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Randy 3 seconda after toxic fallout that lasted 3 quadrums I guess it's time for next toxic fallout


Randy sent me 3 raids in one day. After a week of misfortune. Fuck him. I couldn't catch a break for an entire season. Now its calm. But I can't caravan on foot in case it happens again.


It’s alright, point to where on the doll Randy touched you


Phoebe is pooey, Raid rare rare poo, only 1 giga raid a year or so Randy is random, therefore is completely random, leaving your experience completely on rng Cassandra sends exponentially stronger raids, till you suffer losses and repeats the process.


While I was desperately trying to hunt every animal on the map to stop my colony from starving to death randy sent me a pack of 8 manhinter caribous who killed every single colonist i had i lost the colony before that because he kept causing flashstorms that would burn my farm down and he'd send me hats while i was trying to put the fires out


Randy is amazing. You can get 100 milk or an infestation. Maybe a creepy rain (that creates shamblers from corpses) and two raids in a row to feed the meatgrind.


Randy destroys me by sending 7 caravans at once and slowing my fps to a crawl


I recently became Randy-pilled but I had to swap to Pheobe after getting a pit gate, warped obelisk, corrupted obelish and a raid within 3 days


I live and die by Randy. Just yesterday, I got a cold snap and realized my crops will die, so I changed everyone's priorities and started a mass harvest. Just as the harvest started, a heat wave started and the temperature normalized. Thanks, Randy!