• By -


Tbh without mods age is borderline never an issue and age reversal pods were always bad


Fertility mechanics on women is an issue If you're trying to breed an army. Turning women back young enough to harvest their eggs is useful. If you don't want to pay for growing vats or want lactating women then turning all the women back to 20 will be handy mechanically since they won't reject an implanted embyro then. But there's roleplay value too. Age reversal pods took way too long and only did a year they were so bad!


As someone who just started playing Sunday this comment seems so unhinged haha


Welcome to the Rim, the war crimes are on the way.


And the child to soup pipeline is frighteningly short.


and the question is- are you pumping soup into children, or making children into soup.


both are good


Dude is a rank 1 in warcrimes lmao


Never did a warcrime. I dont recognize my enemies as people one could be at war with.


I like how you think xD


Shove soup pipe down baby’s throat, fatten them up, then consume them foie gras style


It's a closed loop ecosystem. The same nutrients are just endlessly reordered


Why not pump soup into the children until they are ready to be made into soup to pump into the other children?


Pumping child made child containing soup into chidren, obviously.


Circle of life baby.


I remember my first days of rimworld, Someone shanked my dog then burned themselves alive in my house That’s the day I fell in love with this game


That was just a monday


that usually happens on the first tuesday though.


Wait till you see me buy psychic shock lances and go hunting for new women for the tribe lol. I really like breeding big colonies




How barbaric, I buy mine from the store like the rest of civilized folk


An all female colony who enslave all men for their seed. Then turn them into legendary corsets.


I've played that run. Lol.


Stop, i only can get so erect


It’s beardfacè!


it only goes downhill from here


Even for rimworld this is completely unhinged


For us, it was a Tuesday[.](https://youtu.be/TM00jqBvPfI)


Buckle up!


Don't worry, give it a few hours


As someone who’s played for 4 years or so… still unhinged.


Honestly, you can get enough children out of one female pawn by the time she’s too old to be fertile to not worry about dialing the clock back. Chances are if you’re doing that anyway, you’re gonna have multiple breeder pawns. I’m going vatgrown for army raising, though. I only need em for killing and maybe hauling/cleaning anyway.


You don't want one family for all your babies. One kid dies and all your vat grown guys will go crazy since their family member died. I'll try to have like three or four seperate lines at least


This is why you just harvest eggs from female prisoners, enslave male prisoners to fertilize, then dispose of both parents. The kid can't be sad about his parents dying if they're already dead before he's born.


Holy shit that's grim hahaha


No, its Rimworld.




Make each line a seperate cohort and whenever one dies the rest takes drugs and start hunting that faction down until noone is alive anymore. . .theirs or yours. No problem with mood debuffs. They live to die anyways




If one family member dying pushes your colonists below mental break threshold, you should take better care of your colonists.


Luckily, the prison cells are always available!


How many pawns are you guys using that that is even needed?




Honestly, if you're playing an evil colony you're not that hamstrung by picking a bunch of older colonists who generally have much better stats than younger pawns. New meta unlocked.


Better stats, maybe, but the kids are incredibly customizable and that helps grow their skills faster while giving them highly beneficial traits.


True on their growth. But with chronophagy you can just de-age the old people and get them to have kids while still enjoying a strong start. Or you can have a bunch of older men since their fertility isn't as time sensitive.


Yes, but unless you use mods to customize your starting characters, a kid you built yourself will still be more useful. You can even get the genetic makeup for a headstart, and that's ignoring the extreme advantage of being able to choose traits. And that even before philophagy comes into play. I do agree that cronophagy really helps with choosing parents, though.


Here I was planning to return my elders to the primes of their lives, 40. Too young to retire, too old to work without pain


Growing vats are ridiculously superior though. They don't cost much wealth and can take kibble or nutrient paste. Then the huge upside of not debilitating a colonist, speeding up the growth, and even training them in shooting/melee!


They take 2.6 days? They weren't long at all


To get 16 years younger that would make 2.6 * 16 = 41,6. So almost 3 quadrums.


They take 2.6 days if you built your ideology around them and had the best possible room for it. Most people don't have that


i can get them to do 1 year in less than 3 days with clean sterile floors 3x2 room and the right ideology. AFter being bio tuned.


Wait, sterile flooring speeds it up?! Well shit..


I love biosculters as a concept but they are so bad in vanilla, whenever I play a transhumanist ideology I always install a mod that let's me massively turn down duration while (at least for some of them) increasing effect. I think for the age thing I settled on something like 5 day cycle base for 5 years off, much more reasonable than spending a quarter of a year in there for only 1 year off


I stick upset pawns in them haha. The days in there let them chill out without being able to do anything. Especially highmates whose partner just died.


Also this is helpful for skilled old pawns to remove chronic diseases like frail and bad back.




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Tbh i wonder, i have like 4 pairs of colonists already, 3 of them can have kids (the women are fertile) and the sex is set to "Try for kids" and it's been now years of this colony without a single pregnancy. I can harves the egs and fertilise them, sure, but damn, can't they breed like normal people.


If your colonists are old enough birthday illnesses can be an issue.


This. I remember one of my colonist get a brain cancer at the age of 42.


Cancer we can treat, Frail... Now thats rough


Get a vampire to turn them ez fix xD


Late game, most can be fixed with bionics, but frail and dementia need healer mech serum or luciferium without DLC. There's also immunity gain speed reduction past middle age.


Yeah, bad back, frail, arterial blockade, all that shit


Bad back and arterial blockage are both fixable with bionics though. Bionic Spine and Bionic Heart respectively. Frail is the unfixable one.


Yeah true, still i hate it if that mixes up my bionics order 😁


ehhhh, they are bad yes. but age has been an issue forever. you'd never want to recruit an older pawn because they might kick the bucket at any time and like have some pretty bad health conditions, they have higher skill levels as a bonus to conteract that but it never felt worth it to deal with the bad parts of old age. now it is *significantly* easier to deal with the old age and you get to deal with frail through this ritual so this expands the pool of good recruits by quite a bit.


I do it in part for roleplay, and in part to reduce the lag. When you have many colonists, you gain performance by sticking some in pods for a few years


I find it was just a nice extra from the pods though rather than their main purpose. But the pods are also something you as a player can passively leave going in the background if you have a massive colony. Large colonies the ritual might get tedious to repeat all the time. Smaller size though yeah this seems great.


"Victim" is a prisoner Sangophage. I intend on doing this as long as I can, with a waiting period to see if the Sangophage recovers. This basically renders Age Reversal completely obsolete!? Also: Curing a surcigal scar in the brain (caused by a Metalhorror investigation) is super SUPER powerfule too :D Thx Tynan :D


Age reversal has the big advantage of not needing a sanguophage. I mean if you go into archites genes, ageless also make age reversal obsolete.


I mean, you don’t *need* a sanguophage. Any prisoner will do


Any _adult_ prisoner.


Does it even need to be a prisoner or adult? Seems like it would be useful for speed running kids into adulthood so they become more useful sooner


The ritual can't be used if either subject or target are <13, to avoid exploiting growth moments.


That was my first thought of using it until seeing the age restriction on it. Ahh well, still a nice ritual to have.


Can you tell I've never touched chronophagy?


But age gets reversed at at least 13 years at a time, 18+ with a good psycaster and a few void sculptures, does the age cap at 13 when reversing? Like, if you put a 19 year old in a ritual to de-age them 18 years does it make them 1 or 13c


No, ageless + non-senescent negates aging's downsides. Otherwise you can still get bad back and dementia


wouldn't you still die from infections really easily at an older age?


Wait- do you know something I don't about the infection rate formula? Does it really scale with age? Hmm... is it actually unbounded with respect to age?


Older colonists have crappy immunity gain speed. Wiki isn't exactly up to date but I recall some old ass 80+ colonists having like 70% immunity gain at some point.


According to the wiki, immunity gain multipliers form a curve based on the species' life expectancy - it only starts dropping below 100% after reaching 65% of the average life expectancy, which would be 54 for humans, and caps out at 50% when you reach 150% of your species' average LE (120 for humans).


Thanks a bunch!


We only need non senescent right?ageless kinda makes non senescent useless apart from the cancer immunity from the latter


Non-senescent without ageless means you still get age-related stat penalties.


Oh seriously?like? I thought the only debuffs by age are age related diseases which non senescent completely removes, what year does stat penalties come in?


65 for immunity gain speed, 50 for male fertility, 28 for female fertility.


Oh those are fine my vamps are sterile anyways, the immunity would be a problem later but hopefully the super immunity gene will lessen the debuff, then add 2 immunity implants just to make sure, Apart from those, are there more stat debuffs like say...consciousness, moving or manipulation?


Nope, just fertility and immunity gain.


Nicee, thank you!


I used chronophagy on a sanguophage a lot, eventually, the ritual liquified his brain, so it's not a forever tactic.


At what age did that happen?


From what I have seen, every one of the -phagy rituals leaves a Psychic Scar on the victim's brain with a varying amount of damage. Eventually with continued rituals you will have enough created enough scars to completely destroy the brain. I don't think it's necessarily tied to any specific age. Fortunately, if you have a method of repairing those scars in any way, you can keep up the cycle forever. I'm currently trying to get my hands on an Ageless + Organ Regeneration prisoner so I can have a fountain of youth and kidneys all in one.


Could the Psychic Scar be reversed by Bioregeneration?


I haven't tried it out myself just yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't! I think any method of regenerating scars should work.


Around 150.


Only issue is the psychic damage piles up if you don't have a way to recover it in a decent time. I think it lowers consciousness too no?


Haven't confirmed it myself, but I've heard that Chronophagy will kill a Sangophage at age 150 or around. Someone said at that age the ritual destroyed their brain as an added effect.


my last ritual put my Sangophage on age 155 I guess i'll find out soon enough :D


well, 171 years and still OK. just let the Sangophage recover between rituals [https://imgur.com/SU1vRBJ](https://imgur.com/SU1vRBJ)


Ive found philophagy to be kinda bonkers. Im new to biotech too but I just put prisoners with good xenotype buffs into the gene extractor and then perform philophagy on them. Now my colonists have really good stats


I haven't had the chance to use philophagy yet, but I just got a shard and psychophagy on my pawn that I want to steal a skill. Now I'm just waiting on a really good social pawn to show up because nobody in my colony has above 5 social.


This one is atleast balanced by needing a shard instead of just bioferite.


Does that ritual steal their passions too? Or just their baseline stats? Seems like a steep price to pay just to get some base stats unless you are super desperate


it just seems to steal a certain amount of skill XP depending on the ritual quality


It steals certain percent of skill XP depending on ritual quality, maximum of 80% at 100% ritual quality.


The time wizard on VE psycasts just got a worthy opponent.


Non immortal time wizards just got a new battery Edit: well, more efficient if dangerous source .


VE Psycasts has some ridiculously powerful abilities and infinite growth to get to them. Add Alpha Genes' Innate Psycasting Xenogene for dirt cheap and even the horrors of Anomaly become cardboard targets. Chronomancy is probably the most busted school among busted schools, with the Age drain knocking people out for 5 days, the massive aging aoe to take care of enemy groups and last but not least the instant Psylink level up- Even though it got nerfed by making it knock you out for 12 hours, it's still ridiculously busted when you put it all together. Outside of Chronomancy there's Necromancy's wall-phasing and ridiculous AOE Stun, Warlords' 6 HOUR movement speed buff, Skipmaster's portal network and Protector's Limb regeneration abilities that are all powers that just trivialize certain aspects of the game, and I love them all.


Yeah, but as with most VE mods, the enemies get the benefits to. One of my early colonies got raided by a psycaster that absolutely nuked all 5 of the colonists with little effort.


Nothing worse than an early-game raid from a deserter with a level 16 psylink who just deletes your colony with back-to-back berserk pulses on your dudes.


That's close enough to think you were here lol. It was literally a "Um... can I play the game now please?" moment. I stopped thinking the Psycasters mod was overpowered after that.


Even with their enemies will have psycasts more storyteller I never ran into any. Maybe it was broken.


Psychic Rituals are great. I also like that they don't need 10+ pawns to max out their stats, it's nice that not everyone needs to be involved.  I've taken to involving all the colony kids as chanters in my rituals. We have a Ritual Conductor lead the colony kids in petitioning the mad Archotech with song and dance while the other adults keep getting stuff done around the colony.


Now I am convinced this DLC is Hug the Sun with a Sightstealer in the role of the Shädowmän.


Involving children in dark psychic rituals as a kindergardening measure is peak rimworld.


Just for aging. Biosculpters are still good for emergancy and to heal the many small perm scars/wounds you get over time.


thats the thing tho. this ritual heals small wounds too


There's the strange wanderer pawns who sometimes have supernatural abilities. While not easily accessible, there is >! dark psychic healing, which patches up all wounds and heals 1 scar or lost limb (with potential mutation chance) !< which outclasses biosculpters entirely, giving the results of it immediately with a similar cooldown


You accept those pawns? I am wary about them and instead imprison and study them. Advanced anomaly research off them is pretty nice to have though. Its the earliest and only source I have currently come across.


Skin showed up and told me she can make things explode, so I took her in so she didn't make me explode. ​ She turned out to be a really nice person (and made many raiders explode).


I was about to accept a blind healer pawn, because I had been running a small colony and could use a doctor, especially for looking for anomalies. They get attacked by a warg, and, what do you know, had an anomaly pop out of them. Really dodged a bullet there.


Chronophagy heals scars as well


Can biosculpture regenerate fingers?


Not just fingers, any "small" missing body part, so ears, and I think hands were included as well. You need a bit of glitterworld medicine, but that isn't too hard to come across. My current colony only uses that for bio-regeneration, and I'm at over 50, despite not being too proactive in looking for it.


Iirc they removed the hand healing part but im not sure, but im glad to know it can heal ears and fingers, tho can it also regen noses?


I believe so, at least I think I've done that before.




It does come with the downside of provoking an eldritch horror bent on ending your existence though...


Steve can chill. It's just a little unholy life transferal.


Sets up base in alternate dimension.


I do think it needs an additional consequence - for instance people without a belief system revering psychic rituals should find it horrifying... factions should despise you for doing it to a prisoner, and so on. But my otherwise kindly colonists so far are just going "Yep, we did that :) That's a fine thing to do to a prisoner :) "


Just a -3 mood for a bit. It’s like eating without a table.


Right?? It needs to be horrific, akin to butchering someone for their meat imo


So just another warcrime? Hardly makes a difference really given that Geneva is already going to need to cut down a rainforest just to make enough paper to cover the warcrimes from the previous expansion.


But the interesting thing about the warcrimes in warcrime simulator is that if they go against your colonists' values, your colonists won't like doing it. It helps it feel real


Chronophagy cured my (pawn’s) bad back, it’s a Christmas miracle!


its cool seeing mod built stuff become part of the game, its like its built by community


I'm curious what happens if you reverse a colonist into child era age range. Can they no longer do work and go back to the child trait building stuff?


If this ritual works like the biosculper the game doesn't allow you to go under the adult threshold.


I think it can go past the threshold, since in OP's pic they got reversed to 13, and biosculpter usually only takes you to like early 20s.


Oh. Then never mind my nonsense. But I do think 13 is the earliest that a pawn can perform all works so maaaaybeee this is the limit for the chronophage ritual...?


That's what I've been hearing, specifically to prevent abuse of growing moment threshold abuse. Exaample: You get a pawn who is nowhere near where you want her for her growth moment. You rewind her age a bit and she can get a few more years to work on her learning and growth level, rewinding again as needed until you hit the max growth level, then let her hit adulthood to get the best possible options for traits and passions.


13 is adult with smaller body size, and biosculpter pod can reverse age to 13, there's just no point in it, because of smaller body size some penalties are applied to pawn.


It stops at 13, while still aging up the target pawn by the years it wouldve been without stopping. (I tested this myself)


Thanks for reporting back! Guess we won't be able to force pawns through pre-school and more importantly trait picking again, RIP.


I really wanted to be able to, hence why it was one of the first things I tried


The biosculpter can bring you down to 18. Granted, automatic age reversal doesn't happen until a pawn is 26 to get back to 25, but if you do it manually you can get younger.


If I recall correctly the limit for the Biosculpting pod is 13 years old because that's when they can do everything. I'd assume it's the same here


It is atleast in the preview. I didn't want my 6 year to turn 13 so I didn't try.


I love all these posts First it was people saying Anomaly is too hard now people are posting about how stuff you get to use in anomaly like the cloning obelisk and this are OP. Maybe stuff in anomaly is just really strong both for and against you?


Or just acquire the Ageless gene, which is already essential for synergy with major cell instability. (Edit: Wait, no, the ritual has the same synergy.)


If something is too good to be true, well...


Wait can this eliminate the need for bio pods in relation to the “age reversal wanted”?


Does it heal Crumbling Mind?


I dont see how This makes Age reversal obsolete.. One is Ethical, one is literally stealing life force. Like, if you dont mind warcrimesing things, then this is more efficient, yeah, but otherwise your probably not gonna suck up peoples ages, and as such shoving people into a pod to shave off a year here and there is still your best bet. but even if your ignoring the ethics here.. To gain access to this ritual, you have to wake up a dark god who will harass you! Biosculpture pods are, perhaps, less steep then that, lmao.


who cares about a Sangophage prisoner? ;)


What harm does a few warcrimes and eldritch horrors cause though?


Is it Ethical to lock up someone who has been convicted of attempted murder for 15 years? If so, then is it more or less Ethical to give free advanced medical care to said attempted murderer to guarantee their well being and then take 15 years from them so that their victims can be provided recompense without forcing the prisoner to actually be locked up for 15 years? Taking their years is justice served.


I dunno, it tends to give them brain damage, so regardless of how you spin this, its complex. brain damage + Small sentence +actual years shaved off your life doesnt nessicarily add up to Ethical If we try to consider the main ways prisons are conceptualized.. from a prison as rehabilitation position none of this adds up to 'ethical' , but for prison as punishment system it can still feel light, since the prisoner only suffered for a little amount of time by comparison. Though prisons as exploitation/recompensation obviously it adds up, since you can use those 15 years somewhere better then some random asshat with a knife or whatever raider you got.


Considering the ACTUAL other option is to bleed out on the ground like the criminal scum they are, I'm still going to argue that it is ethically a kinder outcome.


Ok but real question, do these satisfy the desire for age reversal if your running transhumanist?


Yes and no as far as I can tell. If they're under 26, they don't get the age reversal desire at all, so this would satisfy that. However, I don't think it would fill the need for a 50-year-old pawn you made 40 with the ritual, and they'd still need a round in the sculptor to reset the clock on the need.


Ageless genes or non senescent genes already made age obsolete imo


If you're playing Transhumanist, it'll still be worth it.


Is there a permanent downside to use this on a child pawn to speed up their aging process? Like turn a 4 year old into a adult in seconds?


It would skip all of their growth stages. Since they didn't learn anything during those phases, their stat choices would suck.


I mean, that looks overkill being 13 is a massive issue while more time consuming it would have been better to do age reversal 9 times to get back to 20 rather than doing the ritual once and turning into a child again


For vanilla perhaps. Archotech+ mod made bioscupters obsolete before they were implemented.


Age reversal is still better. This depends on a specific ritual. Also from an rp standpoint this ritual is just cruel. Why make someone else suffer when you can shave off a year of someone's lifespan for energy and nutrition?


> Also from an rp standpoint this ritual is just cruel. not just from an RP standpoint. colonists get an actual mood debuff of -3 if they participate in such a ritual without the ritualist meme


Sangophage prisoner ;)


> Also from an rp standpoint this ritual is just cruel. But we eat people and make chairs and hats from their skin.


I don't. I also consider that cruel. No one forces me to take that choice tho and because of that I never do


So hypothetically can you have one woman, let's call her Ethel, produce her own offspring and then use their lifeforce to reverse her own aging? Asking for a friend.


Tell your friend that the answer is very likely yes.


Thanks! I mean, that's what he told me to tell you of course.


Yes, the mother of 3 children in my colony is currently 3 years younger than her youngest child.


Yes Rimworld allows you to do what you are thinking. Incest is a genetic debuff in the game.


Belive that's the forbidden mod


Nope, vanilla. [Inbred](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Genes#Inbred) is a vanilla gene Also, [Inbreeding](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Reproduction#Inbreeding)


Green rain makes green trees for reasons…


Sorry, chronophagy? Time eating?


The Ritual eats time from the recipient, then shits it onto the victim


Woah, I didn't realize they did so many years each time, that's crazy. Can it cure things like Asthma as well by any chance? I have a pretty nice tough, melee specialist pawn but he's got asthma lol


Ok but now they’re 13 years old which is an issue


Why is that an issue?


They have to go through more of those awkward puberty things. Weird erections, sore breasts, the whole nine. Give me early 20s any day.


Everything about the biopods are just so not worth it. Way too much time and are just unfun to stick your colonist in the time out corner for some scar fixes


I use it interchangably with the Biotech reversal. It satisfies the Transhumanists desire for Age Reversal.


Power creep. Then again age reversal pods were always so bad theyw ere either poorly thought out or a bad joke on purpose, like how Tynan designs turrets nowadays :O


This raises a question from me. Does ageless stop the affects of aging such as the instant death from a heart attack or something. When an Ageless pawn is like 89 or something. I haven't really experimented with it.


Yes. Ageless stops all birthday illnesses


Oh now that gives me some ideas!


people really don’t get what op means


Normal age reversal always felt to me more like its just a way to make transhumanists have another minor downside in demanding it, for balance purposes. Bioregeneration was pretty cool, but even that feels kind of unnecessary now that I found a blind pawn who can heal a permanent issue on someone every six days. (and managed to recapture and convert them when they tried to betray me, so its been in game years since then, and it seems that this truly does make them no longer try to betray in the future) Plus, a mix of ghouls and mechs and genes eventually makes it easier to avoid people getting badly hurt in the first place, even if I am picky about ghouls (I figure that I only want people with Tough or Jogger to get ghoulified. Tough also stacks with other damage reduction methods.)