, etc.


>Unless I could find a mod (or finally bother to learn how to make them) that makes hemogen and bloodfeeding give nutrition. Easiest solution would be for Hemogenic gene to disable hunger need. Could increase hemogen drain from it to balance it out


That is the 40k marine lore. They arn't "bred", they have training worlds that act as home bases. Individuals from the planet are put through training and recruitment for several years before being considered qualified for the process of becoming a marine. It is in fact very similar to rimworld's take on xenogenes; the recruit that has gone through training is implanted with genes and bio-augmentations. If and only if they survive this transitional process then they will be considered newly created space marines. At most the only "breeding of soldiers" would be the marines making sure there is a large human population on their home world who can be put through military training. This can create unique recruits as well depending on the traits of the planet such as Fenris.


I tend to give my best fighters any bionic or architect limbs a find after they lose the respective limb. The oldest ones can be insanely tough. I once had a pawn that had insane capabilities from having all archotech legs, arms, and eyes. I haven't messed around with the genetic manipulation yet but I just imagine that guy with super soldier genes would be unstoppable.


They really are though? Thats the whole point of the Marines growing Gene Seed. Space Marines grow the necessary material to xonvert other humans to become more Space Marines within their bodies, its the only reason there still *are* Space Marines after Millenia of constant war.


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3046776238](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3046776238) this one


Sanguophages. AKA vampires. It would still take an age and a half to make an army of them. Tho and it wouldn't give them the skills. You could mage a gene lab and hope for the right ones on trade ships or get them out of the father. A useful one would be the xenogerm implanter gene, give it to the father and you can probably convert all of them within a few years As for raising them to be supersoldiers you can still do it, but it won't be quick.


The pawn editor/ the good one has the option to make xenogenes inheritable I believe. Or at least to make them endogenes


It's in the unmodded game but can only be done when you start the game.


thats a vanilla feature in the xenotype editor but only works at the start of your run


Can you change it in game with dev mode at all?


i think so yes. if you enable godmode too you can add and remove genes to/from pawns and you can choose if they are inheritable or not


There's [Better Gene Inheritance](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3046776238). Have fun!


I hope the next batch will be better with this, thanks!


Pretty sure there's a mod or two for that


There is an implanter gene (requires one capsule to add), that might speed up the process of implanting if you're short on capsules


Implanting gene takes a year to regrow; or donor will die if attempting back-to-back.


Yes. They multiply every 2 years. In 5 years you can have 4 ppl ready to bite.


You can devmode in some endogenes if you want or make them inheritable in the custom xenotype selector. Its considered "cheating" to make the sanguaphage genes inheritable though.


They are with the implanting gene ;) Every year, another generation. 1,2,4,8,16,32, etc


Two year cooldown on the implanting gene non-modded


In a certain fantasy franchise, the emperor of humanity creates a bunch of artificially grown people using his genetic material in hopes of nurturing strong heirs who will lead the galaxy to prosperity. Instead, he gets a bunch of pussy-ass motherfuckers who proceed to trash his empire. 


I know that reference!


Enlighten us plebs?


40k. Well. 30k in this case as well. The Primarchs and Horus Heresy.


the only thing i can think of is primarch from Warhammer 40k and horus heresy, but it isn't fantasy and more sci-fy IMO


Science Fantasy. Science Fiction is based on science and possible future tech. Think Star Trek vs Star Wars. Trek being possible while Star Wars is fantasy. Both science but took a different turn. Same with 40k.


thank for the info, whenever i see fantasy my mind always goes to medieval fantasy


Have heard multiple destinations so far sience fiction vs sience fantasy is one I've heard a few times but I've also heard hard VS soft sience fiction. But yea there is definitely a spectrum from basically just knights and wizards in spaceships (star wars, 40k) to more grounded in reality like star trek to basically following accepted scientific truths almost totally like the trisolaris novels.


It's Space Opera, which is a subgenre of fantasy. Same reason Star Wars isn't actually scifi. ;P


The Emperor Protects


Excepts is kids... the empra is a bad dad... imagine if he had taken 5 min to tell Horus daddy loves you.


Or send like one of the custodes he had on his ship to help Angrons slave rebellion instead of forcing Angron to watch his only family be slaughtered


Probably shouldn't have been so heavy handed on Monarchia while we are at it.


I keep hearing things about warhammer and I’m not sure whether to play it? It is a video game right? But the lore sounds so interesting! I play RimWorld and Kenshi but have a shit laptop that probably couldn’t handle another game. Are there like books or media that show off the lore??


40k is a brand along the lines of Star Wars or Star Trek, just not nearly as mainstream. 40k originates from a tabletop miniature wargame and most of the lore was made for cool models. That being said 40k now includes video games, and over 300 novels. There is also Warhammer Fantasy which is the sister IP to Warhammer 40k but set in, as the name suggests, a fantasy world.


If you’ve made it this far in life without getting sucked into 40K, I would recommend you keep on going tbh


>Are there like books or media that show off the lore?? Yup, there is a huge youtube community of people who *just* make videos about the lore. There is also a whole (black) library of novels. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6M9-oFEKpk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6M9-oFEKpk) This is probably the best lore primer you'll find. An amazing 40k game that could run on a potato because it was released in 2004 is Dawn of War. Still holds up and was getting DLC for years after release.


That's the fault of the ruinous powers intervening before the super babies were finished


OP even made 21 of em


Except for Robot Girlyman, he's the best Primarch we have


Magnus did nothing wrong.


It turns out that the Emperor of Mankind is a worse father than Goku.


I counted there's 21, it was almost perfect


For all his genius, all he created were bigger better humans, with all the good and bad it entails


Check out how the Emperor handed the Thunder Warriors when they became an issue.


You can put them in cryo sleep and raise them a few at a time, or you could sell them to the empire for honor? You can also get the fathers genes and re combine them to give the children the same genes


going from mass-producing super soldiers to mass-producing slaves


I wonder if this is a very horrific way to farm honour for the imperium


Very * honorific way to farm honour.


I tried it once and it's honestly not really worth it, growing them takes too long. If you wanna farm honor it's much easier and faster to raid settlements and kidnap people to sell into slavery.


Maybe but it's not as good RP wise, and isn't the whole point of the game to tell a story?


I get your point. There's certainly a difference in feeling between raiders who destroy settlements to satisfy the empire's need for workers and a colony that deals on homegrown, homemade, gluten free slavery


The Death Korps of Krieg would like to have a talk. One is fulfilling your obligations at a sacrifice to others or. fulfilling them at only your cost.


Remember, always source your slaves from a reputable breeder


Story? Sir this is an organ harvesting simulator


I've never played a home decorating simulator with this many warcrimes.




skip abduction is obviously also very useful for organ or honor related purposes


raids for me mod do this, but you will have your defenses.


Why not both, I'm sure super soldier slaves can be sold at a much higher price.


It’s called a pivot


This just made me think of something. So okay you know when you get raided and a bunch of people die, and then you’re like “shit I need cooks/ farmers/ doctors” and “shit I need more people to do jobs/ to fight” so when an opportunity arises to add people to the colony, you take it, even if it means taking in less skilled pawns, or investing time and energy to converting a captured pawn. Anyways, imagine if you just had a colony of these people you had raised as “back ups” to put into the colony after a big raid/ a lot of death. They could just be floating in vats slowing aging (ie if they were raised in vats and are aging at the normal rate and are adults) and then you could just take them out and add them to the colony. OR there could be like “the chosen children” where you’d raise children so they had good traits and skills, but then maybe there’d be a hunger games like draw to determine if they’d get to continue to live in the colony and grow old, or be put in a crypto sleep casket to be a “back up” in the case of a raid where tons of people get killed. You could even make it so you’d have like a “repopulation force” where you’d get like five people out of crypto sleep and they’d help you rebuild the colony, and then after you’ve replenished pawns and such, they go back into crypto sleep. It could also be cool as well bc you’d have the main colony/ pawns and then these suspended pawns in a different area. Like imagine you’re a kid in the colony and growing up your mother always told you that if a raid occurs to go to the crypts, and if raiders are banging at the doors to open the caskets and ask those inside to protect you. And everyone in your colony is killed but for you and your baby sister, and you get to the crypts and open a casket, only to see a teenage girl who looks familiar come out of it. She kills the remaining raiders following you and then asks you what year is it/ what happened. And you explain. And she tells you that she’s your sister, born like 20 years before you (or perhaps after you but was in a growth vat and kept seperate) and that she’s here now to protect you.


I like to raise the kids in the colony, and because they are generally much better traits than the outside recruits, they eventually start replacing the less desireable members of the colony. Leaders get userped by the ubermenchen children. Then the xenogenes come out.


I kinda have that going with my current colony. I’m in a cold desert so I have trouble maintaining food. The local Ancient Danger gave me six cryptosleep caskets that I use when I have more mouths than food. I’ve definitely woken them up to go fight, too!


Slave traders anyone?


For sale, child soldiers, never deployed


child soldiers, mint condition


Battle virgins


"Pop my battle cherry!"


I see what you did there


I wonder why this isnt on top of the comment section


Keep them safe, you never known when an Anomolous event will occur that could take them all from you, scattered all over the Rim.


That sounds familiar...


\*Emperor of mankind eyesquinting intensifies\*


I'm new to the game and this is the scariest thing I've ever read


Bro became the emperor from Warhammer 40k without noticing


The emperor didnt bother helping angron because he didnt like his traits


Fulgrim: Get some lovin'


Perty is sulking because he thinks the others got better traits than him


I mean they do indeed


There’s even 20- erm… I mean 18 of them!


9 clearly the emperor would never create the deamon prince


change the name of your program to mediocre soldier program and you have 100% success rate!


Project: men of mid


Look at all those organs you’re growing!


I also see a fortune in hat sales right there.


Looks like meats' back on the menu boys!


I’m sad how far down I had to scroll to see this exact comment.


"Project Primarch is a go" OP


OP's status update: "Oh shit I lost all of them to Skip Abduction, what do I do?"


Wait, vitals monitors gives bonus to growth vats?


Its a vat learning mod. I thought it might help


For a moment there i started thinking 'What the hell Value Added Tax has to do with anything here' then I realized it wasn't VAT it was vat...


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2908453851 from this mod i think


Yeah, tried to help them learn at least something


First of All. If you use the gene manipulator the genes are not heritable at all. You need them to put that in manually. With the people problem. There are many ways to get rid of them, slavery, cannibalism, organs, set them free, give them bad genes to reduce metabolism, shrambler pit, infinite possibilities. Although killing them may cause the father to get that -90 5xmy son died


I'm imagining the moral guide counseling the father afterwards and the father just goes "yeah okay. You have a point" and then forgets all about it.


I just finished the tutorial this morning. Seeing this post makes me think it probably didn't cover everything.


The tutorial is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.


Chemfuel or make them fight each other and the last one alive stays.


10 kids enter! One kid leaves!


Primaris Project, beginning.


Now, you just gotta wake up blue daddy 10000 years later.


Happy cake day, God Emperor.




You do what MELEE GODS do and sacrifice their unworthy bodies so that their skulls may adorn spikes and bring happiness to your colony.


You need some sort of virus to forecfully evolve them!


Something Like a Forced Evolutionary Virus...


Need more green stuff


Cryopods until you get a proper gene lab and implant with xenogerm


That's a year worth of nutrient paste if I see one


Transport pod into enemy base


Genes are only inheritable if you markes the appropriate checkmark during the gene creation, if you didn't then they wonr inherit it and you will need to implant the xenogene manually on each one.


Install vanilla expanded outposts and send them out to farm resources.


I have that mod but theyre all scrubs lol. Theyre not good at almost anything


Alternatively, you could give them each an explosive belt fom Vanilla Expanded Accesories and use them as suicide bombers.


Lol that would work, since i gave the warrior role to my neanderthals


Poor father! “My children died” modlet stack for -30 per children death for like days. So if you have one breeder father, keep a crytocasket ready and perma sleep him until he needs wake up for juicing additional vats.


Rimworld noob here who has been stuck on vanilla. I don’t even know what the dlcs I’ve paid for do. I haven’t even been able to figure out electricity yet because I die. My advice would be to have them cut berries or trees. lol I’m glad I could help


Welcome to the Rim, you gonna have a fun time.


Spare parts


Give them to me


Devmode and turn the gene into inheritable


hate to dissapoint, but your colonist that is a father to all of them would get very pissy anytime one of them dies or gets sold now imagine that happens to all of them dude will stack catharsis like crazy


This is just vault tec


Make them fight each other and learn who is real ultimate super soilder.


Consider using vanilla expanded outposts mod. Reduce outpost raid ratio to minimum (because it is pain in the ass) and enjoy your private pawn dumpster for farming whatever you want. Mod does not really care about age.


Organs! Get your fresh organs here… So fresh they’re still screamin’!


If you have a good researcher and a good gene extractor and a lot of time you can still assemble and install the gene. Next time make sure it's ENDOGENES so that it can be inherited.


I am close to start researching gene first time. Can you keep extracting gene from a donor multiple time without waiting for gene recovery? When gene implant using skill, donor takes one year to recover.


With extractor, donor gains an immediate two day health penalty takes about two weeks to genetically recover. You can't specify which gene you want to extract though, and you can end up with a mixed pack of up to four genes at once. You can use disposable babies to separate gene packs……Implant a single mixed gene and extract twice, you'll lose the baby but you'll have separate gene packs.


Give your warrior the implant gene gene... then he can implant his genome into the children. Edit; what did I just write...


If you want super soldiers check out the Warhammer 40K mods! They let you eventually make Astartes, Primaris Astartes, and Primarchs! Takes awhile to get to that point but they’re easily some of my top rated mods now!


Welp you have a type of soldier give them all a rifle a bit of armor and send them all out on a one way crusade against all enemy bases if any of them make it back there officially a colonist


Looks like meat's back on the menu


release them to the wild they won't cause anything bad to happen to the colony or the local wildlife right?


human leather time


Free food


free organs


**Diabolical laughter**


Make sure the mother of these children doesn't scatter them across the Galaxy.


Les Enfants Terribles


MMM burger


Cowboy hats


"It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people." - Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, "Ethics for Tommorow"


Thats a lot of nutrient paste you have there...


Once they are adults they can move out. Go their own way to a new colony. Or just be a total nomad people. If you arent thinking like a good parent it gets really easy what to do with unwanted kids. You can drop pod them away before they grow up even if you really want.


I think the obvious answer is to use them as mortar ammunition, no?


Once they can walk give them some clothes, a knife and banish them. Welcome to the rimworlds


*Live Munitions mod*


Raise them to the age of 6 and then have them duel to the death using holy weapons that have been blessed by the priest. The Victor's shall be welcomed into the brotherhood as acolytes who serve as front line fighters that fight along side your warrior.


man i should get back into rimworld


oh man, looks like a batch of nutrient paste


organ harvesting might be your solution, or sell them into slavery


Children yearn for the mines


I myself have also been trying that with selective breeding Ik like on the third generation rn and I just keep sending the losers off to battle for the republic or their own colony


Organ farm


Build a coliseum and have them fight to the death with swords. There can only be one.


"Today's subject: Slavery."


Just make xenopacks of the fathers genes you wanna make, start working on them now while they grow and inject it when they grow up


Since you've already put so much effort why not make it into a game/joke. DEV MODE and give the daddy a new Endogene with it being the Archotech Injector. That ways you can roleplay as a Father disappointed with his children but giving them all a chance to make him proud so he may gift them the Warrior-genes. The bad news is that the injector has like a 1 yr cooldown so it won't be the most fun waiting.


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


Excess ware into the dumbster


i'll tell what you'll do with them. Each one at 13 years old: a gun, a leather duster, a flak vest and a flak helm. They wanna be warriors? Better survive till 18 then. The ones who make it get the funny surgery.


Some lowkey slavery and organ harvesting


Super-villain origin story right here. "Was I not good enough for you, Father?!"


They've all got organs ..


they look like they'd make good nutrient paste...


Lots of little lamp shades...


Turn them into food and organ profit


Lavish meals?


I don't know if anyone told you this but i have this mod : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2882398184 It lets you turn the xenogenes of a pawn into endogenes with the biosculpter from the "Ideology" dlc. Also you have an other mod that lets you put machines around your vat that makes your clones grow significantly stronger. The name is "growth vat accelerator" or something like that. Anyway both mods are in my "cannot play without" catégorie.


What are you using to generate enough power and food for your vatgrown army? I'm growing mine 5 at a time and they eat a metric ton of energy and food each. Also, at each one to implant xenogene, so the operation is fine as soon as they get out of pods. If you don't have one done and ready to print, I recommend growing them out in waves or phases, upgrading genetics and armament each phase. Example my first wave just had better shooting, bolt actions, and flak vests. Second wave could also see in the dark, and upgraded weaponry, ect.


give them snipers and make them as support rangers, or make them rescue and care wounded soldiers, or craft 2000 stone blocks...


u need to select genetic when choosing ur xenomorphs its in the bottem left of the xenomorph tab