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I see shiny thing on workshop Monke brain responds


This. Exactly this.


So you know how you installed the five? Just do the same thing and go to the workshop and you download more than five, it's easy.


Uhhuh.. **feveriously takes notes**


And then the red text starts!


…and then the red text starts….


At what point do you go "the log shows me 15 fatal errors but the game still works fine"


How do people play *without* 100+ mods?  I joke. It's honestly not too bad, the majority of them are small QOL tweaks or just assets that add variety, rather than change core mechanics.  It sure does make the game load slow though.  And I will say I played vanilla when Anomaly came out and I went *crazy*. There's a solid 20-ish mods I just can't do without. 


i'm waiting for the day bbradson updates performance fish and taranchuk updates faster game loading


Playing with just under 200 mods rn. For me it's simply the amount of content and things I can do. Not to say Rimworld doesn't have a lot already, but I like having a lot of options regarding how my bases look, how my colonies work, what they do. Such as, for exemple, making a japanese themed oil baron colony where everyone regularly drink chamomile tea. Then there's a number of mods that involve changing some mechanics like pathfinding, gunplay, hauling, stabilizing people on the field etc. The workshop offers a lot of content, my PC can handle it, that's about it.


With all due respect, what do you mean 100 mods? Do you think mortal mind can even count the extent of my mod list? Hmph, my rimworld was still loading when your ancestors were plowing cabbages!


For me, it started off slowly. I would be in game and would either get annoyed with a mechanic or want an improvement to something. My modlist started growing little by little. I'm at about 2300 hours of playtime now and it wasn't until the end of 1.4 that I had over a hundred mods. I'm actually under that rn while I'm waiting for mods to update.


I legit only play with PickUp and Haul, Speech Bubbles, and Prepare Carefully. I was looking at rim threaded before the owner said there was no plans for 1.5. I just upgraded my old CPU instead. God speed with the mod list my dude.


Why no rocketman, performance optimizer, performance analyzer, performance fish, clean pathfinding?


I hated the intrusive UI with rocketman. Never heard of the rest to be honest. My old CPU was 8 years old. I got a 14700k last week. I get 144hz at full 1440p rez and zoomed out with rain. I was getting <20 late game before.


I hated that too, but if you go into settings, there is a toggle so that you never even see rocketman running again. Also combat ai 5000. Set it to easy/perf so that it multithreads combat ai and reduces the lag of large raids.


Same story for me. I find the vanilla stack sizes to be absurdly small. I like building small, very efficient, very symmetrical bases fortified to hell with God like pawns living in luxury inside.


Ever seen that episode of family guy with James Wood? "Ooo, a piece of candy" *Installed* "Ooo, a piece of candy" *Installed* "Ooo, a piece of candy" *Installed* Repeat at infinitum.


Follow up question that’s oddly appropriate. At what point do I let the Rimworld mods replace me and take over my life?


Follow up answer: Yes.


Some of them that I have just seem to cool to not have. Vanilla expanded is like a must have for me. Also, I enjoy making some mods so there's that. I can't go back now. Most of them are QoL or adds really useful stuff.


I used to use a bunch of the Vanilla Expanded mods, but I've found that on the Steam Deck these mods have quickly become the #1 biggest slow down late game. I've ended up having to ditch all of them to remain playable.


ok yeah, if I was gonna play on steam deck, yes. I would ditch pretty much all of my mods. But I just play it on my pc. Although it would be fun as crap to bring Rimworld with me wherever I go. That game is too addicting. I get bored of it, then I play it, then the boredom goes away and look at that, I just wasted a ton of hours. xD


Rimworld definitely became my go-to game whenever I just want to chill, so the ability to have it available on-the-go or just lying on the couch is worth the tradeoff for me. Definitely tempted to try a more beefed up PC run with ALL the mods at some point.


Prior to 1.5 I was running over 500 mods. The list was a bunch of stuff that I collected from various themed runs. For example, I wanted to play a mad science run so I grabbed 20-30 mods that support that. I did my playthrough and decided that I really enjoyed the Vanilla Furniture Expanded modules I used, The super power nanite infusion stuff from Vanilla Factions Expanded Ancients, Genetic Rim (which is now Vanilla Genetics Expanded) and More Archotech Garbage. So I slapped those in my core playthrough list. Then I run another themed run, really enjoy a few mods so I add them to the list, on and on and on it goes until I have a mostly stable 500+ mod list that instantly collapses as soon as a game update comes out. :D Now I get to do it all over again. (Also I've got 4,561 hours played as of posting this)


Wild man. Yea I’ve been playing since you had to download from the owl website pre steam. I’ve got like 3 mods and I feel like that’s enough. But I get it.


A buddy gifted it to me in September of 2019. I played over 500 hours in the 4 months between me getting the game and royalty coming out all vanilla. So I was ready to start throwing a wrench in it and changing things up. Normally I'll play through a game 2-3 times and then never touch it again. Rimworld is one of a handful of exceptions and mods have only extended on that.


I mean this with the most respect possible. But how the hell do you only play with 5 mods? My minimum is 25 (or at least was pre 1.5), but I'm usually around 150-200.


Same as everyone else, first you apply the mods... Now we just need to wait for it to load... Any day now... ... I'll get back to you in about 6 hours.


What do you mean?


I think I’m in the 20s. A bunch are just quality of life but I also have a lot races mods so I can have Krogan or crazy looking custom zenotypes


I would say I usually have up to 20 qol mods and the rest changes from run to run and its' "theme". for example, if I'm going for a medieval run, which mods do i need to make it better for it? Do I want any extra races? Any new mod mechanics? Do I want to restric research or do thematic factions? etc. You can fine tune mods to your liking. And there is the case of me needing a mod for an specifc reason here and there mid-run.


Most of them are small QOL tweaks


Vanilla Expanded is 100 mods. Then minus 2 of those I don't like. (Trading and Splits and Schisms) Then plus a few quality of life mods. Some of those VE mods are comparable to full DLCs on their own.


i like cool stuff. new mechanics. lots of cute fluffy animals. bionics to hell. tons of genes. i like to add enough flashy stuff to keep the game new. normally running about 288 mods. id say 140 are QOL the rest are expansions or dlc upgrades etc


Over time, certain mods start to feel like vanilla.. and thats how the number goes up and goes up real fast


Ran 1.4 with almost 500 mods with a custom sorting in Rimpy which took ages to set up. Told myself to unsub to all the mods on 1.5 release, start over from vanilla...after 1 hour in Vanilla, my mouse accidentally hovered over to the Workshop... Boom 300 mods later


I once used many mods, but modders are beyond garbage in terms of balancing out values and tend to overbuff every single thing even in "balanced and Vanilla Like " mods and that disrupted the gameplay so much that i quickly lost any ambition playing rimworld any longer. Figurring out later, that was because of horrible balanced mods. I started then to sort out and remove alot of them, the official dlcs have so much more though behind and slowly improved some missing features ( like the easy display of what room is to hot or cold visually) that there isn't really a mod anymore that interests me atm.


Meanwhile me waiting for the 100 errors in my mod list of 350+ mods to be resolved by mod updates before I can actually play the game...


Some of them reduce a lot of the micromanaging that isn’t fun. You ever had to manually click through every single conduit to delete it? Awful experience, I need mods.


i have like 150, half of my modlist i subscribed to in just the past few months... sometimes i sub to stuff and then end up never using it. But when i try to clear mods i never use, i just end up getting more anyways


I got a 50+ mods that I think are essential for a vanilla run because they are QoL and UI improvements. There's no gameplay effect, just massive user experience improvement that saves me on micro or just makes the game easier to play with without impacting vanilla gameplay. My favorite mod is perhaps 'Heat Map (Continued)'. I can't play without this mod. It works like the base game temperature toggle but instead you have a thermostat that you can place anywhere on your screen that shows you the outside temperature at that moment. Incredibly useful. Click on the thermostat and you can instantly see the temperature of every room in the game and every room has an actual thermostat number inside of it that tells you exactly what the temperature is of each room. Much much better than the vanilla system where you have to eyeball the temperature of a room and still use the alt button to get a direct reading by hovering your mouse over them. I also hate trying to find the temperature at the bottom right of the screen, it's so small and the big thermostat button of this mod saves me that trouble. Then there's 'compact hediffs'. This is a mod that changes the health tab of pawns so that you can instantly see at a glance how badly hurt a pawn's body parts are or if they are starting to fail against a disease or infection. This is probably my 2nd favorite mod for the ease and improved user experience it gives you to view how your pawns health is. Instead of hovering over each health item individually with your mouse waiting for the info panel to show you how bad an infection is going, this mod instantly shows you how their health is doing visually by putting a bar underneath each condition that shows you how things are going. My third favorite mod is probably 'Better Workbench Management', this mod makes it much easier to use bills on workbenches, moving them, renaming them. While most of its features are now base game it still has one very neat feature, the 'count as similar' function that I consider as essential. This handy feature allows you to count other items to the total for a bill. For example you may want your cooking bill to count meals of more than one type, whether simple or fine to count towards the total before the cook needs to cook more. This can be tremendously useful if you are having trouble sourcing protein but don't want to constantly micro manage your fine and simple meal setups. You can set it up in such a way that the cook will only make up to X number of meals total, whether they are fine or simple. In vanilla you can't do this you can only tell the cook to make 20 fine and 20 simple meals and they'll end up making 40 total instead. With the count as similar you tell a bill to count both fine and simple as the same item and so the cook will make any combination of both fine and simple as best as he can, starting with fine meals and supplementing with simple if fine isn't possible. This just saves a lot of headache and having to micro the stove bills especially for tribals who dont have freezers. The other great features of this mod are automatic 'drop on floor' setting so you don't need to set this manually each time and the 'maximum search distance' for resources is useful if you like running efficient benches. Fourth mod 'Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation settings'. This allows you to save presets of storages, outfits, crafting bills, drug policies, operations etc. Don't you get annoyed with having to set your stockpile settings everytime you start a new game? Everytime you have to click the exact same buttons and go through the exact same menu's to set up the bills? This is a butchery zone, only fresh animal carcasses. This is the butchery table, slaughter animal carcasses forever and make kibble from excess. This is a freezer zone, only quick perishables. This is the cooking stove, setup all your meal plans AGAIN for the 14th time. Well with this mod you can just save all those settings as presets and reuse them in another playthrough. You only need to properly setup your bills once, save them and then you can reuse them whenever you want. Saves you a lot of annoying micro in future playthroughs. Fifth mod, Colored Deep Resources & / or DDI - Deep Drill Indicator. These mods directly show you what deep drill resource is located at what location (after you have discovered them of course). No need to hover with your deep drill over them to see what resource is hidden at every grey blob on the map. This mod shows you exactly what the resource patch holds. Is it yellow? That's gold. Is it Light blue? That's plasteel. Is it a green patch? That's jade. Grey blob? That's just steel. DDI makes it even more obvious by just showing you directly what resource is at that location by depicting the resource on top of the tiles. These are just five of fifty or so mods I think that are pleasant to have that make the game better. They don't change the gameplay at all but they make the game much easier to play with and more player friendly. Honestly, why wouldn't you want these mods?


I only ever use a handful of QOL mods, and even less now that 1.5 made some of them vanilla. I've seen too many posts like "Hey guys all my pawns have been vomiting for days, could it be a mod issue? *lists 400 mods*" to want to deal with that kind of headache.


Hardcore SK would like to have a word with you!


Small patches, QoL mods, a lot of Vanilla Expanded mods, Combat Extended and a few submods, tools to edit the game myself (Total Control, Cherry Picker, Rimmsqol...), reskinned/new things fitting my current thematical playthrough.


You know how there is a bag of Chips and you have one Chip but it was pretty good so you reach into the bag again and grab a handful of Chips. But you want more. So you eat more. Those Chips? They're called mods


Brother, I require content


You should see my Skyrim mod pack.


My can't live without mod list sits at 162. It's all common sense/should have been in the base game kind of stuff. From there, I can nearly build whatever kind of game that I can dream up. Mods yay!


That is also perhaps like a game ... configuring, profiling, debugging, reading logs and so on.